From Jessica Darden:
On January 18th my mother, Susan Works-Darden, will be closing the final chapter in over 30 dedicated years of teaching. Unfortunately, my mother, like an increasing number of teachers in Harford County, is not ending a career she loves and has dedicated her entire heart to in a way she, or any of us, could have ever imagined. My mother was targeted, mistreated, and professionally humiliated until she couldn’t take it any longer.
My mother is the teacher who is the first to arrive and last to leave. She is part of the heartbeat at her school. For the faculty, staff, and students at her school she is a warm hug after a long day, a listening ear for the often ignored, and guide for those who need support and direction. My mother has modeled lessons for incoming teachers to the county and mentored other teachers throughout the building, not for recognition or compensation (which teachers hardly ever receive anyway), but because that’s the type of educator she is.
For over 30 years, my mother received glowing observations. Then suddenly, after 4 years of successful observations at her school, this year her math instruction was deemed unsuccessful. However, her MSA scores from the previous year, and her current students’ unit math assessments reflect a totally different truth. After all the years of dedication, there was no support for my mother in the end. There was no honesty, integrity or fairness in the manner which the school leadership treated my mom. My mother who encouraged other teachers to keep an open mind and trust that the school’s leadership could change for the better; my mother who the school leadership often turned to when they had students other teachers couldn’t reach, was put on an unnecessary and humiliating “plan of action.” This means, increased hours of “busy” work added to the already overwhelming work load of an elementary school teacher. I am saddened most that there wasn’t any support just continuous criticism and unrealistic objectives set for my mom to meet. Even though the school leadership continued to take from her, she continued to put on a brave face and a warm heart for her students because for my mother they are who matter most.
As concerned phone calls from parents and the community continue to go unanswered or even acknowledged by Harford County Public Schools leadership, one can only ponder in dismay the intentions of the county and school leadership. But, for Susan Darden, and her beloved colleagues, each and every single day it is still the children that they wake up for and give their best to.
And so, after 30 years it is not the mistreatment or the embarrassment that brings my mother to quiet tears each night. It is leaving her students, missing the graduation of former students, and not being able to be there on a regular basis for my sister (who is also a teacher at her school) and other teachers that she regards as her “work family.” I also work with children, and it was watching my mother spend hours planning and preparing lessons with excitement and vigor that encouraged my love for children. It was coming in and observing this dynamic teacher that fueled my desire to want to also be responsible for that gleam in the eyes of babes. But now as we approach the final days, I am coming in to help her pack up her classroom for the last time.
Mom, it is not how you imagined your final days in your beloved profession, but as you hug the last student and kiss the last co-worker’s cheek, may your head and spirit be high. You gave it your all each and every day, right up until the end and for that you will continue to be blessed. And as one chapter closes, so the next one will begin…
Tamera Caldwell says
Your mother teaches my daughter. I was appalled by the letter sent home by Mrs KIMBERLY SPENCE (Principal). One short sentence stating Mrs. Darden was leaving…and a paragraph of the new teacher to come. Not one shred of respect shown towards her whatsoever.
I met your mother at the beginning of this school year. I sat and talked to her, and fell in love with her personality. She has that “Old School” loving, motherly, aura about her, that is infectious!!! You just want to hug her and be around her. My daughter came home crying her eyes out tonight after hearing the news of her retirement. Mrs. Darden has been so great with my daughter, she has given her confidence, a positive outlook of her learning abilities, she takes the time to explain everything and anything the kids have a question about…I could go on for an hour! We are all so sad to see her go, but we also want her to know something….
She made a difference in so many of our children’s lives, not just mine, but decades before ours. If teachers today could have HALF the talent, personality, patience and LOVE that this woman showed EVERYDAY…..All of us would be better for it. Please give her our love and UTMOST RESPECT, and let her know that she will be GREATLY missed 🙁
Tamera Caldwell & Daughter Tessa
Dr. Marilyn Mitchell-McCluskey says
Your mom teaches my daughter as well, and I am appalled at this treatment. As a former teacher for fifteen years, I understand the “politics” of education. Unfortunately, this trend will continue if parents fail to let their displeasure be heard loud and clear. We, the parents of these children, need to speak up for Ms. Darden…myself included. I will be calling HCPS tomorrow, and my voice will be heard!
Dr. M.
ALEX R says
So, Dr. McCluskey I assume you did call HCPS and they did hear your voice. Can you share with us what is going to change?
Please don’t think I am criticizing you, I am not. I just know that they probably answered the phone and told you they wouldn’t discuss a personnel matter and thanked you for calling and expressing your interest and then pleasantly concluded the conversation.
No place for our kids says
This school system is heartless and run by a bunch of crooked politicians… Teachers all feel beaten down to the point where even the best cave and begin to “play the game”
Reader D says
I have never ever seen such deplorable and horrible treatment of teachers as I see and hear about in HCPS and on a regular basis. It saddens and angers me when I hear about administrators driving out GOOD teachers and I agree that something must be done!! We all need to speak up and make a difference. THis should not happen. I had the privilege of meeting your mom and she is awesome!! and a excellent teacher as well as a kind and honorable human being! I will pray that she finds happiness, peace, and strength navigating through this change.
Truth says
HCPS is systematically forcing out veteran teachers by giving them poor evaluations and putting them on “Plans of Assistance” because they cannot afford their salaries. It’s a sorry state of affairs when we are vocally complaining about the lack of education are students are receiving, but we choose to remain silent when we watch our best teachers get pushed out the door for the sake of the almighty dollar. This is what happens when you under-fund education in general, and then choose to fund pork projects within the education system, instead of paying teachers.
Vinnygret says
I couldn’t agree more. I truly belive this awful treatment is driven by money. I have seen it much too often to believe anything else. HCPS has sucked the joy out of teaching. I don’t Know Ms. Darden, but I feel for her. Moreover, I feel for the poor students who will suffer most for the loss of talented, dedicated teachers and related services staff.
former teacher says
This makes me heartsick. In typical Harford County fashion, another experienced teacher has been decimated. Why do they do this? To force someone out to save money on a younger teacher? To keep young administrators from feeling threatened by experienced professionals? Just because they can????
I doubt this is any comfort to you, but your mom is not the first teacher to retire under such ugly circumstances. Please know, she will adjust to and learn to love retired life. Her children will still be a part of her life, though not through daily contact.
The clowns running HCPS should be ashamed of themselves. Should be…but they sure as hell aren’t.
THE Teacher says
I have heard concerns like these from teachers at many different schools. However, the concerns always come from the teachers, and as is true in this case, parents and students. The concerns do not come from the administrators. Obviously, the administration is not permitted to share their side of the story due to confidentiality. I am not saying that Mrs. Darden deserves any of the criticisms or poor evaluations that her administration apparently gave her, but what exactly was it that her administration expected to be different about her instruction? She apparently did not meet those expectations. I would like to know exactly what Mrs. Darden was required to change, what supports she was given to implement that change, and what steps she took to do so.
Common Cents says
Not sure why people are giving you thumbs down. That’s sad too.
There are two sides to every story, and this story doesn’t explain anything about what Mrs. Darden was told by the administration.
While I’m sure she’s a good (if not great) teacher, I’m also sure the administration asked her to do something. Without knowing both sides, it’s impossible to construct an objective opinion.
Vinnygret says
But if you have ever worked in HCPS, while your opinion may not be objective, it is likely accurate. Those of us who have worked in this system have seen this nonsense too many times to doubt that younger teachers, who are easier to manipulate and influence, are more desirable to the administration.
THE Teacher says
I have worked for HCPS for almost 15 years and I have heard on many occasions that teachers feel like they are being targeted for plans of assistance, second-class certification, and sometimes termination. Sometimes these teachers are 30 year veterans like Mrs. Darden. The complaint is always that these “targeted” teachers have always had successful observations for their entire careers, and then all of a sudden they are receiving causing concerns or even unsuccessful observations. What is rarely ever discussed though is that in the last few years the expectations for teachers have changed and that these “targeted” teachers either don’t know what they are supposed to change, are resistant to the change, or are simply unable to change. I don’t know which is true in the case of Mrs. Darden, but please share whatever evidence is available to help us understand what the reason is for her unfortunate early retirement. Obviously it is possible that there were personal conflicts with Mrs. Darden and her administration, but ultimately, in any job, employees must meet the expectations of their superiors or they will find themselves out of work. I’m not saying the Mrs. Darden did this, but I’m tired of hearing veteran teachers questioning the validity of the new expectations administrators are asking them to meet. Teachers must do what they are asked to do, or find some other line of work. Welcome to the real world. A teacher may feel that “their method of teaching” is better for the kids, but fortunately or unfortunately, teachers rarely get to make those decisions anymore.
also a teacher says
Your moniker “THE teacher” says it all. Is your emphasis on “THE” a demonstration of perceived superior intellect, ability, performance or all three? So you are “tired of hearing veteran teachers questioning the validity of the new expectations administrators are asking them to meet.” Maybe this is because those veteran teachers have learned something through many years of successfully educating students and mentoring of new teachers. Chances in curriculum, technology, and leadership do happen but lets not forget that it is experience that teaches educators whats works and to be able to recognize and navigate through the constant stream of BS that comes from the Ivory Tower. Just because it is new does not mean it is better for students, teachers or the taxpayers that foot the bill. There is good reason to question the “validity” of new expectations. The field of public education is strewn with the wreckage and waste of the newest fads – from curriculum and teacher training, to school design and construction. Ideas usually foisted upon us by those that have spent little or no time in classrooms. From the tone of your comments it would not be unreasonable to believe you have administrative ambitions if you are not there already.
THE Teacher says
@ also a teacher:
“THE” demonstrates my arrogance. My tone does sound as though I have administrative ambitions, however, that is not the case. I plan on remaining in the classroom until I retire…if I’m not forced out! I have this tone because I do what is expected of me, as any employee should do…just as Mrs. Darden should do. Experience does not give teachers the right to think that their methods are more effective than the methods expected by administrators. If a teacher has that much experience with a wealth of data to show that was is being expected of them is faulty, they should pursue a career as an administrator to bring about the necessary changes that they feel are so important. Although I do believe that some of the things that I am asked to do each day do not improve my instruction, I still do them because it is not my place to be insubordinate to my superiors. Of course experienced teachers should be able to have conversations with their administrators regarding expectations, but at the end of the day, teachers must meet the expectations that have been set for them. If not, they will not keep their jobs, nor should they.
Now, I have asked twice for someone to share what specific expectations Mrs. Darden did not meet in her classroom. So, for a third time, what exactly was it that Mrs. Darden didn’t, couldn’t, or chose not to do that was expected of her?
Dr. Marilyn McCluskey says
As a 15 year veteran, I must weigh in. The sad thing about education is the fact that teachers have no voice. What sense does it make to teach in a manner that does not benefit kids, because my administrator told me too. First and foremost, your administrator hired you to teach the class. A seasoned educator realizes that all children learn differently; thus, if the “prescribed” method is not working in their class….that teacher evolves instruction to meet the needs of their classroom.
During my tenure teaching, I didn’t say much during my early years, because I didn’t know much; however, before I left the field of education, I was vocal with my administration in regards to what did and did not work for me. I was blessed to have an extremely supportive Assistant Principal who was rational and didn’t believe in wasting time with the new cute stuff that was just not walking. The field of education is well known for jumping from one bandwagon to another without any input from their teachers.
I won’t even address how some administrators have a God like complex and have no interest in educating children. It would take far too much time, and I don’t desire to spend my time discussing this. I will say most teachers are afraid when they encounter these people who typically rule using fear. Luckily, I have always respected authority, but never feared it. Because of this, I was fortunate enough to save several coworkers from the abuse that Ms. Darden endured.
From my understanding Ms. Darden was placed on a Plan for math instruction. Ironically, her math scores are excellent and, I can personally attest to the fact that my daughter has been instructed well in 3rd grade math. What irks me is the fact that the kids even know that their teacher was targeted. They are not stupid; they understand what’s going on around them. No one can convince me that running a teacher off mid year is good for any child.
In closing, from conversations with my friends that are principals and my former principals; it appears that this is indeed being used as a method to cut budgets. It’s unfair to veterans and the new teachers that are being thrust into a field that is far more challenging than you can imagine. The year I left education I was my school’s Teacher of the Year.
Time for change... says
It’s not the expectations that the teachers are having a problem with, it’s the harassment tactics. You are obviously fortunate enough to be a “favored one.” Others are not and are suffering because of the whims of administrators. IF there is a problem, tackle it and improve the situation with what needs to be done in a nurturing, POSITIVE environment. The way it is being handled is none of this and is destructive and extremely stressful and embarrassing. In my former years in HCPS I taught with many teachers I would consider sub par in their teaching abilities. There are problems. Let’s take care of those and not make it a popularity contest with quotas. That is what is going on. Most of the “bad” teachers are not being targeted for whatever reason. THE teacher, get your head out of the clouds and help take care of the real problem. Don’t be so naive and arrogant.
2012's Dismissal says
THE Teacher – I think what you are failing to understand here is it is not about what Mrs. Darden “failed” to do. It is also not about her believing her methods are better than that of administration. I know for a fact she did everything in her power to both do what was asked of her AND do what was best for her students. This particular administration is hell bent on setting expectations, then changing them as they see fit if you are unlucky enough to be a target. You said yourself, you plan to teach as long as you are not “forced out”. The fact that you used that term means you know it happens. And that is what happened to Mrs. Darden. I’m glad you have been lucky enough thus far to have worked under good administration and you’ve been able to meet their demands as needed. However, as the article states, the expectations set for Mrs. Darden were unrealistic and led to the demise of her career and the careers of others.
I think we should focus less on “what did she do wrong?” and more on “What is happening in this particular school and why is it being allowed to continue?”
also a teacher says
“THE teacher” How long will you remain the good little soldier when someone tries to force you out?
Whatever... says
“THE teacher” doesn’t seem to get the fact that the targeted teachers are sometimes just targeted. They do the same and usually more than others and are still given unsatisfactory evaluations. They are often given no help because the admin just wants them out because of whatever. The admin is given a quota and they need to meet it no matter what the means.
ALEX R says
Where is Ryan Burbey and the union on this? If this is a fair portrayal of the situation, and I have no reason to believe it is not, isn’t this what the union is for? Unless and until the union is involved they are, by default, endorsing the actions of HCPS.
CDEV says
restricted by law from doing anymore but watch….
Concerned Teacher says
If Ms. Darden is a union member then HCEA is not restricted from acting on behalf of the teacher (or alongside the teacher) and filing an appeal of the results of the evaluation. If she is not a member, then yes, the union must sit on the sidelines.
ALEX R says
I’m sorry but I don’t believe that. There is no law that restricts the union from intervening in a job action against a teacher that is unfair. This is the same union that allowed the teacher at Fountain Green to go it alone when he was unfairly accused and it ended up that there was not ANY evidence whatever that he did what he was accused of doing and the BOE, I believe, finally intervened and gave him his job back with an apology and back pay. Meanwhile the HCPS and the Superintendent to this day has not even publicly apologized for crucifying the guy with no evidence. In fact, what evidence there was substantiated fully his side of the case. C’mon on, Burbey are you the same as the old guy or are you going to actually represent the people who pay their dues?
CDev says
Alex the teacher at Fountian Green was not a union member. Hence he was not entitled to use their legal counsel. As far as observations and apprasial there is little if anything the union can actually do other than let a teacher know what is in the negotiated agreement. People seem to think the union has all this power and it actually doesn’t.
In Bel Air says
I find the real failure is in the system itself. Change is necessary, inevitable and beneficial to all. We must respond to all the changes in society, the law, and in culture. Past and present, in all organizations, change is FEARED. All the words describing change are negative: “put on a plan,” old ways vs new untested ones, “in the old days,” new-fangled, threatening, “leave me alone to do my job,” etc.
INSTEAD, from the top down of ANY organization, change must be “sold” to all stake-holders, must be embraced, must be taught, must be practiced, must be rewarded. NOT just punished if the person doesn’t magically exhibit the new behavior. We don’t accept failure from our students. Why expect it from our teachers? People must be helped and guided and mentored to change. “Put on a plan” certainly laid out the expectations, but why was that teacher given the choice to accept or not? What have the students suffered in the meantime by dragging all this out for months? When you assemble engine parts and a new task comes along, you do NOT get to choose to do it or not! You change, NOW, IMMEDIATELY, to keep the line moving. Until teachers become administrators, they do not get to pick and choose what they will and will not do. Teachers, like every employee everywhere, have to be led to, and through, change, in order to be successful in their job. Successful as defined by management.
We just threw away a competent, experienced, perhaps 85% “perfect” teacher, certainly above average, according to her evaluations. All for the failure of our system to guide this valuable resource into the required, new behavior. What a waste of money and goodwill. Bad PR. Poor choice by the “system” to squander meager resources.
Vinnygret says
Wow, you should have a great career in administration ahead of you. I have one question – if all this change is so good, why are so many graduates these days unprepared for higher education? Why can’t they write well? Can we test and test only to find that students can pass tests very well, but cannot use any of the information that appears on the never ending tests? I am so glad I will never have to work for HCPS ever again.
HCPSTeacher10 says
As I said on a different posting…. the disturbing trend is that our county (and the country as well) sees growth as being measured by test scores. We are teaching our students to be good test takers at the expense of being creative thinkers and risk takers. My college bound students will not take on any project they deem as ‘too hard’ because it could affect their GPA. When faced with a decision they always ask me “Which is easier?” I do have some students who are willing to explore new territory and challenge themselves, but it’s definitely not the majority. They don’t want to do anything more than what they need, evidenced by the repetitive question “Is this going to be on the test?”. These days it’s all about the numbers, not necessarily the knowledge.
And….as for HCC…the game they and other colleges play infuriates me…. I’m going to use my niece’s experience here… They make students take placement tests- she didn’t pass the math test because it had questions about math concepts she had never learned. So she forced to sighn up for their remedial class-one that gives no credit or impact to your GPA but still costs tuition. Then she sat through that class which turned out to be a duplicate of her high school classes, yet still didn’t touch on the concepts the college tested for on their placement test. Her teacher told her she didn’t belong in the class because she had over 100% and to test out. Again she didn’t pass because HCC’s remedial class was just a review of algebra and didn’t address the concepts on their test. What a money maker remedial classes are for HCC! And then they complain students aren’t prepared and need remedial classes. Money and politics will be the downfall of our educational system if someone doesn’t wake up soon.
agreed says
College has become a moneymaking industry.
Concerned Teacher says
In response, I will say that some changes are necessary and some are not. When a professional with nearly 30 years of successful evaluations is suddenly deemed unsuccessful despite no change in her instructional method and statistical evidence (i.e. those blasted standardized test scores that many want to use as the ONLY method of evaluation) to the contrary, then it very rightly appears that the administrator is insisting upon unnecessary change. It is either a personal issue of the administrator, or it is a mandate from HCPS, either of which is possible and neither of which is healthy for the school system.
NeverCease2BeAmazed says
I witnessed this in another elementary school. The principal there berated her staff and completely changed a once warm friendly atmosphere to one of fear. There is one young teacher in particular, in her first year. She was a good teacher, and could have been a great teacher. Instead of supporting this young woman as she began her career, the principal tore her down every day. Nothing was right; no amount of effort enough. HCPS lost that young teacher, who had so much promise, and so much hope for a career working with the young children she loves so much. She was so demoralized that I am not sure she will ever return to teaching.
HCPS’ response to the YEARS and YEARS of complaints from the staff and parents at that elementary school: they transferred the principal to another elementary school, where she is now continuing her reign of terror on the teachers and families there. I would like to know what checks and balances are in place to ensure that the administration of each building is not abusing their power.
Trudie Norman says
I know exactly who you are talking about because my daughter had the wonderful opportunity to be in her class. She was an amazing, energetic teacher! She was treated horribly. Other teachers with 20 and 30 year careers left that school/or retired to get away from the reign of terror. Parents were STRONGLY discouraged to volunteer and so in the end only three people were there to volunteer for the school. Sickening! This principal came from another elementary school in Harford County where parents complained so much she was moved to this school. Continued her reign of terror…parents complained and now she is in YET ANOTHER HCPS elementary school. Still continuing her same poor behavior. Wake up HCPS Board of Education and get this woman removed! How many schools are you going to transfer her to? You can’t tell me that the students don’t feel that the teachers are unhappy. This is affecting the students! Ms. Spence I had the misfortune to meet twice and all I can say is THANK GOD my daughter is in an elementary school with kind, professional and loving adminstrators!
Brian KB says
This sounds very familiar. The Principal at Abingdon Elementary has these same qualities. She is very heavy handed and has transferred in from another school where she totally demoralized the staff. She is now doing the same thing at AES. She puts highly qualified teachers with many years experience on ” plans of assistance”,even though it is not needed. Horrible leadership where she manages through intimidation. Teachers have told me they feel sick to their stomachs every day at work and many have asked for a transfer. Where is Tomback? Does he even care or is he looking for another job elsewhere? HCPS Central Office does nothing and refuses to answer even the most basic questions. Shame on HCPS system.
NeverCease2BeAmazed says
Brian, that is exactly who I was referring to.
Trudie Norman says
That is exactly the person I’m referring to! Sickening!
HCPS parent says
This principal is so bad that teachers have complained about constant heart issues. I know one teacher who cried everyday she had to go work with that principal.
Bel Air Girl says
The reason nobody will do anything is because of her race. Plain and simple.
sad says
I believe you will see many more experienced teachers either retire or give up and leave our school system in the near future. The work to rule actions taken by teachers last year was just a glimpse of the frustration they feel. Some will say they are just disgruntled employees but this not the kind of action teachers take lightly. Within those many numbers of teachers were some of the best Harford county has to offer. The retention of quality teachers was down this year, a pattern which is likely to continue.
Not all is lost says
While loosing your enjoyment of.employment, this particular teacher now has a 30 year service pension to.receive, and health care all thanks to Harford county. Good job.
A disgusted parent says
Unfortunately, no, she won’t be getting a pension, etc. While she’s taught for many years, most of them were in another state. She hasn’t taught in Maryland long enough to get a pension.
? says
How long has she worked in Maryland?
A disgusted parent says
11 years; I think you need to work for 15 before you can get a pension.
A disgusted parent says
My son is in her class this year, and she is a wonderful, caring, giving teacher! He came home in tears yesterday because she is leaving. It just broke my heart! The letter that the principal sent home was cold and uncaring. I guess we shouldn’t be surprised since similar situations to this occurred at our school last year too. Jessica, please let your mom know that her students and their parents love and support her. What’s being done to her is terrible, but I pray that God will give her peace about it and that she see how much the school community cares about her even if the admins don’t.
This has to STOP! says
CCES used to be a wonderful friendly warm environment. My daughter began at this school in 2005. I joined the PTA and volunteered. It was the most remarkable school to work in. So much spirit and joy. Students and faculty always smiling. The principal started the same year that my daughter started kindergarten. He invited the kids to a meet and greet and by the first day of school, he could remember just about everyone’s name. He always greeted the students in the morning. When the current principal began, she made it very clear that she only wanted to meet the parents, to leave our children at home. In the past 4yrs, I have seen this school be run to the ground. Our school used to have the patriot program, honor roll breakfast, spirit day, pajama day, and a big dance Family Fun night at the end of the year. All of which was provided and paid by the PTA. When the current principal took over, all of these things were taken away from our students. Our PTA went to numerous HCPS board meetings to protest and we wrote countless letters. After the PTA was knocked down so to speak and these things taken away, we all resigned. We were fighting a losing battle. When it was time for my son to start school at CCES, I considered private or home schooling. Kim Spence has sucked the life out of CCES! This has got to stop! From her white go go boots to her hair do’s, we have to stop the madness. We have lost a remarkable amount of great teachers. I love all of the teachers who are there and still hanging in through these downgrading changes. Mrs. Darden is a wonderful teacher and I am deeply saddened to see her go. May your mom have many blessings in the memories of her 30yrs of teaching.
Dr. Marilyn McCluskey says
Do you by chance have former PTO members contact info? I feel we should all go to the next Board meeting. We can complain on this site all day, but until the Board hears our voices in significant numbers…nothing will change!
I want changes and a FOIA request to see how many teachers have left this system within the past three years and each of those Teacher’s years of experience. I sincerely hope a pattern does not emerge! Class action lawsuits definitely will not save HCPS any money!!!!
q says
Sustained public action by school communities gets results. A new school for YBES, a change in principals at John Archer are just two examples.
Ethel says
The parents of this school should be aware that she was run out of William S. James by the parents in that school. They spent many hours documenting all of the problems and issues with this principal. Don’t let the school system lie to you and say it didn’t happen because it did. They came to Board meetings with BINDERS outlining the myriad of problems. Their solution was send her to Church Creek. Maybe a parent who was at that school could elaborate more.
BrianC says
What’s the great schoolteachers union’s stance on this?
BrianC says
oops–I see someone asked the same question. Sorry for the repeat..
sadsnook says
I was deeply saddened to hear about what is happening to Mrs.Darden. Our son was blessed to have her as a teacher for reading a few years ago. She was wonderful! The first time I met her her northern accent.made me smile as I am from the north as well! I am a FORMER volunteer at cces but stopped when the current leader took over at cces. I absolutely loved to be a volunteer especially for the patriot program. My kids were so excited to be part of the patriot program every year. All the good programs were taken away. I have always been a pta member until the current principal began at cces. I am thankful I have one child left at cces which is sad. Cces was an excellant school. I agree with the person who commented and stated..the current leadership has sucked the life out of. Cces. We have not had positive experiences with the current principal at all. I find it literally sickening that the board of ed would not fix an even bigger problem which is the principal. They would rather mistreat and basically boot out an excellant teacher. This principals behavior at her former school was awful and the solution was to send her to another school so she can continue to do the same thing..this is a principal who signs the bottom of my childs math test with”good job” when she failed her test . My.childs most recent math test was signed by the principal with the comment”what happened”l find that comment a little ironic..what happened is KIM SPENCE! And harford county closing their eyes and putting bandaids on major problems! Mrs.Darden you have our support and we love you. Thank you for your 30 years of teaching. Xoxo
ALEX R says
If people can get so upset over Walmart maybe they can do a little picketing of the school and the principal. After all, her next stop could be HQ like the John Archer principal.
Dr. Marilyn McCluskey says
A wonderful idea!
Jennifer Williams says
I keep hearing more and more negative things about HCPS and it makes me very glad that I do not have children. My parents moved to Harford County in 1978 (from Baltimore City) so that my sister and I could have a good education. What has happened to our schools??
ALEX R says
I miss you on The Dagger writing reviews. Seems like The Dagger is trying to kill the section that you wrote for. If you look at the articles in that section going back to early December there is maybe 2 or 3 comments. Boring. Boring. Boring.
Thinking says
It’s a damn shame, someone who spent 30 years watching the entire system change. However, in all my years, I’ve always heard there are three sides to a story.
I can’t imagine watching education become a liberal nanny state busy body irrational workplace that it has become, I would also gather that’s why a majority of these veteran educators are calling it quits. When “you win even when you lose” becomes standard policy, what’s the point at that stage?
Everyone gets a trophy no matter what…yeah, that’s how it really works after you get your high school diploma. LOL
2012's Dismissal says
Unfortunately, Mrs. Darden is not the first to have this happen and she won’t be the last.
As someone who endured this same treatment for two years, I will tell you – Yes, Admin tells you what to fix. So, you fix it. Next observation, they find something different to “fix”. And, so on. No matter how much planning you do with your seasoned coworkers and mentors and no matter how many hoops they have you jump through on a Plan, it just isn’t good enough. If they have it out for you, for whatever arbitrary reason, you are done.
What does the Union do? Not a damn thing. They were completely useless and a waste of money for me. I ended up resigning before my career in Harford County could even really begin.
I, personally, am thankful for Mrs. Darden’s voice. Harford County is doing their teachers and their students a disservice with treatment such as this.
Marla Posey-Moss says
My son was fortunate enough to have Mrs. Darden last year. She was a beacon of hope when his original beloved teacher had to resign mid-year for personal family reasons. The transition was challenging for my son but he persisted as she was a saving grace! My son excelled in her class and my husband and I thank Mrs. Darden for the role she played. I feel the pain that she and her daughter (and that of others) experience. All too much school systems do find a way to rid themselves of teachers who take a stance, are quality educators and know kids well enough to understand them BUT no matter how much we educators try to do what is best, it is not always respected or appreciated. To Mrs. Susan Darden, this household appreciates you and thanks you for all you have provided in your service to HCPS, students, families and your colleagues. As one educator to another, hold your head up and know that you have support out there – so you persist. You can always call on me for any professional recommendation. You know my cell and e-mail. God Bless. Marla Posey-Moss, Carlton J. Moss, Jr., and Family
saddenedinharfordcounty says
My family is very sad to see Mrs. Darden leave. We plan to surprise her with flowers tomorrow..I wonder if the principal will even let us? I have a feeling we will be given a hard time..
Dr. Marilyn McCluskey says
We are taking a gift as well. I wonder what time is her lunch tomorrow?
A disgusted parent says
My son is also bringing in flowers. Because of the early dismissal, I don’t know what time lunch will be. Usually, its at 12:05, but it will be earlier than that because of the early dismissal.
saddenedinharfordcounty says
I’m not sure when her lunch is I was going to call in the morning and go before school starts
saddenedinharfordcounty says
I wish a bunch of us could get together I think it would mean a lot to her
Dr. Marilyn McCluskey says
The students leave at 1:00 today for teacher planning. Since Ms. Darden is leaving, I see no reason why we couldn’t meet at the school at 1:30.
This has got to STOP! says
Not sure what we can do, but I will already be there volunteering. I plan on stopping by to give her well wishes. I am sickened by this. We have lost so many great teachers. Majority of the, transferred, but I have a close friend that was forced to go to another school.
Sad mom says
I have already spoken with her as well. She knows she is loved, supported, and will be missed.
Bill says
Can you say Private School Baltimore County. HCPS are a joke. The leaders have made it this way. Let the children smoke pot and run free! As for the Union/ political bankers. Legalized Mafia. Run residents Run. The time is now to replace the school board. Start at the top and end with the individual school administrations.
Tina says
They may not realize it, but our school system needs teachers like Mrs. Darden. Teachers that still address the needs of the WHOLE child.There has been a shift in our educational system from “children first” to “test scores first”. Time spent recognizing divergent thinking, allowing for exploration and discovery, and encouraging creative resourcefulness is not valued as much as time spent pouring over grids reflecting on achievements on assessments. Schools are growing more rigid with scripted lessons with an end goal of a better test score rather than a better learner.
I taught with Mrs. Darden. She served as a role model for her peers and students. She provided outstanding academic lessons but also modeled problem solving, adapting to new situations, interacting with others, and the acceptance of diversity. I am fearful of losing the nurturing and tolerant educators like her. It can only lead to a bleak future of a world full of “tinmen” with brains but no heart.
CrazyHorse says
WOW, perhaps someone should print this entire thread and send it off to both the head of HCPS, as well as the Maryland Department of Education…with another file for the Department of Education?
Makes me worried that when my youngsters hit school age, they are going to get the short end of the stick…
Reader D says
You have to understand that this exact same scenario happens at Central Office. I know of two who were going to be “reassigned” (they can’t put supervisors on plans of “assistance”) which is a demontion. The decision to resign was made with the two people to whom I’m referring. Therefore, I don’t think Tomback or Lawrence would be influenced to step in. But perhaps MSDE might!
C.Q. Hudson says
I am truly sorry to read about Mrs. Darden but I am not surprised. Tomback did the same exact thing in Baltimore County and got away with so much before Harford County thought he was the best candidate for school superintendent. He personally helped ruin the life and career of an oustanding and exceptional teacher in Baltimore County. Tomback violated the union’s master agreement. He allowed his administrators to lie about teachers and refused to hold administrators accountable for anything. Tomback also targeted veteran teachers in Baltimore County and because Joe Hairston allowed him to get away with it, he continued this course of action in Harford County. It’s time for him to go!
ALEX R says
To everyone on here who says they are a teacher,
When it comes time to support teachers and support our schools and lobby for more resources for our schools this is the kind of thing we remember. This is what we judge HCPS by. I know it isn’t totally fair to some individuals but that is the reality. We see principals and administrators scheming to get rid of experienced teachers that have performed very well for a very long time. We remember principals that were forced to move from school to school and finally to HQ because they were not doing their job. We see HCPS leadership who allow it to happen and truth be told endorse it. We see a BOE that is led by the nose and seems quite happy with the state of affairs. And you all want us to endorse that? We see a teacher’s union that can’t or won’t support teachers in the face of the most egregious behavior of school administration then spend suntold time and money trying to get the public to support more money. Burbey, don’t say a word. Ever. Your silence in this matter condemns you.
No. I’m sorry. When I hear HCPS I immediately tune out everything that comes next. I’m sorry the innocent get hurt along with the guilty but I am simply unable to get past this poorly led, poorly managed organization – perhaps to the point of illegal age discrimination – that constantly has its hand out yet for more.
I will tell you this, the people of Fallston – as much as I have criticized some of the things they have said and done on The Dagger in the past – would never put up with this treatment of a teacher like Mrs. Darden in any school in their area.
Alex, What a rant!! Well said. Very well said. You are absolutely on target.
Jeff says
Wow! It sounds like the BOE cloned the former principal from John Archer! When will HCPS wake up! I am so happy I left a few years ago to teach elsewhere… respect and support plus a higher salary…this is so sad.
hmmm says
I know for certain that the former John Archer principal was brought to Harford County from another school district. I believe the same may be true for the principals at Church Creek and Abingdon. Does anyone know for sure? If so why? Where are you teaching now?
This has got to STOP! says
The principal at Church Creek is from Wm. S James. They flip flopped the principals a few years ago. The principal at CCES was ran out of WSJ by the parents. There was a big write up in the Aegis about it.
Arturro Nasney says
Is this the same woman who was the principal at Aberdeen Middle School about 6 or 7 years ago? If so, she was a very poorly educated person who had been moved up to get her out of the classroom.
Bel Air Girl says
No!!!!!!! Aberdeen Middle has a new lying, disgusting, sorry excuse for a human being for principal. She is in the same ranks as the Church Creek principal.
Reader D says
Is it true that this principal as well as Abingdon are both from BCPS? This also is happening (or has happened) at Lisby Hillsdale, and I know that principal is from BC!! Interesting… I also concur with the comment about “god complex”. Some principals let all the power go to their heads and just “do it because they can”… so sad.
Ethel says
The parents from WSJ documented her activities for 2 years. Of course no one is allowed to say anything publicly because it is a “personnel matter.” After many parents complained and presented a huge binder to the Board was she moved to Church Creek.
d says
The people from WSJ need to forward that binder to the current school board.
This has got to STOP! says
Yes they do. Then we could add a couple sections of our own. Since I am on my second child going to CCES with 6yrs between them, the parents I talk to now, don’t know what CCES was 4yrs ago. It was an amazing warm close knit community. Now it feels cold and dank to me. I love all of the teachers past and present.
And here we are on January 22, 2013 with Mrs. Darden gone and the question is what will be done about it?
The HCPS has assumed that it is going to blow over and that they have gotten past this unscathed. They are probably right. Burbey has breathed a huge sigh of relief that he could stay out of the attack on one of the people he represents. The BOE, with a confused look on their collective faces, has asked the question “Mrs. Darden? Who is Mrs. Darden?”
Mrs. Darden, you gave years of your love and talents and experience and many, many children are much the better for having known you. I salute you and your career. I do know this. Eventually the principal and the administrators involved and Tomback will be gone because of the type of people they are but you will remain with your head head high. I apologize to you that we have allowed these people to be in the positions they are in to do the damage they are doing. Please forgive us if you can.
Big Man says
Ask the teachers at CC about the things that go on at the school. They are afraid to say anything due to retribution. She lambasted and demeaned the teachers last year when they worked to rule. This year, she had to approve questions from staff before they could direct to the Superintendent during his visit with the staff. No one is surprised by what is going on there. Where’s the Elementary Director? HR? The Union? Get a board member to meet with the staff. These things would never happen at most schools. It makes everyone look bad in the long run.
wow says
Contact your County Council representative, Mary Ann Lisanti, and your Board of Education member, Cassandra Beverley. Mr. Burbey should be able to bring this information to the entire school board without identifying specific teachers. If things are as bad as we are led to believe then parents need to get involved and take their complaints directly to the school board. The parents at John Archer did that and look what happened there.
Shelley says
I used to be a substitute teacher in Harford County. I absolutely loved it and had positive experiences with most teachers and principals in a variety of schools. But what really stood out to me was the difference at WSJ. No one was happy and the teachers treated me pretty badly,I wasnt sure why,I only worked there once and never accepted a job there again. Later, after reading about the principal, I know what the problem there was.
HCPS Educator says
This problem occurs all over the county. As someone who has taught in several different schools, the principals began to target teachers ever since Tomback came into office. I don’t know if it is because of a fear of Tomback or the principals trying to move up the ladder. HCPS does not listen to the cries of the teachers. Things can only change when parents complain!!!! Until the parents begin showing up at the BOE meetings and complaining…NOTHING WILL CHANGE! The BOE needs to hear about the morale and perception of HCPS from the parents. Teachers are afraid…morale across the county is the lowest I’ve seen it.
Stephanie says
I had the pleasure of meeting Sue during my internship back in March of 2012. I have never met such a fun and caring teacher in my life. She had such an amazing sense of humor,
A wonderful personality, but an even bigger heart. She told me how much she “loved my infectious laugh!” Not only did I get a lot out of my mentor at the time, but I learned so much from watching Sue teach and listening to her. I recently took a job in Harford county and see this nonsense happening everywhere within the county. I am absolutely appalled by this situation and the situations alike that keep presenting themselves to teachers of the same magnitude. Something has to been done about this. The administration is lacking greatly in their own education of what makes a great teacher, considering the majority of the teachers that this happening to, are the great ones, putting in the most time and effort. Shame on them. I am disgusted… Sue: you are an AMAZING person… And an even better teacher. And don’t let ignorant and arrogant people, tell you otherwise. You hold your head up high and know that you have an army of people backing you up!! <3
ALEX R says
Thanks, Stephanie, and I agree with you. Unfortunately that just isn’t enough to keep this highly regarded and widely praised teacher from being forced out under the guise of retirement. She could have 3 armies backing her up and she is still at home rather than in the classroom where she belongs.
observation says
Take the parent satisfaction survey on the HCPS website. This is the perfect place to make your feelings known. This year the survey results will be identified with specific schools. The results will be presented to the school board and published by HCPS. If the results are particularly low for some schools this may generate some discussion and action by the school board. In school circles the movement of poor principals and teachers is known as the dance of the lemons. Documentation is needed to stop the practice of shuffling the problem to other unsuspecting schools. As previous posters have said parents (not teachers) are the key. When they start speaking up things can happen. And while some parents may think that because their child has a great teacher the actions of a poor principal does will not impact what is happening in their child’s classroom they are very much wrong. A poor principal affects the entire school in ways you cannot imagine and the children and staff are the ones that suffer. Parents need to get active.
ALEX R says
Are you telling me that it takes the survey for the BOE to actually do something to rectify this egregious screw up. Actually, it wasn’t a screw up at all. A ‘screw up’ connotates a mistake. This was a pre-meditated act. Shame on the BOE for allowing the HCPS to be run they way it is being run. And shame on Burbey for allowing a teacher to be crucified while he is president of the union.
Cindy Mumby says
There is a survey on working conditions for teachers that is conducted statewide every other year, with results broken down by school. The 2013 survey is about to get underway, but 2011 survey results can be found here:
observation says
Yes, the TELL survey gives teachers and other school based employees an opportunity to anonymously tell it like it is from their perspective. It makes for interesting reading.
The Money Tree says
In a limited way that’s true. Employee surveys are weighed against a mean (prior surveys or surveys done by like organizations or groups) because whether public sector or private there’s a absolute tendency towards negative comments exaggerated by the ability to remain anonymous. Because an employee suggests thier job is hard and they get no respect doesn’t mean it’s true in it’s entirety or unique beyond the complaints we all express if given an opportunity.
observation says
The purpose of the school board is not run the day to day operations of the school system. They can’t be expected to know everything that is going on in every school. Much like the rest of us I seriously doubt that they are or were aware of this particular situation until it shows up in the local media or it is brought to their attention by direct contact through email, phone call or meeting. That is why I say it is imperative for people to contact the school board directly and use whatever other influence (other elected officials) they can muster to address their concerns. If you pay attention to school board meetings it is obvious there are divergent views within this group and a consensus may be hard to reach. I like what I hear from some but not so much from others. If you don’t like what you see from particular members you will have an opportunity to do something about it at the next election.
ALEX R says
Observation, We are in agreement mostly as to what is not the purpose of the school board.
So, now that they know and have known I have some very simple questions for them. What are you, as the BOE, going to do about it? Are you, as the BOE, going to investigate whether there is a practice of age discrimination?
I would suppose that the BOE would want to initiate an investigation before someone else does. Or, if I were really Machiavellian, I would sit back and let someone else do it. The Feds love this kind of thing and the State really isn’t a big fan of Harford County. Then I would use the results as an excuse to clean house from the top down.
Carol Webster says
This practice of demoralizing veterans teachers is throughout the county. The same situation is at Edgewood Middle. Currently, the third art teacher just began his teaching. There have been several resignations early in the school year. The Central Office staff supports their chosen leadership team and don’t give teachers the support they deserve. If one can afford legal help, I strongly advise teachers that are threatened to enlist representation. HCEA has very limited ability to help, you need to show force and know work place law. The hope the parents will show their support of teachers and drive this leadership team on S. Hickory Avenue OUT!!! Our children deserve individuals with professionalism, integrity, and fairness. The teachers of HCPS ask for your voice. Thank you.
:( says
Thinking of you, Mrs. Darden, as kids go back to school today. Wish you were still in your classroom. My child was very nervous to go to school this morning since you would not be there. I told him that he will like his new teacher once he gets to know her, but it still isn’t the same. Your students miss you!
EXTREMELY Concerned says
This is happening in many HCPS buildings and it needs to be investigated and STOPPED. It’s wrong on every level. Administrators are playing favorites with the observations and evaluations. Administrators are on power highs and most of them were poor teachers before getting bumped up to admin positions anyway. They wouldn’t know a good lesson plan if it smacked them in the face, especially in the higher level subjects like science, math, and English. They also socialize after hours at the bars with certain teachers who are their friends and discuss private information about other teachers. I could go on. Poor Mrs. Darden to have to end her career like this. There are many teachers in the system who are enduring this same treatment and they are only mid way through their career. Tomback has taken a good school system and totally ruined it. Shame on the board for bringing him in. His contract is up in June. Get him out before more people’s lives are ruined.
Disgusted says
I find it particularly ironic that Harford County is highly Republican. Things started to change when “No Child Left Behind” was started and money was allocated by test scores and nothing else. I don’t know about HCPS but BCPS has a subject curriculum set at a higher level with every teacher in the system expected to be teaching the same lessons at the same time across the county. No deviations from course materials. Teachers have at least 2-3 evaluations per year in their classrooms in addition to their yearly evaluation. There are expectations to meet certain expectations (i.e. test scores) in your classroom. Forget working with kids and presenting things a different way. Forget holding back a kid that might need another year to catch up. It’s brings down the quotas and that means loss of money. Veteran teachers know that children are not statistics and some need instruction a different way, or that children know the material but test bad. They have learned various methods to use to reach as many kids as possible, but the “fall in line”, “follow the rules”, “do your job or get out” do not foster what the kids need to learn.
Education is one of the most neglected areas of the budget, and that includes the county budget. We have schools in our system without heat and leaking roofs that are not being repaired due to lack of funds. Why is funding so bad? Because the powers to be have decided funds are needed elsewhere in government, or budgets are cut, and education is an easy target.
Someone mentioned taking your kids out and putting them in private schools. How many of you support are Republicans who support the mentality of small government and the republican brainchild “No Child Left Behind”? How’s that working for you in the real world when schools hungry for funds have to force caring teachers out and bring in cheaper less experienced teachers that will follow the rules? Money rules the world and our schools are being short changed.
B says
The United States spends more per student than any other country yet is not near the top in performance. Clearly there are better ways to educate that don’t cost as much.
ALEX R says
And I find it particularly ironic when the overwhelmingly Democratic State and Federal government ignore probable age discrimination. And more than ironic that Burbey has suddenly turned deaf and dumb given all of has past rants on here about the rights of teachers.
Ryan? Ryan? Ryan? Has anyone seen Ryan Burbey?
RWinger says
From George Bernard Shaw’s “Man and Superman”, “those who can, do; those who can’t, teach”.
I would add that those who can’t teach become administrators. I would also chime in that when my children were in school the teachers educated them, they learned something, a skill, a life lesson, usable knowledge that could be applied in the real world. Now that I have grandchildren in school the teachers simply teach what is on the test. These achievement tests are a joke. The revisionist history that is taught is a joke. Social interaction is suffering, simple skills are not being taught, and intellectual growth is stunted. Teachers are being paid to teach the test questions and the administration is comfortable with a school full of robots that simply compute “A,B,B,A,C,E,C,D,A,True, False,False,True,A,A,D,C”. If “TheTest” results are so darn important when it comes to money and school resources then just have the children remember the answer key, take 10 minutes a day to go over it, and then the rest of the time can be used for real educational endeavors. Want to really strike back, instruct the entire school to answer “A” on every achievement test question. The blame falls on administrators towing the local board line that is towing the state line that is towing the federal line. Bottom line, the federal government does not need to stick it’s nose in state affairs.
Question says
Alex…you assail Burbey for not being involved with this teacher. You have no idea if the teacher even requested assistance and if she did, what the action taken was. Burbey would not be in a position to publicly comment on that.
ALEX R says
Burbey? Ryan Burbey? I’m beginning to think the guy is a figment of our imagination.
I do know this. If Ryan Burbey really wanted to say something in defense of this teacher or even a few words in praise of a 30 year employee as highly regard as is Mrs. Darden, then Ryan Burbey would have found his voice. Is this the regard and recognition that every 30 year retiring – and I use the term advisedly – teacher receives from the head of the union? Well, maybe, since there seems to be so many of them. How many exactly? Not sure until Dr. M. gets her FOIA request answered.
Dr. Marilyn McCluskey says
Dr. M. Will be personally delivering her FOIA request at the next Board meeting, January 28th. It would send a message if parents attended! Regardless of attendance, I will be there. Ms. Darden, and the others targeted before her were there for our kids; and I plan to stand up for them.
This is definitely a trend! There are three veteran teachers that I taught with in Georgia who were placed on a performance plan this year. This all breaks my heart, because I know how hard teachers work. Forcing our veteran teachers out if the classroom is hard enough, but to shame them is appalling. It’s time for a change!
Where are the reporters when you need them? They can sensationalize the fact that Beyonce lip synced the national anthem, but haven’t picked up this story yet…smh
This has got to STOP! says
Amen! Let me know when and where. I would like to be there if it will make a difference in getting this principal out if CCES. Something has to be done for the remaining teachers.
! says
I would like to know as well.
Cindy Mumby says
What will your FOIA request, specifically?
Dr. Marilyn McCluskey says
1. Between August 2008 and January 28, 3013, how many teachers have resigned from the HCPS?
2. How many of these teachers resigned due to retirement?
3. For each teacher that resigned please provide the following information:
A. Name, position, date of resignation, and assigned school;
B. Total years of teaching experience overall;
C. Total years of teaching experience in the HCPS system;
D. Was the individual on a professional development plan at the time of their resignation? If yes, for what reason;
E. The individual’s salary at the time of resignation;
F. Was the position of the person that resigned filled by a new hire or transfer?
If the position vacated by the retiree was filled, please answer the following:
G. The replacement’s name and start date;
H. The replacement’s total years of teaching experience overall;
I. The replacement’s total years of teaching experience in HCPS (if applicable);
J. Is the replacement fully certified; and
K. The replacement’s salary.
If you can think of anything else, please feel free to contribute. FOIA’s generally have to be quite specific, and my attorney is going to glance at it this for me this weekend!
I’m just curious to see what the numbers reveal and sincerely hope this system is not forcing veteran teacher’s to retire to save money! That would be a guaranteed class action lawsuit!!!!
Dr. Marilyn McCluskey says
Of course that date should be January 28, 2013. Trying to retype everything on my iPhone was quite interesting and a challenge:)
two questions says
What is an FOIA? And is it reasonable to expect that the BOE would actually provide this info publically? I would think that much of this info would be “private”. I wonder too if this would paint an accurate picture. At schools with *GOOD* admins, there is probably much less turnover and forcing teachers out. Maybe a break-down of schools would be helpful. I’d be especially interested to see this info for CCES specifically. And it would be good to compare it with info on HCPS at large from before Tomback took over and for before Spence took over at CCES .
Dr. Marilyn McCluskey says
It’s the Freedom of Information Act. I’ve done them at several military bases and school systems in Georgia. I was able to obtain people’s employment applications! I think you guys call it some type of Maryland Public Information Request. Believe me the school system is well aware of these requests!
Paul Mc says
Hey Dr. McCluskey,
In Maryland, the request would be a MPIA, or Maryland Public Information Act. Section 10-616, Required denials–Specific records, lists many of the items that would not, under normal circumstances, be disclosed. Included in those denials would be employment records and retirement records of employees. There appears to be a few items on your list that you would not be able to obtain via the MPIA.
Also, unlike in Georgia, it is doubtful that you be able to obtain the employment applications.
Cindy Mumby says
Some of this information may be shielded as it relates to personnel matters, but the BOE receives public reports on personnel that do contain some of the information in your request.
Those reports are released each month and they are approved by the school board at a regular board business meeting. The next personnel report (covering December) will be presented at the meeting scheduled for Monday, Jan 28. The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. in the A.A. Roberty Building in Bel Air. Here’s a link to the December personnel report:
There are also annual reports on recruitment and retention of personnel. Here’s a link to the most recent:
valerie says
I had a student that attended CCES. I am appalled at the so called leadership there. If you are not a puppet to Kim Spence, you will be threatened. alienated, and finally shown the door. How can one principal do this? She has friends in Human Resources, that are just like her following the same agenda. If Spence can not control them, out you go. Although the staff would never comment out of fear, losing their job, their silence is allowing experienced, caring teachers to be let go. Look at last school school she was head of, and the outcome. Got the boot, and assigned to CCES. To pull the same antics. Parents and staff have to get together, and get her out of that position. She is a horribly dressed control freak. Saddens me that one person can ruin a great school and have the backing from HCPS. She is however, untouchable. Black female. HCPS don’t want mush mouth All Sharpton to get on the band wagon. She is just angry because her husband is a “CUSTODIAN”‘ Guess where? Harford County. Got to love nepotism. Did I mention her sister works @ CCES!