From Harford County Public Schools:
The Board of Education of Harford County met for a Budget Work Session at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, January 14, 2013, followed by a Board Business Meeting at 8:00 p.m., in the Board Room of the HCPS/A.A. Roberty Building and took the following actions or received the following presentations:
Recognized the following:
– 2012 Milken Education Foundation Award Winner – Mrs. Lauren Hunter
Received public comment regarding the Proposed FY14 HCPS Operating Budget.
Received a presentation from the HCPS Budget Office detailing the proposed budget including the following sections:
– Extra-curricular Activities
– Safety and Security
– Student Services
– Curriculum and Instruction
– Operations and Maintenance
– Business Services
– Human Resources
– Technology
– Restricted Programs (Grants and Contracts)
– Food Services
– Debt Service (Harford County on behalf of the school system and school system debt service)
– Capital (approved by the BOE in the Fall of 2012)
– Pension Costs
– OPEB (Other Post Employee Benefits)
– Statistical Section
Approved the Consent Agenda:
– Affirmation of Monthly Contract Awards
– Minutes of Previous Board Business Meeting: December 17, 2012
– Minutes of Previous Board Work Session: January 2, 2013
During the Superintendent’s Report:
– Received a presentation from Mr. Ryan Burbey, president of the Harford County Education Association (HCEA), regarding healthcare cost comparisons.
– Recognized Mr. Calvin Dixon who is a member of the Superintendent’s Cultural Proficiency Council and has been a member for the last five years even though he no longer has children in the system.
– Announced that in an effort to provide a healthier quality of life for our employees and to reduce healthcare costs as HCPS is self-insured, Harford County Public Schools will offer all Carefirst-insured employees an opportunity to participate in a free health risk assessment. The assessment provides a snapshot of the current health status and helps assess the likelihood of developing conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. In addition to the assessment, online tools and resources are made available to help employees make lifestyle changes that can potentially decrease the risk for serious health conditions.
Made possible through a recommendation by the HCPS Benefits Advisory Committee and a $75,000 grant awarded to HCPS by Carefirst, the Heath Risk Assessment and resulting resources are available to our employees free of charge. While the individual health data will not be shared with HCPS, Carefirst finds the information extremely beneficial in tailoring programs and services to our employee’s needs. As part of the grant, HCPS will offer an incentive raffle for participating in the wellness assessment. Participants will be entered to win one of 25 healthcare premium holidays – one paycheck where the employee will not have to pay the healthcare premium.
In addition, at the end of February, Carefirst will also offer free biometric screenings for all Carefirst-insured employees. The screening includes: blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, and body mass index. Employees will be given their results immediately following the screening and they will know what steps, if any, to take to reduce risks and better their overall health. Four school sites (Fallston and Havre de Grace middle schools and Joppatowne and North Harford high schools) have been identified for hosting the screenings in February. Dates and times will be communicated to our employees very soon. The Superintendent encouraged all of our employees to take advantage of these resources to better their health in the new year.
– Hickory Elementary Schools has qualified for the EGATE school award (Gifted and Talented award) as announced by State Superintendent of School Dr. Lillian Lowery. Only eight Maryland schools received this designation this year.
The next Budget Work Session/Public Input Session will be held on Wednesday, January 16 at 6:00 p.m. and the next regular business meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Monday, January 28th, at 6:30 p.m. Both meetings will be held at the A.A. Roberty Building in Bel Air. To access all future Board meeting dates, log onto the school system website at
congrats to Hickory ES and your staff!