From Patrick L. McGrady:
November 4th, 2014.
Mark that on your calendar.
Write it down on a sticky note and stick it somewhere on your desk at work.
November 4th, 2014 is our day in Maryland.
On that day we will elect our first wave of local liberty fighters. We will elect patriots to be town council members, Mayors, County Commissioners, local Central Committee members, and state legislators.
Right now we are 18 months away from the 2014 primary election and we need candidates. We need you to step up today to serve the Maryland Liberty Movement.
You and I can’t introduce bills in the Maryland General Assembly. You and I can’t vote on adoption of a county budget. We need issue champions who will push the cause for liberty no matter what the left throws at them.
Will you be that champion? Click Here to Fill out the form to run for office!
For Liberty,
Patrick L. McGrady
Maryland Liberty PAC
Keep up the great work Patrick!
I wonder which office he’ll run for this time? And probably not get elected, by the way.
Another mush word. “liberty” doesn’t mean anything in mcgrady’s mouth or in the exhortation above. “patriots! Countrymen! Lovers of our land and Constitution!” By deliberately excluding “liberals” from being patriots and “liberty fighters” (and is that someone who fight for or against liberty? ) , mcgrady’s shows his ignorance of the meaning of the words while simultaneously being divisive. Either he is cynically pandering to a hysterical bunch of ill-informed conspiracy nuts, or he is just another idiot. It’s hard to tell.
Liberal progressives are for trading individual
liberty for government control at every level.
Liberals think liberty resides in government
instead of with individuals.
You confuse individualism and liberty with anarchy.
This is often the case with the rampant simple minded politics that substitutes for meaningful dialogue in American culture.
I am socially liberal, fiscally conservative, multiple gun owning non-NRA supporting, and full of common sense instead of the common currency of ‘my way or no way’.
ps. Welcome back Shady McGrady, the only thing missing from your rant was a Howard Dean scream. YEAAAAEAEE!
Your argument lacks knowledge and understanding. Your use of labels signifies a reliance on them to make you feel better about yourself. You cannot possibly know or construe the vast array of humanity that you choose to characterize in these words.
Your common sense is not common because that would suggest you can identify with the large part of the bell curve that represents the population. You occupy the fringe and cease to be relevant through your fear and loathing of those that think differently from you.
And Because you’re a liberal
you want to deprive liberty and
freedom of others through m
massive government intervention
and intrusion.
Because you’re an idiot.
Oh I shouldn’t have “labeled”
you an idiot.
But Because you’re incapable
of independent thought you
rely on liberal/progressive
claptrap to demonize others.
You are funny! Completely wrong, but funny. Lol!
Yes it’s funny Because provides great material.
P.S. I am for liberty and less government intrusion,
however I am not a McGrady acolyte.
You have no idea what my values are. You are simply filled with rage and hate against things, ideas, and people you do not know because it empowers you to be arrogant ans self serving and ignorant and uncaring.
Because you seem to seethe with vitriol.
Because you should never type your posts
while overcome with anger.
Because your ideology is a liberal/progressive
bankrupt vision for our country.
Because you don’t know your butt from a hole
in the ground.
Pot….meet kettle.
Neon the colorful lights are dimming your
mental faculties.
The liberal/progressive ideology ignores
basic economics and finance.
You can’t have a growing expanding economy
where more people work, produces goods and
services and pay taxes and at the same time
have an ever increasing group of people who
receive entitlement transfer payments from
You also cannot have more and more
people employed by government from the
local to the federal level producing
bureaucracy and regulations that
further dampen economic growth.
Were you attempting to write poetry there? You have nothing to offer to the dialogue except criticism of those who are attempting to make things better for us all. I’ve known people like you – filled with jealousy and animosity. No one ever erected a statue to a critic, and that’s all you are.
As I’ve said before and you’ve proved
time and again, Because you’re an idiot.
You have nothing to say that’s worth
You’re a liberal/progressive who wants
to increase government and in order to
do so you must increase taxes on us
You are an economic and financial
illiterate, who is ignorant on how
capitalism works.
In fact you hate capitalism.
Wow. Tin Foil hats are in vogue for you. Keep the comments coming. I just love how you manage to articulate every single divisive thing you can possibly say without knowing who I am or what I stand for.
You are out to lunch. Time a for a straight jacket. Get your guns and God in order because you are the new messiah that has come to wash the Earth clean of everyone that differs with you. I love your hate. And I really do pity you. Keep the comments coming. It is just so fun to see you spin endlessly in your own putrid impression of anyone that disagrees with you.
Because you are liberal/progressive.
Because you believe in a bankrupt ideology.
Because you can’t seem to disprove either
of the above.
Because there’s nothing divisive in anything
I’ve said. But because you dislike it I find it
I’m not sure what towns in Harford County elect anything, Mayor or Commissioners or council on November 4th, 2014.
And this is the guy who was kicked off the Republican Central Committe, huh? Big freakin’ surprise.
Happy holidays everybody. My gift to those of you that actually pay your taxes, is……. a nice fat tax increase. Many of you federal employees get a super special gift in the form of a severance check. Lots of other get their hours cut so your company doesn’t have to worry about health care penalties. Enjoy all of the extra time off this year. I’m going golfing.
Just do what I do and enjoy the most. Firing people who provide services for me! Giving them the boot right before Christmas really fills me full of spirit 🙂
Where I work, we have 12 Government Employees and 40 Contractors.The Contractors are in essence temp workers. They are paid more because they have a chance to go out the door first when times are tough. That’s not going to happen, and the level of integration into our workforce has made some sections entirely contractor operated – this of course results in no corporate memory. This scenario of stupidity was brought to you by our management who believe contract workers work harder and cheaper than government workers. This is a fallacy… but you go ahead and continue to believe people in the public sector have no business sense.
Surprise, surprise, the socialist is a government employee. I am aware that you have some business sense. You have to know how to waste a ton of money to make sure you get the same amount budgeted the next year.
B, as usual, your particular ideological bent does not allow you to conceive of a situation where someone could be working for the government and oppose waste fraud and abuse.
Tell me B… is it more honorable to be in private industry, making a profit, and supporting the military than it is to be a government worker and supporting the military?
If you feel as long as a profit is being made is that somehow more morally tenable? Are you really that dull?
Neither of you has any concept of the opposition I have made in over 30 years of working in and around the government to not only support the people in uniform but to prevent the ludicrous use of taxpayer monies to satisfy some upper level personally motivated position that satisfies a personal bias instead of addressing the greater goal of serving the public interest. I opposed the war in Iraq because it was elective and merely addressed the penal envy held by the commander in chief – and the personal feel good of all of those that feel because we are the mightiest nation on the planet we have right to exert our will on the rest of it.
Feels pretty stupid now doesn’t it? All that money, all that materiel, and all those lives wasted to satisfy some personal self esteem.
Neither you or Common Dullard, have any sense or perspective. Simply labeling others with simple labels that appeal to your own sense of self importance while denigrating others.
Go back into hiding under the cabinets and in the walls. The light is on, and the reality that differs with your personal prejudices is scary.
Welcome back David Porter. Why the name change?
I find it interesting that you have spent 30 years as a federal employee, yet think that I am the one who lacks perspective. I don’t think there is anything wrong with a federal employee as long as they understand where the money comes from and spends it accordingly. We both know this doesn’t happen.
Congrats on opposing the Iraq war but other then WW2, every war this country has engaged in has been an elective war. Was Vietnam any different? My point exactly of a federal government too large and too powerful.
No, B… your point was to label a government worker as a socialist simply because of their employer. You are no different than any other idealogue who posts here. You have your own political agenda. You are right and everyone else is wrong, unless they agree with you. Some are more wrong than others, but everyone other than you is wrong. You are not the only person here with that opinion, which is what makes this site interesting and frustrating. Fourteen people with differing opinions can’t all be right, and unfortunately most of you cannot fathom the idea of even one of your beliefs being challenged. Since you have nothing but your emotion and your opinions to back up your statements, you resort to name calling. Liberals and conservatives alike are guilty of this. Liberals name call and demonize, conservatives fear and hate monger. It’s why I usually stay out of these “arguments”. because there is no arguing going on.
Actually, government employees were the largest supporting group for the Obama re-election. It is not a surprise that people who believe in cradle to grave big government end up employed by the government that they put so much faith in. I never claim to always be right, but 16.4 trillion in debt shows clearly that your side is wrong. My point is and has been that this government is too large and too powerful. To think that federalists like yourself would ever vote to do the right thing for the country over your own pocket book is a farce. Couple that with the “47%” who have figured out that they can vote themselves someone else’s money, and you have quite the quagmire.
Calling a socialist a socialist is not name calling.
What’s a federalist? The definition I get within the context of your post is that a federalist is someone who believes in big government. How in the blue hell did you decide what my political beliefs are based on my above post? Are you a mind reader? Do you have magical abilities to know me from a blog post, then identify my philosophical bent (which I rarely discuss with others)? Your shot in the dark not only misses the bullseye, it misses the dartboard completely and sticks in the ceiling of the rec room.
And yes, calling someone a socialist who you know nothing about *is* name calling. Making the assumption that someone who works for the government is a socialist is just moronic and assinine. My mother worked for the government for 40 years, and was a conservative the entire time. I lost count of the number of times she lamented how hard it was to get rid of people who were not doing their jobs well. Get off your holier than thou, smarter than everyone else podium and start mingling with the common folk again, and you might regain your sense of awareness of what’s going on in the real world.
Because it’s very evident I’m no dullard.
Because you disagree with me, now be
a man and come out-of-the-closet and
admit you’re a liberal/progressive.
Say it loud and proud Because you’re
liberal/progressive. Come on say it…
You can do it…I believe in you.
End of year government expenditures to fill out budgetary numbers is an absurdity of large proportions. I’ve seen as much as 5% of a budget spent on equipment that gets surplussed within a year anyway. Want to cut waste, start right there.
@ Because / David Porter
I have met only a single contractor out of literally one hundred who actually makes more than the equivalent federal employee. Most of the numbers used to say contractors make more are biased by the huge disparity of income paid to Iraq and Afghanistan contract employees such as Blackwater and the like.
and on the note of contractors working harder I will say this:
I’ve been in my federal building all week to track contractor time and most of the people here are the contractors. The feds are off on extended holiday time after having been given an extra free day off on Christmas Eve, which by the way I did hypocritally take. As feds we get weeks of time off with free days thrown in, job security, ample pay, bonuses, benefits, and retirement. I don’t try to justify this in a self serving way to my friends because I know we have it fantastically good. Tone down the hype, you’re not convincing anyone.
Know what the difference between a federal employee and a contractor is?
You can fire a contractor.
After we fall off the cliff this may very well happen, but you can be sure we will not lose a single fed employee. I work with a few who should go before the contractors. It would save us money, improve morale, and efficiency. Unfortunately those things are anathema to much of what is happening in the name of public service.
I’m not sure the reason for all the name calling and vitriol. This column is about a fellow citizen, stepping up to the plate, trying to affect change for the good of our state. Even if you disagree with Mr. McGrady’s politics, he is at least working hard on something he believes in instead of laying on his couch, staring at his boob tube.
Reason? That’s easy. It’s an anonymous forum where people with strong opinions (to be kind) can hide behind pseudonyms and rant and rave with no consequences in the real world. Were these people asked to comment in a public forum where they were individually identifiable and accountable for their words, there would be much less name calling and vitriol. Clearly there are one or two individuals here who are pot-stirrers, and nothing more.
And before I am called hypocritical, I “hide” behind a pseudonym because much of what I comment on deals with the education system, and should my public opinions be attached to my real-life persona there would likely be significant repercussions on my professional life. So, at least I have a semi-legitimate reason for doing so.
Didn’t the so called champions for liberty just lose an election. American has spoken and decided that your way or the highway has left you on the shoulder of the road. if you don’t actually plan on participating in solving our country’s problems, you best get out of the way or risk getting run over. You can start by:
1-stop protecting those making over $250 from paying less in taxes than someone making under $30k
2-reduce military spending to reasonable levels and close foreign bases in Europe
3-Close offshore account loopholes so that Mitt and Co pay taxes on moneys earned in the USA
4-Reinstate the capital gain tax rates prior to the the Clinton levels…the time when the economy was growing.
5-Stop big oil from getting tax breaks
6-Stop businesses from carrying losses from previous years into the next fiscal/tax year. Govt should not subsidize
businesses that can’t make a profit and declaring their losses as a business expense.
7-Reduce the mortgage interest deduction for those making over $250k to a maximum yearly limit.
8-Increase FICA taxes to all earned income, not capped at current level.
9-Reduce charitable donations to a percentage of taxes paid.
10-Eliminate all tax credits such as 401K, IRA to 3% of gross income.
11- Reinstate the inheritance tax to the previous Clinton rate
12-Increase the Medicaid look back period to at least 10 yrs, so folks who give their money to their kids so they can in turn have the taxpayer foot the bill for their permanent medical care.
13- Make Social Security means tested for those making over $100k per year.
14-Make tea party tea baggers pay for police and security when they are holding their KKK rallies in the middle of Bel Air.
@metta world peace: Get a jump shot.
@metta world peace says
You’re such a very progressive little liberal aren’t you?
1-stop protecting those making over $250 from paying less in taxes than someone making under $30k
People who make over $250,000 pay 33%
\and those who make $30,000 pay 15% rate
2-reduce military spending to reasonable levels and close foreign bases in Europe
Yes let’s charge the Europeans, Saudis, Iragis
and Kuwaitis for our defense services.
3-Close offshore account loopholes so that Mitt and Co pay taxes on moneys earned in the USA
When you can figure out how to legally collect
income from foreign companies owned by US
companies for money earned and taxed by
other governments outside the US let us know.
4-Reinstate the capital gain tax rates prior to the the Clinton levels…the time when the economy was growing.
Capital gains are subject to corporate taxes at
35% the highest in the world and then you get
your dividends or profit from the sale of a stock.
5-Stop big oil from getting tax breaks
Oil companies are the biggest corporate
taxpayers and they use existing legitimate
expense deductions, unlike green energy
companies that live and mostly die on
government subsidies.
6-Stop businesses from carrying losses from previous years into the next fiscal/tax year. Govt should not subsidize
businesses that can’t make a profit and declaring their losses as a business expense.
Capital investments have to be recovered
before there can be a profit to pay taxes on.
It’s accounting.
7-Reduce the mortgage interest deduction for those making over $250k to a maximum yearly limit.
Yes all the rich folks in NYC, LA, Miami, DC, Chicago,
Seattle, Philly, San Diego, San Francisco, most of
MD and all of NJ will love it.
8-Increase FICA taxes to all earned income, not capped at current level.
FICA taxes paid will increase proportionally to benefits
paid to that individual who paid them.
9-Reduce charitable donations to a percentage of taxes paid.
How does that formula work?
10-Eliminate all tax credits such as 401K, IRA to 3% of gross income.
Why would you create disincentive for people to
save their own money for retirement and pay
ordinary income taxes on it when they retire?
11- Reinstate the inheritance tax to the previous Clinton rate
This money has all been earned and already
taxed its confiscation to take any of it.
12-Increase the Medicaid look back period to at least 10 yrs, so folks who give their money to their kids so they can in turn have the taxpayer foot the bill for their permanent medical care.
Actually not a bad idea, very difficult to do.
How would it work?
13- Make Social Security means tested for those making over $100k per year.
Wait in your item 8 you took the cap off FICA, so
now you just want to take people’s money. Not the
original promise of FDR’s Social Security now is it?
14-Make tea party tea baggers pay for police and security when they are holding their KKK rallies in the middle of Bel Air.
Now you’re just an ass.
My guess is the Occupy Wall Street movement in
NYC alone cost more for police and security than
every conservative event combined in the last four years.
I am a moderate. Which in your world view, skewed as sharply to the right as you are is tantamount to being a communist.
And you are so afraid of everything to the left of you that you snarl and display your claws like a cornered animal.
Because that is exactly the position you have put yourself in. Opposition to anything that does not share your narrow world view. If you weren’t so pathetic in your fear you would have my pity. But since you don’t deserve pity with all your inbred rage, you can simply have my indifference to your self inflicted problems.
Because you’re moderately a liberal/progressive.
Because you offer no evidence of conservatism
Because you hide under the cover of the middle
of the road convenience.
Because you have no plan and no vision.
Because you need to find a position.
And thank you just Because!
Just a critic… no creativity. Just hate spewing from one of your many orifices.
You attack and offer nothing tangible. That line about getting Europe and the Saudis to pay for our defense spending reveals you to have as great a sense of entitlement as any welfare mom.
How did you propose to enforce your defense tax on the rest of the world? Were you hoping the UN would step in?
This is why you are the way you are: just plain full of yourself and your own self righteous position with no regard for others.
Au contraire mon frer,
Because I have great regard for
all Americans.
Because I don’t agree with you is
great evidence of my thoughtfulness.
Because you are like most liberal/
progressives who are woefully
illiterate about economics and finance.
Because you a rendered incapable of
logic and vision and doomed to
emotional arguments focused the evil
of success and unbridled need to demonize
productive Americans.
Answer the question Common: What Soviet Style world do you envision where you can dictate how much other countries contribute to the Defense Budget of this country?
I have great regard for Americans too, it’s you that I am concerned about. If you’re running for office declare it. Place your ambitions somewhere in the light so we can all evaluate your sensibilities. Right now, even in this highly conservative county, I think you are occupying the part of the fringe with the tassles and dryer lint.
Because you can think what you want.
Because you can’t be persuaded since
you are convinced a liberal/progressive
ideology no matter how bankrupt it is
will one day work.
Because you’re stuck.
so, Mr. Common Sense as you call yourself—according to you none of my points are valid? because you don’t want them to be? I won’t refute each point you made to mine, just letting you know that our country is in serious debt and just cutting spending won’t bring balance to our budget. The proposed steps are reasonable since for the most part take us back to previous taxing levels, not anything we haven’t seen before. As far as companies having $$$ offshore? If a company wants to do business in this marketplace, they need to pay for the table at the fair!! what is so
lacking is common sense about that? For every point I proposed, you just find ways why it can’t happen. Well, it will happen at some point for some of these as the free ride is over for everyone.
@metta world peace says
You do need to take effort to defend
all of your points.I did in answering
My guess is you are incapable of
doing so or too lazy. But i’ll stick with
We have a serious national debt
problem that no one seems serious
in addressing.
Nothing you’ve proposed does
anything to change our government’s
spending problem.
changing the look back period for medicaid would reduce spending and so would capping mortgage interests deductions or charitable contributions or reducing the allowable tax deferred status for IRA’s and so on. They are included in my points. You just fail to see the forest among the trees!!! All these credits and deductions reduce the amount of $$$ the fed takes in and impact the need to borrow more $$$ to pay for things mandated by law. I am neither lazy or incapable of refuting your points which you haven’t really given any…the only thing you have done is to negate mine!. I say, let the Bush tax cuts expire and let the republican’t party lose more seats over the next 2 years. Obama won’ the election and quoting Bush II “I won the election and I intent to use my political capital”.
@metta world peace says
As I suspected you are incapable
of defending your points.
P.S. Ever try using paragraphs?
are you stupid? or do you just like making stupid points?
@metta world peace says
In answer to your question no.
However I am perfectly reasonable in
expecting you to elaborate on and
defend your positions.
I don’t believe you have given any
thought as to how your prescriptions
could work, how to implement them or
the consequences.
why don’t you common sense elaborate on any point of consequence that would balance the budget and the consequences of any action you would propose instead? All my points have some validity and you haven’t proposed any other than “we have a spending problem”. I say we have both a spending problem and a lack of revenues problem. Your attitude towards me is not only condescending but also shows your complete lack of input of anything worthwhile in this topic is true to your tea bag party colors, which is lots of talk and really no action.
@metta world peace says
We will understand if you can’t
defend your positions.
But if you care to try all you
need to do is take each of
your points and rebut my
Pretty easy to do don’t
you think?
All my points have been proposed by many people including economists and tax experts. Clearly you don’t need a dissertation on this forum to explain each point. Google it or read opinions other than what FOX gives out, according to Fox and Carl Rowe the state of Ohio can still be won by Mitt!! This is what I do know for certain, you guys lost the election and are about to be blamed for protecting the rich from higher taxes while the middle class will be stuck with thousands of $$$ in extra taxes going forward. Why are you guys just so stubborn when it comes to taxes, but not so stubborn when it comes to cutting tax credit and student loans? The country has spoken and not only have Hispanics votes 70% for Obama but so did Jewish and Asians as well at about the same percentages!!. the GOP is about to become the party of Old white guys and right wing conservatives with a sprinkle or two of everyone else.
@metta world peace says
You’re welcome to explain my questions about
your proposals, if you can?
And to make a bit easier I’ll re-post both your
points and my comments for you.
Below metta world peace writes his 14 points and
Common Sense replies to each –
1-stop protecting those making over $250 from paying less in taxes than someone making under $30k
People who make over $250,000 pay 33%
\and those who make $30,000 pay 15% rate
2-reduce military spending to reasonable levels and close foreign bases in Europe
Yes let’s charge the Europeans, Saudis, Iragis
and Kuwaitis for our defense services.
3-Close offshore account loopholes so that Mitt and Co pay taxes on moneys earned in the USA
When you can figure out how to legally collect
income from foreign companies owned by US
companies for money earned and taxed by
other governments outside the US let us know.
4-Reinstate the capital gain tax rates prior to the the Clinton levels…the time when the economy was growing.
Capital gains are subject to corporate taxes at
35% the highest in the world and then you get
your dividends or profit from the sale of a stock.
5-Stop big oil from getting tax breaks
Oil companies are the biggest corporate
taxpayers and they use existing legitimate
expense deductions, unlike green energy
companies that live and mostly die on
government subsidies.
6-Stop businesses from carrying losses from previous years into the next fiscal/tax year. Govt should not subsidize
businesses that can’t make a profit and declaring their losses as a business expense.
Capital investments have to be recovered
before there can be a profit to pay taxes on.
It’s accounting.
7-Reduce the mortgage interest deduction for those making over $250k to a maximum yearly limit.
Yes all the rich folks in NYC, LA, Miami, DC, Chicago,
Seattle, Philly, San Diego, San Francisco, most of
MD and all of NJ will love it.
8-Increase FICA taxes to all earned income, not capped at current level.
FICA taxes paid will increase proportionally to benefits
paid to that individual who paid them.
9-Reduce charitable donations to a percentage of taxes paid.
How does that formula work?
10-Eliminate all tax credits such as 401K, IRA to 3% of gross income.
Why would you create disincentive for people to
save their own money for retirement and pay
ordinary income taxes on it when they retire?
11- Reinstate the inheritance tax to the previous Clinton rate
This money has all been earned and already
taxed its confiscation to take any of it.
12-Increase the Medicaid look back period to at least 10 yrs, so folks who give their money to their kids so they can in turn have the taxpayer foot the bill for their permanent medical care.
Actually not a bad idea, very difficult to do.
How would it work?
13- Make Social Security means tested for those making over $100k per year.
Wait in your item 8 you took the cap off FICA, so
now you just want to take people’s money. Not the
original promise of FDR’s Social Security now is it?
14-Make tea party tea baggers pay for police and security when they are holding their KKK rallies in the middle of Bel Air.
Now you’re just an ass.
My guess is the Occupy Wall Street movement in
NYC alone cost more for police and security than
every conservative event combined in the last four years.
Just pay what you owe for services provided to you and be done with it. Or move to Somalia.
Because my winter home is in Somalia.
How did you know?
@common sense: Your comments to my points weren’t valid since you really didn’t counter with any solutions of your own–questioning mine doesn’t equate to having proposed any valid proposal on your part. Hard to have a discussion with someone whom refuses to actually bring any points to reduce the debt or increase revenue. You would have America believe that the only way to reduce the debt would be by having this generation pay for all the previous generations not paying their fair share which can only be deducted since we are 16 trillion in debt and my kids generation has yet to pay taxes. Your understanding of economics, tax policy and overall system of govt is lacking and truly does represent the Tea Party. Congrats on not winning the election!!
@metta world peace says
I understand that you have simple answers to
complex problems that you don’t understand.
It’s okay, the liberal/progressive ideology is
feeble and we all know simple solutions to
complex matters are almost always wrong.
You can’t explain your points because you
don’t understand the problems and your
simplistic answers.
Again, you’re welcome to take your points
and my comments one-by-one and attempt
to answer.
However it seems you can’t do it.
like I said before, you bring nothing to the conversation because you don’t have any solutions past the FOX news standard “cut spending” .
@metta world peace says
I get it, you can’t defend your positions.
It’s okay that you don’t understand
you’re own liberal/progressive talking
It’s quintessentially typical of
liberals/progressives to not
understand their own rhetoric
The idea that you can have
something for nothing is the
liberal/progressive way..
@metta world peace says
The US all told is $86.8 trillion in
debt what do you say about it?
P.S. You’re still on the hook to
answer for your recommendations.
P.S.S. Are you good with bankrupting
future generations? It’s the liberal way.
Did you want the elective war that we engaged in but couldn’t pay for?
Dick Cheney said deficits don’t matter. It was important while they were in office, not so much now.
Because Barrack Obama is president not
Because $16 trillion debt and $70 trillion
in unfunded liabilities is a problem that
no one is addressing.
Because you can’t debate very well
can you?
@common sense—or lack of it. The US unfunded liabilities of $86.8 trillion? The US deficit stands at $16.8 trillion, to count unfunded liabilities as debts is moronic. it doesn’t surprise me, everything you say is basically moronic anyway. I don’t see that number of $86.8 as a number that matters today as those numbers are pegged to people that haven’t yet cashed in their retirement or benefits. The question would be are those unfunded liabilities being funded to their appropriate level so when they come due, there is $$$ there to meet them. What I see as a deficit are those expenses that we are borrowing money today to pay them since those obligations are paid on borrowed $$$ on a continuing basis. You are forgetting or don’t know that tomorrow’s economy will be bigger than today’s are the market will expand as more people are born and less people die…its called demographics. Also the $$$$ today are worth less than it was in prior years so a trillion $$ today is actually worth less 10 years from now. I am not on the hook for anything, you haven’t posted anything to counter my points only that my points couldn’t be done? Why not? The rich need to pay more and the middle class needs to pay same/less. Corporations can’t be allowed to get a refund for losses accumulated in prior years and depreciation should be allowed as long as capital gains are also included so corporations can’t get a capital gain tax deduction and a depreciation credit on the same asset. Its called double dipping. Reducing mortgage interest deductions for the rich and limiting charitable deductions over a % of gross income is also reasonable. Increasing inheritance taxes to Clinton levels is reasonable since the people receiving the asset never paid any taxes on it. If you can’t make an argument for additional revenue, then what would you cut? I’d say cut military spending and stop being the world’s police. We don’t need more of our young to die protecting govts and countries that would not stand with us for no other reason that their own protection.
@metta world peace says
Social security as of 2010 pays out more
than it gets in taxes.
You still need to address my comments
to your list. I’ll post your list again to make
it easy for you to reply.
Below metta world peace writes his 14 points and
Common Sense replies to each –
1-stop protecting those making over $250 from paying less in taxes than someone making under $30k
People who make over $250,000 pay 33%
\and those who make $30,000 pay 15% rate
2-reduce military spending to reasonable levels and close foreign bases in Europe
Yes let’s charge the Europeans, Saudis, Iragis
and Kuwaitis for our defense services.
3-Close offshore account loopholes so that Mitt and Co pay taxes on moneys earned in the USA
When you can figure out how to legally collect
income from foreign companies owned by US
companies for money earned and taxed by
other governments outside the US let us know.
4-Reinstate the capital gain tax rates prior to the the Clinton levels…the time when the economy was growing.
Capital gains are subject to corporate taxes at
35% the highest in the world and then you get
your dividends or profit from the sale of a stock.
5-Stop big oil from getting tax breaks
Oil companies are the biggest corporate
taxpayers and they use existing legitimate
expense deductions, unlike green energy
companies that live and mostly die on
government subsidies.
6-Stop businesses from carrying losses from previous years into the next fiscal/tax year. Govt should not subsidize
businesses that can’t make a profit and declaring their losses as a business expense.
Capital investments have to be recovered
before there can be a profit to pay taxes on.
It’s accounting.
7-Reduce the mortgage interest deduction for those making over $250k to a maximum yearly limit.
Yes all the rich folks in NYC, LA, Miami, DC, Chicago,
Seattle, Philly, San Diego, San Francisco, most of
MD and all of NJ will love it.
8-Increase FICA taxes to all earned income, not capped at current level.
FICA taxes paid will increase proportionally to benefits
paid to that individual who paid them.
9-Reduce charitable donations to a percentage of taxes paid.
How does that formula work?
10-Eliminate all tax credits such as 401K, IRA to 3% of gross income.
Why would you create disincentive for people to
save their own money for retirement and pay
ordinary income taxes on it when they retire?
11- Reinstate the inheritance tax to the previous Clinton rate
This money has all been earned and already
taxed its confiscation to take any of it.
12-Increase the Medicaid look back period to at least 10 yrs, so folks who give their money to their kids so they can in turn have the taxpayer foot the bill for their permanent medical care.
Actually not a bad idea, very difficult to do.
How would it work?
13- Make Social Security means tested for those making over $100k per year.
Wait in your item 8 you took the cap off FICA, so
now you just want to take people’s money. Not the
original promise of FDR’s Social Security now is it?
14-Make tea party tea baggers pay for police and security when they are holding their KKK rallies in the middle of Bel Air.
Now you’re just an ass.
My guess is the Occupy Wall Street movement in
NYC alone cost more for police and security than
every conservative event combined in the last four years.