Rumors regarding a potential incident planned for Friday involving Harford County schools are unfounded, Harford County Public Schools said in a robo-call which went out Thursday evening.
School system security chief Bob Benedetto told The Dagger that rumors that someone would bring a gun to school were “not valid in Harford County.” The rumors spread on social media following an incident in Anne Arundel County, he said, leading to confusion locally.
The text of the robo-call follows:
Good evening. This is Harford County Public Schools Manager of Communications Teri Kranefeld. As you may be aware, rumors have begun to surface via media and social media regarding tomorrow, Friday, December 21st.
All rumors related to Harford County Public Schools are immediately investigated for credibility by our Safety and Security Office and local law enforcement agencies. At this time, none of the rumors have been deemed credible however we will remain vigilant in investigating all rumors.
Please know that Harford County Public Schools is working with law enforcement agencies, as a precaution, to provide an increased police presence around schools throughout the day tomorrow. While you may physically see some of the police presence, other security measures will not be visible by design. Middle and high schools will operate on a normal schedule with a scheduled elementary early dismissal tomorrow.
Please assist us in managing any rumors by talking with your child about responsible social media use, if appropriate, as rumors originate in that forum and can cause undue stress on the school community. Thank you in advance for your cooperation, together we can help keep our schools a safe and comfortable learning environment for our children. This is Teri Kranefeld for Harford County Public Schools.
In light of what just happened , how can we as parents not struggle with the decision as to whether or not to let our children go to school when we hear of a potential threat? I am the first to admit that I am truly struggling with this decision and it is something that my husband and I have been debating and discussing. While I am on the fence with this , my husband is stating that if we choose not to send them, then the bad guys win! While I agree that we should not have to live in fear of something potentially happening , I just don’t know if I am willing to take that chance!! I think it is just awful that we have to even have this discussion!! Is this what our world has turned into? We now have to be afraid of whether or not our schools are safe enough for our children to attend?
Not valid in Harford County – please!!!! Tell that to the kids at HdG High School who had a specific threat to them during their school concert tomorrow at 1pm. I agree with the above lady – whereas I don’t want the bad guys to win – is this a chance I am willing to take with my child. Could I ever live with myself if something really happened and I chose to ignore it because HCPS felt it was not credible. HCPS doesn’t take enough things seriously in my opinion.
Keep your kids at home. Despite what administrators want you to believe, there is very little of educational value happening at school tomorrow. If there is, write them an excused note that they were sick. Bad guys win my patootie. These aren’t terrorists, they are unstable adolescents and young adults. Your child being safe vs not wanting them to feel powerful and intimidating? Let them feel powerful and intimidating.
What kind teacher writes a response like that?
If this is really a teacher not one I would necessarily want teaching my children.
What are your issues with my response? Do you take issue with me advocating concerned parents keeping their children home? Do you take issue with me admitting that on the last day before Christmas break very little teaching ever gets done? Do you take issue with me questioning the mantra of “if we give in to the fear then the bad guys win”? What specifically do you have a problem with, so that I may respond properly.
Well it’s quite apparent that you’re not an English Teacher.
My child actually had a test today.
The issue is, as a teacher, YOU have control of what your students learn on a day like today. There is no reason for students to not be engaged in learning today. Be creative with your planning. It is your choice to plan or not.
Ugh. While I am thankful for the 1st amendment rights afforded to us by the Constitution, I wish you would shut up. Your ridiculous comments make all your fellow, hardworking colleagues at HCPS look bad. There will be plenty of learning going on in my classroom and many others today, as there is every day. Maybe it’s time for a new career for you??
@AbingdonTeacher: I’m glad that you are providing opportunities for learning for your students today. No holiday parties or movies or fun activities for you, eh? In previous years I have had members of the chorus and/or band wandering around the halls performing Christmas carols, seen teachers showing holiday movies, even collaborated with fellow teachers on holiday themed activities we could have our students do. I have had, at times, as much as a 50% absent rate on the last day before winter break. Walk around your school during your break today, as I will, and see what is happening in other classes. Unless your faculty is operating under the threat (either stated or implied) of disciplinary action by the principal, I would expect that you would see teachers engaging students in something light, perhaps even festive, but nothing intense. Unless you teach AP US History, in which not a second is wasted.
I hope your students learn much in your classes today, and that you finish the day satisfied that you provided them with a quality educational experience. Mine will have some fun today, and I will finish the day satisfied that I was able to give them that.
And I will finish the day knowing my grandkids, who aren’t getting enough education from HCPS as it is, had another day wasted. Stop wasting their time and teach them something please! Or else stand aside and let someone else do it.
Concerned teacher is lazy and is an excuse maker, Alex. Don’t allow one person to color your view of all teachers. Many are working even harder today to make sure students have a meaningful, learning-focused day.
Funny. You don’t know what I teach, where I teach, or how I teach. You know nothing of my methods, and you know nothing of the vast amount of successes I have had. You know nothing of how for ten years I’ve regularly had classes filled with students who didn’t care about their own success as much as I did. If you saw me teach, watched me helping students to learn things they were convinced they had no use for in life, you would be happy your grandkids were in my class. My students love me, and their parents do as well. Alas, your entire opinion of me is based on me pulling back the curtain on the great wizard, and admitting that it would be okay to keep your children (or in your case, grandchildren) home on this last day before winter break if you were concerned for their safety. Oh, well. C’est la vie. I’m certainly not going to let the opinions of a few unhappy people on a public blog convince me to throw away ten-plus years of teaching and “stand aside and let someone else do it”. I hope your grandkids had an exceptionally safe and productive way and enjoy their break.
Concerned Teacher, you brought all this criticism upon yourself.
@get a grip: You are right about that. Had I not offered my two cents to the original conversation about whether it would be okay for parents to keep their children home from school today, many of these posts would have never happened. If you think that I am bothered by this “criticism”, you are mistaken. I think it is rather amusing how a few people have gotten worked up over the distinct possibility that on the last day before winter break their children might not be fully engaged in intense, rigorous academic “work” (for lack of a better term). Because I have chosen to comment about this in a public forum, people have chosen to “shoot the messenger” because they do not like the message. I am not surprised. As I wrote earlier, I am not going to let the rantings and insults of a few people who know nothing of what my classroom is like bother me in the least.
As an aside, you never did answer my question as to what amongst all of my points would bring you the conclusion that you would not want me teaching your children.
Concerned Teacher, my post read “a teacher not one I would necessarily want teaching my children” which left the door open. You may have other qualities that outweigh any earlier perception.
@g-a-g, I am not an English teacher, so I tend to go for intent rather than literal meaning. Your comment *implied* that you would not want me teaching your children based on my initial comment/opinion. If you want to back off of that by using semantics, that’s fine, but don’t expect me to ignore what you have already said. It’s really irrelevant at this point as it is highly doubtful that of all the teachers and all the students in all the schools in the area, I actually do teach yours. The odds are just quite small.
@Concerned Teacher, thank you for your honesty! I am a very actively involved parent and I know that over the years, the last day before any type of break, whether it be Christmas break, Spring break, or the end of the school year that for the most part, it is a relaxed day. And if I remember correctly , even when I was in school, it was much the same, everyone was anxious for the break, so while there may be some lessons during the day, they were light or holiday related lessons. And dare I say, even a party!! Lighten up the rest of you, out of the school year, you have a teacher state the truth, that one day perhaps out of the school year, your children have a fun day at school!!
The discussion here was supposed to be about the threats to our schools, not about someone’s teaching credentials!!! Hope everyone has a wonderful Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Abingdon Teacher, you are an example of what is supposed to be going on in classrooms today. As for Concerned Teacher’s comments about a lack of fun activities in your classroom, obviously he or she misses the point. Lessons and activities surrounding the holiday season can be fun and still support real learning objectives at the same time. Today need not be a day wasted on movies or activities just to kill time.
Will there really be a greater police patrol? I will send my kids tomorrow but I count on the Harford County Sheriff’s Office to pay overtime to have additional deputies at the schools. If this was Edgewood Sheriff Bane would be all over it, he better be all over this. This is not a situation that you can put money on pay the OT. If the dagger didnt get rid of the thumbs up/thumbs down I know you would agree. DO NOT blow smoke up the parents butts. I will drive by my daughters school tommorow and if I dont see a police car then what is an “increased police presence”. I will let you know but you better not be blowing smoke and mirrors, this is my kids!!!!!!!
If this is how you really feel then perhaps you should seriously consider homeschooling.
Why should he consider homeschooling because he/she wants to keep their kids safe? They are right HCPS says there will be an “increased police presence ” at the schools tomorrow, ok so if there are no cruisers or deputies there , how is their an increased presence?
Presence does not necessarily mean having a deputy or trooper stationed in the over 50 school buildings all school day. If they are in such fear that their children will be seriously injured or killed in a public school then what better way to protect their child than teach them at home? You would be absolutely amazed at how many crank calls are made to schools.
@get a grip- Really? what I am saying is that if they say there wil be an increased police presence then show it. Is that wrong i think not. If HCPS says that hey are doing somethng then show it. I will not homeschool my kids because they deserve to be safe in a public school. You are obviously not a parent of a student or you are out of touch. Regardless dont jump in my crap I want my kids to come home safe for the holidays, anyway i am wasting my time explaining myself to you, you seem heartless???? Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!!!!!!
Your kids are safe in public school. For many kids it is the safest place they will occupy during the day. HCPS does not control the sheriffs office or the state police and has no authority to order them to occupy every school building. If you are not happy with no police being at the school house door when you arrive you should direct your complaints toward them not the school system. Not heartless, just being realistic.
A.) The Sheriffs office often gets paid back OT for having deputies in the schools during special events, so if there is a specific threat or reason then the Sheriffs Office or HCPS need to foot he bill..
B.) Rarely will you see a trooper because they don’t work the schools, HCSO handles the county APD,BAPD,HDPD all have SRO’s in there towns at the schools.
C.) Who are you to jump in a parents crap for asking for what they were told they would get which is an increased police presence.
D. I will not argue with you anymore
What is HCPS, or any school system, to do every time some kid, or jerk that wants to see everyone jump through hoops, decides to start a rumor – shut down schools, or should we have every law enforcement agency go into emergency mode by calling in all personnel because that is what it would take to post an officer in every school building. Are you never to go to the mall again, a movie theater, keep your kids from going to college, or a coffee shop?
While I will agree they we can not live in fear, however, yes we do need to take some of these threats seriously. What if there is the one threat that is not taken seriously and that is the one time something does happen? What will you say then?
There are responsible people in the school system and law enforcement to investigate and make decisions on potential credible threats.
You are right and we can only hope and assume that every threat and precaution is investigated thoroughly! I think part of this is the fear of something occurring like what just happened in Newtown and unfortunately part of the hype of the end of time (Mayan Calendar prediction).
Everyone needs to take a deep breath and return to rational thinking.
Get A Grip- maybe someone needs to focus on you? Get a Life, this our kids you are a troll
All I suggest is that people keep a level head. I just refuse to be irrational.
Irrational is not taking potential threats on our schools seriously!
And what I suggest is that if you are a parent then you will demand that you kids are safe. I would say that is rational. But instead you attack people who care about their kids. COME ON REALLY?
All parents want their children to be safe. I did not attack them or suggest they not be concerned. All I did was question the justification for their fear.
You really feel we do not have a right to be fearful of our child’s safety in light of what just happened last week? REALLY?!!?
@Code 67, perhaps you are right, just someone trolling!
Not true, just trying to return reason to the discussion.
@kattom2412 the problem is that people like that might be the problem. My kids mean the world to me. You never know when and where this will happen, I dont need people telling me that I am irrational or telling others they need to homeschool. The Irrational person is the person that calls parents irrational, we love our kids and we demand that if you say security will be increasd that its actually increased. Get a grip has no clue and shouldnt be posting bs that he/she cant stand behind.
Nothing I have posted is untrue. I can stand behind every post. What have I said is not true?
Please tell me why, based on my above post, you would not want me teaching your children.
@ Concerned Teacher I didn’t say that I commend you for being a teacher but dont you agree that HCPS and the Police need to stand behind what they say and actually increase police presence? That is my point and my only point. Again thanks for beings a teacher!
@Code67: You didn’t say that, but get a grip did. If HCPS and the local police/SO said they would increase police presence, I take that to mean an increased *visible* presence. I question whether they can effectively do this. Aberdeen, Havre de Grace, and Bel Air can with their local squad cars, but the Sheriff’s Department would be stretched awfully thin to have a squad car at every other school in the County. It’s a nice sentiment, but I don’t know how practical it is.
Everybody is getting out of hand here. We are a community of parents and we are all human with a differing of opinions. However, we all agree on the main issue of wanting to protect our children. I was torn between letting my daughter go to school today or keeping her home. I decided after texting some other moms that we would send our children to school because we don’t want them to be afraid or live in fear. It was the hardest thing I had to do this morning and I cried the whole way home after dropping her off and walking her into school. I noticed the unmarked police car immediately in the parking lot and it helped ease my fears some. Unfortunately the worse threats/horrendous acts of violence are the ones that happen in silence, and no one is prepared for. Instead of berating each other for our differences of opinions, let’s just try to offer each other kind words and prayers for the safety of our children.
“Your kids are safe in public school. For many kids it is the safest place they will occupy during the day.”
This safety you speak of is your perception only. The truth of the matter is that these kids are completely vulnerable, and it would only take one wacko to break your perception. It is not unreasonable to want an armed guard at each location to protect our children.
Just as airline travel is the safest form of transportation schools are the safest place for large gatherings of children. Tragedies such as CT are even less frequent than commercial airline crashes. The sad reality is that for far too many children schools are sanctuaries from abusive parents, gangs, drugs and other forms of violence or the only place where they get a decent meal to eat. My perception is based in reality where having armed guards in every school is not practical or realistic.
Airline travel is protected by armed guards, and arming responsible individuals in that school is easily done and very practical.
@Code 67 you are correct we have a right to demand our children stay safe!
@get a grip you are telling people to homeschool their kids and that they are irrational. That is not true WHAT I AM SAYING IS THAT IF THE COUNTY SAYS THEY ARE INCREASING POLICE PRESENCE THEN WE SHOULD SEE A COP OR MORE AT EVERY SCHOOL I WILL NOT ARGUE BACK AND FORTH WITH YOU.
kattom-i agree with your first posting 100%. i dont know what to do. i dont think i am sending them tomorrow. the threats are not credible at this time?? and that statement was deemed by HCPS. they figured that out fast. i wonder what it takes to make them credible?
Danielle-I don’t know if I would want to find that answer out (in regards to what’s credible)!
go to – i just read in that article that as of 6pm this evening the spokesman for the harford county sheriffs’s office has not heard anything about plans to increase patrols because of this threat/rumor. WOW!
WHAT!!!??? WOW!!!! So much for the added police presence! Correct me if I am wrong the robocalls started before 6pm!
You are not wrong
So why and who is lying here? Is it the Sheriff’s Dept or is it HCPS? What are we to believe?
Did you get a RoboCall from the Sheriff’s Office, or from Teri Cranefield? How can you hold the HCSO accountable for the BOE misspoken words?
Bill, all I stated was someone is not telling the truth here whether or not it is the BOE of the HCSO. Obviously, one of them has misspoken. And yes, the robocalls were from Teri Cranefield.
sheriffs office didnt know about “extra police presence” asked for by HCPS until last minute….soo of course there is a chance there will be manpower issues today trying to have officers cover all the schools!
That is my point – I think. I would rather be safe then sorry. I know we cant keep them home from school every day but this is the first threat I have encountered (oldest is in 10th grade). Look how people act when the news says we are getting snow.
LOL..very true Danielle!
I bought one of those bullet proof backpacks and little Johnny will be wearing his tomorrow.
Now if you could just hope that a potential assailant will be shooting at the backpack, I’d say you are home free
@Concerned Teacher: Thank you for being one of the few teachers who will tell the truth and not hide behind the facade of, “We’re doing work until the very last second of the day.” Everyone knows that nothing of great educational value will happen today in schools. That’s all I wanted to say.
Havre de Grace Middle is closed due to an electrical fire. I assume it’s just a coincidence.
There are threats everyday in public school. They are investigated and handled as best as they can be. If you are afraid of your child being harmed in a public school, don’t send them to public school. Your child has a better chance of being hit by a car on their bicycle than being injured in public school. I suggest those that are concerned about this current “threat” keep there kids home, safe and sound, until they are say…35.
…and there will be teaching today in my classroom…assessment and application. Shame on those who neglect their duties.
Finally a teacher I would seek out and try to have my child placed in their classroom.
Can’t be too much teaching going on since you are on the Dagger at 9;40 during the school day!!
They are called planning periods. Teachers get them each day, even on the day before a holiday break. I’m quite sure that this person was not on the Internet during an actual class.
Well, she/he sure is “neglecting her/his duties” by being on the dagger during the school day. Doesn’t he/she have any planning for the upcoming week after vacation…assessments to grade? I thought teachers complain about how much work they do and how they need planning time? I guess she is taking it easy before the holidays.
I don’t know about the teacher above, or any other teacher for that matter, but I have never complained about how much work I do. I complain about lack of respect from administrators, parents, and the community in general, I complain about how my job has become too political, I complain about lack of adequate pay, but never that I have too much work to do. If I have too much work to do, then that’s my own fault for not using my time well. Perhaps this teacher is already planned for after vacation and has graded all given assessments. Perhaps this teacher has earned the right to “tak[e] it easy before the holidays”.
It looks like the bad guys win. All the parents that fell for this should be ashamed of them selves. Ask your kids who made these statements. If they don’t know first hand then it’s nothing but a unfounded rumor.
What if they have undercover officers out and about?
If it were my school, I’d want to see uniforms. I think I’d rather see someone in a Target Rent-A-Cop uniform than an undercover officer.
I think having one relax day is fine, jeeze you morons act like your kids are stupid when they comr home. Alot of kids dont get attention, food or gifts at home, then youd complain about that. Maryland has one of the highest school curriculums in the country. You want to see a bunch of idiots, visit one state north.
Oh i accidently missed a key in “come”, am I stupid to you people now. Christ
There was an increased police presence at my school today, although there were no direct threats made against it. I understand that people are feeling scared, and as a parent I completely understand. As a teacher, I want you to know that schools are doing everything in their power to keep your children safe every day, not just on days with threats and not just in light of the events last Friday, We will do all that we can to keep your child safe! Not criticizing anyone’s opinion, because I think that everyone is right in their own way. Just trying to ease some fears!
Thank you Teacher!
The day was relatively calm at my school other than a moment of silence for the children of Newtown. I had very few students missing from my classes and about half of those that were had pre-arranged family vacation codes previously approved. As for what went on, my classes were working the entire day to complete assignments that were due, although there was a higher level of chatter about vacations, gifts and general vacation anticipation while they were working. I am one of ‘those teachers’ who treats holidays and days before vacations as work days….but then again, my students work every day, all period or get ‘treated’ to detention to make up the time they wasted in class by ‘paying it back’ after school. Usually by the end of September I rarely have to assign that any more once they know it’s the consequence. The quantity and quality of teaching in an individual school is always a mixed lot, dependent on many things…the integrity of the individual teacher, how well the ILT monitors and evaluates the teaching of teachers that are rumored to be ‘easy’ or the classes that parents complain about, and sadly sometimes the personal relationship between a teacher and an administration that appears to let them get away with poorer quality teaching because they’re an important coach or advisor or even a personal friend. Which is one of the things that makes me apprehensive about the new mandated evaluations. My evaluation will be partially based on the overall school performance on standardized tests in classes that I don’t personally teach, but I have no control on the quality of the teaching in those classes. I really like what I do and my students and myself work really hard. It may be time for me to look into teaching at the college level.
you all need to be quiet