From the office of Congressman Andy Harris:
Today, Rep. Andy Harris sent a letter to Gov. O’Malley asking him to appeal President Obama’s denial of Individual Assistance for areas impacted by Hurricane Sandy. The 1st Congressional District had many areas impacted by Hurricane Sandy particularly the communities of Crisfield, Smith Island, Marion, Fairmount, Deal Island, Ocean Pines and Princess Anne.
“I was disappointed to learn that President Obama has denied Maryland’s application for Individual Assistance. I encourage Gov. O’Malley to use all resources at his disposal to ensure that the residents of the areas impacted by Hurricane Sandy are provided access to any and all recovery resources for which they are eligible.”
The full text of the letter to Governor O’Malley follows:
December 4, 2012
The Honorable Martin O’Malley
State House
Annapolis, MD 21401Dear Governor O’Malley:
Just a month ago, you and I toured Crisfield and Ocean City to see firsthand the serious impact of superstorm Sandy. Like you, I was stunned to see the evident devastation there and throughout the First Congressional District, especially in Dorchester, Somerset, Wicomico, and Worcester Counties. As you know, these areas represent some of the poorest communities in our state, with limited access to resources but with the greatest need for assistance.
I was disappointed to learn that President Obama has denied Maryland’s application for Individual Assistance. I encourage you to use all resources at your disposal to ensure that the residents of the areas we mutually represent are provided access to any and all recovery resources to which they should be eligible, including appealing the denial of individual assistance benefits.
noble says
This coming from the guy who just voted against disaster relief funding in agricultural areas on August 2, 2012. Nice one, Andy. Does it feel good to have your cake and eat it too? This guy is such a hypocrite. You people think you were getting somebody new to clean up Washington? Think again. He’s more of the same and you bought the whole schtick. TWICE.
Common $ense says
Does “Lying Andy” know how to spell HYPOCRITE? What a Moron!
Anonymous says
Dear Constituents – please stop tying up my phone lines asking for government hand-outs. You should know that I expect the 47% of people I choose to represent to have private insurance. I sent a letter now to the governor for the rest of you free loaders. Go whine to him. I need to keep my phone lines clear for the Koch brothers when they try to call. Unless you are going to give me millions of dollars for my reelection fund like they do, please stop wasting my time. — Andy
CDev says
He just realized that the Eastern Shore is in his district. He was against such a request when the whole states delegation (except for him) sent a request to Obama a day after the storm.