From Harford Campaign for Liberty:
November 27, 2012 7-9 pm
Knights of Columbus Hall
23 Newport Drive – Forest Hill, MD
“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” Thomas Jefferson
The speakers will discuss assaults on our liberties at the local level.
– James Run TIF
– Walmart-Evergreen Trust Complex
– Local effects of PLANMD
– Going forward with an unapologetic and authentically conservative message.
Cash bar available
For more information visit
Truth in Advertising says
Harford Campaign Against American Liberties
Fact Check says
Is the Campaign For Liberty against the Walmart deal?
vseitz says
The short answer is yes but come to the meeting and get the details.
Bill says
Looks like they should change their name to NIMBY instead of C4L
vseitz says
Many of us don’t even live near the intended relocation site but we do have our reasons. Come to the meeting and learn about them.
Fact Check says
Hmmm… the reason can’t have anything to do with the cost that the new location will have on the infrastructure requirements because the Campaign For Liberty is also against an impact fee that would pay for the infrastucture cost houses would put on schools. This is very interesting and I have to know the real cause… maybe it’s something about big business getting help from big government. That’s it… phew… I might have actually had to show up to find out. Thank goodness.
Liberty Lover says
It’s my understanding that the gentleman speaking about the Walmart issue is not a Campaign for Liberty member, but is well educated on the nuances of the deal. I’m looking forward to hearing him speak.