Delegate Glen Glass Continues to Urge a Reconsideration of the Wal-Mart Relocation.
From the office of Del. Glen Glass:
Maryland State Delegate Glen Glass (R – Harford, District 34A), announced that he continues to oppose the proposed Wal-Mart relocation at the Plumtree Road and Route 924 intersection. Delegate Glass publicly applauded County Executive, David Craig’s assertion that Wal-Mart could expand at its current location. “I think they should consider turning the current location into a Super Wal-Mart without shutting it down, just like they were able to do in Aberdeen and a myriad of other locations. This would allow the employees in Abingdon to keep their jobs,” said Glass. “I believe the current location is convenient to residents in Joppa, Edgewood, and Abingdon. The current location is also preferred by residents in Bel Air who can stop there on their way home from work. The traffic at the Abingdon location can be improved by putting an exit onto Interstate 95, and allowing drivers to make a right turn on red at the light. The citizens in my district do not want to drive all the way to Bel Air to shop at Wal-Mart” added Glass.
Delegate Glass also believes that the heavy traffic patterns in the proposed location will represent a major health and safety risk. “If the new location is approved the heavy traffic would represent a risk to those most vulnerable among us,” Glass continued. Given that the proposed location is across from a new fire station, near Patterson Mill Middle and High School, as well as approximately a half mile from Ring Factory Elementary School, Delegate Glass fears that the increased traffic is potentially life-threatening.
“A Super Wal-Mart right in the middle of a fire station and three major schools could potentially wreak havoc” said Delegate Glass. Because of these concerns, and others, Delegate Glass continues to oppose this new location. “As the Development Advisory Board (DAC) aptly notes the increased heavy traffic could represent a real problem. The increased traffic could also hinder the abilities of emergency services to get to and from the new firehouse. As we know, every second counts when it comes to saving people’s lives,” Glass concluded.
nooooooooo really its that obvious
Putting an exit from Constant Friendship Shopping Center onto Rt. 95 is a great idea. Constant Friendship needs another exit route. The exit would feed into the on-ramp to 95 south.
Good for Delegate Glass. We should not be forced to widen our roads to six lanes to accommodate this monster store.
I knew eventually you would come to see that Del. Glass is on your side after all. PTBL, there may be hope for you yet.
Glass is a joke! Nothing else but a joke. I will say that he is in it for the people and not him self. What makes him a danger to Harford County is that he is not smart enough for this job and he is unable to see that Pat and Rick control him and own him. Being controlled by two that are only in it for themselves is the same thing as selling yourself and your community.
Glen you say you served and fought for our Country now it time to fight for yourself. Be a man for the next two sessions, keep your mouth shut, think before you act, read all the bills before you vote, tell Pat and Rick to F off, and don’t ever run for public office again.
Del Glass
Can you name one example of a retail area having a direct exit onto an interstate anywhere in the USA? I am pretty sure that Federal Highways does not permit that type of use. I can’t imagine that you put so little thought into this that you think the simple answer is to force the Fed’s to change their rules.
I would think a good conservative, though for all I know you are just a Republican, would have a strong belief in private property and the ability to use that property as you see fit so long as it permitted by zoning. But claiming that retail will cause danger to the schools? For a high school, you would think the exact opposite. Kids can’t speed in a traffic jam, and speed is more of a danger for young drivers.
Should not your real stance be “As a state house representative local matters of zoning have nothing to do with my office and any attempt to do otherwise is shamelessly pandering for votes.” Than again, these days pandering for votes is more important than getting any work done.
Actually there is one in Paramus, New Jersey. Parumus Park Mall, been there for decades, right in the middle of 3 interstates, RTE 80, RTE 17 and RT4. And what a death trap for drivers for those decades. I believe there is one mall in upstate New York near Monticello, with the same thing… totally crazy… but they do exist. How messed up is that?
RTE 80, RTE 17 and RT4 are all NJ roads, not an interstate. Different rules apply.
Christiana Mall worked around it by putting the exit to the mall onto the DEL Rt 1 entrance ramp of 95, but not 95 itself. Putting an exit onto MD 24 is a problem since the state does not allow business to enter directly onto 24 from 95 until Rt 1. The Festival of Bel Air wanted a direct exit and it was turned down. Del 1 does allow business access.
Rt 80 IS NOT a NJ Road it is an Interstate end in California
Rt 80 IS NOT a NJ Road it is an Interstate it ends in California
You should take a drive up to the Christiana Mall some day and see the mess it has created at the interchange. You can also exit directly from the parking lot to the ramp for 95N.
Everybody on the internet is right, until someone proves them wrong.
Proven wrong, ironically enough, on the internet.
Crossgates Mall in Albany NY is an example – right off I-87. Is there any other thing you would like to deny exists because of your limited concept of reality?
I love how he put “Development Advisory Board (DAC)”.
“The current location is also preferred by residents in Bel Air who can stop there on their way home from work.”
Who knew that everyone in Bel Air goes by the Abingdon wal mart on their way home?
“The citizens in my district do not want to drive all the way to Bel Air to shop at Wal-Mart”
Good that should stop the traffic problem ….
And these are our elected officials, you people should be ashamed….
I think you can see the potential for serious traffic jams and accidents tho…..
The potential for traffic jams and accidents is far greater by some moron on a cell phone or texting than a new walmart…. and I’d bet most of the people against walmart do both while driving….
Face it folks, it’s gonna be built whether we like it or not. Five years from now it’ll be something else we don’t like and Walmart will be an afterthought.
Move along folks, nothing to see here……
“every second counts” – well now the ambo will be right across the street from the WM where apparently all the accidents in the county will now take place – so no time lost there – and a quick whiz right up to close by Upper Chesapeake hospital. real one stop shopping.
What the F is an ” AMBO “?
call the Amberlamp, im leakin yo
That was too funny Ninja….
Shine my shoes
Maryland State Delegate Glen Glass your are a F-ing idiot and should not be in office. Please tell us one thing that you have passed on your own or anything you have done for Harford County? I can only think of one thing and that is making Harford County look very stupid in Annapolis. You fit in very will with the two rejects that got you elected Dumb and Dumber, I mean Pat and Rick. The best part about having Glass in Annapolis each year is that everyone has someone to make fun of. You can ask any elected offical from any level of Goverment and they will all tell you that Glen Glass is a moron. The high school kids that heard his F-uped speech about only having a GED at last years high school graduation will tell you that he is a F-ing moron!
Glass you Dumb F-er, what are you doing to stop the Wal Mart? Your pointless statements are not doing anything to help. Try being a real leader and do something for once not just run your mouth and make pointless statements. Maybe if you stopped acting stupid ( driving around with stupid signs on your truck, wearing stupid hats in session, and making stupid statements) you may be able to win an election on your own and not need Pat and Ricks help or need to hope people keep confusing your last name “Glass” with “Glassman”!
I over heard some of your fellow Harford Delegation members talking about your stupid antics and how your a joke to the Delegation and no one will work with you or your idiotic aids.
So Glen, please do the best thing that you could ever do for the people of Harford County: Fire you aids; shut the F up; and go the F away!
Take it from someone in Annapolis.
You are clearly of superior intelligence then Mr. Glass….
You’ll pander to anyone that supports a view that you vehemently hold yourself. Regardless of their authenticity or yours. “B”… anonymous occupier of the second letter of the alphabet and not much of anything else outside of a nasty forum in a local news rag on the internet. A Coliseum where you can see Christians thrown to lions and the adoring blood hungry crowd screaming for more.
No pandering, just pointing out the standard liberal personal attack, void of any fact.
You are clearly of superior intelligence then Because.
screw you both the correct word is ‘than’
Well more like someone that is tired of his moronic actions. I am tired of people that get elected for the wrong reason. He knows that he has no ability to fix this issue but will use it to make himself look like he is on top of the issues. This is a man that still can not find his seat on the floor of the house. He gets lost walking to and from his office. Needs to be reminded each time to sign in so he can vote and so many other unbelievable things you would think he was in some low budget movie.
Glen we have a book of every stupid thing you have done or said in office and we have included the stupid and drunken things your aides have done. The day you announce your running again we will start posting them.
Like the time you picked up some unknown shady type drug dealers on the way to Annapolis and left them alone in your office and building security and the capital police needed to come. Ya thats the stuff Im talking about, The Glass-Man I know.
Normally if one has something important or intelligent to add they can do it with less profanity – the generous use of such usually is an indicator of less an ability to convincingly champion an opinion that others give a patuty about.