From Del. Pat McDonough:
The burden on the citizen taxpayer will never stop if the so-called Dream Act is allowed to become law. Let us put aside emotional misinformation and whip out our calculators. One illegal alien student completing a four year college program will cost the taxpayers $42,000. It breaks down to an $8,000 tuition discount for 2 years of community college and a $32,000 discount for 2 years at the University of Maryland. The advocates for the Dream Act claim that only 1% of the student body statewide will be illegal aliens. That translates into 1,500 Dream Act students per year, costing the taxpayers $63,000 annually. When all 4 classes are established and in place, taxpayers will be compelled to pay $228 million a year.
All 16 community colleges in Maryland, including Harford Community College, are currently underfunded. Most of them have increased their tuition rates at least twice during the past four years. Every time an illegal alien student assumes a slot, a reduced amount of funding is suffered by the community college. As the revenue in college decreases and the student burdens increase, the number of slots available is reduced. “Open enrollment” is based only on revenue availability. The Dream Act will create “displacement” of Maryland citizen students. Last year, about 27,000 people applied for entrance into the University of Maryland. Only 7,000 were accepted.
Presently tens of thousands of American out of state students and foreign nationals pay hundreds of millions of dollars into our education system. They must pay out-of-state tuition fees. Their contributions pay for about 25% of the operating costs of colleges, bringing relief to Maryland taxpayers. The Dream Act student, not having to pay out-of-state tuition costs if the Dream Act is enacted, will displace these out-of-state tuition students, causing a loss in revenue. This loss must be replaced by the taxpayers, tuition increases, or reduced spending.
The amazing fact is that taxpayers, at some point in time, will be paying more than $200 million a year to educate people who cannot legally work in this state or country. It is a federal felony for an employer to hire anyone who is an illegal alien. Even President Obama’s temporary deferment does not provide them with lawful presence or permanent residence. “The Obama memo” of temporary deferment for work permits probably will not survive judicial review.
The Dream Act does not require the payment of taxes. It simply mandates the filing of tax returns. In many cases, illegal aliens send part of their income back to their homelands depriving America of the cash stimulus the American economy needs. The Pew Hispanic Center estimates that $32 billion dollars is funneled to Mexico alone, establishing that country’s largest revenue source.
The Dream Act claims that students will sign an affidavit promising to seek out a pathway to citizenship. Under current federal law, as illegal aliens they have no pathway to citizenship available. Therefore, the affidavit which is supposed to be a legal document is, in reality, a useless deception.
The “People’s Petition” collected more than 130,000 signatures in less than 60 days. Many of them came from Harford County. That effort was an historic achievement propelled by the people’s passion regarding the unfairness of the Dream Act. That passion will continue on November 6th Election Day when the voters will support the rule of law, citizenship, fairness, and economic justice for taxpayers and vote “No” to Question 4.
Serving the People,
Delegate Pat McDonough
What are we getting ourselves into, if President Obama returns to the Capital? The major issue that is a threat to America’s economy is the promise of Obama in approving a passage of amnesty for the 20 million or more of illegal aliens who have illicitly settled in the United States. The fact that neither party will enact E-Verify, part of the LEGAL WORKFORCE ACT, which would ensure illegal aliens, will not no longer be stealing jobs from the 7.9 citizens or legal residents? ICE will prosecute employers to the full extent of the law, if only this bill becomes a nationwide event; same as THE BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP BILL. Both bills are held up and not going the floor, as both political parties are held hostage by the Senate majority speaker Nevada’s Harry Reid and the upper elites in the Republican Party. The public gets no say in the matter as the special interests groups buy their votes.
A straightforward adjustment to the BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP BILL would eliminate pregnant women smuggling their unborn into America. If every parent who slips past our border guards or hops off a plane on our soil would think differently knowing that unless they were citizens, their child could not collect a path to citizenship. Annually around 400.000 women smuggle their unborn into America, attracted by all the free welfare programs including the hospital delivery. The Present law that is driven by the 14th Amendment brings in pregnant woman that has led eventually to the DREAM ACT and hundreds of thousands of kids are passed onto the taxpayer. This seemingly innocent invasion will never end, unless the people of this nation speak up and do something. Taxpayers are the payee for every migrant and illegal immigrant who reaches this country, but the Democrats and GOP just allow it to continue. The only opponents are the TEA PARTY who are slowly gaining headway, inside the Republican Party and ousting incumbents.
The Liberal media stays silent about another amnesty being pressed by Obama in a possible next term and major news is severely suppressed such as the Benghazi murderous carnage. Of course the truth about this terrible incident has been carefully concealed by the main stream press as the general election closes in? They have no intentions of causing a storm before the voting is caste. Three men plus the Ambassador, who ended up dead, continuously demanded help from the U.S. government that was denied. Investigate the facts of this awful issue at FOXNEWS or complete a search on any major Search Engine. Same with the energy industry who have been intimidated by Obama’s goons in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that have placed obstacles for requested permits. Readers only have to look at the governmental impediments to run the Canadian pipeline of oil supplies to Texas. That gas prices keep rising, because Obama’s liberal Czars think that Windmills, Solar and other forms of green energy could take the place of fossil fuels?
Gasoline, natural gas and clean coal are in demand now and have been cut back, because of the involvement with the environmentalists. Then we have the “Fast and Furious” gun running controversy. High powered weapons ending up in the hands of the drug cartels and another on the hands of the top officials. Maybe not Obama directly involved in these actions, except his idea to give every American and illegal alien a right to nationalized health care, which will be a monolithic burden around the neck of every taxpayer and businesses alike. Its not right that the U.S. courts can force on all taxpayers, over 113 billion dollars a year to support foreign nationals. Its no right that we must indulge illegal aliens and their children for their rest of their lives. DOESN’T THIS GOVERNMENT UNDERSTAND, OR ANY PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATION, POLITICIAN, ELECTED OFFICIAL COMPREHEND THAT BY CONTINUOUSLY FINANCING ILLEGAL ALIENS, WITH WELFARE AND OTHER PUBLIC FUNDS THAT THE WELCOME MAT WILL ATTRACT THE POVERTY AND DESPERATE OF OTHER NATIONS.
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
We’ve been doing it a long time and still managed.
give me your tired LEGALLY!! Most of us come from Immagrants WHO DID IT LEGALLY. Sick of people being denied access to this country whilest doing it throught the legal channels only to have border jumpers walk in and get hand outs. What kind of message does this send. Sick and tired of my hard earned money going to those who dont deserve it. If you vote for this please wear a big sticker that says you did, do that I can know whom to call a peice of crap. Dont give us the whole compassion story. We are out of money, and out of Compassion for the likes of you.
Isn’t it sad you had to take the time to write that?
NEWS FLASH FOLKS: Illegal aliens should be DEPORTED, because, well, they’re illegal!!! Come in legally, then we’ll talk.
Think about it. How many millions of dollars do we spend patrolling our borders, putting lives at stake? Heck, there’s even a TV show about it.
Now, a bunch of morons want to REWARD those who slip through? So, now, we’re supposed to spend money (and risk lives) to keep them out, then spend even more money to give them a better life?
Give me a break!
Give me your tired and poor “legally”. In past years you had to have a sponsor to even come here legally. They were responsible for you. We don’t have the money to give anymore. America is in debt. While it’s compassionate to give we need to take care of our own citizens first. There are no free rides. It’s right sad when an American citizen who is class valedictorian gets 1 senatorial scholarshp. She had to beg to the Unvi. of MD. in order to get a partial scholarship for 2 years, and I mean partial. It was about 1/4 of the tuition. She wants to be a doctor and has no idea hpw to pay for it. Our citizens are hurting. We should help our top of the class citizens first. They will give back to America.
Every show needs a buffoon clown and Pat is it!
I’d like for you to tell that to our border partol police (and their families) who risk their lives to keep people out of this country, while people like you are encouraging more illegal aliens and putting their lives at risk.
You may be proud to be liberal (and that’s your right) but you should be ashamed to be an idiot!
PTBL, this is how you and others like you respond when you don’t have real answers.
You know when you have hit a mark when a “liberal” starts name calling because they have nothing to add. Seriously, your name should be “proud to be a piece of shit”
Why would we pay to educate students who legally can’t even work in this country?
Thanks to Obama, his Attorney General Eric Holder and Operation Fast & Furious border patrol agent Brian Terry and many more are dead. Obama bypassed congress and declared no more illegals will be deported, unless they commit a crime,( and I thought sneaking into this country was a crime, guess not!) The Dream (nightmare) Act will make MD more of a sanctuary state then it already is and will further burden the taxpayers
even though we’re already billions in the red.
Fast and Furious was started during the administration of the criminal George Bush. I love the way Republicans blame everything on Obama, yet lack the personal responsibility to accept that it was the greedy, rich, Republican leadership that released those guns in Mexico and bankrupted this country. What a bunch of fools…….
Your right, Fast and Furious did start with Bush but why hasn’t Obama stopped it or Holder. Oh yea because he did a great job of closing Gitmo…NOT. He is all talk. Keep blaming Bush buddy someday people will care. And racism in a party. Correct me if I am wrong but there is a state above us, West Virginia that has statues all over the place of a KKK person. Oh my bad a former KKK member. But that is different because he is a demoncrat. Your party is just as bad as the republicans. Glass house buddy.
Fast and Furious did not start under Bush. There was a similar program under Bush but it was over. The actual failed program was initiated after Barry moved into the people’s house.
Operation wide receiver started and ended under Bush in 07. No guns were lost track of. Operation fast and furious started in 09 under Obama, and thousands were lost, hundreds of Mexicans murdered by those guns, and two Americans….. And Obama covered it up.
Sorry you are WRONG. Fast and Furious was started under Obama. The Linebacker program was started under George Bush. The Guns were tagged with hidden GPS locators and were recovered once they crossed into Mexico. The guns were ALL recovered, the criminals were arrested, the operation was then closed. FFL dealers were not forced to comply and sell the guns as they did under Obamas Fast and Furious. They were two different programs. You would know this if you had half a brain and did not rely on MSNBC for you daily dictation. Do you homework and stop regurgitating everything you hear on television you mindless peon.
Operation Wide Receiver, not linebacker. (Just so you don’t get hosed by the idiots for one football position name difference on a program, my God…what a huge gaffe right?)
Bunch of fools?
Operation Wide Receiver: Started and ENDED under Bush! Used a very limited number of weapons WITH GPS TRACKERS (F&F can’t even begin to make that claim).
Please…learn the facts, not the lies before you continue to perpetuate them.
Lets not forget the thousands who come here to give birth, then return to their country with their new United States Citizen and apply for benefits.
Many stay, become productive members of society and have to listen to uptight ignorant naturally born citizens bitch about them for the rest of their lives.
It is funny that you show compassion to someone who breaks our laws to illegally enter the country, yet support terminating babies. I have no problem with immigration David, and believe that the system needs reform to make it easier and more streamlined to become a member. You should open your eyes to the destruction of those jobs that provide for your cushy government job David.
No one is threatening to take Mr. Porter’s job. If they were he would be howling like a wounded coyote.
They are actually taking jobs that poor American’s could be working at – that would be the poor whites, the poor Hispanics here legally and the poor black young people. The unemployment rate is sky high in all 3 of these areas but the Dem/Libs only care about poor people when it comes time for voting. Then they feed them a truckload of bs that says if you don’t vote for us Dem/Libs things will be some much worse. When confronted with the facts about the failures of Mr. Obama the answer is that any critic of the President is a racist. And if the critic is a black person he is worse than a racist, he is an Oreo. The law is the law only when it suits the Dem/Libs and if a law is inconvenient for them then it gets circumvented by an executive order.
Leaving the President for a moment I know that Brian Terry is dead and it is the Holder led Justice Department that caused his death. Many top executives in failed companies had their companies bailed out and personally enriched themselves and it is and was the Geithner Treasury Department that allowed/encouraged it to happen. But Obama doesn’t have time for cleaning up his own mess, he is too busy campaigning and having a beer on the White House lawn to make people forget that he shot himself in the foot blasting the Cambridge Police Department to help his racist buddy Skip Gates.
Hear me well. I had believed that this country badly needed a black President for more reasons than I could ever list here. Barack Obama was simply the wrong person. He has no leadership qualities and that is what this country needs. Badly needs.
No issue illustrates how brain-dead Maryland liberals are better than the Dream Act. It is outrageous to subsidize lawbreaking, and that is exactly what is being proposed here.
Let’s stop pretending what this law is all about. It isn’t about educating children, or improving their lives; it is a clear attempt to buy the Latino votes for Democratic candidates, and to cement the loyalty of that ethnic group to the Democratic Party.
Mvphkr, Amen. You hit it on the head. Why wait until election time to campaign; do it all year with the middle class money that Obama wants to protect. Then idiots like PTBL will have something to talk about.
Well, the Republican Party is relying on mass racism for the support of ROMNEY!
What an astute, adult and well thought through response. Everyone knows that the republican party’s main goal is to stop all African-Americans from gaining anything in this country. Sure they do!
If that were true, Obama would not have been elected in the first place.
The Dream Act is for the children who were brought into the country illegally by a parent – possibly when they were infants. If these children did not go to college – that money wouldn’t be in the system anyway! They are not receiving financial aid or any type of loans or grants to finance their education. Didn’t the President try to pass this legislation before? Since they are here – let’s grant them a path to citizenship. And, please – no one is taking your job. They are working at jobs that we American’s turn our noses up!
“And, please – no one is taking your job. They are working at jobs that we American’s turn our noses up!”
One of the biggest lies liberals tell. There are plenty of Americans who want to landscape, or clean houses. Go to any construction site anywhere around Baltimore. They aren’t taking my job, but they are taking plenty of other peoples.
There on plenty of people on Welfare who should be made to do those jobs you say the illegals do.
Name one college degreed field that currently is having such a problem finding suitable employees that businesses are hiring illegal aliens.
“The Dream Act is for the children who were brought into the country illegally by a parent – possibly when they were infants. If these children did not go to college – that money wouldn’t be in the system anyway! They are not receiving financial aid or any type of loans or grants to finance their education. ”
True-but now the competition pool is now bigger for the totally legal graduating seniors, so don’t complain when you kid doesn’t get accepted into UMBC because Juan did.
” Didn’t the President try to pass this legislation before? Since they are here – let’s grant them a path to citizenship. And, please – no one is taking your job. They are working at jobs that we American’s turn our noses up!”
Once they get their precious degrees by taking college seats from legal citizens-they won’t want to do those jobs that you say americans turn their nose up.
No one will do the jobs because you are not offering a fair wage for the job. That is why you have the turnout for jobs you are speaking of. Please explain why you hire illegals, then again its not necessary, it is because they are the only ones willing to do the job for the money you offer. Tell the truth and not the Republican BS you are spreading, Oh, my fault, I forgot that it is impossible for a Republican to tell the truth because their vision is obscurred by racism to rid the country of our first black president. This is the policy that Republican leaders started as soon as Obama took office. Your reasoning is flawed, Your party is broken and divided, Your employees are illegals and your vote is pre-decided. Thank god Maryland is a blue state and the Republican presidential vote means nothing in Maryland……..
The illegals have all learned how to game the system. They share social security numbers, purchase legit ones, and make them up because the government doesn’t boot them when there are obvious issues with their background checks. You are not allowed to question someones background or you can get sued for violating their civil rights. Some of the wages you speak of that are “unfair” are set by the Davis-Bacon wage scale set by the government, and are quite high. The illegals are not just taking the lower waged positions anymore. The truth is like i said above, you can go to any construction site and see what I say is true.
@B-do you have a direct knowledge that these construction workers are illegal or that “the look” illegal to you? In America, merely the thinking like, acting like and walking like are not the same as actually being one and are no grounds for questioning and detaining someone based on looks. I personally know a couple of people whom overstayed their student visa and are working to get it back…they don’t look illegal as you would see them, but they are nonetheless…, stop assuming that people are not here legally unless you know that for a fact and don’t just brush it off as you know how things work or don’t work. Tu no sabes nada!!
Roman- y tu es tonto
@monster- the correct phrasing would be “Tu eres tonto” but in your case come mierda is more like it-translated loosely to “shit eater”.
roman, thanks for correcting my Spanish. Since I live in America, I do my speaking and writing in English. Let me make this plain to you- you are a big bullshitter.
I believe that it takes one to know one.
Try asking them, they will tell you. There is no fear of getting deported anymore. And you run into more illegals then just Hispanics like you are assuming. Asian, eastern european and african are getting more and more common. No assumptions, this is a major problem in our country and too many like you have your head in the sand. You know a couple illegals, but they must be the only ones, right?
Dear Pat: Thank you for your letter. I totally agree with your position and have voted against the Dream Act on an absentee ballot. One thing that I wished to point out that your letter did not is that your figures are only representative of a 4-year undergraduate education. My absentee ballot did not go into this and it was, therefore, somewhat muddy to me, but what about a graduate degree? Let me explain.
Five years ago, I decided to seek admission to UM and UB law schools. I was born in Maryland, I was raised in Maryland, I have worked my entire adult life in Maryland and my son was born and is being raised in the great State of Maryland. I have worked here since I was 15 years of age (I am now 35). One of the forms that both schools required as a “Petition for In-State Tuition.” The forms nicely advised me that in the event they decided I was worthy of a seat, I had to file this form EVERY YEAR. In other words, the default rule was “I wasn’t a citizen of the State of Maryland” until they decided I was a citizen. The form required: my driver’s licensed information, my home address, any property I own in the state, where I was registered to vote, where my cars were registered (and for how long had they been registered), where my income taxes were filed, on and on this went. I was shocked! In order to obtain a benefit that my tax dollars go to support, I had to PROVE to the State that I lived in this State, not just once, but for 4 years in succession, and if they deemed I wasn’t a resident at any time, they would automatically charge me as a Out of State student (and possibly back-charge me). I thought this was ludicious! Yes, I understand the need to check and make sure fraud wasn’t being committed, however, it is extremely easy to determine if this stuff is true.
On the other hand, under the Dream Act, someone who is in my State illegally, gets the benefits, nearly automatically, that I have to prove every year!!! They merely have to file an Affidavit saying they intend to become a resident. After doing so, they have the presumption of in-state tuition while I, a legal and taxpaying resident, have to prove it.
The end of my story was that both of my applications for admissions to both of my home schools was rejected. I sought and obtained admission to Widener University School of Law in Wilmington, DE. There are no differentials of tuition in DE. The sad thing is though, over $100k in tuition has been paid to an out-of-state school on my behalf! I will NEVER support or contribute to either UM or UB (they have sent me requests for donations even though my applications were rejected). Any donations that I make, will be sent to Stevenson University for its Evening Division Students and to Widener University School of Law for its Evening Division. I will contribute to the law school that took a chance on a working mom who had never sat for a standardized test before and didn’t do so well but, once in, I academically thrived (top 20% of my class).
The time for benefits for folks who do not contribute to the system needs to stop! Maryland needs to take care of her citizens (i.e., taxpayers!) and stop concerning itself with individuals who are not residents.
Amen. And congratulations on taking the hard path and doing the hard work all the way to the end. Your story is, or at least should be, the theme for what makes America great. UM and UB lost but you won.
I would like to believe that their asking you for money is brazen chutzpah but alas I know that it is is just bungling stupidity. I attended both schools and each time I see their names on my CV I always regret that it isn’t another school.
The question is, “why should undocumented students pay in-state tuition?” To continue their education pathway; to be on the right path to citizenship; to call this country their true home. Remember, these young adults were brought to this country when they were very young by parents who wanted better than what was offered in their home country; the only home they know is the United States! Undocumented people in this country are not going away. Legislation needs to be passed to give them legal residence in the US. You cannot deport everyone – it does not make economic sense. Besides, with legal residency, all jobs are up for grabs, not just construction and may the best legal resident win! Also, could we stop with the people on welfare? Many people who receive gov’t assistant work. They need that assistance to keep food on the table – it’s not a handout but a hand up.
Many of your fellow Marylanders object to having Marty and his cronies in Annapolis pass laws intended to expand the illegal resident population in Maryland. I’m sorry that so many illegal residents decided to leave their home countries because it was easier to come here than to stay and try to improve their own homes. Perhaps they should investigate colleges in their home countries… it’s typically a fraction of the cost of a crappy US college education – even in-state rates. Rewards for bad behavior don’t deter bad behavior.
Why not do away with out-of-state tuition for everyone then?
Please don’t succumb to this man’s ugliness. The Republicans tried to BUY the election through their big money elitism; they tried to DENY voters who didn’t fit into their economic and racial profile through these bogus Voter ID movements; and they just outright LIE when they can’t prove themselves any other way(like the disgusting Question 6 adds). They have become the party of hostility and malice, and let’s bury Mr. McDonough,Mr Akin, Mr. Limbaugh, and Ms.Coulter and their ilk, once and for all.
Only if you agree to bury Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow? or do they only speak the truth?
Republicans buy elections, Democrats steal them.
Which is worse?
Would you rather have someone buy your car or steal your car?
Obama has spent more…..
Q., you slimey weasel, you never have anything factual to add to anything. You don’t answer questions when you are challenged. You don’t backup allegations that you make. You are a piece of crap. I would really like to meet you.
Monster, Why would you want to “meet a piece of crap?” LOL
Seriously, we should have an in person debate sometime, maybe rent a room at the library or something. Me, you, and local, I am sure will be happy to pay more than our fair share of the rent for the room.
The first topic of discussion: “what if they taxed common sense?” HMMM.
Brianczaw, you are correct. This Q guy only leaves short comments and never answers anything. He also, like most liberals, charges racism when someone says something with which he disagrees.
Now, I like your idea of the debate. But you know that they don’t have the guts or the ability to defend their position. I was a bit disappointed in the Republicans during this election for being too defensive about a number of issues. Good comment on taxing common sense. PTBL and Because wouldn’t have to pay a penny.