From the Harford County Republican Central Committee:
Ballot Guide:
The Republican Central Committee of Harford County voted to take the following positions regarding these Maryland State Ballot initiatives– please consider this when marking your ballots.
Statewide Ballot Questions
Question 3: Constitutional Amendment – Suspension and Removal of Elected Officials
Republican Party Recommended Vote: FOR
Changes the point at which an elected official charged with certain crimes is automatically suspended or removed from office. Under existing law, an elected official who is convicted or pleads no contest is suspended and is removed only when the conviction becomes final. Under the amended law, an elected official is suspended when found guilty and is removed when the conviction becomes final or when the elected official pleads guilty or no contest.
Question 4: Referendum Petition Public Institutions of Higher Education – In State Tuition Rates for Illegal Aliens
Republican Party Recommended Vote: AGAINST
Establishes that individuals, including undocumented immigrants, are eligible to pay in-state tuition rates at community colleges in Maryland, provided the student meets certain conditions relating to attendance and graduation from a Maryland high school, filing of income taxes, intent to apply for permanent residency, and registration with the selective service system (if required); makes such students eligible to pay in-state tuition rates at a four-year public college or university if the student has first completed 60 credit hours or graduated from a community college in Maryland; provides that students qualifying for in-state tuition rates by this method will not be counted as in-state students for purposes of counting undergraduate enrollment; and extends the time in which honorably discharged veterans may qualify for in-state tuition rates.
Question 5: Referendum Petition Congressional Redistricting Plan
Republican Party Recommended Vote: AGAINST
Establishes the boundaries for the State’s eight United States Congressional Districts based on recent census figures, as required by the United States Constitution.
Question 6: Referendum Petition Civil Marriage Protection Act
Republican Party Recommended Vote: AGAINST
Establishes that Maryland’s civil marriage laws allow gay and lesbian couples to obtain a civil marriage license, provided they are not otherwise prohibited from marrying; protects clergy from having to perform any particular marriage ceremony in violation of their religious beliefs; affirms that each religious faith has exclusive control over its own theological doctrine regarding who may marry within that faith; and provides that religious organizations and certain related entities are not required to provide goods, services, or benefits to an individual related to the celebration or promotion of marriage in violation of their religious beliefs.
Question 7: Gaming Expansion Referendum – Gaming Expansion
Republican Party Recommended Vote: AGAINST
Do you favor the expansion of commercial gaming in the State of Maryland for the primary purpose of raising revenue for education to authorize video lottery operation licensees to operate “table games” as defined by law; to increase from 15,000 to 16,500 the maximum number of video lottery terminals that may be operated in the State; and to increase from 5 to 6 the maximum number of video lottery operational licenses that may be awarded in the State and allow a video lottery facility to operate in Prince George’s County.
Harford County Charter Amendments 2012
At the last Republican Central Committee of Harford County meeting, we were not able to vote on any of the Harford County Ballot initiatives, but Vice Chairman Scott DeLong prepared these thoughts on the issues. To reiterate, below are NOT official positions, but just some thoughts that Scott DeLong put together.
QUESTION A Charter Amendment Vacancy of the County Executive
To Amend the Harford County Charter by requiring the County Council to fill the position of County Executive within 30 days with a qualified voter of the same political party as the immediately preceding County Executive. In the event a vacancy is filled 90 days or more prior to the next congressional primary election, the position of County Executive will appear on that ballot. The appointed or elected County Executive shall serve for the remainder of the unexpired term.
For Question A – A vote in favor would allow the County Council to fill the vacant County Executive position with a county voter of the same political party as the departing County Executive who would serve until the next regularly scheduled election either the off year Congressional election cycle or presidential election cycle. This allows the voters verdict as to the party they prefer for the County Executive in the original election to remain while potential moving up the time that the County Executive would stand for election. For example, if a vacancy were to occur after the election in 201, the County Council would select a Republican to fill the office. Then the new County Executive would have stood for election in 2012. Under the current law the County Council could select anyone regardless of party to fill the vacancy & that person would have served the entire term up to 2014. This change would allow the will of the people to stand from the previous election while moving up the date at which the new County Executive would face the voters.
QUESTION B Charter Amendment Post Council Employment
To Amend the Harford County Charter by allowing County Council Members after they leave office to apply for employment with the Harford County Government.
Against Question B – the current 2 year prohibition is sound government. We must not allow a revolving door of government employment to become established in Harford. This will continue to promote honesty & transparency in government. Council members should return to the private sector where they will have to live under the effects of the legislation they have passed. Just because other counties do not have a time prohibition for county employment is no reason to not have it here. Harford has benefited from the 2 year prohibition.
QUESTION C Charter Amendment Eligibility for Redistricting Commission
To Amend the Harford County Charter by expanding eligibility for appointment to the Redistricting Commission for any political party with at least 15% of the total registered voters and a representative not a member of any political party already represented.
Against Question C – Appointments to the county redistricting commission should be awarded solely on the basis of votes cast. Parties are then incentivized to run candidates for all county offices & turn out their voters. The only voters that count are the ones that cast ballots.
QUESTION D Charter Amendment Exempt Employees
To Amend the Harford County Charter to modify the list of exempt personnel positions to be consistent with the pay and classification plan.
For Question D – a vote in favor would modify the list of exempt employees to include the County Executive’s Chief of Staff, County Council Attorney, County Council Legislative Aides & the County Auditor to be classified as “exempt serve” that may be terminated at will.
QUESTION E Charter Amendment Definition of a Pending Zoning Case
To Amend the Harford County Charter by defining a pending zoning case as a current case filed and/or pending with the Zoning Hearing Examiner, County Council, Circuit Court for Harford County and/or Court.
For Question E – This would clarify what the council may discuss with their constituents and allow council members to discuss the issues.
QUESTION F Charter Amendment Posting Requirements for Public Notices
To Amend the Harford County Charter by requiring public notices be posted in one newspaper widely circulated in Harford County and on an official site.
Against Question F – The posting requirements for public notices should remain as two widely circulated Harford County newspapers. The previous requirement was for these notices to be listed LOCALLY published newspapers. The proposed amendment is offered because there are no longer any locally published newspapers since the Aegis is published in Baltimore.
QUESTION G Charter Amendment Filing Dates for Annual Budget
To Amend the Harford County Charter by allowing an additional 15 days for the budget to be submitted by the County Executive and adopted by the County Council.
For Question G – This will give the County Executive extra time to prepare the budget taking into consideration legislation passed in the Maryland General Assembly which may fiscally impact Harford. Often the General Assembly has not finalized the state budget by the time the County Executive must finalize the budget he will submit.
How exactly does Question 3 change the current point at which an elected official is removed?
Currently they are removed once sentencing is handed down by the judge, which can be 3+ months after conviction or plea.
See the Anne Arundel County (I think) mess. Furthermore PG county would have the same problem except the two stepped down!
“Parties are then incentivized to run candidates for all county offices & turn out their voters.”
While I agree with their sentiment to some extent I did not know the voters are owned by the party. What about independents? CAN THEY BE ON THE COMMISSION? I always thought when I vote I should vote for the best candidate regardless of party. Does this mean I now need to consider who I vote for in that case?
“Do you favor the expansion of commercial gaming in the State of Maryland for the primary purpose of raising revenue for education to authorize video lottery operation licensees to operate “table games” as defined by law; to increase from 15,000 to 16,500 the maximum number of video lottery terminals that may be operated in the State; and to increase from 5 to 6 the maximum number of video lottery operational licenses that may be awarded in the State and allow a video lottery facility to operate in Prince George’s County.”
Clearly this is a question it should end in a question mark and does not explain their position?
What’s the republican central committee’s position on if I want to mate with my goat?
is it male or female?
Your goat wouldn’t want you. It has better taste.