From Marylanders for Marriage Equality:
Obama for America spokesman Frank Benenati issued a statement today on Maryland’s Question 6, the Civil Marriage Protection Act.
“While the president does not weigh in on every single ballot measure in every state, the president believes in treating everyone fairly and equally, with dignity and respect. Maryland’s same-sex marriage law would treat all Maryland couples equally, and that is why the president supports Question 6.”
Marylanders for Marriage Equality issued this statement from campaign manager Josh Levin.
“We’re very grateful for President Obama’s support of Question 6. Like a majority of Marylanders, he believes in treating everyone fairly and equally under the law. Many voters identify with his journey on the issue and his leadership has been instrumental in jumpstarting the conversation on marriage equality around dinner table – and in changing attitudes on the issue.”
The endorsement comes as the campaign begins running a radio ad featuring the President:
This is amazing! The stars line up like this only every so often… A chance to cast one vote and have it go against Obama, O’Malley, and gay marriage at the same time! Sigh, while I will enjoy this only once people like Wendy Rosen will counter it numerous times…
In the Sunpaper today was a article by O’Malley & that idiot Michael (no, you cannot have a 16oz soda) Bloomberg supporting gay marriage. Almost anything Bloomberg, O’malley or Obama support I’ll be sure to vote against. It says alot about how low this country has descended when these guys are our leaders.
People this question 6 has testicles to it. This will open up floodgates you will not be able to stop. In Brazil they married 3 people. YES…think, educate, learn and understand what you are voting for. It is not just about the GAY population. It also is a money line to fill up the ballot box for a certain party.
Beware the slippery slope as it is covered in astroglide.
This is not true, is multiple marriage legal in New York, California, or any other states where this has approved?? Show me one place where Same Sex marriage has done this?? Same sex marriage strengthens families because it removes hate and allows people who love each other the same opportunities as anyone else, your bigotry and hate is what is destroying this country.
i think LOCALGUY just won the contest for Best Dagger Comment Ever.
Lawyers love this law think of all the discrimination lawsuits they can file when someone declines to provide wedding services based ON THEIR RELIGIOUS beliefs. It has already begun in New York. I can see the Johnny Cochran Firm comercials being developed as I write…..
A bunch of Bigots here, I am glad the president is standing up and doing the right thing and supporting a great cause.
I am a white, Christian, employed, Gun-owner. I would like to be treated equal as well.
I am a white, 20 yrs of being employed, atheist, gun loving liberal who shoots once a week. If you want equality then pray for it. Otherwise grant it to everyone.