From Harford County Public Schools:
The Board of Education of Harford County met in an open business meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, October 22, 2012, in the Board Room of the HCPS/A.A. Roberty Building and took the following actions or received the following presentations:
Unanimously voted Francis F. “Rick” Grambo as president and Nancy Reynolds as vice president of the Board of Education. President Grambo and Vice President Reynolds will serve the remainder of the existing term which ends on June 30, 2013.
Recognized the following:
– HCPS Educator Hall of Fame – Mr. James R. Murdza
– Ring Factory Elementary School – National Blue Ribbon School
Approved the Consent Agenda:
1. Minutes of Previous Board Meeting: October 8, 2012
2. Monthly Personnel Report – October 2012
a. American Education Week
b. Impact Area Aid Assistance
c. American Patriotism in Harford County Public Schools
d. National Educational Support Professionals Day
e. National Family Week
Received the Superintendent’s Report:
– Highlighting the Lipdub video (music video) that was produced by the more than 1,300 students and staff of Edgewood High School. The theme of the video was a zombie invasion that presents a unified front of spirit and the pride of the Edgewood Community. Visit the following link to access the video.
Approved Phase 3 of the Performance Contract in the amount of $16,069,058 to Johnson Controls. The performance contract has guaranteed energy savings over the next 15 years.
Approved the request to proceed with bidding of the financing package for the Energy Performance Contract capital improvements.
Received a presentation on the Annual Financial Report and Auditors Report for the Year Ending June 30, 2012.
Received a presentation on the following Board policies:
– Epinephrine Availability and Use – The new policy includes the addition of training of school personnel on signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis.
– Prohibition of Gang-Related Activities – Amended in 2011, the policy now needs a few minor amendments as per MSDE. The change states that the policy must specifically refer to the standard reporting and investigation forms that the school system will be using.
– School Activity Funds – Updating the language of the existing policy to make it more robust. Additionally, this policy has not been reviewed since 2002.
The decision on the changes to the above policies will be held over for 30 days to allow for public comment. To submit comment on the proposed changes, visit the school system website at and access the ‘Board’ tab.
Received the second presentation in the Strategic Plan Update Series entitled Postsecondary Data.
I’m not usually a big fan of singing or dancing or school or children or Edgewood, but when they all come together in this video, it really is pretty outstanding and worth watching:
Very cool!
Awesome video
Another example that Edgewood is so much more than those areas that the media loves to highlight! Well-done!
And as a former player under Mr. Murdza, let me say that the man just flat-out ROCKS! To this day! And it was a gas playing under him, not only in school, but in the alumni jazz band as well. Some of the best years of my life — and some great memories to boot. Now: Since the county school system has seen fit to honor Mr. Murdza, how about the EHS Hall of Fame correcting its massive oversight for not inducting the greatest band leader the school ever had, huh!?