From Patrick McGrady:
There is an important event that is taking place on Wednesday, October 17, 2012 that has ramifications for the future of Harford County, Maryland, and our Republic.
The Republican Central Committee of Harford County has invited Republican officials who disagree about the role and scope of local government to our meeting this Wednesday (at 220 S. Main Street Bel Air, MD, in the Second floor meeting room) to debate where and how we should live as free Americans.
Here in Harford County, our Republican County Executive has entered our County into a contract of membership with an organization called the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives. This organization, ICLEI for short, has a mission of “promoting local action for global sustainability.” This membership costs a few thousand dollars per year, and allows Harford County’s planners to receive training and materials from the organization.
You can see their website here:
And here’s a press release from County Executive Craig’s office about joining ICLEI back in 2010: PDF LINK:
Now, here’s where the debate starts: In Carroll County, back in 2010, a team of 5 new Republican County Commissioners were elected and immediately acted to eliminate Carroll County’s membership in ICLEI. The Carroll Commissioners argue that ICLEI is a means for international interests to control populations via restrictions on property rights, limited development of private property, and yielding local control to international organizations. They contend that ICLEI is nothing but a program called Agenda 21 that is implemented at a local level– here’s a quick video about Agenda 21:
And here’s Agenda 21, straight from the UN: There is some pretty scary language in there.
Commissioner Rothschild argues that Liberal Democratic Governor Martin O’Malley’s aggressive PlanMaryland agenda is Agenda 21 implemented at the State level– destroying the property rights of all rural Marylanders through regulations that limit the sewer and water systems that can be used on land all over the state.
Where do you stand on this? Want to learn more?
Commissioner Richard Rothschild will be at the Harford County Republican Central Committee meeting on Wednesday, October 17, 2012 at 6:30PM to explain his position on ICLEI and the role of property rights in America.
Our Republican County Executive, David Craig, has agreed to send a representative to argue the case for ICLEI, and I encourage you to attend.
This debate is furious in the Republican Party today– the Republican Party platform adopted at the GOP convention added this language to the platform: “We strongly reject the U.N. Agenda 21 as erosive of American sovereignty, and we oppose any form of U.N. Global Tax.” See the entire platform here:
This is a great opportunity to learn about the issues and make up your own mind about the direction of the County in terms of property rights.
Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend this momentous meeting (because I will be on my honeymoon in the Carribbean) but I encourage you to attend and GET INVOLVED IN THE PARTY!
Come out, meet the Republican Central Committee members, hear two sides within the Republican Party, and PICK UP YOUR SIGNS FOR THE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES!
I hope you can make it.
For the Republic,
Patrick McGrady
I neglected to include the location of this meeting:
220 S Main Street in Bel Air
Second Floor Conference Room
6:30 PM Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Boy oh boy Patrick, you really made a thumbs down worthy, smarmy, contentious comment when you apologized and posted the address of the debate. The Dagger is a great local news source. But, some of the respondents sure use this forum like teenagers involved in a popularity contest!
Can it be any more obvious that County Executive David Craig is an all-out Socialist posing as a Republican?
This sounds like another interesting debate here in Harford County. I’m glad to see folks seeking information from multiple sources rather than following lock step based on party leadership.
The following quote from The Dagger Press on 8/24/12, we are fortunate to know where Captain Jim McMahan stands. We can only hope he holds his position against this.
“Subject: Plan Maryland Aug 16 (1200 to 1315)
The State of Maryland is going full steam ahead on Plan Maryland which, in my opinion, is a great affront to our authority as the County Council. Under the new catch word ‘sustainability’, it is obvious the State of Maryland is taking the approach that mother knows what is best and don’t talk back. Sustainability when defined as the proper utilization of resources is fine but, when it becomes part of the ‘takeover’, it is a threat to liberty and freedom. (Learn more about Agenda 21.)”
This is a very, very serious issue with grave consequences.
Republicans and Democrats alike should attend this informative event. There are Democrats against Agenda 21 as well.
I will be there.
PlanMD and Smart Growth are policies that originated at the United Nations through Agenda 21. President Clinton charged his Presidents Council on Sustainability to consider and recommend ways to put Agenda 21 into practice in the United States. That is how we got Smart Growth. The American Planning Association has been advocating it for years. This is why all these states and towns keep coming up with the same plans and ideas. I am so happy that our central committee is doing something about this. The RNC has been on this for months and adopted an anti-Agenda 21 plank into their platform.
Vicki Seitz, for someone who claims to be so opposed to PlanMaryland, Agenda 21, and other heavy-handed land use regulations, I was shocked that you would stand and speak against the proposed Walmart at the DAC hearing.
If Walmart enters an agreement to buy the land, follows all of the local zoning codes, and funds 100% of the necessary road improvements, who are you to tell someone what to do on land that you do not own? I thought you were for private property rights? Kind of hypocritical.
Harford County should get out of ICLEI as soon as possible.
I have some more information about this group that Mr. Mcgrady is talking about. This includes insider information about how scary things can get here in Harford county. All interested parties, email me at i l o v e p e n i s @ y a h o o . c o m
Hello, good sirs. My name is Puor. I am recently a new resident of Harford County. I moved to Baltimore five years ago from India so I could start my own IT company. I have recently just moved to Aberdeen.
When I look into the Republican Party here and I see that they are associated with a group called Campaign for Liberty, I was intrigued. I thought America was founded on the principles of Liberty, yet I am confused as to why you are campaigning for it.
Can someone please take the time to tell me what it is all about?
Welcome to Harford County, Puor. I hope you do well with your IT business. America was founded on the ideal of liberty, but liberty is always in danger of being taken away if the citizens aren’t watchful. There are many examples in European history of this sort of thing, like the Roman and French republics ending in empire. I’ve seen a slow erosion of our basic liberties in this country over the last fifty years, with governments of all levels increasing their control over our lives. People are finally starting to wake up to this and are trying to regain control by limiting the powers of government, which is supposed to represent them, not rule them.
I would not necessarily say that the Harford County Republican Party is associated with Campaign for Liberty. In fact, you may give some of the entrenched politicos a heart attack by suggesting it, lol.
Pavel & Chris,
I think poor Pour also sends emails trying to get you to launder money from a Nigerian prince. Read his screen name and you will know you just got your chain yanked. Good one Pour.
I do not ask of your money. I have a lot. I work in IT.
I can tell you that Puor doesn’t work for peanuts. Now he does have some people on his staff, for example Ellie Fonte, who does. Puor only works for bananas.
After viewing ICLEI’s website, reading several articles and many of its’ initiatives I would have to agree with many here against membership with the organization.
ICLEI may be good for under developed nations lacking the degree of knowledge, practice, and employment of necessary systems to manage their in many cases improperly utilized resources.
However, we have now, as have had for sometime resultant of an evolving history of knowledge dealing with “SUSTAINABILITY” complimented by an adequate amount of engineering and science professionals as well as the information access necessary to make the informed decisions needed for Harford County. We already implement biodiversity, renewable energy (both privately & publicly), mitigate climate change (plenty of trees, ever heard of emissions test, limited subdivisions) in a measured and prudent manner. Therefore, ICLEI’s policies are too doctrinaire for Harford county.
Remember a progressive wrote this the next time you go “hatin” on one.
This just in…
Chief of Staff for County Executive Blows Top at Central Committee Meeting
Loses cool in profanity-laced rant
Any Youtube on this?
No word yet. Stay tuned.
I was there and witnessed his rant. Don’t know what brought that about! Several of the committee members at the last meeting wanted to know more about ICLEI so guests were invited to explain. He better seek counseling!
The only reason this issue was the focus of the meeting was because some ppl on the Committee who could be presumed friendly to the Craig admin. knew nothing about ICLEI or Agenda 21. Before voting to support what should have been a non-controversial resolution that made the RNC platform for 2012, they requested debate. So debate was granted out of respect. Mr. Tomarchio is just upset because his boss keeps being held to account for his decisions. His tirade was truly disgusting when you consider that we pay his $110k salary and he apparently thinks the citizens should shut up and go along with whatever he dictates. He’s all party and no principal. And he’s a potty mouth. Not the way I’d expect a chief of staff to conduct himself in front of about 3 dozen ppl.
Yeah, or anger management!
Boy Aaron delivered his signature rant when he is trying to obfuscate an issue. A classic hissy fit full of misdirection. It was priceless. Boy Aaron actually claims to have been working in the trenches for the Pubs for 25 years. I guess that means he was knocking on doors when we was 9. I didn’t think the Cub Scouts were a GOP organization.
Just a quick question for the Harford GOP leadership. We are about a month away from probably the most important presidential election of our lives, and while Maryland is not up for grabs, we are wedged between two states that are (VA and PA).
Why are you wasting your time on stuff like this? Why are you not discussing how we can help Mitt Romney and our candidates for the Senate and the House? What the heck are you doing?
Regardless of what happens in the national level elections this information and these policy decisions directly affect us at the local level. We have to be aware and remain vigilant with all levels of government. And just because our elected leaders may be registered as Republicans does not always means they are true small government conservatives.
I haven’t been paying attention to county politics as long as some in these forums, but I just don’t get all the contention – if the Central Committee wanted information on something that’s mentioned as a danger in the RNC platform, why wouldn’t that be a good way to spend 2 hours on a Wednesday night? If you want to spend your Wednesday night in PA, go on ahead. I’ve met Commissioner Rothschild once, he’s a very knowledgeable man, and I’d never call him a waste of time.
TR, I mean Aaron, since your post was in the 2:00 hour shouldn’t you be spending your $110K per year time working on county business since you are on the clock instead of trying to direct the conversation here?? It is well known that you cruise these boards on county time. Hope no one FOIA’s your time card. You should cruise these boards on your personal time.
And to which most important election are you referring? This one or the CE’s Quixotic quest for the governors mansion in 2014. Seems he is spending his time trying to get to the left of Anthony Brown what with the pay raises for county employees, uniting with the Ms. Listani on the HarCo Obesity Task Force (more big goverment in HarCo & shades of Queen Obama’s nanny statism on the same subject complete with the use of simialr terms like “food deserts”, etc, handouts of tax payer money to his connected friends via Department of Economic Development ATM, etc. and general growth of nanny state government here.
We don’t need another Daddy.
For one my name is not Aaron. I would say try again but I am quite sure that you do not know me. I am not “politically involved” or famous. I am just your average voter.
I assume that you are on the Central Committee, and if that is the case, then I say ‘how dare you.’ As a GOP voter you are supposed to represent me and advance our party’s interests. I am shocked that you seem to discount the importance of the election less than a month away!
There will be plenty of time to debate this ICLEI thing after November. So I ask again, What the heck are you doing?
Getting us out of ICLEI *IS* in the interest of the Republican Party. It’s in the platform! There is nothing “radical” about it. That was evidenced by the fact that there were about two dozen Republican voters in attendance last night as guests, which is more than anyone can say for audience participation of previous committees. Getting these people involved and activated is part and parcel of increasing the sphere of influence of the Republican Party; not just working on candidates’ campaigns (which, I would add, is not being done by the establishment either– they have a “protect my own butt” mentality that overrides any other consideration). While it’s happening on a much smaller scale in the GOP, we have socialist ideas permeating both national parties. If you want to increase the size of the Republican Party and render the Democrats effectively powerless, I would suggest you stop marginalizing the grassroots and start embracing them. If you don’t, it will be your own political epitaph that you are penning.
Hi Sarah, My comment was not so much directed at Walmart (which I would not like to see on Rt 924) but more at our leadership who, by their own admission “failed us”. They admitted that they had no idea that B3 zoning would allow this kind of development. Further, this type of zoning seems to be in violation of the goals of the Master Plan that refer to community integrity and quality of life. Difficult things to measure but I think most would agree that this kind of dense, congested development on Rt 924 will not enhance our quality of life.
I’m glad you brought up the connection with ICLEI. I must admit that your charge of hypocrisy stings. I took a good bit of time to fully evolve on Walmart for that very reason but has since become convinced that the policy decisions at the state and local level regarding land development are what have led to the kind of growth we are seeing. Comments made at the James Run public hearing and some closing statements made by the DAC have opened my eyes. Pushing all new development into the envelope so we can have high density, mixed use growth is just what this project and Agenda 21 push.
Were you at the meeting last night? Did you hear Mr. Rothschild? What did you think? Did it give you any food for thought? Looking forward to your comments
Thank you for the clarification on your Walmart stance. Aside from the Council President, I’ve not heard any other council member say that the B3 zoning was a mistake, and in fact at least two have said that they knew exactly what they were doing when they did that. The fact is that the property is zoned B3 and Walmart can by right build there. Your suggestion that they shouldn’t tramples their private property rights.
Sadly I wasn’t able to make the meeting last night, but from what I understand, Harford County’s membership in ICLEI saves the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars, without thrusting any diabolical global plans or unreasonable greenie-weenie things on us. So I am in favor because it saves tax dollars.
I share your strong distaste for Agenda 21, but I think that throwing the Development Envelope concept into that mix is problematic. True, the concept of concentrated development is a part of Agenda 21, but more specifically, it proscribes concentrated development around urban centers with mass transit infrastructure (think Baltimore City). Agenda 21 advocates dislike Harford’s development envelope because they believe that all development should take place in cities rather than the suburban fringes.
Harford’s development envelope was established decades ago by local leaders way before Agenda 21, and is today recognized as a positive by the vast majority of Harford residents, conservative and liberal alike. Without it our taxes would be significantly higher and our roads way more congested.
How, Sarah? HOW does ICLEI “save the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars?” Please explain that statement. If we are paying $90,000 annual salary to the Director of the Office of Sustainability (why do we need that office if we have a planning office, by the way???) plus the other two staff who serve at her pleasure whatever their salaries are, do we really realize any savings? Further, do we need a membership in an international organization with ties to UN Agenda 21 to tell us how to change light bulbs?
Cost savings to the community is how ICLEI entices folks like Mr. Craig and others. They promise tool kits and training that help communities achieve their mandated “sustainability” and environmental objectives. Saving money is great but right now there is no evidence that the $200,000 plus budget that the Office of Sustainabilty adds to our over burdened budget has earned us a penny. Furthermore, should not people with extensive training and PhD’s be able to come up with reasonable cost saving activities on their own? Apparently ICLEI has replaced consultants. It seems that an advanced degree now qualifies one to choose the appropriate consultant for the task.
But back to ICLEI. Mr. Rothschild made an excellent point last evening when Mr. Craig promoted ICLEI as a cost saving association. Would you invite a pedophile to a daycare center? Why would you willingly bring an organization that is hostile to your core beliefs into your midst and allow them to train your people. It only strengthens the mission of your adversary. Mr. Craig had no good answer for this.
I’m sorry that you could not be present for Mr. Rothschild’s excellent presentation. I encourage you to investigate further., are excellent places to start.
I want to thank the Republican Central Committee for hosting Commissioner Richard Rothschild to speak on Plan Maryland and Agenda 21. I understood the importance of this topic and shared the meeting notice with many of my friends as I have been keeping them informed on Plan Maryland, Agenda 21, and ICLEI in Harford County. I will provide them with feedback and tell them that they should be glad that the Harford County Republican Central Committee has this issue on its radar and is gaining a better understanding.
As I see it, Plan Maryland/ICLEI is nothing short of the government trying to totally control all aspects of my personal life with the exception of my medical care and that has already been taken care of thanks to Obama Care,
I hope the Republican Central Committee will support Councilman Woods in taking whatever immediate action is necessary to terminate Harford County’s membership with ICLEI. Along with ICLEI goes the Harford County Obesity Task Force. This, too, has got to be stopped before it grows into another bureaucratic arm of the Harford County Government. It is too much overreach, and I hope the Central Commiteee now realizes ICLEI is about controlling our food supply. This is very dangerous territory we are venturing into.
I also applaud Councilman Woods for purchasing the Agenda 21 handbooks for distribution. This has inspired me to do the same, and I will share this vital information with my friends and family.
I hope the Republican Central Committee will continue to explore other issues. May I suggest James Run TIF. I just received a post card in the mail, “National Harbor has a poor track record with minority hiring — When National Harbor was built, the promises were explicit” The developer (same as James Run) would promote local jobs and opportunities for local minority business. But, when it was done, the actual number of Prince George’s minority business that benefitted was only 4%.” James Run TIF is full of problems.
The presentation by Commissioner Rothschild was very straight forward & connected the dots between ICLEI, Plan Maryland & Agenda 21. Anyone that sees that presentation then defends participation in ICLEI is a closet socialist. The Republican leadership in Harford county has the opportunity to take a stand against Martin O’Malley & his socialist policies….instead they sit on the sidelines while Carroll county leads the way.
I applaud Joe Woods for taking a stand & actually serving the people’s interests.
I’d also like to say that the representative from Mr Craigs office that was screaming about the central committee was unprofessional, needs to take a serious look in the mirror. Thank god he’s gone in 2 years because that was the most unprofessional outburst I’ve seen from someone serving the public. It seems he was upset that the public wanted to know why his office is supporting the erosion of individual property rights.
Instead of asking why the Central Committee is investigating ICLEI , Harford County Republicans should be asking why the current administration is participating in so many UN-Republican like programs and policies. Tax-payer funded hand-outs to foreign companies , obesity task forces , trash transfer stations on property bought at well above market value , and yes – memberships in United Nations backed NGO’s. You want to talk about priorities? Ask yourself why David Craig has invested time in putting together a plan for a Major League Baseball re-alignment and featured it on his website. Seems to me that some within the Central Committee are trying to clean up the mess that we have right here in Harford County.
Sure Bob. That’s what Republicans in Harford County want the central committee to be doing right now… Bashing fellow Republicans 19 days before a presidential election rather than working to elect Romney, Bongino, and Jacobs. You are absolutely out of touch with reality and with the average Republican voter. Shame on you all. Weak though they are, Harford Democrats are no doubt sitting back and laughing at us.
I’m out of touch ? As long as people like you are more worried about party over principle , the Dems will have a reason to laugh at us.
TR, you have certainly convinced me that you are not “’politically involved’.” Any “average voter” would no doubt react with this fiery brand of animus toward the mere discussion of complex issues like ICLEI by level-headed individuals within the Republican Party. Any “average voter” would assume the Chief of Staff’s precise position and even use some of the same language he used at a meeting that occurred less than 24 hours prior to the “average voter’s” most recent post on this thread.
Please. Don’t insult our collective intelligence. There is nothing wrong with using a pseudonym. But it’s really just unnecessary to deny who you are. Even if you aren’t the Chief of Staff, you most certainly aren’t an “average voter.”
Rino Hunter, Are you on the central committee? If so I’d like to know your name so that I know who to not vote for next time. I take offense that you try to impugn my motives, and that you seem to think that because I try to follow issues that I am not an average voter. You really don’t think much of the average voter who puts the central committee in office, do you? I think it’s time to clean house at all levels, from president to governor on down to county officials and central committee. They have all lost touch with voters.
My only point is that I think that this close to an important election, the central committee should be focused on that. There is plenty of time after November 7 to debate things like ICLEI. I was not at the meeting where you say somebody else made a similar argument, but why does it surprise you that someone would make a similar argument? Instead of assuming that I am that same person (which I swear I am not), you need to realize that there are a lot of Republicans who feel that way. Instead of central committee members insulting the very people who put them in office, maybe they should take our criticisms to heart.
TR, before you point out the speck in another’s eye remove the board from your own eye. You are obviously connected to the Administration. Stop pretending to be an Average Joe. Harford has become the home of big government. Stop trying to explain it away. If you noticed from previous comments the issue could have been resolved the previous month.
TR – If this is the most important election of our lifetime as you previously stated , why are you wasting so much of your time on here? Shouldn’t you be out putting up Romney signs somewhere? What the heck are you thinking?
No, TR. I am not on the Committee.
You can “thumb down” me all ya want. I’m not on the Committee.
Thank you David Craig for helping implement this in Maryland. It’s great to have a bipartisan coalition working with Governor O’Malley to make sure the state is sustainable for many years.
There are two clear sides on this issue Individual property rights or socialism.
Obama & O’Malley support socialism, the redistribution of wealth. It is shocking that David Craig would stand with O’Malley in support of ICLEI. This despite the fact fighting Agenda 21 is a part of the GOP platform & the clear ties ICLEI has to the UN. He is out of touch with conservative values & leaning towards O’Malley’s progressive voters. He wants to run for Governor & needs the progressives to vote for him…it is clear that is who he is pandering too.
Unfortunately, I was unable to attend in support of Commissioner Rothchilds stance, on ICLEI. I would like to offer that many are in agreement that there is work to be accomplished in Maryland and the actions of the Central Committee should be embraced.
When it comes to fixing the great State of Maryland, it will be the bottom up fixes that create resolution here, not those that come from federal level. Am I saying that we shouldn’t be working on replacing status quo? Not at all, but in the long run the actions of the Central Committee are directly affecting the people in their area, since they are closer to the people.
With the amounts of persons leaving the state, there needs to be more pressure put on locally to fix the abundance of taxation and misrepresentation that they pacify us with. Our current focus should be on creating strategies, education on referendums, and local races. Heading to another state is only leaving people ignorant of issues that face us directly.
Aaron, Aaron, Aaron. You need to get it under control, my good man. Please keep this in mind. The Republican Central Committe is not and is not going to become a David Craig cheerleading squad. And your outbursts, elsewhere described as potty mouth, won’t help. Get your head on straight, clean up your mouth and try to help your boss. If the local Republicans turn against him you are both out of a job. I can count on one hand the number of Democrats I have voted for in my life but you had better hear me loud and clear, and many others like me, David Craig is just on the cusp of making me look very hard at Franchot and you are not helping him. SOmeone told you to go and whip the Republican Central Committe into line and throw a tantrum so Craig didn’t have to do it. Bad advice. You are simply not up to it and Craig better learn that he isn’t either.
Here, here, Alex R.