From the Office of the Comptroller of Maryland:
As a part of his new Economic Truth Tour, Comptroller Franchot will stop in Bel Air, called “The Heart of Harford,” to walk Main Street with local business owners and community leaders to get a feel for the conditions the area’s business community face in this recession. He will also discuss possible solutions for improving Maryland’s soft economy. This tour is another step by the Comptroller to involve all Marylanders in the state’s continuing economic recovery.
On this tour, Franchot will travel throughout the state to hear directly from business leaders, governmental officials, community organizations and private citizens about economic conditions throughout Maryland. He will meet with representatives from key Maryland industries including agriculture, labor, life sciences, information technology, health care, mining, wineries, real estate, banking, military contracting and hospitality. Additionally, he will talk with senior citizens, students, clergy, small business owners, municipal government leaders and watermen.
WHEN: Friday, October 5, 2012 at Noon
WHERE: Bel Air Downtown Alliance (starting point)
37 N. Main Street
Bel Air, MD 21014
Wayne Norman says
If he will be in Bel Air on Friday, he ought to stop by the District Court over on Bond Street. Friday is the only day of the week they do rent cases in Harford County. He can see firsthand how many hundreds of Harford Countians are having trouble paying their rent each month. Every Friday there are hundreds of cases on that docket. That should help him “… get a feel for the conditions the area’s business community face in this recession.”
Otto Schmidlap says
Next Democrat Guv visits the masses. We don’t need no stinkin’ liberals on our sidewalks.
ALEX R says
The truth? The truth? You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth.