My girlfriend Jane and I decided to meet for lunch on a stunningly gorgeous Saturday afternoon to plan our upcoming trip to Paris. The Open Door Café seemed like the perfect location – not only could we sit outside and soak up the sun, but we could also take advantage of their free Wi-Fi. We grabbed a table on their outdoor patio near some folks who had brought their dogs. And that was fine by me since I am a lover of all animals who are well-behaved. I arrived late and was therefore surprised that my friend had neither a menu nor a drink in hand. And her normally cheerful face held a slight frown.
We watched not one but TWO waitresses pass our table several times without slowing down to greet us, take our drink orders or tell us about the daily specials. We then started to run down our mental list of other restaurants in the area where we could get a bite. And there are plenty! Even though I wasn’t in a huge hurry, I did want to do a little shopping at TJ Maxx and Ross. Finally I went inside the restaurant and beckoned the first waitress that I saw. There appeared to be a party going on which could possibly be the reason for the slow service, however, I do not accept this as a reasonable excuse for rudeness. Especially when parties are booked in advance, which gives the restaurant ample time to beef up their staff accordingly.
At long last, I ordered a blue cheese burger for me and a crab soup and tuna sandwich for Jane. It’s hard for me to imagine how a burger can get screwed up, but somehow they managed to do just that. Plus my fries were raw in the middle. But of course it is difficult for a restaurant to correct their mistakes unless you can actually find a waitress to assist you. It wasn’t a complete loss because the roll was delicious (note the sarcasm here). And here is a tip from Waitressing 101 – when a customer is totally dissatisfied with their meal, you should ask your manager if you can either (1) remove it from their bill or (2) offer a free dessert, latte, whatever. On the bright side, the soup was delicious and the sandwich was huge and served on a fresh piece of swirley rye bread.
Adding fuel to the already blazing fire, I made the mistake of ordering a pumpkin latte. By this time it was 3pm and I needed my afternoon pick me up. This added about $4 and another half an hour to our ordeal. One burger, a half sandwich, cup of soup and 2 latte’s came to around $28 – normal prices when the food and service are above average. I’m not sure why I always tip around 20% whether the experience is favorable or not. I guess I just take pity on the server whether they deserve it or not. Plus I was in a pretty good mood pondering over hotels in Paris.
Open Door Café
Bel Air Town Center
528 Bel Air Pike
Bel Air, MD 21014
(410) 838-4393
We have had some terrible service also. Once, we waited for a table for 15 minutes with the owner manager working on a laptop next to us. No one paid any attention to us. We finally left and ate somewhere else. Their food is generally good, the atmosphere is pleasant, but their service is abysmal.
Oh my gosh….i was told by the waitress I was the only person who has every had issue with the restaraunt. I took my two children there for lunch and I was stared down…
We got horrendous service and even worse food that was sent back three times. My daughter got mac-n-cheese that we were told was fresh..but it was curdled, the iced tea was sour…and the creamer they gave me for coffee was also curdled. I sent back my rueben because the corned beef was like leather and couldn’t be bitten off. I received a to go box of burnt chicken to replace those dishes. I told the waitress the chicken was burnt and I refused to pay. She said she knew it was burnt and when she tried to return it to the kitchen it was sent back to me with the explanation that it was ‘real chicken’ and that’s why it was burnt and I need to pay for what I ordered. I was told it was for my five yr old daughter—really so she isn’t worth being given decent food– BS!!! We were left without the waitress coming to pick up our check…we wanted to leave since no one would attend to us; however, my son did eat a burger so we were stuck there for about 15 minutes until I walked up to the counter and demanded they deal with my bill so I could leave…two of the waitresses just left the counter whispering to each other and one of the made a good riddance comment. What low life POSes… I will bash that place any chance I get!!!
I guess if you own this place you hope that no one reads the comments or the review. I’ve been there twice and I won’t make it a third. The service and the food were less than acceptable and their prices are to high for the food/service provided. I predict this establishment won’t last much longer.
I have been twice with friends. First time was nice. Second time was not great. The server was not very happy to wait on us. She seemed bothered when we asked about certain dishes. Was also very impatient with us.
Hope owner can fix problems.
I agree that the owner and staff are lacking. I was meeting a group of friends there one evening (not my choice). Another friend and I arrived at the same time. It took 5 minutes to seat us even though the restaurant was nearly empty. I guess a group of 6 threw them for a loop. Then the server would not let us order drinks before the other guests arrived! I was about to go order a carry out drink and bring it to the table. The food is mediocre but I don’t care how the food is-when the ownership and staff suck, there are plenty of other places to go.
I am so sorry to see this place starting to slide downhill. Actually, by the comments posted, it seems that the slide started soem time ago. I am going to give it a try this week if I can to see for myself but in my experience once a place goes in to a tail spin like Open Door seems to have done it’s almost impossible to reverse it. Maybe this will be a wakeup call.
One and done as well. Went there for lunch and ordered a greek chicken kabob special. It was so dry it was unedible. Service was horrible even though they didn’t seem busy. Had to go inside TWICE to find our waitress so we could leave. Won’t be going back.
I have been to ODC many times. Some of their food has been really good, some not so good and some horrible. The worst crab cake I have EVER had was at ODC. How can any restaurant in Maryland mess up a crab cake??? I actually had a “Maryland Style” crab cake in London, England that was better!! The food is definitely over priced, especially the dinner entrees. I have rarely had good or even mediocre service. I have wondered many times why it is so crowded when I’m in there… with generally poor service, inconsistent food/drinks and higher than average prices. I do like the cafe-like atmosphere and I don’t like franchise restaurants, which there are a lot of in Bel Air. But, if ODC wants to keep customers coming back, they are going to have to take a serious look at their customer service and satisfaction. Rudeness should never be tolerated and I have seen that many times with some of their servers.
Went there twice. First time the waitress was a motherly type who seem interested in trying to make it happen. Food was a bit of a bummer. Second time went there and waitress was a “kid” who could not have cared less about me and mu family. Food was a bummer.
Given a choice I would prefer to drop my money in a place that is local and not some sort of chain. Given my choice I am not going back to this place.
The Open Door is a Closed Door to me.
I stopped going to ODC after my 3rd visit. I give a restaurant 3 chances inless things are really horrible (which I would say they were on my 3rd visit). 1st visit service was poor. 2nd visit food was under par and undercooked. 3rd visit service, management and food were HORRIBLE. For a place that projects an image of being a cut above, it is definitely several cuts BELOW a STANDARD restaurant. I will never go back.
Open Door Cafe is quaint and underwhelming.
Formula casual dining is better.
I used to buy food from here for a friend I knew, when she worked at Sunseekers in the same plaza. Myself I frequent CR Wings but the desserts were the attraction for my friend and she loved eating their BLTs. Some of the wait staff were attentive and friendly. One guy, I would describe as an older Hitler youth always seemed aloof and disinterested in anyone and anything, but he worked there. I had dialogue with him once and he commented about the woman that delivered their fresh flowers. Seems she would pull up in front of the store and drop them off. One day she got backed into by a car backing out of a space in the parking lot. I thought the person backing was at fault and he replied that the woman who was parked illegally was at fault. Well I guess the flower delivery woman must have learned her lesson from his perspective. Not sure what their values are, but they don’t seem to be particularly caring or considerate and maybe just a little too judgmental. I haven’t bought anything there in years, but they must have a devoted following of the “Right Kind” of people.
Problems like this always start at the top. And need to be fixed from the top. But that involves ownership being willing to examine themselves and their behavior and willing to be humble and change. As far as what they are about….words are cheap…actions tell the truth.
Ouch!!! Have to say.. I haven’t had the best service there either, and the food is just ok…
Not trying to beat a dead horse the first 3 years ODC was a great little diversion to stop for lunch or brunch. Food was fresh and decent for the price point. The ownership was present and attentive;Here is the but: They exhaled and made it through the first phase of the life of a restaurant.Now if the want to stay in Business they need to refocus on what got them there.It all comes down to Money, Food quality goes down cause you are trying to cut corners. Wait staff with far away eyes, they are thinking about everything but service. There are more choices in Belair then you can throw a stick at. They will be closed in 2-3 years if this trend continues.
I have to agree. I so wanted it to be a restaurant I frequented, but it will not be for all of the reasons you wrote. Our service was really bad and the food was fair. They forgot some things. This was after my SECOND try.
The following is taken from ODC’s website. Wow, really??? For a Christian based business, it sounds like they need an awakening of their own in kindness, patience and honesty. They need to follow their own belief system and listen to what everyone is saying!! Maybe they will…. we’ll see about that!
Our Purpose Here At The Open Door Café
Have you ever wondered what God’s hope for your life was before HE placed you on this earth as a newborn baby? Have you ever thought that you may not yet be whom and what you were created to be in this life? Have you ever really prayed for yourself, that you may discover how to combine your gifts, desires and experiences in a manner that will one day leave a legacy and inspire others?
We have searched our hearts and asked God, our Creator, to drastically change the direction of our lives…for the good of self and our families and for the good of a Kingdom that is far greater than the most incredible experience imaginable in this life.
Faith is the belief in that which is yet unseen; it is the hope for things that are to come. Many ask how one can believe in something intangible; some say that faith is for the weak. But those of us who have placed our hope in something greater than our self or our world have come to realize that what we trust is much like the air we breathe: we cannot see it, yet we know that it is there to provide life within us. We rely on it to sustain us each day. It makes us stronger and blesses those around us.Faith can cause a mountain to be moved; and often that mountain is a wall between two people or two nations. It can be a life threatening disease. It is sometimes lack of purpose in one’s life. It may even be the forgiveness that we cannot offer to our self for a choice that we may have made years ago.
For us, faith is stepping out of the boat and trusting that the ONE who created us will provide our daily needs and more. Through much prayer – simple yet sincere conversation with God – we believe that we have discovered HIS purpose in our lives. We are called to serve and to feed the multitude in a setting that allows for both spiritual and physical nourishment.
We hope that you will find The Open Door Café to be one of your favorite communities. It is our desire to offer a common gathering ground that is refreshingly different. So whether you are here for coffee, breakfast, lunch, dinner, appetizers, or dessert, please let it be an event. Take a few moments to consider the lilies of the valley as they say. Use our café as an opportunity for renewal; an oasis amid the hurriedness of life.
And your comments are always welcome, please ask to see our guest book.
God Bless,
The Open Door Restaurant & Catering
This was what I was alluding to in my previous post. I managed to get three thumbs down (Hell Troll Friends). It must make some feel so proud to call themselves “Christian”and fail to behave anywhere close to “Christ-like”. Don’t look to others for the faults in your life… try some introspection and you will see the fault lies within you. This restaurant needs some serious self assessment.
I’ve found when someone mentions their religion in a business context, they’re usually trying to hide problems with the service, materials and/or price under the cloak of their proclaimed faith.
Business cards with a fish, cross, “HIS way”, etc, go straight into the trash.
I’ve had many friends rave about the place so I thought it would be great to try. WRONG! I had the same experience all of the other writers had. There was only 1 other party in the restaurant, and I thought we were invisible for a while. It took forever to get service, then when we presented the voucher, we were told we could only order from a specific menu to use it, and nothing on it was what we wanted. We ended up giving the voucher to someone because we were NOT going back there again. The food was only ok, and the service was ridiculously absent for such an empty restaurant. Really disappointing.
I visited hoping like so many that it would be a place to go regularly. Getting service was slow, (had to ask). Waitress did not know what the soup of the day was. I ordered a burger with mustard, ketchup, pickles and onions with sweet potato fries. I got a burger with lettuce tomato mayonnaise and regular fries. When I pointed out the mistake to the waitress she said “I thought that is what you wanted”.. No… I wanted what I ordered. Also, I am a diabetic so I ordered diet coke. That came correctly with the dinner but the refill was regular coke. Even at the last supper Jesus got bread and wine not rice and water.
I’ve had many friends rave about the place so I thought it would be great to try. WRONG! I had the same experience all of the other writers had, and this was at least 2 yrs ago. There was only 1 other party in the restaurant, and I thought we were invisible for a while. It took forever to get service, then when we presented the voucher, we were told we could only order from a specific menu to use it, and nothing on it was what we wanted. We ended up giving the voucher to someone because we were NOT going back there again. The food was only ok, and the service was ridiculously absent for such an empty restaurant. Really disappointing.
Well, I have to say that the many times I have dined at ODC, I have been more than pleased. Is everyone just jumping on the band wagon here because picking on this restaurant seems to be the thing to do? I like the restaurant and find the owners most delightful! This establishment goes out of their way to find the homeless at Thanksgiving and is always giving back to the community.
Nancy, I for one am not a bandwagon jumper. I simply stated my experience which happened to be negative.
I am definitely NOT one to jump on the bandwagon… just stating my opinion and sharing my experiences! Sorry Nancy, can’t blame it on that. The owners need to do some serious reflecting on customer DISsatisfaction!
in response to the owners being ” delightful ” i wouldn’t know. i have eaten there 3 times and had an issue twice with the food. i will not be back. both times i asked to speak with the owner and the server and has responded “the owner isn’t here”. in my opinion the owner of a restaurant should be present more than the rest of their staff and this establishment will fail if the owners do not start to take pride in what they have created
You said “This establishment goes out of their way to find the homeless at Thanksgiving and is always giving back to the community.” Kudos to them. Really. But here is the point. This establishment won’t be able to help the homeless and give back to the community if they refuse to take care of their core business which generates the resources required to do that. And then who is helped? Not the homeless. Not the community. Not Nancy because she has one less choice of places to eat. They need to fix it and fix it quick.
I have eaten there approximately 4 times. I wanted to patronize them because they are locally owned and state they are Christian and I love when someone will actually say that out loud. Each time I went I left disappointed. I found it to have a cold feeling, not warm and welcoming. I kept wanting it to be more pleasant but finally decided there are other places with better food that are happy to have my business.
Have to agree with you here…my first visit, I LOVED this place, said it was the best I have ever had(great breakfast), but the service on subsequent visits was really like you were bothering them to be there, honestly felt like if they ignore you, you would go away…prices for the poor foood/service did just that….i went far, far away 🙁
Seems like a downhill slide for the Open Door. Just read in the Baltimore Sun that they served alcohol to an underage person during a recent test. Not good.