From the office of Del. Glen Glass:
Maryland State Delegate Glen Glass, (R-Harford, Cecil), publicly announced today his opposition of a new Walmart that would be built in Bel Air. The corporation has faced intense opposition since announcing their plan to shut down the Walmart in Abingdon and build a brand new Super Walmart with groceries at the Plumtree Road and Route 924 intersection. Abingdon is part of the Delegate’s district and would rather see the facility expand at its current location. Glass joins a growing number of area residents, local government officials, and the Abingdon Community Council in a bi-partisan effort to thwart the move. Walmart recently submitted the necessary proposed site plan map and traffic impact analysis on September 14th. The next phase in the process is a Development Advisory Board meeting (DAC) which will be held Wednesday, October 17, at 9AM. The meeting will be open to the public at the Harford County Council Chamber in Bel Air.
“It doesn’t make any sense why they don’t want to expand right where they are at,” said Delegate Glass. “The location is perfect being that it is right next to Route 24 and I-95 which gives easy access not just for residents of Abingdon but other communities. My constituents in Abingdon are opposed to this closure and I am very pleased that Harford County Executive David Craig is opposed to this as well and I stand with him in unity.”
Heavy traffic patterns have been an issue for Bel Air for years. The current site that Walmart wishes to build on is across from a brand new Firehouse which will open soon, Patterson Mill Middle/High School, and approximately a half mile from Ring Factory Elementary School. The Delegate fears that traffic would become unbearable with these current facilities so close to the proposed site. “A Super Walmart right in the middle of a fire station and two major schools would be impossible to deal with,” said Delegate Glass. “Increased heavy traffic would hinder the abilities of emergency services to get to and from the new firehouse, pose a danger to the students attending the nearby schools as well as school buses that will be frequently coming and going. It would be a major inconvenience for my Abingdon constituents to have drive to that location on a daily basis and deal with the mess this will bring.”
The prospect of increased traffic is also a concern for local businesses in the area. The fear is not necessarily of losing business to a major competitor such as Walmart but more so of customers staying away due to the inconvenience of their journey.
BelAirman says
PAHLEESE. You try to keep a retailer locked in to something they see as costing them bucks – you drive them out and then instead of Wal-mart you end up with Big Lots or rip off Ronnies, etc. The whole reason some people are ripped about Walmart in Bel Air – traffic congestion. Why do they expect a ton of traffic? Because they know Walmart will attract crowds? Why? Perceived value for the money spent – a good deal. Some of these folks may even frequent Walmart now – they just don’t want it near them. Do the roads right around the new store – don’t be cheap about it – make Walmart pay for the improvements but don’t start this Walmart should stay where it is stuff. The development envelope approved years back has opened the door – too late to shut the gate.
Harford Lassie says
Walmart’s study says 10,000 additional cars per day. The current traffic load is over 18,000 and there are traffic problems. Imagine a 50% increase.
BelAirman says
And one more thought – is traffic the only concern? or is there a secondary concern about the kind of clientele that would be drawn closer to Bel Air? Is there some underlying unspoken fear similar to what we witness when time for school redistricting rolls around. Witness the hysteria that the communities north of Edgewood go through each time there is a threat that their children will be moved to south county. Is traffic really the only concern?
noble says
Truthfully, no, it’s not. If you had been to any of the public meetings you would know that because people weren’t keeping it a secret either. There’s no conspiracy here.
People are opposed to this for all kinds of reasons. Some of them are not good reasons. But some of them are very good ones.
I will assume (on my assumption) that since you haven’t gone to any public meetings you also probably haven’t taken the time to look over the plans for the store, the 600 page traffic study, or any other part of the proposal.
I assure you, even if you love Walmart, there are so many things wrong with what they want to do you should be trying to stop them. Every part of this process thus far they have demonstrated a complete disregard for your quality of life and safety, and all for nothing more than their profits.
That should bother everyone.
Harford Lassie says
Public Safety is the #1 issue. Traffic is a close second. The infrastructure is not there to support it beyond the small area Walmart wants to improve. To support it land would have to be taken by eminent domain and disturb remains at a historic cemetery.
Brenda says
I am so AGAINST Wally-World for even proposing this ridiculous idea of a “move” to new location! I have boycotted Walmart for 2 years now, because of this. I encourage more people to do the same. It’s a shame really, I’ ve always loved going to the Walmart in Constant Friendship/Abingdon. But, the only way I will ever shop at ANY Walmart, anywhere is for this selfish corporation to give up on any plans to build a “super-freakin’-store” on Plumtree/Emmorton!!! NO TO WALMART om 9/24! They are flippin’ crazy!!!
Kharn says
Only 363 days until 9/24/13. That’s a quick turn around for a project this big. Maybe 9/24/14 would be a better goal?
Brenda says
Traffic is already really bad through the area of “Bel Air-Man”!!! I am not concerned with it getting worsened, it already has. It’ s just the principle of the corps proposed plan to abandon a slab of concrete to build another, and take business away from the Festival. For instance, that shopping center would go belly up…beginning with Klein’s I’d imagine!!! I am not naive enough to believe that plot of trees will house the few wildlife families left in the area, sure- BUILD, BUILD, BUILD!!!!! I would like to see a SKATELAND/RollerRink built there! Someone would get RICH!!!! Oh, and have MORE kids running across 924, back and forth! Fun! How about…a Bass Pro Shop? Yes! I’d love that more, how’bout you??? I’ ll take anything, but a super Walmart on that damn spot!
TR says
Brenda, you don’t get to pick what is built on land you don’t own. And the County cannot legally prevent Walmart from building there but allow a Whole Foods or Bass Pro Shop or Skateland. They would be sued for discrimination and would lose easily.
If you think a Skateland will work there then buy the land and build one. That’s how this works.
Brenda says
Now, come to think of it…build something Bel Air doesn’t already have! I’ ve already mentioned my first two choices (and I am serious here), or how about a Carrabba’s Italian Grill? Or a Harley Davidson Store like that one way up on route 1? Dave and Buster’s!!! A golf and drive range and putt putt. A public indoor and outdoor pool? Great idea there! How about Dance Hall/ Teen center and YMCA????? Community Center?? The possibilities are endless!!! Just, NOWalmart!!! 😉
Gary Ambridge says
September 20, 2012
Dear County Executive Craig and the County Council:
Now that the Traffic Studies and site plan for the Wal Mart Super Store have been submitted, here is what I would expect that my elected representatives will do:
• Review it with the appropriate County office, e.g., Planning and Zoning,
• Determine if 10,000 more cars a day will have an impact on our ALREADY overcrowded traffic infrastructure.
• Take ALL of the appropriate steps necessary to mitigate our danger and loss of quality of life.
To me, of course, this means to STOP it. End this travesty to our lives. I do NOT want to hear what you can’t do – I only want to hear what you can, and will, do to protect us from this nightmare.
It is very convenient to tell us that it is now out of your hands. That lets you off of the hook because you then can shift the blame to civil servants. But you, our elected representatives, are the ones I will be looking to for resolution. You are the people who serve at our will through elections.
I know there are steps you can do. In July 2009, Capt’n Jim personally was able to rezone a R1 home at Emmerton Rd. and Patterson Mill Rd. (across from the new Fire Station) to R0 over the community’s objection. The impact of this time bomb from the Capt’n is that a RO – Residential Office will also add measurably to the traffic nightmare. This will allow for the conversion of this residential structures to other uses and (or) construction of small retail, service, and office buildings in predominantly residential area. Some of the uses this parcel will be allowed are:
• Agricultural retail
• Antique shops, art galleries and museums
• Business services, including commercial schools
• Civic service clubs and fraternal organizations
• Community centers or assembly halls
• Cottage houses (permitted subject to temporary-use regulations, pursuant to § 267-28 (temporary uses).
• Country inns, tourist homes and resorts
• Day-care centers
• Duplex dwellings
• Financial, insurance and real estate services
• Fire stations
• Garden apartment dwellings maximum of four units
• Group home for sheltered care
• Health services and medical clinics
• Houses of worship
• Lot-line dwellings
• Mobile homes (permitted subject to special-exception regulations, pursuant to Article XI.)
• Nursing homes and Assisted living facilities
• Personal services, excluding tattoo parlors
• Personal-care boarding homes
• Professional services
• Public utility facilities, sanitary landfills and sewage treatment plants
• Rubble Landfills
• Semi-detached dwellings
• Sewage pumping stations
• Shoppers merchandise stores
• Specialty shop
Any of these uses will also increase the traffic on roads that already cannot accommodate what use we have. Moreover, the Site Plan submitted by Wal Mart shows a plot of undeveloped land west of the proposed super store that is almost as large. This land will surely want to be developed as well and that will multiply our woes immeasurably.
To summarize: the Council is contemplating land use in this residential area of:
• A Wal Mart Super Store
• A business or other high volume use on the corner of Emmerton and Patterson Mill
• A fire Station on the same corner
• A 1700 pupil school
• Some other large commercial enterprise next door to Wal Mart
You have been elected to represent your constituents and not developers. Please, please give us relief from this juggernaut of development in our residential neighborhood.
Common $ense says
Glen Glass, you pandering fool. Who gives a damn about you signing a useless petition against the Walmart move? Oh, I know who gives a damn….YOU. You will do ANYTHING to get re-elected. Just “insert” your red-headed self into any situation that you know NOTHING about, make a foolish comment or two and “boom” your constituents in that area just may just vote for you in two years! Personally, I can’t stand Walmart and I never shop there. That being said, Walmart has the right to move their business wherever they want, as long as all legal requirements are met (ZONING, TRAFFIC, APF, ETC). Hey Glen, you’re a Republican, so why don’t you act like one and promote big business here in Harford County? Oh, I just remembered, Republicans only toe the party line when it is convenient for themselves! HA! 🙂
Cdev says
Correct me if I am wrong but while parts of 21009 are in Glasses district I think the old Wal-mart and new wal-mart site are not in his district.
Republican Voter says
Glass is an embarrassment. Plain and Simple.
Arturro Nasney says
Gary; Well thought out and constructive piece of literature. I’m afraid, though, that there is one fly in the ointment. Once a property is zoned for a specific use, the government, at any level, can not determine which of those businesses can build on it. They can withhold permits until all REASONABLE wickets have been passed but that is it. The traffic study is but one example of how it can be slowed down, but once a study shows feasibility according to state standards, nothing can be done to stop a project. The same can be said for environmental, storm water management, etc, etc. The bottom line is that Wal Mart can not be stopped from building on its property simply because someone doesn’t want it.
Gary Ambridge says
I can’t believe that these roads can handle 10,000 more cars a day. I do believe that politians CAN do something if they know their election depends on it.
Kharn says
If Walmart agrees to pay for the roads to be modified, there is not much the local government can do to stop the development.
People are just unhappy that it is Walmart and not Cabelas because the stereotypical Edgewood resident doesn’t shop at Cabelas. If it was Costco, Cabelas, Bass Pro, etc, they would be jumping for joy.
noble says
No, it’s not that simple. It has to do with the fact that it’s a 186,000 sq foot store, in a poorly chosen location (traffic wise), with an absurdly designed plan.
And I don’t live near the site. It’s not NIMBY and it’s not Walmart “hate”.
It’s people trying to look out for the interests of the whole community.
More people should give that a try.
The Money Tree says
That is patently false. I hate Walmart and have in no way tried to hide that but I might be the exception here. We all know how it’s zoned but the problem with a big box store right there is it’s in the middle of an established neighborhood with limited ability for future roadway improvement/expansion unless you expect to start confiscating people’s back yards…that isn’t appropriate or necessary. Seems even the council and county executive (if we’re to believe them) were under the mistaken impression they’d fill that location with smaller boutique type or other similar retail.
Common $ense says
Well Gary, who cares what YOU think. Arturro is correct. We have laws regarding most everything (including development), and if you think that politicians can blatently disregard them because some folks are rattling their cages…well then, you are an idiot. Why don’t you keep your nose out of real world issues and keep it where it belongs (as a board member of the New Harford Democratic Club). Art loves you!
ALEX R says
Speaking of the New Harford Democratic Mob where is Wendy Rosen?
The Money Tree says
Gone into hiding I guess. There were a bunch of people claiming she broke no laws; but federal election law suggests maximum of 5 years in jail and $10,000 fine for knowingly committing voter fraud – we know that’s what she did. Wonder when they’ll press charges? On another subject they’ve already verified over 10,000 people illegally registered to vote in both Florida and New York and that’s just one state. I’m bettin’ if you really dig into it there are lots and lots of early votes being mailed to one state and physical votes being cast in others. That’s where the real fraud is.
Cdev says
so 10,000 cars a day will be pulling into wall-mart? That is alot of buisness. I need to open a Wal-mart than!
none says
“It doesn’t make any sense why they don’t want to expand right where they are at,” said Delegate Glass. “ Would the deed restriction about grocery stores on the property have something to do with it?
Brenda, How is the boycot working for you? You have a lot of ideas on how to spend other peoples money. Why not pony up some of yours and build one or all of the things you want.
noble says
Actually, the deed restriction doesn’t have anything to do with it. Walmart officials have already acknowledged that they would have no problem getting around the deed restriction at the current location. You can confirm this with David Craig’s office. That’s why Craig has tried to convince them to stay where they are.
So why was the deed restriction ever mentioned in the first place? With all their money, planning, and resources how could they have not known 2 years ago that the restriction wasn’t a problem?
Exactly, they knew it, and they used it as a smokescreen, an excuse to say they HAD to move and so we would all just shrug and forget about it.
Well that’s exhibit ONE on how this company is not dealing straight with this community and really doesn’t care about anything but making more money at our expense.
Brenda says
@none…boycott is working just fine, thank you! To be honest with you, I am a “tree-hugger” and would prefer that patch of green to remain untouched. I was just making the point that if some big company wants to come in and pave it over, then why not something new to Bel Air? I pony up my money at Klein’s, Kohl’s, Target, and a plethora of the many places of which to spend it and support! Note- these places are already here. I have already “ponied” up alot of my money to ensure some areas are protected from this kind of corporate growth. Visit our natural state parks and watersheds much? I remember when Bel Air was “nothing-land”, and loved it
ALEX R says
Nothing Land? I wouldn’t go down that path, Brenda.
Law Baby says
Dearest Brenda – one thing that a lot of people in this area don’t understand is that THIS IS NOT YOUR PROPERTY!!! You don’t make these decisions because you don’t own this property.
Property has inherent rights with it; the right to possession; the right to sell it; the right to rent it. How about I tell you that you can no longer have your home on the land that it sits on because I think it is an eyesore to the community and I don’t like the traffic that you produce on the roads? You are not doing anything that is in violation of Federal, State or Local Laws but simply because I don’t want you here – you can’t be here. And don’t you even think of selling your property to someone else (and God forbid make some $$) because I just might not like them either.
The attitude of this community defies logic, reason and respect for other people (corporations included). Your “Not in My Back Yard” mentality is really poor form. Of course, when the facts are flipped and it is you who wishes to do business, make a change or sell your property – then it is all good and you would be fuming more than anyone if told you couldn’t do something on your property.
I can understand the community wanting to preserve itself but there has to be a balance struck and telling a property owner, who is complying with all laws, that they can’t do something on their property is outrageous, illegal and unconstitutional – whether it is Wal-Mart, you or the Landlord in Edgewood.
Please use logic and reason before opening your mouth and just try…I know it is a stretch…but try to imagine yourself in that predicament.
Dearest Law Baby: I am going to buy the house next door to you and open a porn shop. Since “Property has inherent rights with it; the right to possession; the right to sell it; the right to rent it…” you shouldn’t have any objection.
Phil Dirt says
I was going to state that you must have missed the part about “and telling a property owner, who is complying with all laws, that they can’t do something on their property is outrageous, illegal and unconstitutional”, but then I noticed who I was responding to and realized that I was expecting too much (like ‘comprehension’, for example).
ALEX R says
PTBL, While I appreciate the sensationalism of you opening a porn shop in the house next door to her, you conveniently forget that little thing with occupancy codes. See, you wouldn’t buy the house next door to her and open a porn shop because you are smart enough to first check whether you would be allowed to open a porn shop there. ANyway, libs don’t think porn is a big deal anyway do they?
Cdev says
True but in this case the land is zoned for Wal-mart and other buisnesses so the code actually calls for such. The time to have made these arguements was years ago. The community did not want the residences that where looking like the would materialized so they hurried and had it rezoned to keep it out. Now they want to do the same a day late and a dollar short!
BelairBob says
The only way Walmart should be stopped is if the are breaking a law. We are a country of laws and I don’t care if you cry about the lights or the traffic or a million other things if what they are doing is legal you have no right to stop them.
jj johnson says
But the law can require certain things be done that relate to traffic, lights, security, safety, appearance, etc.
BelairBob says
I am sure there are laws regarding those things you mention and when Wal-mart satisfies them all, we have no choice but to welcome them as our new neighbor.
For those wanting them out at all cost open up your checkbook and buy the property yourself. Everything is for sale at the right price, talk is cheap.
There are laws, then there are codes. One may not be breaking the “law” while violatinf a code. Codes, and laws, are there to protect us from corporations who will do anything to make a profit while allowing the public to be in danger. That is the role of government, to protect us.
Paul Mc says
Hey Proud,
Codes are laws. If you violate a code, you are breaking the law.
As for the purpose, yes, they are there to protect us from corporations…and from each other, and from ourselves.
Anyways, have a nice day.
ALEX R says
Well, PTBL, it doesn’t look like they are violating any codes.
ALEX R says
Living in Maryland I thought the role of government was to tax us to death while they coddled the corporations that they really like (such as gambling and casino interests) by lowering their taxes while they raise mine. And yours.
Proud Shopper says
I cannot WAIT for Walmart to open!!! Love that store! I can buy everything I need there, for cheap! Progress is awesome!!!
noble says
I have good news for you. Walmart is already open. Knock yourself out.
Harford Lassie says
Progress for who? Walmart is a big winner but the USA and good jobs are not.
Harford Lassie says
Anyone who believes that just because the zoning is right is all that is necessary is sadly mistaken and misinformed.
There are many valid reasons that have nothing to do with Walmart why this is a bad location for any superstore.
You can access the County Council meeting archives to watch video of citizens presenting rationale of why this is a bad location for a superstore. There is also a citizens group with a website at that lists many of the reasons.
Ask yourself why the residents of Bright Oaks have asked continuously for a signal to get out of their neighborhood and be constantly denied because it would be too close to other signals. Even better, ask yourself why the new Bel Air Volunteer Fire Company substation was denied access directly on to 924 but that’s the path Walmart wants to go to get in and out of their store?
Walmart may be a big corporation but that doesn’t mean just because they want to build there and the zoning allows for what they want to build there means they get to ram anything they want down our throats.
Get educated, get involved and stand up for your community. If you don’t live near the location, or travel in the area frequently, you may not realize the myriad of problems a Walmart at this location would create.
BelairBob says
They are ramming nothing down any ones throat, they are just doing business. The site is zoned B4 and that property could see much worse than a walmart something will be built there. You don’t get to pick and choose which you like and which you don’t, here is the list of potentials.
How about a nice adult bookstore, seedy hotel and a garbage transfer station?
Brenda says
Thank you Harford Lassie! NO 9/24 WALMART!!! If I was a billionaire, I would buy up all the wooded land along route 9/24 so that no corporations could possibly afford coming in and paving it over with concrete and more “bul!sh*t!!!
Sarah says
Stop calling it 9/24! It’s 924.
And guess what, this property is smack dab in the middle of the development envelope, where 30+ years ago Harford Countians said they want to concentrate development.
I’ll bet you live on ground that was previously woods or a farm, and I’ll also bet that when the bulldozers came in to build your house people in the area didn’t like it too much.
And the East Side Boys says
If you bought a house in that general area within the past 17-18 years to current day, chances are you are sitting on top of a mud hole/swamp/hillbilly dumping ground anyway.
No thanks.
BelAirman says
Bright Oaks residents could get on 924 with a traffic light already in place. Go out the back way through Hunters Run. I used to live on Bright Oaks Court. No big deal and not much extra time. You either can be a cry baby or get smart. West Riding could use a new light -whoever came up with that one way in and out for WR should have whatever professional licenses they have taken, if they haven’t already passed on. Walmart comes to Plumtree maybe parents may have to alter schedules to drive kids instead of letting them walk. Well then alter your schedules and drive your kids. I couldn’t believe one parent from West Riding at council – all choked up because of the increased traffic – kids running across the street to McD’s and 7/11 for snacks before going back to school for sports would be in increased danger. What the heck are they doing that for in the first place? don’t the schools have vending machines.
D says
@Belairman–Its obviously been a while since you were at a school activity for a student. Schools do not have vending machines for food. They only have machines that dispense bottled water. Vending machine snacks promotes obesity according to our government. If we all took to our cars and drove ourselves and our children everywhere wouldn’t we be adding to the problems of both obesity and traffic (or were you just trying to make a circuitous argument)?
Shouldn’t we demand something better for our neighborhood? Our politicians made a mistake and now is the time for them to correct it.
By the way–why all the hate? What has Bentonville done for you lately?
Cdev says
No danger if they use the cross walk and signal provided!
D says
There is no electronic crossing device at the intersection in question. How’s the weather in Arkansas these days?
Cdev says
Then that is easily remidied but I thought there was a crosswalk
Bel Air South Community Foundation says
Great comments, some contructive and based on factual issues, and others, well, everyone definitely has opinions.
Come out to the County Council meeting on 2 October 2012 @ 7:30pm, sign up to speak or simply show up to indicate that a Wal-Mart at this location simply is not in the public interest.
This location was granted B3 zoning due to mis-representation of the developer (at the time) who promised a “Avenue” type experience (think White Marsh) but with more professional buildings for doctors offices and other professional services, which would mitigate the traffic to times the community could absorb, vs. a 24×7 185,000 sqft monstrousity. This site was never intended to be a Shopping center (read the zoning history, the past County Executive (prior to Criag) had this as “low intensity”, as they knew that Festival was the only “shopping center” that was planned to exist between Bel Air and Abingdon.
Emmorton Road (rt924) is not a major arterial road, the direct access requested is for a project of this size is not appropriate, regardless of B3 zoning, there are MANY items that must be addressed before the project is approved.
Come out to the County Council meeting and have your voice heard, there is no other opportunity to meet with Planning & Zoning in a public forum, nor will Craig grant or schedule a large public discussion, this is not about strong-arming anyone, it is about letting our elected officials (and appointed officials) know this site is not in the public interest.
Go to our skeleton site ( or our issue specific site ( or ( and let your voice be heard and counted, sign up to volunteer, request a sign, make a donation, there is much work to do but this project can be stopped, and stopped through due-process and administrative process.
Walmart (and their developer) has not been granted approval for this project and with our concentrated effort, we can stop them from ever gaining approval for this project.
frankly speaking says
legally, there is probably nothing the council can do to stop this lot from being developed. The fact is the community did not want a residential designation (unfounded fear of Section 8 housing) and now they don’t want a commercial designation either. I guess if they can come up with an equally lucrative alternative, they can buy it and turn it into a forest, undeveloped land or a tree museum. However the county has already designated the area for the intended purpose and there isn’t much that the council can do, but attempt to mitigate some of the traffic in/out, increase parking requirements or hope to reduce the impact so that Walmart won’t want to pursue further. This however won’t prevent the developer from selling it to the next guy who wants to open another type of retail, industrial or commercial use.
ellis says
Zonign is reviewed every few years.
However, the county executive has the authority to change county zoning AT ANY TIME.
David Craig can officially block Walmart if he wants to.
We shall see whether he listens to the voters or WalMart execs on this one.
not so says
Wrong! The county council has the final say on zoning appeals. Beyond that the contesting parties can take their case to the courts for resolution. The county executive cannot stop Wal-Mart.
ellis says
If they want in, Walmart should be responsible for the entire cost of adding an additional travel lane on 924 from their location out to I95. The traffic at festival is already maxed out. Walmart will make it officially untravelable.
not so says
What a ridiculous statement. To accomplish that the county would have to start eminent domain proceedings against dozens of properties (including private residences) along 924 to get the needed space for widening the roadway. Remember when county government used as rationale for building the new 24 was to alleviate traffic congestion on the old 24. County government not only allowed all the development along the new 24 but encouraged it resulting in all the traffic lights and added traffic which has spilled back onto 924.