From Harford County government:
Harford County Executive David R. Craig is encouraging Harford County employees to show their support for the Baltimore Orioles and Baltimore Ravens by wearing orange on Monday’s and purple on Friday’s.
“The Baltimore Orioles are having their best year in more than a decade and are in the thick of the race for the playoffs,” said County Executive Craig. “Likewise the Baltimore Ravens are projected by many analysts to be one of the very best teams in the National Football League in 2012 and we want the teams to know we are behind them 100 percent. Harford County Government as well as the citizens throughout our great county are passionate about the Orioles and Ravens,” Craig remarked.
County employees are urged to wear orange each Monday for the remainder of the 2012 baseball season in support of the Orioles. Additionally employees will wear purple and black each Friday as they rally behind the Baltimore Ravens.
During the NFL playoffs following the 2011 football season, the Harford County Government Administration building in Bel Air was illuminated at night with purple lights as the county honored the Ravens.
I demand equal support of the NY Giants and Jets. Mr. Craig should encourage employees to wear blue on Tuesdays and green on Wednesdays. This would garner huge support from the recent influx of BRAC transfers.
Somebody tell this carpet bagging Yankee to go home
We moved here because your local talent pool could not fill the vacancies of your high tech military research, test and development agencies. And whether you like it or not, by our association with your quaint local ways, we will “Learn” you something eventually.
Wow, David,
One person insults you so you decide to insult the entire county. Way to keep it classy.
Anyways, have a nice day.
If you didn’t invite invective Paul, you wouldn’t receive it. Keep small minded. This is not the only place I have lived. Your mind might be opened by a little travel to exactly how the rest of the world functions.
Hey David,
You are the one that continually calls others names. I have not called you a name. Please, don’t try to take the high road when your words and actions place you on the low one.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Pick whichever truth you want to be comfortable with Paul. The truth is that 47% of the US population is dependent on government for financial assistance. The truth is Harford and Cecil County did not have the technical talent to populate the jobs that are here and came here. Please let me know if you agree with both truths or only one of them… a singular choice suggests a hypocrite.
I am having a wonderful day Paul, thank you for suggesting it. But I’ll get by somehow without your good intentions.
Hey David,
“Pick whichever truth you want to be comfortable with Paul.” – The truth is the truth. I can’t pick it. It is there in black and white. You wrote it.
“The truth is that 47% of the US population is dependent on government for financial assistance.” – Ok, I don’t think that has anything to do with the conversation, but, ok none-the-less.
“The truth is Harford and Cecil County did not have the technical talent to populate the jobs that are here and came here.” – That may or may not be true. I don’t know if anyone has ever done a study to determine the needs of every single position that was filled comparing those needs with the qualifications of every person in Harford County. If you happen to come across such a study, please share. There could, in fact, be other reasons for hiring those outside of the county.
“Please let me know if you agree with both truths or only one of them… a singular choice suggests a hypocrite.” – There does not seem to be a logical correlation between the two, David. One, or both, or neither could be true. Therefore, choosing one would not be hypocritical.
“I am having a wonderful day Paul, thank you for suggesting it. But I’ll get by somehow without your good intentions.” – I am sure you can, that, however, does not change the fact that I still would like for you to have a nice day.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Please let me know if you agree with both truths or only one of them… a singular choice suggests a hypocrite.
? More irrational then usual David.
Since you are unable to see the comparison Paul I will detail it for you. Both statements are truths that some people find difficult to believe or want to believe because it upsets their worldview. The fact remains, you do not have enough local talent to populate the jobs being brought here for the military industrial complex. The fact remains 47% of the US population remains dependent on the US Government for some form of assistance. You may complain about me all you wish, but if you are unwilling to accept these as facts you are merely being selective about the truths you are willing to embrace. And calling me out of expressing this is merely personal on your part.
Have a blissfully ignorant day of your own choosing Paul.
“Since you are unable to see the comparison Paul I will detail it for you.” – There is no comparison. You are presenting a false dilemma. One has nothing to do with the other. If you wish to discuss the 47% comment, we could do so in another thread, however, I think we would agree on the subject.
“Both statements are truths that some people find difficult to believe or want to believe because it upsets their worldview.” – Actually, both may not be true. Have you performed a study of the qualifications needed for every job that was filled as compared to the qualifications with the residents of Harford County? Are there other reasons why the jobs were filled with people out of the county; perhaps because they simply transferred the positions during BRAC?
“The fact remains, you do not have enough local talent to populate the jobs being brought here for the military industrial complex.” – Again, not necessarily a fact.
“The fact remains 47% of the US population remains dependent on the US Government for some form of assistance.” – Not relevant.
“You may complain about me all you wish,” – Yes, it is a free country.
“but if you are unwilling to accept these as facts” – Your opinion, not facts.
“you are merely being selective about the truths you are willing to embrace.” – Actually, I am not selective about truths, you are simply misstating your opinion to be a truth.
“And calling me out of expressing this is merely personal on your part.” – Actually, you choosing to insult the members of the county made it personal.
“Have a blissfully ignorant day of your own choosing Paul.” – Again with the insults? Shameful
Anyways, have a nice day.
Its true – Rt 40 is nothing more than a bunch of pawn shops, tattoo parlors, junkyards and x-rated bookstores. You think the county would at least tried to clean up those eyesores before trying to attract high tech jobs here. The truth is that the majority of the NJ folks who were “BRAC’d” here didn’t move. They either commute on a bus daily, or stay in hotel a few nights a week, or are teleworking from NJ. Ever wonder why no one is buying the homes at Beechree on Rt. 7?
BRAC Family
What you say is true, Rt. 40 is pretty much crap all through Harford County. However, Rt. 40 is a very small part of Harford County when you consider the entire county. I’m sure crap areas of NJ could be identified, however, they are probably a small part and not the norm.
Thanks so much for the qualified evaluation of Harford County. What does the condition of Rt 40 have to do with the jobs at APG? What exit in the garbage state did you come from. The truth of the matter is that it doesn’t matter one hoot in hell if the folks moved here or not. The spaces came here and the jobs will be here for a long time to come. Did it ever occur to any of you that the Signal Corps is glad to be rid of a lot of the dead wood at Fort Monmouth, and able to select the best of the talent coming out of schools across this great nation. Most of us here came here because of APG. We were perfectly delighted to get the good jobs and did our part to improve or diminish the life in the County a we were able. As far as the town houses at Beachwood are concerned; where are all those cars coming form that are parked in front of the houses coming from?
I think there is still a lot of “dead wood” floating around C4ISR. Many of those that came couldn’t find some place else to go with their “immense qualifications”.
Mr. Porter, I’m trying to understand your line of reasoning… are you implying there should have been a pool of thousands of technically qualified individuals lying about Harford and Cecil counties awaiting the day when bases MIGHT be realigned and closed to produce openings on APG which they’d then be uniquely qualified to fill? This just seems counter intuitive to me.
Great “feel good” support! Now how about some “REAL” support for the Government Employees (including the Sheriffs Dept, Library, etc.).
As long as the mindless masses have their bread and circuses, all is right with the world. Pathetic.
But the politicians love our Yankee money though! They’ll never send us home!
Don’t confuse the politicians wanting your money with the people wanting you if you have a crap attitude. You are all welcome if you want to be one of us and if you don’t want to be one of us then take what you get.
Yes Alex, we came to join the “Hive Mind” in Maryland. Because being a part of the “Hive Mind” is what we as intelligent free thinking individuals all seek. I don’t believe you believe this… why then did you allow yourself to be characterized in this way?
Of course if I were forced to relocate from a state where the sitting governor is named Chris Christie to a state with Martin O’Malley I would quickly get a crappy attitude even if I didn’t bring one with me.
Excellent point!
Does no one proofread these things before they’re posted!? You don’t make plurals using apostrophes!! Orange Mondays and Purple Fridays!! Come on! Even if the errors are in the original press release, that’s no reason to copy them into the headline!
Lots of vacant lots at Beechtree.
Some pretty good dead wood at APG also. Example: The APG Garrison refuses to cut the grass around the C4ISR complex because they don’t think it falls under the category of “common level of service.” (Not sure what kind of logic that is.) So the Army builds a brand new $800,000,000. facility and the local folks won’t cut the grass. So much for “welcome to MD and APG.”
Wow BRAC FAMILY, you sound like an utterly bitter and hateful person. It’s not our fault that you are in MD.
Typical NJ attitude. The closing of Fort Monmouth and the influx of their “highly educated” workforce is one of the worst things that has ever happened to APG and Harford County.
I’m confused about your “highly educated workforce” comment. I hear lots of discussion about the Harford and Cecil county schools and the STEM (Science, Tech, Engineering & Math) initiatives. Wanting to get the local kids interested in these fields, so they can become more competitive for the jobs at APG. You comment would imply that you do not want that. Am I reading you wrong?
Tragic that you have to compete with intellect. Why don’t we all just pray for natural selection to take it’s course? Ever seen the movie “Idiocracy”? For some reason an aversion to intelligence is seen as a good thing.
It’s not our fault you happened to be here when we got here either.
Quite a comeback, Davey!
I’m a Harford County native not a transplant. Whats your excuse Porter? Believe me, Harford County was a fine place to live 30 or 40 years ago. The downhill turn started about 20 years ago with the “Move to Opportunity” and then a couple years ago when NJ moved down here with “the attitude”. Northern Harford county still is a nice area. Its just the southern portions that have gone to hell.
Are you qualified for a technical position on post? If you are, then apply, if you’re not, don’t be disappointed because those that could did. Take offense – if you must – at a basic fact: if you are not qualified for rocket science or brain surgery you will not be able to perform very effectively in those positions no matter your interest or your personal opinion of your superiority. Positions are available for technical writers, data collectors, drivers and mechanics. All you need to do is be able to obtain and hold a security clearance. Not many can and they are not hired.
Not so fast there Porter. Any number of us are more than qualified for jobs at APG but have opted to work in the private sector because of self respect. I worked out there in a highly technical capacity for nine years before I left in disgust, mostly because of the gross incompetence of my managers. The area is rich with many qualified workers who prefer to use their talents and skills where excellence is recognized and rewarded.
While I agree with you about the desire for self respect, there is the notion that you can still make a difference despite the indifference of those around you. Running from an undesirable situation does nothing to improve on the situation and only relieves yourself from one set of limitations for another.
I’m not hatefull – just stating the truth. The APG Garrison refuses to cut the grass around the brand-spanking new $800,000,000 complex. That’s not the welcome we were promised by the politicians.
Really? Seriously on your very long list of demands did it include caviar and chevas regal, bottled water in glass bottles, not plastic. Did you throw the appropriate level of hissy fit when they refused to cut the grass. I bet you told them “don’t you know who I am”, I’m a public employee from NJ and we were promised short grass!!!”. If it would make you feel any better just don’t think about it as high grass, think of it as a naturalized landscape.
It’ not a matter of demands. It’s what was promised by the politicians and BRAC planners. In fact there have been lots of promises, and not many fufilled. There was lots of talk about infrastructure and road improvements during the BRAC process. Very few, if any of those – particularly to the roads – have been accomplished.
What politicians are you talking about? Who runs the Garrison?
you know a politician is lying if their mouth is moving.
I bet you’ll find the State Highway Administration portion of those BRAC funds went to the Inter County Connector vs Harford County improvements…
I’m still waiting for the answer to a simple question. Come on BRAC Family give me the name of one politician who promised you anything.
Politicians such as MD state and Federal legislators.
What on earth do MD state legislators have to do with mowing the grass on post at a US Military facility? Do you even think before you type or do you just spout off whatever pops in your head?
BRAC Family, could you please name the politician who promised you that the grass would be cut? Simple question, just name him or her. Since lawn mowing falls under the federal budget, I can’t imagine who would make such a promise.
Porter, when I was at Fort Monmouth in an earlier life, I did not encounter all that many folks who were born and raised in the area. The military has always searched for the best and brightest all over the nation. Most of us here, who manned the historically great organizations of APG before the latest BRAC, also came from all over the country. If you’re so friggin’ bright move back to NJ and give some outfit there the benefit of your not so obvious talent.
Grass cuting is part of the common level of service provided by Garrisons on military posts to tenants and residents. Its part of their mission, and that of the Installation Management Command. The poiticians didn’t promise that (they promised road and anfrastructure improvements.)
All you’re doing here is verifying what many people already suspect about the newcomers so if I were you and cared that people didn’t have one more reason to loathe what’s become of public employee’s attitudes I’d zip it and quick. Nobody gives two figs that you’re upset the grass hasn’t been mowed. If it’s that important to you I’d suggest your manager make you a list of priority things to work on – worrying about the grass is a sure indicator you don’t have much to do.
Grass cutting is important to those of us that work in the field, not just the well manicured lots of the office space. Ticks abide in abundance in tall grass and are eager to catch a ride on an unsuspecting passerby. And Lyme Disease is real. While it would be desirable from an environmental point of view to allow the grass to grow to a more natural condition, this does wonders for the animals but does not bode well for the humans. And the natural fires that eliminate this sort of problem are frowned upon because of the presence of unexploded ordnance.
Another thing that is difficult to understand. They are letting people hunt on post. Thousands of civilians and military (regardless of whether rhey are MD natives or NJ transplants) and the geniuses are letting people walk around with rifles to shoot deer!
You do understand they have a DNR office right on post…why do you think that is? There are hundreds of acres at the “post” most of it densely wooded…and since much of it is surrounded by fence for security it means you have deer, breeding and thriving and then eating much of the available foliage. It’s far more human to allow a limited number of hunters onto the post to cull the herd – it’s either that or starve. You do understand you have to go through a rigorous test beyond just having a hunting license? It’s not a bunch of yahoos on the base…it’s a select few skilled hunters. Besides you’ve already established the grass freaks you out so I can’t imagine what sort of panic you’d have over trees. Don’t walk out there wearing camoflage and you’ll be fine. Please go back to NJ. Honestly I’ll help you pack.
To better illustrate – it’s actually 79,000 acres. There are buildings on a fraction of it.
BRAC Family:
I’d suggest you try to hunt on post.
Your first year must be escorted the entire season by an experienced on-post hunter, regardless of your own off-post hunting experience. You’re assigned a deer stand with limitations on left/right fields of fire (not 360deg, more like 20-30deg) and distance (almost always considerably less than 200m) to ensure safety for all of the tenants of the installation. You must hunt from within that stand, you cannot stalk, and you cannot shoot outside the zone assigned to that stand.
Blouse your pants into your boots and stop whining.
Arizona and New York Arturo. I came here to take a government job and spend more time with my son. It’s a win win for everyone but you. I’ll just have to cope.
The people from New Jersey are highly qualified, and to be honest, Rt. 40 is pretty trashy. Calling him a carpet bagging yankee when we are in the North does not look good either. Truth is they are northern new jersey.. there is a lot of money there just like bethesda coming here. so they want certain services, not pawn shops and porn stores.
To be honest, i understand why they would consider us all trash, but that is a generalization. but i wouldnt blame them for not embracing our blue collar attitude. They would be happier in columbia, silver spring, pikesville, or towson most likely – thats where they come from.
It is their fault for having blinders on and not looking into what areas of the county and other counties would suit them better.
It is poor planning to think that all those NJ yuppies would enjoy living in ABERDEEEN or PERRYVILLE, MD
Havre de Grace though, I could imagine if they were social they would enjoy a lot, as I have seen.
They are carpet bagging Yankees, and for the record we are not in the north. Maryland is a state of proud southern heritage, a threat to the Yankees so much that a large amount of our states government was falsely imprisoned during the war of northern aggression by the most traitorous president to ever rule this country, Abraham Lincoln, remember the line that separated the north from the south is north of Maryland, the Mason Dixon line. We do not want these carpet bagging yankees here in Harford county brining there inconsiderate northern attitudes. They do not understand or respect our southern way of life.
Isn’t Cape May, NJ south of the Mason-Dixon line? That makes me a southern man (as Neil Young once said) doesn’ it? ; )
I apologize, for some reason I forgot MD was in the south lol. Still, my larger point stands.
Any BRAC family that ended up in Aberdeen must have really put effort into ignoring their realtor’s advice, or gone without one figuring they were buying a new home and did not need one…
Can someone explain to me just what they mean by a NY or NJ “Attitude?”
I have new BRAC neighbors from NJ and they are really a decent and friendly family? What gives?
Peace to All, remember WE ALL are God’s Children…..
God Bless us All….
Agreed. I’ve met dozens of these folks and they are as friendly and appreciative as can be.
Many resent being moved here and they are chomping at the bit for an opening at Fort Dix so they can return home. Its a cultural difference, they do not like the relaxed life style, the lack of concern for NY sports teams or events, “inferior” bagels/pizza, distance to the beach, low density of tanning salons or laughter at their excessive use of hair gel and horrible tattoos.
Not to mention the lack of understanding when another motorist tries to treat them to a little courtesy.
Bad tattoos? I’ve seen more of those on locals driving pickup trucks than I ever saw in Jersey.
You have such high opinins of yurselves. They are of course mostly dependent on your non objective perception of your own decency, consideration, and your respect for the rights of others.