From Harford Campaign for Liberty:
Harford Campaign for Liberty will host Blaine Young, Frederick Council President, for a town hall style question and answer session at their monthly meeting on September 25th. Young, described by the online news source as the “sometimes combative president of the Frederick County Board of Commissioners”, has served with that body since 2010. His opposition to Plan Maryland and founding membership in the Rural Maryland Counties Coalition has brought attention to the difficulties facing these areas.
More information can be found online at Mr. Young will briefly address the audience with comments regarding his views and actions on property rights, economic development, and the role of government. These comments will be followed by questions from the assembled. Harford Campaign for Liberty invites all to this opportunity to explore the practice of liberty in other counties. The group encourages attendees to probe Mr. Young with insightful queries designed to fully comprehend the style of government currently practiced in Frederick County.
Harford Campaign for Liberty meets every fourth Tuesday. Their upcoming meeting is September 25, 2012 at 7:00 pm at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 23 Newport Drive, Forest Hill, Maryland 21050. Cash bar is available.
For more information visit or their Facebook page at
I wonder if he will discuss his work with a DC Escort Agency and his phone number which appear in her little black book. Talk about bringing attention to difficulties.
It says he’ll be taking questions, why not go and ask him?
Chris – Good idea.
I’d like to know why Blaine Young and the Frederick County Commissioners gave away $100,000 in “business incentives” last week to Wells Fargo, a multi billion dollar corporation which was already located in Frederick County. Corporate welfare at its worst.
Good question, Sue, that smells as bad as the Smiths Detection handout Harford County approved in July… let us know what his reply was.
I went to a Blaine Young campaign event once. It was fun. I don’t ever remember making so many nooses and burning so many crosses before. Great event to bring the kids!
Blaine Young and the majority of the BOCC of Frederick County has accomplished a lot in their two short years in office. They have decreased regulations, to open up a more friendly business environment and are looking into more ease of use for businesses and consumers, without costing the taxpayers more money.
As for the other issue that some seem to think happened yesterday, well this was quite a while ago and if it were not for him and three other commissioners, we would be priced out of the state by now.
In light of the recent funding to Wells Fargo, I would suggest you ask why.
I’m excited to hear what Mr. Young has to say, it seems he and the other commissioners are some of the few people actually fighting against O’Malley’s liberal plans.
I am very eager to hear how things are done in other parts of the state. I will not be going to support Young. I will be going to evaluate him.