From Mildred M. Samy:
IT IS THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN. The children have returned to school. It is time to further nurture them. Because of the recession and the loss of jobs; many children will be lacking school supplies and clothes for school. M.O.M.S. (Daughters) of Maryland, the Boys and Girls Club, Daphne and I are asking for your help in notifying all the elementary, middle and high school students in the Joppa, Edgewood, Abingdon area regarding this event. We are accepting school supplies and monetary donations. No amount is TOO small and we will appreciate ANY donations that you can give to this event. You can either mail or drop off your donations at the Boys and Girls Club in Edgewood, MD – (410) 676-1020. Make sure you get a receipt because your donation is tax-deductible. LET’S GET THESE CHILDREN OFF TO A GREAT START FOR THIS SCHOOL YEAR.
I can already see that the recession is causing some problems everywhere in the County; to tell you the truth – everywhere in the Country. I’ve also said it time and time again, every citizen has to take an ACTIVE part in their community and let criminals know THEY, GUNS, CRIME and VIOLENCE are not welcome in your community around YOUR CHILDREN under any circumstances. NEIGHBORS need to stand together to do this – one or two people cannot do it. IT’S TIME FOR US ALL TO TAKE OUR TOWNS BACK. CRIME IS LIKE A CANCER, IT HAS NO BOUNDARIES, IT SPREADS EVERYWHERE (Bel Air, Darlington, Street, Abingdon, Edgewood, Fallston, Aberdeen, Havre de Grace, Baltimore County, Baltimore City, PERRY HALL). WE HAVE TO DO THIS FOR THE CHILDREN, WHAT LEGACY WILL WE LEAVE THEM IF WE DON’T TAKE A STAND?
By CARING, CONNECTING & COMMUNICATING WITH THE CHILDREN; we are opening up a dialogue with them that WE CARE about them, WE CARE enough to help them to succeed, WE CARE about how they feel, WE CARE about what they are feeling, WE CARE if they fail and WHAT CAN WE DO to help them SUCCEED; WE CARE, CARE,CARE!!!
Although what happened at Perry Hall High School was a tragedy; it was a near-MOMS tragedy. We must NOT be complacent about such matters. IT CAN HAPPEN ANYWHERE, AT ANYTIME. WE MUST BAN TOGETHER TO MAKE SURE THIS TYPE OF BEHAVIOR IS ERADICATED.
Mildred M. Samy
Thanks for the caps-lock.
I’d suggest spelling and grammar checking as well, “ban” vs “band”, “let them we care”, etc.
I also noticed in school the poor kids never managed to hold onto the school supplies the teachers gave them, while the affluent kids never had a problem keeping track of their planner or notebook. You would think they would treasure a charity more than the kid that thinks nothing of a 99-cent notebook because his parents buy them by the ten pack.
Why do the laptop carts at Fallston have missing keys etc. and the ones at Magnolia have few issues?
Does Magnolia use tehm?
YUP. My wife claims that the two carts are pretty much booked solid and you neeed to be planned about a month in advance!
Once again the Dagger reader-sphere does not disappoint!