Our meal at Basta Pasta in Fallston took almost 3 hours from start to finish, but that can’t be blamed on poor service. Quite the opposite! When I met my oldest and dearest girlfriend for lunch last Sunday, we had a lot of gossiping and catching up to do. And the food was so enjoyable that we even lingered over dessert and coffee which felt like a true luxury.
We began our journey with a cup of Maryland Crab and a cup of the Cream of Crab. I’m pretty picky about Maryland Crab soup because my ego gets in the way – I believe that I can cook a pretty mean crab soup right in my own kitchen, which is why I rarely order it in a restaurant. And once again, I was right. Their version of Maryland Crab Soup was a watery broth and some humdrum veggies with a scant amount of crabmeat. On the other hand, the Cream of Crab was very tasty yet not too rich, and they didn’t skimp on the crabmeat. Next came an Italian-style salad of mixed greens, black olives, cucumbers, tomato, croutons and an oil and vinegar dressing. And similar to the Olive Garden, their salad is served in unlimited portions, however, one bowl was plenty for us to share.
My girlfriend ordered the Eggplant Parmesan which is typically a dish that is out of her culinary comfort zone. I forced her to let me try it after she continually pronounced that it was by far “the best sauce she has ever tasted.” Unlike the crab soup, eggplant is a dish that I struggle with at home. But Basta Pasta has mastered the art of the eggplant – it was fresh and lightly fried, not weighted down by too much oil. Although I would have preferred just a bit more cheese. Can you ever have too much cheese?
What sometimes surprises me about menus at Italian restaurants is that they often have a very wide variety to choose from. Kudos to the Italian chefs that must learn and perfect all of these recipes! In addition to all of the pastas that are characteristic of this Mediterranean country, everything from lasagna to gnocchi to sausages and meatballs, Basta Pasta also serves steaks, crabcakes and fish. And I noticed that several other tables were ordering the crabcakes, so perhaps we can assume that they are exceptional? The scampi and alfredo dishes seemed to be calling my name, but after much deliberation, I chose the Chicken Gypsy. This creation featured large chunks of chicken breast, tomatoes, roasted red peppers, artichoke hearts, mushrooms, spinach and in a garlicky white wine sauce over fettucine. Freshly grated parmesan cheese was sprinkled on top. It was a little heavy on the oil for my taste, but the leftovers still made a great snack later that evening . The breadsticks were so yummy that I was almost angry at our waitress for bringing them. Doesn’t she realize that most women in their forties are on a perpetual diet?? It didn’t stop me from sticking the leftover ones in my doggy bag though.
And last but certainly not least was a Peanut Butter Chocolate Pie – need I say more? The decadent chocolaty crust contained a light mousse-like peanut butter filling with more chocolate drizzled on top. Unfortunately, my dining companion did not order her own dessert, therefore, in the name of friendship, I was forced to share mine. Other sugary delicacies offered for dessert were a traditional cheesecake, tiramisu, canolli and a chocolate cake. They were exhibited in a tall glass display case that spun in circles, captivating all who dared to gaze in that direction.
Basta Pasta
2745 Fallston Road
Fallston, Maryland 21047
(410) 692-5200
Basta Pasta is the WORST restaurant!! I had my rehearsal dinner here and my whole family ended up in the hospital with severe food poisoning an what did the owner of the restaurant say…”oh sorry.”. This place should be shut down, it is a disgrace to have in Fallston!
As an owner of a food business, I’m sure there’s more to the story than that.
I’ve heard nothing but great things about this place!
Actually Mia, there isn’t anymore to the story. The food was great until a few hours later. I’m not sure what more you are looking for….did you want to see medical records? My family is not the only one who has had this complaint either.
I see where you posted this story 2 years ago.
Anyway, that’s unfortunate but looks like they
do a good business.
To each his own…hope u don’t get sick from eating there.
Basta Pasta is a horrible restaurant! Kim, your family isn’t the only ones that have gotten sick from their horrible food! Last week my family had a birthday dinner their and 7 out of 10 people got horribly sick! My grandmother ended up at GBMC hospital! We are in the process of bringing a law suit against this restaurant!
We are all still waiting for the lawsuit information.
Or was it all just a bunch of hot air? Just be aware, Jaclyn, that there is hot air that doesn’t mean a whole lot and then there is hot air such as you posted that can have very serious results if not true.
Maybe your related, lol. Obviously if it were that
big of a problem they wouldn’t still be open. Or
at least there would be m
More knowledge of the issue in this small
Wow Mia, that was pretty rude considering we all are entitled to our opinions.
Not trying to be rude. Good luck with your lawsuit. I’ll look for it in the newspaper.
I’ve eaten at Basta Pasta maybe 5 or so times. The food was good, atmosphere OK…reasonably priced and the staff was prompt and friendly. It’s pretty much packed every time I go there and I doubt that would be the case if everyone get’s sick from the food.
Just wandering over here from the more weighty matters of HCPS and Walmart. I’m not sure what ‘in the process of bringing a lawsuit’ actually means. A lot of serious words to throw around if it is just hot air.
Who is your attorney? Has it been filed or when will it be filed? What court and jurisdiction? If you don’t have the answer to those questions – and none of the information is confidential, all a matter of public record – then you might want to stop defaming a restaurant that just might end up bringing you to account.
Hate to say this but I too sort of hear either some unexplained grudge or perhaps some interest in a competing restaurant. No way everybody gets food poisoning at Basta Pasta. I’ve been there; it’s clean. Plus if there were some chronic problem they would have been shut down by the health department or at least cited and they haven’t been. I’m thinking somebody’s being a bit dishonest, just not sure why. People say all kinda goofy stuff with the protection of anonimity of the web. Defaming a business however is pretty low.
This is all fun and games when people make accusations against a restaurant without using their full names. Go ahead and pursue a lawsuit but you are defaming a restaurant and hiding behind the anonymity of this forum. Alex and Money Tree absolutely nailed it, and I agree with their positions. This is little more than being catty and trying to jeopardize other people’s reputations with no demonstration of integrity from either author. Lots of people come to this forum using multiple aliases to post seemingly identical positions. Either keep your thoughts to yourself or fully disclose your intent and your identities so everyone else can establish whether or not you are credible.
I agree!
My name is Kim Green, I’m happy to share my full name with you. I have nothing to hide. I shared a bad experience at this restaurant. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but I find it a bit rude that I am being bashed because I shared my experience. Not everyone agrees, I understand that, but there is no reason to be rude. As for the accusations that Jaclyn and I are related, that is a false accusation. I’m guessing that we aren’t supposed to voice our opinions when these stories are posted.
Substantiate it and report it to the health department. Posting your opinion here is only bringing down derision on a restaurant that you think did something wrong and that you have provided no evidence to support from an incident that happened years ago. Do you remember Pizzeria Uno was shut down in part because of a Hepatitis C event? If you do nothing other than lament about your personal; experience you are not helping the community at all and only seeking satisfaction through expressing your grief in this forum. Talk is cheap.
Kim- You don’t think it’s rude to say they are the worst
restaurant and should be shut down? I understand your
being upset if you and your family got sick two years ago
after eating there- however you can’t say everyone who
doesn’t agree with you or your comments is being rude
just because they question your honesty. They are
entitled to their opinion as well.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion i just find it rude for people to bash someone. My incident was not two years ago, I have no idea where you are getting that information. My husband and I were just married a month ago. Yes it was a very bad experience and yes I believe the restaurant owner should have done more considering but it’s over and done with and yes someone wrote an article about this amazing restaurant and I shared my experience. Enough is enough with the going back an forth…seriously. I’m not crucifying all of you for saying how much you love the place.
There are plenty of things posted on The Dagger that have have little to no facts behind them. It would be no different if you posted a negative review on Yelp.
By the way, I think the place sucks, too.
Also sucks:
Red Robin
Double T Diner (White Marsh is better)
Dark Horse
The Tower
Doesn’t suck:
Looney’s (service is spotty, though)
Sean Bolan’s
Buontempo Bros.
The comments made were not about food preferences in terms of palate, but specific public accusations of multiple episodes of food poisoning out of the restaurant. I’m glad you’ve selected your personal favorites – we all have them, but that has nothing to do with this. I accepted Kim’s issue although reading between the lines I’m bettin’ she demanded the meals be comped and the owner refused. I’m calling pure BS on Jaclyn though – she sure disappeared quickly when marginally confronted. My experience with this restaurant is the complete opposite of both claimants. By the way to suggest that Looney’s has better food that Basta is suspect – that’s bar food, supposed to be bar food because it’s primarily a bar – the place smells dirty and reeks of cigarette smoke in the dining area, it’s so loud in there too – hardly where I’d go to enjoy a fine dining experience.
Actually, once again, you are wrong. I was not looking for food to be comped, that’s not what it’s about. If they have an issue in the kitchen it needs to be fixed plain and simple. The money means nothing to me, please stop assuming you know anything about me.
Kim…if the only people reporting illness were from your group that’s hardly reason to spend a bunch of money on what you perceive as kitchen upgrades. Fact is unless you and your party were the only ones who ate in the restaurant the night of your dinner and everybody ate the same food; same drink, same entree, literally nearly from the same forks and knives you have no way of knowing what caused illness…again if there were others outside your group at anytime that night and nobody else reported getting sick your charge doesn’t hold. Heck your presence was as constant as any other factors; perhaps you made them sick. I’m guessing that’s a possibility.
Never suggested or said that Looney’s was better, fine(r) dining, etc. Just that their food, in my OPINION, is better. That’s it. People can express what they think. Stop pissing and moaning.
I have no idea where you guys are getting your information because this issue was NOT two years ago!! Thank you Yensan but you might want to disclose all your information because they will accuse us of being related and say you’re hiding behind the anonimity of the web and blah, blah, blah.
Kim, if you can’t take criticism, don’t post on a blog.
Reasonable criticism is totally fair. A bunch of holier-than-thou’s piling on is not.
Ok, whoever posted that last comment- use your
own name. I agree with what you said, but don’t
put my name on your comments.
I can’t decide if this bickering over food is refreshing or just ridiculous. I am leaning toward the latter. There are starving kids in Africa, an idiot trying to run for president and a woman who was hit by a car and left for dead. But let’s talk about that raging case of diarrhea you had and argue about it.
All the more reason- that it is refreshing..
I wouldn’t go so far as to say Obama is an idiot. Just not very capable and has made no real progress in the past 4 years.
Perhaps the raging case of diarrhea was from contemplating the two O’Malley/Miller/Busch staged events referred to as emergency special sessions.
Spewing hate seems to be the favorite past time of Harford residents like yourself. Great ambassadors of provincial prejudice in this county. Spreads easily like the alleged food poisoning rumors.
Sheesh, Mesta, I didn’t call Obama an idiot. That was Shemp. I defended him as best my conscience would allow.
An idiot is seeking reelection
I’m glad that the subject of “food poisoning” came up because it will allow me to share my own experience with it. Last year I went to Las Vegas for a business conference and was taken by ambulance to the ER for what turned out to be E-coli. I finally made it back to Maryland and was then hospitalized at Upper Chesapeake. I was 99% sure that I knew which restaurant was the culprit. And it was a fairly expensive place where I had eaten before. However, I could not place blame on that particular establishment because there was no proof that I contracted it there. I’m not a physician and I know that there are many forms of “food poisoning”, however, E-coli (which can be life threatening) cannot always be traced back to a certain place because it can stay in your body for awhile before you have any symptoms. Therefore, it is possible that I got it on the airplane, or even from something I cooked myself at home prior to traveling.