Aberdeen Middle School teacher Ryan Burbey was elected president of the Harford County Education Association Thursday night, and will head the union representing 3,200 teachers in Harford County Public Schools.
Burbey was elected by union representatives in a special election held to fill the vacancy created by the resignation in July of Randy Cerveny. Cerveny was elected to a second three-year term as president in 2011, defeating Burbey with 75 percent of the vote.
Burbey will serve the remainder of Cerveny’s term, which ends in July 2014.
“I look forward to serving the teachers and students of Harford County,” Burbey said in a post on his Facebook page.
Harford County Education Association is the bargaining union for all Harford County Public School teachers, guidance counselors and psychologists, media specialists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech and hearing clinicians.
Check back with The Dagger for details on this developing story.
Good luck to the HCEA!!! They are gonna need it. My daughter had this man for a teacher – very arrogant and rude with both her and me. He certainly doesn’t like to be questioned.
The rank and file did not elect Ryan Burbey. A small group of representatives elected him. Quite a few schools weren’t even represented at the vote.
Welcome to the world of unions and backdooring.
JJ maybe not you but a JJ from a Law Enforcemnt capacity should know backdooring. IT GOT HIM A RAISE. Who cares about the rest of the struggling deputies. A hand picked :ohh(MASTER DEPUTY) got his raise. Politics at its best hopefully people see this. THIS IS A JOKE!to may of my fellow brothers and HCSO Deputies Union is a favor driven process, and a joke. They dont care about the average ted, chuck or frank unless it helps them in the process. Sleep well knowing that you are failing and hurting others lives. When its time I hope the board all stands up and says we have accomplished nothing beause we DIDNT TRY HARD ENOUGH. Its ok you are on your way out, You have hurt to many of my brothers and sisters. really dont know how you sleep, you were here for us and did NOTHING. Its pretty sad, hopefully your career is remembered as different.
It has taken a long time for the Deputies to realize that the man you speak of has never had their best interests in mind if it did not also affect his best interests. Many times only his best interests and those of a select few were enhanced.
The Deputies Union is a very powerful force within the county, and with the right leadership, can be an even more powerful entity for all of the Deputies, not just a few.
How much will Ryan be making as HCEA president and does this mean we will not have to listen to how he struggles to provide for his family on his teacher’s salary?
Didn’t Randy Cerveny make over $100,000?
Well maybe Ryan will actually stand up for the teachers, unlike the president of the Harford County Deputy Sheriffs Union who has done NOTHING for his people because he doesnt want to “make waves over every issue”. My advice is that Ryan if you dont take a stand your people in your days as president your days will be numbered just like samuel 335, whether he sees it or not! YOU WERE ELECTED TO DO A JOB SO DO IT.
Uncle Benny,
Samuel 335? I can’t find a post from him.
Alex R,
I believe that is Uncle Benny’s point. Sam 335 is a do nothing who does not stand up for the people. Thus, you would not see any posting in support of the members who Sam 335 is supposed to represent.
Yes, I was just trying to get a response from someone. I assume Uncle Benny means the book of 2nd Samuel Chapter 3 and verse 35. Would that Ryan Burbey had anywhere near the ability and integrity of David.
What does Burbey have to do with the Sheriff’s dept.? He is president of the teachers union. Please keep on the subject!
Very smart to vote in a radical Liberal in conservative county.
Hey B… I was perusing some of your older comments that weren’t directed at me at the time and I found you back in a discussion of a raid that arrested a bunch of people for selling prescription drugs. Seems you have major issues with people in authority or people that are just right. You seem like a very ignorant hateful little man that has nothing positive to say about anything. Since Ryan actually cares about something I’m sure we can see more of your nasty hateful little comments directed at him since he is your new target for unrestrained personal invective. And if you ever develop a spine, please feel free to post your real name so someone can actually take you to task for your defamation. Either that or dry up and blow away. Because sir, you are simply an anonymous little fraud that simply likes to throw gas on a fire so wyou can watch the world burn.
David, you and I disagree many times, but I do believe that you are an honorable person who does care about people and facts. What you said about Uncle Benny is right on target. He tries to inject his opinion on how he sees the HCSO in every post he can. He doesn’t mind destroying the reputation of anyone if it suits his point of view. Lastly, he never lets the facts get in the way of his story.
@ Monster- David is commenting to “B” you fool get your facts straight. I dont blame you I would be scared for my job if i was you. But i’m not you so good luck! (i excpect a derogatory comment at this point it fits you well). L. Jesse has 2 years left in office you know it and I know it I LOVE IT AND YOU HATE IT. That is our only difference. Good Luck Fake Brother. I hope you feel that you have had a good career and realize that good peoples careers are being destroyed. If you are ok with at then you are? Can you sleep at night. Im sure sure can but karma is a B^&*#. Good Luck Coward.
I was replying to David Porter. Get your facts straight. You make this an anti-Bane attack at every chance. The topic is Ryan Burbey, jackass.
Since you added nothing to the debate, I have no response for you. This is typical of our exchanges…. I offer substance and you attack personally. If you will notice, I commented on his political views and not him. I will let the thumbs down speak for what people think of your comments.
@ B they will offer nothing this is a last ditch effort to shine, Its not working but the left wing fellas(aka Baners) will still try. Its a joke they have to be invovled in all debates. GROW UP. JESSE PUT THIS ON HIMSELF, SO COUNT YOUR DAYS DOWN.
What does this comment have to do with Ryan Burbey? Again, you want to turn this in to a anti-Bane attack. By the way, I am no coward. I will meet you any time any place. You are a jackass.
I feel sorry for all those teachers. When Mr. Burbey starts insulting the elected officials that make the funding decisions, I doubt that they will do him an favors.
Are you suggesting elected officials have been keeping the interests of teachers at the front end of their actions so far? In my opinion Mr. Burbey really cannot do any damage there… the County Council, County Executive and BOE have been insulting us for years now.
The County Council and Executive refuse to fund education… The BOE keeps programs like new logos on the books while cutting book purchase money and teachers (through attrition, but teacher numbers are down) to adhere to a contract… and these hypocrites still have the nerve to say they value the kids’ education???
If these actions are favors – they can stop them now, thank you. The favors they provided last year has made me responsible for 50+ more students this year – to pick up the slack from a missing teacher. So now this year with nearly 200 students; answer me – will they get the attention they will need?
Don’t feel sorry for me… I just want to know if the electorate respects education.
My daughter attends a Harford County Middle School and I certainly respect the education system in this county, HOWEVER, I think you have a lot of nerve complaining and crying about being given more work to do when you just received a pay raise. The teachers protested the County and BOE to get their raises – which are being paid for by cuts in the school budget. The rest of us County employees have been shafted for the last 4-5 years with no raise.
Really??? Teachers that are crying about no funding can go do it somewhere else!!
It is a shame that deputies and other county workers have been overlooked and neglected. Just don’t hold it against teachers because we won’t bend over and take it. If you are unhappy say so. Demand more. But please don’t berate me and my colleagues because we complain in public rather than confining our protests to slamming other county workers on the keyboard.
I did not receive a pay raise. I received one step of the three I am owed because of a contract I signed with the county. I held up my end of the contract by obtaining a masters degree and other requirements. I show up at work and do my job. I’ll shock you – keep the 1% and give me another step I am owed. I’ll shock you even more – give me my steps and never give me another COLA or other adjustment. I’ve said it here before – the maximum rate on my pay scale is compensation enough for what I do.
Also, I’m not crying about doing more work. I am loathing that I am being spread too thinly to do my job to my satisfaction. If your daughter comes into my room some day and needs extra help I’m now confident you’ll be that understanding parent that acknowledges an hour after school once a week is impossible.
Wrap yourself in indignation at my comments, but when you come to your senses and see the bigger picture of what their decisions mean to you personally (that is, your daughter) – you won’t owe me an apology, but hopefully you’ll understand it better.
Joppatowne resident,
Are you for real? They got a 1% raise which is not even the cost of living! As teachers they have been given more work to teach the kids of HCPS with little compensation. Last yr. they eliminated 70 positions by not replacing teachers who retired or the teachers were transferred to a different school. If you want the best education for the students of HCPS, stand behind your teachers and stop bad-mouthing them. They are teaching the future of our county!
Oh, we did and we are….
There was quite a bit of debate within the BOE about the new logo. Some BOE members seem to understand what are the really important issues are willing to ask questions and say no to the superintendent. Others can’t seem to find a recommendation Tomback makes that they can’t live without. We need more leaders and fewer yes men/women on the BOE. Attend a BOE meeting or watch it on TV and you will see who they are. Then you can vote intelligently at the next election.
In answer to your question, yes, the electorate respects education.
It is a lot of the more prominent ‘educators’ that we have a problem with. Here are just a few of thenm: (1) the HCPS leadership; (2) the BOE that supports the HCPS leadership; (3) the HCEA; (4) the bloated HCPS bureaucracy. And I could go on.
The electorate supports good clasroom teachers as long as there is a process in place that is effective and efficient to get rid of the poor ones, and an administration that can tell the difference.
As you say the electorate respects education and understands the issues with HCPS leadership, the bureaucracy within the school system, and those on the BOE that support it. The current crop of BOE members may be good civic minded people but that simply isn’t enough. I am looking forward to the next election when we can help some on the BOE find other ways to contribute to their communities by voting them out of office.
@Alex – Are you saying that the electorate is only willing to support good classroom teachers if the central administration has an effective plan to remove poor teachers? Will you please provide some clarification and elaboration?
The electorate, for the most part, doesn’t support a single teacher, it supports a school system. What the electorate wants, in my view, is assurance that the school system has a fair process in place to evaluate teachers. Good teachers get rewarded, mediocre teachers get helped to become better if possible, poor teachers get removed.
That is how it is in the world where the vast majority of the electorate works everyday. If the electorate (again, in my view) sees that poor teachers are not removed then in their view the entire system is suspect and their child suffers either actually or potentially. That is why good teachers need to understand that it is not in their best interest to have poor teachers protected from removal. One lousy teacher in the headlines does more damage than ten John Hickey’s can do good. And speaking of John Hickey, an example of why the electorate has no respect for the system. The school system treatment of John Hickey, in the mind of the electorate, is overwhelming evidence that the school system doesn’t know a good teacher from a bad teacher and doesn’t care.
Ryan Burbey is a left wing idealogue? His postings and facebook page indicate he is skeptical and downright hateful in cases of anything “conservative” in nature. This is certainly a sad day for Harford County. I wouldn’t be surprised if Burbey gets a real beatdown in the next year.
I wouldn’t say Ryan has ever come off hateful, just misguided.
Hopefully this means he’ll wise up and stop leaving his drivel all every article on The Dagger that has anything remotely to do HCPS or county budgeting.
Yes, Larry, I agree. The problem is that the HCEA tends to choose these liberals to be their leaders. Cerveny was and so is Burbey. Teachers do deserve a raise but not now. These leaders do nothing to build trust by politicians or teachers. Cerveny wanted to embarras the CE and got called on it to the detriment of the HCEA members. They didn’t get raises because the BOE felt it better to spend money on other things. The CE and CC cannot direct how the BOE spends their money. I take issue that there was not enough money in the last budget to fund raises, the BOE made that decision. The money going to the BOE has not been cut, only their continued request for higher and higher amounts with a declining enrollment.
@ Monster and Porter you are fools. Keep drinking the koolaid.
Drinking the Koolaid is getting a little old, don’t you think? Oh, wait a minute, you do not think. If you really are a deputy, you should understand how local government works. I don’t think that you are a deputy, just someone who is campaigning to get rid of Bane. Now I am not going in to that arena now because the topic is Ryan Burbey. Can you stay to the topic?
Has Burbey called for work-to-rule to start on Monday?
The BOE would be MUCH more effective if it were made up of actual educators. Those who know how the system works and what teachers and administrators really do. Otherwise, they must rely on the recommendations from the Baltimore county admins.
You are absolutely correct. If you look at the current makeup of the BOE only Mrs. Reynolds and Mr. Frisch have recent and relevant school system experience. It is also interesting to note that they regularly challenge the superintendent and vote against his recommendations more than the other BOE members. The public can draw some interesting conclusions from that. Food for thought for the next time the BOE is up for election.
Who on the BOE has recent and relevant experience running a business the size and complexity of HCPS?
Congratulations, Ryan. I know you needed the money based on other posts you have made. Maybe you can turn around the recent drastic drop in HCEA membership. I guess you will have to get your suits cleaned and pressed and get a proper haircut if you want to run with the big dogs. Don’t make the same silly mistakes as your predecessor or 2 years will be all that you will get and it will seem like a lifetime.