From Del. Glen Glass:
Maryland State Delegate Glen Glass, member of the Ways and Means Committee and Gaming Subcommittee, made the following statement in response to Governor O’Malley’s comments July 19, 2012. Delegate Glass is opposed to a Special Session on gambling and will boycott if one is called.
“The Governor is correct that we do have an obligation to the people that we represent to show up for work and, I promise that I will be working. I will be in my district, with my constituents, working on things that really matter instead of blowing up to $20,000 a day of their money just to discuss adding another casino. A Special Session is for emergencies only and this does not constitute an emergency. In the history of the United States, no state has ever expanded gaming before first opening and stabilizing the legislated casinos and examining how they perform. My job is not to be in the hands of the corporations and I will not take any part in lowering taxes for corporations after the Democrats just raised them on Marylanders. Changing the rules of the game, which Governor O’Malley originally wrote himself, for businesses such as Maryland Live in the middle of their current agreements is a terrible policy for advancing private business in Maryland. I’m not trying to start a back and forth dialogue between myself and the Governor but my constituents do support this boycott. I urge all Marylanders to call the Governor’s office and ask him not to have a Special Session to take up gambling expansion.”
Corporations don’t vote Mr Glass, we do.
Delegate Glass is one of Harford’s most effective state legislators ever. I know the Democrats will be heeding his advice. Go get ’em!
with all due respect Jack…..I don’t think he has done anything useful and just likes to see his name in print.
You are entitled to voice your opinion in this country, at least until you run afoul of the Dem/Libs as Chick-Fil-A has in Boston, the birthplace of freedom. And also in Chicago. What a joke they are.
I disagree with you. And will be voting for him and supporting him every time he runs.