From the Harford Campaign for Liberty:
“I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which grant a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.” James Madison
Harford Campaign for Liberty
July 24,2012
Forest Hill Knights of Columbus Hall
23 Newport Drive, Forest Hill
It is likely the Mr. James Madison would frown on the recent actions of our county government. Join us this month and learn how Harford County taxpayers have funded an $850,000 gift to Smith’s Detection. We’ll also update you on:
· The evils of The Federal Reserve and the recent Audit the Fed vote.
· State nullification.
· What’s new with casino legislation or “How the State Gambles With Your Money”
· More mischief from the United Nations.
Cash bar available
Visit us at and sign our petitions that encourage good government in Harford County.
While you’re at it, why not look at how the GOP uses your tax dollars to help other gifts to corporations:
• Big Oil and Big Gas Tax Breaks: $80 billion
• Deferral of Taxes on Income of U.S.-Controlled Corporations Abroad: 9 billion
• Accelerated Depreciation on Equipment : $141 billion
• Deduction for Domestic Manufacturing : $76.7 billion
• Last-In, First-Out Accounting (LIFO) : $24.2 billion
• Subsidies to Big Agribusiness : $52 billion
• Permit Government to Negotiate Drug Prices for Medicare (money to drug companies): $157.9 billion
• End Tax Breaks For Drug Companies : $50 billion
• Enact a Derivatives and Speculation Tax. : $650 billion Wall Street receives indirect corporate welfare/subsidies via a regulatory system and infrastructure investment for which it pays virtually nothing.
The Democrats control the Presidency, the Senate, and they controlled the House from 2008-2010. Why did the democrats support all of these things?
Are you still in the blame game or do you really want to fix what is wrong around here? Agree to do something or do nothing. And nothing includes crticizing the acts and ideas of others if you have nothing to add but derision. You sound like Andy Harris.
At this point “Proud to be a Broken Record” might be a better moniker for you……
when the TEA Party realizes that the republicans are as much to blame for the state of the nation as are democrats then I will support an idea of change to something better. Rommey is just another Obama in a different shade. Elect Ron Paul or someone whom will cease war games with our troops to seek influence in lands that don’t benefit our land and promise everyone tax breaks, tax credits and creates the kind of debt load that our grandchildren will see us turn in to one of the PIGS to become PIGS and US. When are we going to realize that this game of blaming one side while the other side is always correct is really not the way to go forward to make our country better?
I think most tea partiers understand that most republicans, especially George Bush, are no better then the democrats, worst of all, Barack Obama. The choice now is the lesser of two evils, although I find it hard to believe that anyone can be as big a disaster as Obama has been.
B, I think you are wrong, I can’t tell you how many people I have seen with the Gadsden Flag on their vehicle or home with a Romney sign/sticker.
Romney and Obama are the same principle wise, both Pro-Empire, Pro- Big Government. Also listening to the C4 show on WBAL there are so many “TEA Party” members that buy into neo-conservatism. The only true TEA Party candidate is Ron Paul. I called into Ron Smith one time talking about the Left-Right paradigm. I stated that when the left is in power they are the bad guys and the minority Right are the good guys trying to save us from the left, when the Right is in power the Left is trying to save us from the evil right. The fact of the matter is BOTH parties are pro-big government.
The only way to bring about real change is through electing people who put principle before party and will stand their ground in their beliefs. How many “TEA Party” candidates supported all sorts of limited government principles in 2010, but when elected supported renewal of the Patriot Act & NDAA among many other unconstitutional and big government pieces of legislation?
I agree, Phantom. I was very encouraged when the Tea Party was born but quickly became disillusioned when the rhetoric was simply anti-democrat anything. So long as big government is republican, all is well with the world. I have voted libertarian in the last 2 elections. No one in the republi-crat parties represents me.
Unfortunately Maryland has closed primaries so if you a registered to any party other than D or R you lose your primary vote. For that very reason there are many of us Independent/Libertarian principled voters who remain registered as Republicans because Liberty candidates run as Republicans since there is very little chance a third party candidate will ever get elected, you can thank voters who are blinded by voting straight party lines.