UPDATE: Statement from County Executive David R. Craig Regarding a Proposed Settlement between the Harford County Board of Education and the Harford County Education Association can be found at the bottom of this article.
From Harford County Public Schools:
The Board of Education of Harford County and the Harford County Education Association (HCEA), which represents approximately 3,200 Harford County Public Schools employees, including teachers, guidance counselors, psychologists, media specialists, occupational therapists, physical therapists and speech and hearing clinicians, have reached a tentative agreement for the FY12 (2011-12) and FY13 (2012-13) school years.
Today, a tentative agreement for FY13 was signed by representatives of the school system and HCEA. The one?year tentative contract between the two organizations encompasses the 2012-13 school year, which will begin July 1, 2012, and end June 30, 2013.
This tentative agreement, which is currently being shared with members of the Board of Education of Harford County and with the members of HCEA, includes a step increase for eligible employees, a one percent (1%) Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) and a longevity increment.
HCEA also tentatively agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that resolves the outstanding 2011-12 collective bargaining issues. The MOU provides for a bonus day for the 2011-12 school year, therefore the last day for teachers will be Wednesday, June 13, 2012.
Despite the lack of funding for a wage increase from fiscal authorities, the Board agreed to fund the increases through significant reductions in staffing and other programmatic areas throughout the budget to include professional development, overtime, meetings and conferences and equipment. “The Board is pleased to provide our employees with an increase in salary as they are the heart of this organization and so deserving,” said Dr. Leonard D. Wheeler, Board president. “Working with a budget shortfall this year, it was imperative that we carefully analyzed the budget to make strategic and thoughtful reductions in order to provide a salary increase for our employees. However, with approximately 85 percent of our budget dedicated to people, it is impossible to make cuts without realizing an impact on the classroom.”
As a result of the FY13 Board agreement, members of the four other bargaining units (Harford County Educational Services Council [HCESC]; the Association of Public School Administrators and Supervisors of Harford County [APSASHC]; the Association of Harford County Administrative, Technical and Supervisory Professionals [AHCATSP]; and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees [AFSCME]) will also receive the step increase, COLA and longevity increment for eligible employees.
Information regarding the collective bargaining process can be found on the school system website at www.hcps.org by clicking on the ‘Board’ tab.
From the Harford County Education Association:
After a long and arduous process, the Harford County Education Association has reached a tentative agreement with the Harford County Board of Education on language and salary enhancements for teachers.
The tentative agreement signed today includes several improvements in contract language and, most significantly, a one percent cost of living allowance, a step on the salary scale for eligible teachers and longevity increases for more experienced teachers. These changes will go into effect on July 1, 2012.
Teachers’ eligibility for longevity pay will be based on years of service, whether or not a step increase was granted in any of those years.
An agreement was made that the teachers’ last duty day of the 2011-2012 school year will be Wednesday, June 13.
The tentative agreement will not go into effect after ratification by HCEA members and approval by the Board of Education. The Board of Education plans to adopt a budget containing the negotiated pay increases at its June 11 meeting. HCEA members will vote on ratification of the tentative agreement in their schools on Tuesday June 12 and Wednesday June 13.
HCEA President Randy Cerveny thanked the Board for returning to the table and bargaining in good faith. “Make no mistake: this agreement came about because of the involvement and advocacy of the teachers of Harford County. They refused to remain silent in the face of threats to the quality of education for Harford County students and stood up for their right to be compensated as professionals.”
Statement from County Executive David R. Craig Regarding a Proposed Settlement between the Harford County Board of Education
and the Harford County Education Association
From Harford County government:
Harford County Executive David R. Craig issued the following statement regarding the proposed settlement between the Harford County Board of Education and the Harford County Education Association:
“I want to congratulate Dr. Leonard Wheeler, President of the Board of Education, Vice President Rick Grambo, all members of the Board of Education of Harford County and Dr. Robert Tomback, Superintendent of Schools for their tireless efforts in obtaining a tentative agreement between the Board and HCEA. The collective bargaining process has been a difficult one, but in the end, the Board found the funds within their budget to provide for a modest pay raise and longevity pay for those eligible teachers of Harford County Public Schools.
The collective bargaining process as established under Maryland law is a matter between the school system and their respective bargaining units. The County Executive is not involved in the collective bargaining process for teachers or other employees of the school system and therefore cannot be involved in this settlement.
The proposed 1% pay raise, plus Step and longevity pay will cost the Board of Education approximately $10 million. Although our teachers undoubtedly deserve a fair pay raise, this proposal also comes with a cost – the loss of both administrative and teaching positions. I must also stress, that none of this raise will be paid for outside of the Board’s FY 2013 budget. Thus, no additional funding was needed from the taxpayers of Harford County to support this negotiated pay raise for teachers and staff.
I felt confident throughout this budget process that the Board of Education would find the money within their allotted budget to provide for this pay raise for eligible teachers and staff.
Since taking office as County Executive in 2005, I have consistently funded the Board of Education at unprecedented levels above the required Maintenance of Effort. In FY 2013, the Board’s budget was increased by nearly $1 million more than Maintenance of Effort, while the State of Maryland was reducing their level of funding to the county school system.
Hopefully the Board of Education and Harford County Education Association can move forward in a collaborative manner and put this issue behind them for the betterment of the education of our children and grandchildren”.
Sounds like they saw the writing on the labor board wall and threw them a bone. Good for them…at least they got something.
Although people from all sides on this matter will find fault, I applaud the HCEA leadership and their team of negotiators for reaching an agreement. I hope this does not have to happen again in the near future. All of the visceral statements I have read by a relatively few vocal writers on this forum have been disheartening. The leadership of the HCPS are leading the school system to new lows, both in attending to the needs of the students and the morale of the teachers and staff. The public in our county must hold the county executive and the school board accountable for maintaining the quality educational system that the children of our county deserve.
“I hope this does not have to happen again in the near future.”
This covers one year.
It will happen again.
Maybe the bad press and public spectacle of protesting teachers had an impact? at least for one year
We should have started picketing the county council back in september. They are the ones with the money, Craig wants to run for governor, Are you going to vote for him?
Am I going to vote for him? COmpared to any Dem/Lib that is likely to run in Maryland I will be there when the polls open.
The BOE allowed the union to save face, to include “several improvements in contract language.” They will now execute the budget within funding constraints and the teachers get to feel empowered. This keeps the lid on the pot, but kicks the real issues down the road. No surprises here.
So what did teacher’s get for last year? A bonus day, which what was offered last year.
One day off does not a step make.
“Despite the lack of funding for a wage increase from fiscal authorities, the Board agreed to fund the increases through significant reductions in staffing”. This comment is exactly what makes taxpayers furious. They openly admit the money isn’t there and have no real plan other than these fuzzy and inexact statements where the money will come from. Mark my words there are tax increases coming…you don’t provide across the boards wage hikes to 3500 employees in this economy with the state of the real estate market and have this end well. The taxpayers have a right to see a plan and I’ll be bugging my county council representative to get the bottom of it before it spirals out of control. As I’ve said all along, nothing wrong with granting raises if the money is there – it clearly isn’t, nor is it clear how this will be funded other than via an IOU. Very irresponsible fiscal management being exhibited here.
I bet in June 2013, HCEA will be back beating on HCPS’s doors demanding a 2% COLA and a 2-step increase (1 for all employees, +1 for those employed during 2010-2011) due to how overworked teachers are after the staffing reductions.
According to Jim Jewell, assistant superintendent of business services, unrestricted operating funding for Harford County Public Schools will total approximately $424.9 million from all sources in fiscal year 2013, which is less than the $444.3 million originally budgeted by the school board and down nearly $4 million from the current year.
Stop whining Money Tree.
Maturity is elusive to some. 5th paragraph down…clearly states they have no idea where the money will come from other than staff reductions. Which ones, other reductions being considered; what? Wouldn’t the most responsible thing be to arrive at a negotiation prepared with a bottom line. To do otherwise is to treat taxpayers like walking wallets. We have a right to be informed and that doesn’t mean teachers won’t get raises or policemen, firefighters, etc.
Don’t you have a job, you seem to on here all the time. Maybe, if you spent more time looking for work or working, you wouldn’t be so negative.
Yeah, Money Tree, stop being so negative by responding with factual answers.
I’m retired. I do some volunteer work in the evenings but I’m no longer in the work force. That however won’t explain how all these teachers are constantly logging in on a school day.
Good to see you still don’t go personal, Money Tree…
Please remember, HCPS employees ARE tax payers also!
There is a bigger impact, all budgets are being cut. I walked in to talk to my librarian who was actually crying! The library budget was cut 50 percent for next year. oh, that’s smart! Let’s cut the place that serves and helps everybody and helps kids read. Marat ideaM
HCPS teachers gave up 3 steps which amounts to about $8000 per teacher. They will probably never get those steps back retroactively nor are they going to get further steps after this one without another fight.
So TheMoneyTree,
teachers gave $8000.00 each to the Harford county treasury,
what did you give to support the fiscal responsibility of your county?
There are many Harford County taxpayers who been relieved of 100% of their salaries by becoming unemployed.
$8000.00 in three years as well as the loss of 3 step pays for the rest of thier teaching careers. That totals to a lot of money. The teachers have given much back to the county in terms of money and education of the county’s children. Don’t belittle them on the basis of other’s misfortunes.
Sadly, reviewing my 2011 tax return and comparing it to my 2008, I’ve LOST $10,000 in salary! I’ve been working at the same school in the same position… higher MANDATORY pension contribution and higher health care costs. It doesn’t make any sense to me!
I don’t feel sorry for you because so have other workers COUNTY workers
Why is this now a Teachers vs. County Employee issue. We need to all support each other and figure out a way to help county employees and teachers. We are all bottom men on the totem pole. This should be us against the manipulative politicians and BOE. My suggestion would be remember all of this at election time.
Divide and conquer baby!
Money Tree- if you don’t like that the people in Harford County actually do value education- you could always just go somewhere else, right?
Now Dagger can get back to more neighborhood gossip and less teacher dramallama.
@Kharn – Who’s holding a gun to your head and forcing you to read the articles about the education in this county? Who’s demanding that you “click” on the comments in regards to teacher contracts?
The whiners will still find a way as they have for the past year or so. (aka Bumblee Burbey)
FUNDING. Sorry for the typo.
A 1% COLA??? Are you kidding me? What is wrong with you people in Harford County? Funding education should be the number 1 priority of the county. The 1% is running away to the Cayman Islands with their money and teachers are supposed to be happy with a 1% COLA? You can’t even call that a COLA… The cost of living increase last year was 3.6%…
Damn right raise taxes… Harford County teabaggers are a greedy bunch of Neo-cons who would be more than happy to fund another war, but who feel its not their responsibility to educate the people. Idiots!
But GOPRLIARS that is what the HCEA agreed to. No one had a gun to their heads. Your rant should be at them if you don’t like it. They seem happy with it. They certainly are beating their chests and acting like it is a good thing. Read their press release.
That is what HCEA agreed to know before they agreed to 2 steps and 3% and never got it. They agreed to a 2 installment bonus and only got half! No one held a gun to HCPS’s head and forced them to promise these things. The reality is teachers deserved more than this. It is a shame this is all they got. Hopefully some trust is restored and they will get a step next year with no bickering required.
Alex you truly are a fool. We are not beating our chests. Nor are we saying this is what we wanted. What we are saying is that teachers took a stand and made a change. We need to continue to fight for education in this county. The agreement represents the best we could do right now.
If the “fight” were for quality education this would be great. Money and quality of education have no demonstrated synergy. If it was about the amount spent per capita providing for some level of quality we would go back to the fifties pay scales.
“Staff Reductions”?
I hope the teachers are happy with their step plus 1% COLA increases while many of their coworkers get laid off to pay for it…
I hope it was worth it…
Ah, well, isn’t it justice that we execute some so that others can be rewarded? Just how much is 1%? I would think between $400 and up to perhaps $575. After MOM and Obama get their share maybe $250 – $400. A resounding victory for Cerveny and Burbey.
“HCEA President Randy Cerveny thanked the Board for returning to the table and bargaining in good faith.”
And Randy will recommend that HCEA membership ratify it. I have to hand it to the BOE and HCPS. They got off cheap plus got the HCEA to compliment them in the bargain.
Bitter much?
Nope, not bitter at all. I got my raise. I am a little sad for the teachers but also disappointed that the legal question didn’t get resolved. What legal question is that? Whether the BOE and HCPS actually are in violation of the contract as the HCEA and most of its members say they are.
The BOE and HCPS isn’t in violation of the contract and this little settlement will take that question off the table for now. HCEA doesn’t want an actual court of law (as compared to an admnistrative board) to determine that the BOE and HCPS is actually not in violation. If a court did make that finding, and it would have to find that way based on a reading of the ENTIRE agreement, the HCEA membership would throw out the HCEA leadership in a heartbeat.
Here is my challenge to the HCEA:
If you really believe that the BOE and the HCPS are in violation of the labor agreement as to wages being paid then take them to court. Not to an administrative board but to an actual court of law. Actually, as elected leaders of the HCEA you have a legal responsibility to do that if your members are not getting paid what you believe the agreement says they should be paid. You have a personal fiduciary responsibility to litigate a contract violation, most especially a large financial one, on behalf of your members. If I were you and I did not litigate it I would be checking my liability coverage for officers and directors.
The board was not in violation of the contract on financial issues, such as raises. They were in violation of the contract on negotiation procedures.
If the county doesn’t fund the agreement made between the BOE and HCEA, the BOE by contract has to come back to the table to renegotiate with HCEA. This year the BOE already signed off on the county budget BEFORE returning to the negotiation table. This essentially meant they had NO means to renegotiate ANYTHING with HCEA, hence the violation.
Regardless of how the BOE thought the eventual outcome might be, they still have to negotiate in good faith per the contract. By agreeing with the county budget before going through the renegotiation process, they rendered renegotiation moot, aka “in bad faith”.
Glad to hear you got your raise. I hope it helps your family’s financial security.
I ask this: If it is true that the BOE can negotiate a contract that is not required to be honored by the County – do we in fact even have a contract? A contract, by definition has to be enforceable. If a party to the contract merely has to argue that they cannot honor the terms because of a third party performance – is that contract enforceable at any point?
If the answer is ‘yes’ we in fact do have a contract, legal and binding; then the court would be compelled to rule in favor of the HCEA. Regardless of any clause about funding an agreement by the county, the BOE would be held to the contract terms it negotiated. In other words, they would have to do what they did – trim from places to make it work.
For the court to rule in favor of your preferred opinion on the matter, that is, the contract is being honored just not fulfilled; then the following has to be true. The court would have to rule that any entity reliant on a third party performance that negotiates and enters a contract does not have to be held to its terms. If that were established as a legal framework – what employment contract could ever be upheld?
Think of the ramifications of such a precedent! Thus, I believe strongly the court would rule on the safer side of caution in this matter.
That’s all theory. What you are failing to see is that in litigation the county would have to argue it doesn’t in fact have the funds to cover the negotiated agreement. That will be hard to prove when it is sitting on a mound of cash. Since the issue is good vs. bad faith negotiations – I think the HCEA wins no matter what.
This settlement is a win for some of the taxpayers. Taxpayers like me were supposed to get 2 steps and a COLA the county could have afforded if they desired to spend the money that way. Instead I get to work at my other job an extra day.
The settlement is a huge win for David Craig and the County Council. It won’t cost them an extra penny this year, and I guess they’ll see that the world did not stop turning because of what BOE/HCPS had to cut to honor the agreement. So they will enter the next election cycle pounding their chests how wise they are with the public’s money not to waste it on things like education and attracting/keeping the best and the brightest – again.
Harford County continues its myopic views. My parting question is this: What will Harford County look like in 15-20 if this thinking continues? Your solution is private school for your kids – good for you. That is not an option for everyone. It is the overwhleming majority of folks in this county that are going to suffer serious consequences for this narrow minded line of thinking. Trading a few pennies for pounds of problems later on is never wise. I’m done here.
Only costs them a song relative to what they’ve taken from teachers in the past.
Even worse is the implication that HarCo will be firing some people to give this ‘concession’ to the teachers and thus lay the blame upon them for the county’s own mismanagement and good old boy politics.
HCPS and teachers are unaccountable incompetents who feel entitled!
and you are a troll
No, no you’re the troll!
I know you are but what am I?
I was thinking the same thing! LOL
@ Alex R
It’s not just a 1% increase. It’s a step increase (which is usually about 3%) plus a 1% cost of living adjustment. That would amount to about a 4% increase in pay. For someone who makes $30,000 per year, they would get about a $1,200 increase in their yearly salary.
Not really 3%. The teachers, like myself, who have been stuck at step 15 for the past 3 years will only get the COLA…. Steps and Longevity won’t really matter.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but if you’re in step 15 does that not mean you’ve been working as a teacher here for 15 years..that I believe qualifies you for $71K plus full benefits for 187 days work. I would highly recommend you not gripe if that’s the case.
“Work Year. Teachers may be scheduled to be in attendance for a maximum of 190 days”
You have three days personal paid and sanctioned per the contract…that means 187 days. You folks that want to argue need to at least be honest, otherwise it means your spouting nothing more than union talking points. If you don’t take the three days they wrap into a max 200 day pool that is payable upon exit. You also get 1.25 days per month sick time that if not taken wraps into payment upon retirement. Have an honest conversation with taxpayers otherwise you create animosity.
Money Tree- you make me feel so good! You and me Money Tree.
You should not jump to false conclusions.
@Never Assume writes “You should not jump to false conclusions”, but I guess he’s right everybody! Avoid jumping to the “false conclusions”, however feel free to jump to conclusions.
As you were!
I never thought I would say this but I agree with Alex R. They threw a bone and we got happy. I am going to continue to work to rule in the fall. I urge others to continue, they lied and screwed us over and now we are suppose to forget about it.
Vote it Down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Voting it down would be a mistake. It is not what we wanted or what we deserve but since Mr. Craig refuses to increase funding and the County Council continues to support his assault on public servants, we must take the best we can get.
It is not a resounding victory for me or for Randy. It is a victory for all the teachers who said they would no longer be tread upon. We must continue to fight for increased funding.
@Joppatowne Resident & County Employee
maybe you’ll be the one laid off, is that what your implying?
Teachers have given up about $8000.00 each so far by way of lost steps and those lost steps will never be restored. The total lost pay will only increase. That is the sacrifice asked and given by teachers. What have you given to your county? increased income tax? increased property tax? local sales tax?
@ CptnObvious
What have I given to my county? Yes, all the increases you’re talking about plus I also, just like the teachers, have gone 4 years without a raise. Which means, just like the teachers, I have missed out on 4 years worth of step increases. In addition, I have the increases in the pension, increases in healthcare costs, while also seeing significant increases in workload because my office has lost 4 positions.
I think it’s great that the teachers are going to get a raise. I just fear for the school employees that will lose their jobs. It would be nice if the county gave even a cost of living increase to all employees. With the cost of everything increasing…..
none of those taxes have increased or am I mistaken?
Looking over the budget meeting documents it seems that teacher attrition (retirement, leaving, etc..) are accounting for a significant portion of the money.
There should be no layoffs county wide, so rest easy.
does this apply to other bargaining units or just the teachers? because a one percent raise for some is only 260 dollars a year
@ Worried,
If you read the article throughly, it said a step increase plus a 1% COLA increase.
It applies to all 5 units in HCPS. 3 of which get it because they have a me too clause so if HCEA get’s more than they bargined they get it increased to match.
Here’s a question by someone who isn’t quite sure how to decipher the lingo (me!): If an employee was on step 14 when the freeze began and that employee is now on step 16, will he or she be eligible to receive a raise for the step(s) that were missed during those years? Thanks in advance!
If you where frozen on step 14 for 3 years you will get step 15 next year. There is no step 16. So next year you will have been teaching for 18 years. The big winner for you is that the following year, year 19 you will be eligible for a longevity increment. Before those where treated like steps so you would not have been eligible for it that year because of the frozen steps. The new language clarifies that those are years so you are now garunteed to get the year 19 increment!!
No missed steps will never be caught up… A seventh year teacher next year will make a 4th year salary…
But if a 7th year teacher from Cecil county transfers here they will get a 7th year salary…
Continue working to rule if they cut teachers and not the fat at the top!!! All of us are not fooled into believing we should celebrate the bone they threw. HCPS does not care about teachers and they truly showed that through this process. How can you cut teachers and not the jokes at central office who do nothing for kids?
A step is about 1300 plus 1% do we are talking about 2k
Drat. Not good news for my husband and I (both teachers who are now off the ladder), and I appreciate the explanation.
You will move to step 15 if you were in fact on 14
Hmmm…now I’m lost again. I began working in 1994, so this is my 17th year in Harford County. I am pretty certain that my last raise was at step 14, but perhaps I’m miscalculating. It’ll be interesting to see how things work out next year–what a wild ride.
If you are currently finishing up your 17th year, then you are currently being paid on step 14. By getting a step, next year you will be paid on step 15, even though you are a teacher in your 18th year of teaching.
So some poor low paid support staff will get laid off so the PRIMA DONNAS can get their raise. How sad. Learn to live within your means, like the rest of us.
It is the foolish child that refuses to quit playing with fire after getting burned repeatedly. I see you are resorting to tantrums and name calling now Roger. What are you about 2?
It’s not a raise–it’s a contracted increase which is built into the teacher’s base salary schedule. The step schedule is similar to grade increases for federal workers. The amount of the step varies depending on experience and academic level attained. A teacher’s step increase, is actually a cost-saving device for the school system because it is like a deferred payment. You pay teachers less than what the job is worth–the incremental step schedule slows down the process. It’s a savings for the county. It takes 15 years for a teacher to reach the maximum salary level which is about 71K for a teacher with 15 years of experience and two master’s degrees. Teachers (who are also taxpayers) aren’t asking for exorbitant amounts of money–just what was agreed upon when they signed their contracts. When you think about it, teachers have an enormous impact on students. Our children are with them for six and a half hours every day for 180 days every year. An elementary school teacher is responsible for educating 25 or 26 children with different personalities, behaviors and skill levels, must teach 4 or 5 different subjects every day and is expected to develop engaging lesson plans so that every student will learn! A good teacher has a positive impact on many facets of a child’s life–not just academics. A teacher is a role model–the way a teacher interacts with students and colleagues teaches children a lesson every day. The way a teacher makes a student feel about himself and his ability has a major impact on that child’s motivation to succeed and do well in school and in life A good teacher is worth his/her weight in gold!
Here’s a suggestion, start the layoffs from the top down!!!!
Sacrifice yourself, quit, be a martyr for the cause. I’ll even drop a box off for your stuff.
If you were the least bit cognizant of what happens on this board and not a complete troll it would be obvious to you that I do not work for the HCPS.
You can still sacrifice your income for the greater good. And I’ll even give you two boxes.
Or maybe they will finish up the background checks we started for them , and cut the staff the fail , yes the report was turned in , In the mean time I wil continue to spend a couple hundred a year for tissues and clorox wipes among other things every year that is addeed on the school supply list lol. Its a win – win for everyone or as Charlie Sheen winning , I guess they asked for tiger blood and that got it with what is coming next .
Harford Watch,
Too bad your little witch hunt won’t mean a damn thing…trust me, nothing at all will come of it. And watch yourself…someone just might do a little dirt digging on you.
A couple hundred a year for tissues and clorox wipes? I have a bridge to sell you…
Have you seen the school supply list , honestly , they have asked each child to bring on toliet paper, clorox wipes, tissues, 12 glue sticks, etc , yes it averages about 200 bucks per school year . Trust me do all the digging you want to do on me , I as you have a job to do . There is a lot of waste in the system, trust me , yes the teachers that are leaving their positions will not be filled , that does not add up to the short fall, there will be atleast 1-2 people per school laid off , why not lay off the ones that should not be around our children due to serious criminal offenses . Not divorces, or speeding tickets etc, but repeat offenders , charged with child abuse, child abduction, assult and battery etc . You knew this agreement would come with a cost , or would you rather have Mrs. Jones your coworker who is a hard worker with a squeaky clean record be laid off versus someone who is doing weekends at the harford hilton because they were found guilty in a Harford County Court of Law , pick your poison .
Here, here!
Agreed, but start with the obvious first, get rid of the staff that should not be around children first, this will also release the HCPS and the BOE of any liabilities if God forbid something should happen, then start at the very top , then the bottom . I think they will find then will be more then enough money left over that would make everyone happy .
Hey Harford Watch,
Which staff should not be around children? Should simply being arrested require the removal or need there be a conviction? What arrests or convictions would you consider to be of the level to force the removal of a teacher? Also, would any other items, besides arrests and/or convictions be worthy of forcing the removal of a teacher; such as bad credit, civil judgments, liens, membership to certain organizations or groups, sexual preference, writings on social media, etc?
I really am curious as to what you, and/or the group you represent, stand for.
Anyways, have a nice day.
That’s just how warped unions make people. Wouldn’t it make more sense to start any layoffs based upon quality and performance – what somebody brings to their position and salary shouldn’t really matter.
Why is it so hard for people like you to see that it is not the teachers sucking up the money, it is the lazy a$$es at central office who don’t come in contact with any students who are sucking us dry. How can you cut anybody who comes in contact with a child but leave people at the top making six figures doing nothing? I don’t get your thinking! We keep assistants to the assistant of bull and pay them a ton but the public gets mad at teachers? WOW
The staff reduction will probably be absorbed with attritionthey won’t hired positions for those who leave or retire. Doubtful any tenured teacher will be laid off.
I don’t believe the poster meant teachers, likely referring to custodial staff and classroom assistants. God forbid some overpaid desk jockey at central administration gets cut.
First and most importantly congrats on your raise, you all deserve it. But please remember that there are many other county employees that have not had a riase in years. For example the police have not had a step or cola in 6 years. Dpw has not had a step or cola in at least 7 years. Please cherish what you did get and know that there are others that are not as lucky. Your union is quite strong, even stronger then the deputy sheriffs union and the dpw union which is pretty impressive. Again Congrats!
What do you need us to do for you? Tell me, I’ll do it.
Come to the County COuncil meeting tonight and advocate for the county workers.
This is not all a raise. It is our contractual step. Only the 1% is a raise. Considering that we are still 3 steps in the hole, the 1% doesn’t mean much. Every single county employee should demand that they get their steps every year.
Guess what, all county agencies have the exact same contractual steps in there contracts. The major difference between us, we do not stoop so low as to hold the children hostage to get what we want.
I also find it absolutely amazing that no matter the amount of money we put into schools the end product keeps getting worse. Yes, a great deal of the problem can be pot on the parents, but why throw money at a sinking ship?. That wonderful statistic That keeps being touted that Maryland schools are number one is based on the fact that we spend more per student than any other state. I say that if we spend so much and children are graduating without life skills (and over 40% of them need remedial classes at HCC which isn’t exactly MIT or Harvard), than the teachers and HCPS are poor stewards of taxpayer money and should not see their budget increased.
HCPS is funded at a rate that is $1,000 per student lower than Baltimore county our neighbor. That amounts to $38,000,000 each year. HCPS is the 17th ranked for funding in MD but the 6th and rising in per capita income. HCPS was on 10% of the Harford County Capital budget the past 2 yrs.
That said, we did not hold children hostage. That assertion is offensive. We are trying to create a better environment for students.
Likewise, each and every county worker should have gotten their steps.
Money doesn’t grow on trees. I know you’re on record as saying you think we ought to raise taxes – on who? Should elderly people on fixed incomes pay more? Should young couples just recovering from a 30% reduction in the value of thier homes? Should the public that’s proven statistically to have lost double digits in terms of family income? Small business owners who’ve experienced double digit reductions in sales and are barely hanging on? You want all these people who’ve lost far more than teachers pay more…it does seem a might greedy and your endless calls for tax increases seem a bit out of time and touch with the current realities of your neighbors.
Correct-a-mundo, as the great Fonz would say
Wow did you guys get bought off cheap. Not even worth all the fuss.
You kind of make the point that teachers have been making for months. They aren’t in it for the money–they just want the contract to be honored. Frankly, I’m fairly certain that most of the teachers in HCPS would have been happy with just the step (and no 1% COLA). Teachers don’t want to game the system. They just want what was promised to them when it is possible. For three years, they barely made a peep about the frozen steps, since they bought the story about the county being broke. After four years of watching the county bank surpluses and the central administration adding multiple new six-figure positions, they decided to make some noise.
I doubt the HCEA will have any further problems unless the county tries to go back to withholding steps while throwing or banking money elsewhere. It’s not about greed–it’s about doing what’s right.
@I Left
An immutable law –
Whenever a person or group says it’s not about the money…it’s about the money.
Hail to the Great Porter
Don’t insult our collective intelligence. Jeez…not in it for the money, a few perhaps, most…NAAAAA.
@lurker – You will go from step 14 to step 15. There is no step 16,17, 18, or 19 per say, as in you will make the same pay from step 15-19. On your 20th year you will receive a $2000 longevity increase…unless of course we get yet another pay freeze, then you may be teaching for 22 years and getting paid like you’re on step 15, like me.
You’ve been teaching for 22 years and use the phrase “per say”?
Updated with a statement from County Executive David R. Craig regarding the proposed settlement between the Harford County Board of Education and the Harford County Education Association.
Hold on here! Before we get too excited about the 1% COLA; isn’t there a 1% increase in our contribution to our Health Insurance that was buried in the Benefits site? Therefore, that 1% is an even float!
1% salary does not correlate to 1% health premium increase.
@Fact Check
Facts are pesky little devils.
And it’s kind of funny that teachers can;t do math.
How convenient to give us such a “great” deal all of a sudden….if it were so simple, we would have had it awhile ago. Time will tell.
Trust me, it was not simple.
There will probably reduce positions by raising class sizes…moving teachers…and not hiring many new ones. If they would just cut IF positions…they could probably fund the entire 10 million!!
I agree! IF’s do nothing but make the principals jobs easier. It amazes me that these people can make over 100K!
What exactly is an “IF” and what do they do?
Instructional Facilitator. Basically, they’re teachers who don’t actually teach students and collect a substantially higher paycheck than classroom teachers. I haven’t heard very many teachers say they’ve ever gotten help from an IF or found the help they’ve given to be particularly useful (and certainly not enough to justify having a teacher in a non-teaching position collecting essentially admin pay.)
They are classified as administrators, and their sole purpose is to observe teachers in the classroom and give feedback…something the principal and assist. principal should be doing!
Oh my , never thought I would say this but I do agree with you on this one , my personal view only . aka Had to state my personal view not as a memebr of harford watch – its called cya cover my **s
All your views are personal views… your organization exists only in your fetid mind.
That is your personal view , sit back and enjoy the ride and watch every thing unfold , everything comes with a price . Looking forward
That is your personal view , sit back and enjoy the ride and watch every thing unfold , everything comes with a price .
Does Harford Watch Org have a website? I’d really like to check that out. Is it http://www.harfordwatch.org? I’ve tried that and nothing comes up.
Everything unfold? Oh please do tell… It will be okay, we’ll put our cone of silence on so your superiors won’t hear you tell us.
Stop arguing with the people who have no clue and do not respect professionals. They just continue baiting everyone and you readily fire back at their stupidity… Trolling along looking for fights and bashing education (most of the lack it)
Stop arguing with the people who have no clue and do not respect professionals. They just continue baiting everyone and you readily fire back at their stupidity… Trolling along looking for fights and bashing education (most of them lack it)
They should turn it down soundly and instead get at Senior Teacher raise for teachers with ten years service>>>….
Turning this down would be a mistake.
I make under $20,000 after 11years and I love my job. Im happy to have one and so are most of the people I work with. The administration at our school has already told us that we would have job cuts.
I believe that one of the most harmful things that has occurred over the past few years within our society has been a steady loss of respect for the work that our neighbors do. Some of the comments here in regard to my profession have saddened me and some of the retorts of my co-workers have embarrassed me for my profession. I don’t understand why it has to be this way.
I am sure at one time or another we all feel unappreciated and misunderstood and by our bosses, co-workers and the general public. With that being said, I don’t understand why the common, middle-class worker has chosen to turn his venom upon his neighbor. I am a high school teacher and I feel that not many people can do what I do in my job. I believe that there is an art to being a teacher, and there is a lot of work that goes into being a teacher that many people may fail to consider. I also understand, though, that the job of teacher does not have the “market cornered” on extra work and unpaid hours. Every job certainly has unpleasant aspects that the general public does not see and employees that put in extra work because they take pride in the work that they do.
I also know that I could not be a police officer, or work for the Department of Public Works, or be a letter carrier, or be a computer programmer, or work within the corporate world (the list actually goes on and on). All of these occupations possess a skill set that does not work to my strengths. I respect the work that my neighbors do and I understand that we need each of these people working together to make Harford County a wonderful place to live and raise a family. I would never challenge a person “to come in and do what I do for a day” because, while I am proud of the work that I do each day, I am petrified that you might offer me the same challenge. I also would never begrudge any of you the opportunity to seek an increase in salary. The reality of the situation is that none of us are the ones who are getting rich. Most of us are trying to raise a family, maybe take a vacation each year and put away a little bit of money for college and retirement. No one is lighting cigars with $100 bills and hiding our millions in off shore accounts. We all basically want the same thing.
Why can’t we respect the work our neighbor does, and take pride in the work that we do? Why does it have to be a battle and a competition? It isn’t a competition. It doesn’t need to be a witch hunt where we all examine each other in a quest to find the flaw in our neighbors and the cracks in their professions. It can be a place of mutual respect where those in both the public and private sector recognize the work that we are all doing. When that begins to happen there will be a much stronger dialogue and sense of a shared and stronger community.
You are right. The sudden disdain for teachers and other public servants is disheartening and disturbing. These are the folks that should get what’s honored in their contracts, but instead, they are being treated like leeches who don’t contribute to society and apparently aren’t paying taxes while living the lifestyles of Hollywood superstars.
Detractors, stop listening to the political mouthpieces who are trying to destroy public education and other necessary services. I’m sure if the shoe was on the other foot, you who are making these hateful comments would want to be supported. But if you want to go back to the days of no benefits, no time off and even worse pay, be my guest.
Because too many people will bash it saying you’re a communist/socialist/democrat who wants no one to be rich.
Secretly, everyone thinks/desires to be rich some day, and for some reason, do whatever they can to protect them so that it’s an attainable and wonderful life, even if only 1% ever make it there.
I wonder how many responses on here are at the expense of the Harford County taxpayers. Look at the time stamps for the responses from teachers. Are they supposed to be teaching or on the internet posting personal comments. I thought you decided to work to the letter of the contract? If you are, then get off the internet and get back into the classrooms.
They do get lunch time.
Well since you bring it up, there are 119 posts to this article at this time, and I count only about 15 which were made between the hours of 7am and 3pm, with the vast majority of them being made from 3-11pm, and a few late late night or very early morning.
Not even getting into who the posters actually are or stopping to notice who specifically posted when, I’d say on the general facts of the count your point falls a bit flat, and clearly there’s not a massive amount of “waste” going on, if any.
I personally don’t know many teachers or other school staff who have very much time to read and post messages on the internet during the school day, and I’d say that cursory counting supports my personal experience.
Look at the other articles about the teachers on here and count up the posts made during the school day. I’m sure all of those came during their lunch time or maybe while they were busy teaching during a movie in class.
I already did your work for you once, and apparently not to your satisfaction, so how about you take the time to quantify and substantiate your accusation by combing through all the articles and posts you are talking about and post your results here.
Are you going to find some? Sure you will. I doubt it’s going to be an epidemic of misappropriated funds.
Again, that’s putting aside the fact that you can’t know who is actually posting the comments or who might happen to be off work that day.
Can’t wait to see what your research shows.
Bet there’s been 900 posts…quite a bit of passion on this subject. Of course I’m surmising all threads together. Teachers, many of them and some in particular post all day long. These are the teachers that should be fired and these are the ones that scream the loudest about “deserving” what’s due them.
Think of it as a cigarette break for those that don’t smoke… or a 15 minute union break for those without a union. think of it anyway you like but believe or not, a lot of people that come here do not do piece work. If you’re concerned about the potential taxpayer funded time we are wasting, look first to yourselves before criticizing others.
Now the only ones that will still believe they are justified in righteous indignation will be the tea partiers.
Think of it as “getting what you pay for”.
If you pay rock bottom, don’t expect to get top shelf.
Well I work 20 hours a day with no breaks…..so there!
Wait I work 20 hour days…in fact some days work 26+ hours.
These might come in handy for those long 20 hours streches of trolling on the blogosphere or because you are so full of it to begin with.
Well, concerned citizen, rest assured that any teacher who takes a break during the day, or perhaps on his/her planning or lunch break, often grades papers at home, makes tests, works on lessons/etc. at home because there aren’t enough hours in the day to get it all done anyway.
One June 11 Ryan Burbey sid “It is a victory for all the teachers who said they would no longer be tread upon. We must continue to fight for increased funding.”
I have just realized one of the major differences between Ryan and myself.
Ryan is only interested in getting more tax money allocated to public education. I am interested in first identifying and getting rid of the waste in order to see how much is already available to fund the good stuff. And yes, teacher raises might be included in “the good stuff”. But until the waste is gone, and the mindset that allows it, I have no assurance that more tax money won’t also be spent inappropriately.
I do not have the power to change how HCPS is run. I do believe that the “waste” is a paltry sum now.
When is HCEA going to raise their dues? I can’t wait to see their NEW SUITS next school year!