From Patrick McGrady:
We need YOUR help on the Republican Party Central Committee.
Look– Maryland is in a tough spot.
Governor O’Malley is flying all over the country while advocating for in-state tuition for illegal immigrants, higher income taxes, destruction of property rights, and higher gas taxes. Did you see that he was in Wisconsin just days before Scott Walker won in Wisconsin on Tuesday? Here’s a link to that story. He should work to fix Maryland’s budget without adding more taxes before trying to climb the national politics ladder.
And President Obama is doing all of the same things from the White House. Did you see him at a press conference yesterday, where he said “The private sector is doing fine.” Here’s a video — All while folks here in Harford County and Maryland are still hurting and looking for work. He was advocating for spending more money on more bureacrats and government jobs! He is out of touch, and I am looking forward to November’s election!
Anyway, In case you haven’t heard, I was elected to serve Chairman of the Harford County Republican Central Committee. I recently announced a vacancy on the Committee and we could use your help.
Here’s the offical press release, below. Send me an email if you are interested in serving.
Chairman McGrady Announces Vacancy on Harford GOP Committee
Harford County Republican Central Committee Chairman Patrick McGrady hereby announces a vacancy and is currently accepting resumes from any Republican Party members in Harford County interested in serving on the Committee.
A qualified applicant will be a registered voter in Harford County, a registered member of the Republican Party and will be ready to hit the ground running. Some of the responsibilities include contributing to voter registration efforts, fundraising, attending meetings of the Party, communicating with elected officials, and other tasks as required by the Bylaws of the State Party and the County Party.
The Committee is now accepting resumes from those who would like to interview for the seat. Please submit your resume to Chairman Patrick McGrady at
The deadline to submit your resume is Wednesday, June 13th. Interviews will be conducted at the regular Committee meeting on June 20th. We welcome you to submit your resume & look forward to hearing from you.
Here’s the mission of the Republican Party from the Bylaws:
Per the Bylaws of the Republican Central Committe of Harford County, Maryland:
Article II – Purpose and Mission Statement
The Harford County Republican Central Committee is the closest-to-the-people Republican Party organization in Maryland. Elected by the people in each Gubernatorial election, the Central Committee’s role is to the governing body and the official spokesperson for the Republican Party in Harford County: to cooperate with the Republican State central Committee for the State of Maryland and the Republican National Committee; to establish, operate and provide effective political organization for Harford County to work in concert with the official Republican clubs and organizations in the County; to secure the election of all duly nominated Republican candidates; to assist and coordinate Republican activities in Harford Couny; to engage in fund raising to support the activities enumerated above; to promote the principles, objectives, and platform of the Republican Party here in Harford County. Additionally, the Committee will establish and maintain a close dialogue with all Republican elected officials. Additionally, the Committee shall work in harmony with all other committees, organizations and clubs formed for the purpose of promoting the Republican Party in Harford County. It will be the duty and responsibility of the Committee to hold all elected officials accountable in case(s) when elected official(s) failed to act or acted in such a way which is deemed to be detrimental to the Republican Party and or the citizens of Harford County.
For questions, please contact Patrick McGrady at 410.357.1234 or email at The website for the Harford County Republican Party is
The GOP/Tea Party is the Party of Whine Without Reason.
• You people send our jobs to China and then complain about unemployment.
• You allow corporations to move their operations overseas and increase loopholes and then complain of deficits.
• You gut every agency that protects you from dangerous food and products and then complain about sickness and injuries.
• You decrease women’s health options and then complain about over population.
• You support NRA’s target to increase weapons to any and every person no matter how crazed and then complain about crime and murder.
• You decrease all safety nets to the poor and then complain about poverty (see also shipping American jobs to China.)
• You support unlimited secret funding of politics (Citizens United) and then complain of corruption in government.
• You consistently undermine education and teachers and then complain about how poorly American students do.
• You voted against the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act for equal work as a continuation of your war against women.
• You are the most “religious” of people forever quoting the Bible and praising “family values” yet have the highest divorce and illegitimate birth rates.
• You rail against The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and do everything you can to destroy what is originally a Republican plan and then complain about rising health care costs and how uninsured people freeload off of those who have health care insurance.
• You obstruct and vote against each and every legislation suggested by Democrats and complain that Congress is ineffective.
I will never understand how some people consistently vote against their own best interests. It’s like hitting yourself in the head with a hammer and wondering why you have a headache. Please explain this to me.
Robert J. Willick says
Does this mean you will not be submitting a resume ?
Common Cent$ says
Don’t forget, the Republicans complain about government (at ALL levels)and then endorse unlimited funding for the same….SUPERPACS SUCK FOR EVERONE (other than corporate lobbiests!)
ALEX R says
Proud, It has been explained to you over and over and over. But your litle pea brain is is unwilling to get it. All of that dreck you just spewed out is so Orwellian it makes me laugh. I know the Dem/Libs want to tell everyone else what to do and say and pay while they ride around in their limousines. Higher sales tax anyone? Who cares that it hurts most the folks you Dem/Libs say you want to help? Higher gas tax anyone? Also hurts most the economically challenged. Illegal aliens working for cash? Did anyone mention that the unemployment rate is highest among young black legal citizens? Jobs being outsourced to Asia and Central America? Let’s take a close look at Clinton’s NAFTA and see how that made it all possible. All, proud, even Asia as I explained to you before. Wall Street bankers getting away with screwing over homeowners? Can you tell me please how many of them went to jail courtesy of Holder’s Justice Department? I guess they were too busy trying to stop people in Arizona from enforcing the law. Or maybe you can tell me how much taxpayer money Geithner spent covering for mortgage banker illegal and unethical behavior and allowing bonuses to be paid while he did it. Can we talk about Pelosi who got more exemptions from Obamacare for companies in her district than any other Representative? Freedom of religion? Kathy Sebelius is okay with that as long as she can dictate the exceptions.
Proud, I love your rants on the TEA Party. It assures me that they are being effective and the message of “I’m Taxed Enough Already” is resonating across this land. If that weren’t true then there would not be all of the time and money spent on the backlash from the Dem/Libs. But it is more than just taxes, Proud, it is also the arrogance and hypocrisy that surrounds it all. Things like Mike Miller not even allowing his own party to pass a budget until he gets his casino. And MOM telling lies about how he has done nothing but cut, cut, cut when the Maryland state budget has increased every year since he has been in office.
Scott Walker sends you his regards. San Diego and San Jose have been rudely awakened from their nightmare. It has just begun my friend.
ALEX R: Here is a little history lesson for you as it seems you are not able to learn.
What Is NAFTA?:
NAFTA is short for the North American Free Trade Agreement. NAFTA covers Canada, the U.S. and Mexico making it the world’s largest free trade area (in terms of GDP). NAFTA was launched 20 years ago to reduce trading costs, increase business investment, and help North America be more competitive in the global marketplace.
As of January 1, 2008, all tariffs between the three countries were eliminated. Between 1993-2009, trade tripled from $297 billion to $1.6 trillion. (Source: USTR, NAFTA)
When Was NAFTA Started?:
NAFTA was signed by President George H.W. Bush, Mexican President Salinas, and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in 1992.
Notice that it was BUSH’s legislation: not Clinton’s, not Obama’s but Bush’s. You can have your own opinion, but you cannot have your own facts.
Paul Mc says
Hey Proud,
A little history lesson for you. The NAFTA was cerimonially signed by Bush, it was signed into LAW by Clinton, not Bush.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Paul: It was still a law conceived by and promoted by Bush. BTW China is still not in North America ALEX.
And you have a good day too.
B says
“You decrease women’s health options and then complain about over population”
I find it interesting that Proud’s way to control population is to kill babies.
B: I guess you’ve never heard of birth control? This is just part of the GOP/Tea Party’s war on women. I find it interesting that it is usually men who the most to say about women’s health issues. You people are so concerned about a zygote but lose all interest in babies once they are born. You do not want to feed them, clothe them, educate them or bear the cost of health costs.
B says
Very factual comeback. Just throw some bs on the wall and hope it sticks.
David A. Porter says
Every sperm is sacred. What are you concerned about? The access to birth control for the growing minority of white Americans? The lack of control over a bodypart and function that you have less than 30 seconds involvement with? Is it the intrusion into a person’s personal choices that compels you to want to dictate behavior and morality, even though yo do not have a strangle hold on those issues because they are highly subjective? Are you willing to step up to the plate and demand greater involvement of social services in removing at risk children from parents who are too clueless and potentially dangerous to raise their own offspring? What kind of time and care can you donate to the well being of a child that is not yours – but you have no involvement with other than to insist it be brought into this world? The cost to society is enormous for those that reproduce without and regard for the consequence and later depend on the state for care and discipline – especially when they become of age. Or do you prefer to simply maximize your wealth and to Hell with anyone else that is not you?
B says
My position on abortion is no different then our laws against murder as far as intruding on a persons ability to make “personal choices.” You worry about my intrusion, yet you don’t think twice about denying that child its most basic of rights, endowed by his/her creator…. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
And Mr. Porter, you know nothing of the children of my own that I raise or of the one I adopt. Your arrogance runs amuck.
David A. Porter says
Then donate your womb to someone that doesn’t want their child or cannot raise them in a fit home. Donate your womb. Do it.. show me how much you value human life that is not your own. Stand up for the children that live in less than ideal families. In another article on here a young man was placed somewhere for leaving a bottle of urine in a hallway – resulting in a hazardous material response. Take the children away from the girl that married the ex con and has lost four rental properties since 2009 and now owes $20,000 to the state for fraud. Lecture me about my lack of regard for the unborn – but do something for the ones that are already here and are in desperate need of intervention. And if you can’t do that, tell me why it’s none of my business why her children will be brought up in that dysfunctional home.
DAVID: It is usually men who want to control a woman’s body. Every men’s group, such as the Catholic Church, should just shut up about it.
Conservative Commentary says
Save the unborn.
Honor the dead.
Screw everyone else.
BenrieZ says
DO you have a life, Proud to be a Liberal?!!!!
Rita Lowe says
O’Malley is up Obama’s end while kissing Pelosi’s to TRY and make President himself. What a joke.
G. Hensler says
Good one Robert, too funny, almost as funny as “PTBL’s” post.I wonder if they are aware the Dems exempted the entire Federal Government from the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act?
ALEX R says
Of course they exempted themselves. They are constantly passing stuff that hurts all of us but exempt themselves from having to obey the same law.
“All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others” (Orwell’s 1984, chapter 10).
CptnObvious says
Your quote is from Orwell’s Animal Farm not 1984.
ALEX R says
You are absolutely correct. Thanks for pointing that out.
G. Hensler says
Interesting the most vicious commentary posted above is from the left, I thought they were the party of tolerance, i guess I was wrong.
Satan says
Patrick Mcgrady’s working for me! Don’t blame anybody else for the rhetoric on here.
PS – I’m still interested in joining the Republican Central Committee. Call me at (666) 666-6666.
Phil Dirt says
Why should this message board be any different from all of the others where the tolerant left spew their hateful drivel?
The Real Phil Dirt says
i love patrick mcgrady. i want to jerk off his little nerd cock with my mouth until he cums on my ugly face. oooooohhhhhhh yeeeeeeeaaaaaaah.
well says
Remember, there is no such thing as an open minded liberal.
No Party says
The vicious comments coming from the left? None of them have made political statements. It’s simply trolls looking for attention.
Trolls and idiots exist on both sides of the aisle; to try to pretend that one party is more civilized then the other is simply not true. Both Democrats and Republicans want the same thing. They want to control the American people and funnel donations into their own bank accounts.
Arturro Nasney says
Great argument there Proud. “spit on crackers”, “tea baggers”. It seems to me that you are the first to cry foul when someone uses obscene or derogatory names toward you. I have asked you nicely, at least twice, to stop using the tea bagger reference. Find some other way of showing your derision toward us that don’t subscribe to your version of socio-marxism. The tea reference that you use is obscene and every bit as filthy as MF or SOB or any of the others. The people who are against increasingly more expensive government did in fact send tea bags to their representatives. The allusion is to the great Americans who tossed tea into Boston harbor. The phrase that you you, so flagrantly use is a perverted sex act performed upon a homosexual by his partner. Clean up your act!
Arturro Nasney: First of all, the movement was called the TEA BAG PARTY by its founders. Second, I’m so tired of your group referencing “…the great Americans who tossed tea into Boston harbor….” They were protesting taxes WITHOUT REPRESENTATION not taxes per say. You need to get this straight because we do have representation, albeit Republican. Thirdly, I use the term to annoy the hypocrites of the Tea Party. Their foul, disgusting posters and hate filled rants so repulsed me that I can’t help but rub their collective noses into their own ignorant choice of terms. Michelle Bachmann used a tea bag on March 11, 2011! You do know she is their poster child? As soon as they stop their racism and lies, I will stop referring to them by their own symbol. I make no apologies either!
Paul Mc says
Hey Proud,
So, based on your logic, anyone could call a democrat a jack-ass, based solely on their symbol and you would be ok with that?
Anyways, have a nice day.
Paul Mc says
Hey Proud,
“First of all, the movement was called the TEA BAG PARTY by its founders.” – What proof do you have of this? I have looked around to corroborate this and can’t find this to be true anywhere. It appears the first to call the members the Tea-Party movement “teabaggers” was Jeneane Garofalo and then David Shuster and Anderson Cooper. Do you have any proof to actually corroborate your story?
Anyways, have a nice day.
On January 19, 2009, Graham Makohoniuk, a part-time trader and a member of Ticker Forum, posted a casual invitation on the forums to “Mail a tea bag to congress and to senate. “
The TEA BAG PARTY wrote: “Please tell your friends and neighbors about the Tea Bag Protest Party. Today! This is a grass roots movement that relies on your participation for success. After you send your tea bag protest letter please register your protest here. This step is completely optional, but will help to ensure that your message is not ignored by Washington and the Media. For each individual tea bag protest that is registered here, we will also add another tea bag of our own to a large bundle of them that will be used for a public protest ceremony in the near future. The information that you provide will be compiled to demonstrate the scope of this grass roots was conceived by a small business person who has been working day and night to keep the business running and people employed for the past 7 years.”
So if you do not like to be called a tea bagger, complain to the folks who started your party.
Paul Mc says
Hey Proud,
Hey Proud,
“On January 19, 2009, Graham Makohoniuk, a part-time trader and a member of Ticker Forum, posted a casual invitation on the market-ticker dot org forums to “Mail a tea bag to congress and to senate. “” – Yes, no denying that was done. That, however, does not indicate the name of the organization as the Tea Bag Party nor the members as teabaggers.
“The TEA BAG PARTY wrote: “Please tell your friends and neighbors about the Tea Bag Protest Party. Today! This is a grass roots movement that relies on your participation for success. After you send your tea bag protest letter please register your protest here. This step is completely optional, but will help to ensure that your message is not ignored by Washington and the Media. For each individual tea bag protest that is registered here, we will also add another tea bag of our own to a large bundle of them that will be used for a public protest ceremony in the near future. The information that you provide will be compiled to demonstrate the scope of this grass roots movement. TeaBagParty dot org was conceived by a small business person who has been working day and night to keep the business running and people employed for the past 7 years.””:
I did a search for this quote – ““Please tell your friends and neighbors about the Tea Bag Protest Party.” – and for various parts of the quote. What I found is interesting. For the first line of your quote, I found 6 references to it; 2 references from here, our own Dagger. 1 from the Bel Air Patch, 1 from Huffington Post, 1 from harmony-central, and 1 from the-tfp, which discusses Rand Paul’s criticism of Obama. So, I don’t exactly find what you posted to be credible.
I also did a search for “The Tea Bag Party Wrote” and came up with 4 responses; 3 from the Dagger and 1 from Bel Air Patch. It seems your quote may not be an actual quote after all. However, lets continue.
I checked into teabagparty dot org. This website was created on May 30, 2012 and is owned by Sabine Schaeffer. Again, it seems your information is lacking.
“So if you do not like to be called a tea bagger, complain to the folks who started your party.” – Well, first, I am not a member of the Tea Party Movement, nor the tea bag party, nor any form of tea/bag/teabag party. Second, Why would I complain to them about the name when they did not use the name. The best information out there on who started using the term for the members of the Tea Party Movement was eneane Garofalo and then David Shuster and Anderson Cooper, and the Racheal Maddow. However, I would, as I said before, love to see any proof you may have to corroborate what you wrote. Do you have a website that quotes what you found; or even quotes something remotely similar? I know facts are sometimes elusive to you, Proud. Also, if you do find a reputable source that confirms what you state is true; that the Tea Party Movement were the first to use the term Teabagger or the first to call their movement the Tea Bag Party, I will respond and say you were right. However, if you cannot find a reputable source, will you come here and state I was correct?
Anyways, have a nice day.
Arturro Nasney says
Thanks for setting me straight Proud. I would guess then that the party of the ass make all of you assholes. You are simply an obdurate asshole.
wrong says
It wasnt called the Tea bag party, It was called a tea party because it was first started as a rally on Tax day. Jenenne Garlafalo Coined the term tea-bagger during an interview. You wouldn’t know this because you’re lovely MSNBC refused to even mention it for 2 years.
“The first big day for this movement was Tax Day, April 15, 2009. And organizers had a gimmick. They asked people to send a tea bag to the Oval Office. One of the exhortations was “Tea Bag the Fools in D.C.” A protester was spotted with a sign saying, “Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You.” So, conservatives started it: started with this terminology. But others ran with it and ran with it. It was first used on Feb. 27, 2009 by Republicans. “
“To ‘teabag’ or not to ‘teabag?’” Jay Nordlinger asks in the National Review Dec. 3, 2009. “Nordlinger’s article isn’t about tea bagging in the fun sense, nor is it about the long-term effects on the GOP from teabagging in the tri-corn hat-and-time-on-your-hands sense. Rather, it’s the story of how conservatives are trying to fix the mess they made when they first decided to call for the “teabagging” of Nancy Pelosi with a straight face.”
Is it my fault that you didn’t know what you’re talking about?
Paul Mc says
Hey Proud,
What you posted does not state they called themselves the Tea Bag Party.
So, basically, is it really anyone’s fault you still don’t know what you are talking about?
Anyways, have a nice day.
PAUL Mc: So the fact that they called themselves the show how much you know what you’re talking about?
You have a nice day too Stalker Paul.
ALEX R says
That would be he same Nancy Pelosi who has gotten more approved exemptions from Obamacare for businesses in her district than any other member of Congress. Arrogant hypocrite.
Thanks, Nancy. I guess you did read it AFTER it was passed (I know you said we had to pass it in order to actually see what was in it)and when you did read it, you said to yourself “Crap, the people who support me in my district won’t put up with this! I’ve got to get them exempted right away!”
Paul Mc says
Hey Proud,
Where do you see that they call themselves
And calling me a stalker? Seriously? I thought you were better than this? Oh well. I guess simply replying to you on a public forum and consistently proving you wrong makes me a stalker.
Anyways, have a nice day.
PAUL: You have proved me wrong only in your own mind. As for stalker, that is because you seem to sit back like a spider and only respond to what I say.
Just because you can’t find, or refuse to acknowledge, the tea bag party does not mean it did not exist.
Paul Mc says
Hey Proud,
I have, and will continue to, respond to you and to others. I don’t stalk you. I simply enjoy responding to your posts as they are typically rather easy to disprove.
“Just because you can’t find, or refuse to acknowledge, the tea bag party does not mean it did not exist.” – So, basically, in order to prove that something doesn’t exist, I can’t use evidence of it not or ever being here? Ummm…So, If I say, ‘Hey Proud, there are no martians, and to prove that, I offer evidence that there are no martians and there have never been any martians’; to which you counter, ‘You can’t use evidence of there not being any martians to say there are no martians, Paul MC! That isn’t fair to my argument that there are martians!’ Come on, Proud. All I asked for is for you to provide a reliable source. Can you do that?
Anyways, have a nice day.
PAUL: You’re asking me to argue your point. Isn’t that DENIAL OF THE ANTECEDENT? I have shown you where the early tea party called themselves tea bag party. You can’t dispeove that they didn’t.
Paul Mc says
Hey Proud,
“You’re asking me to argue your point.” – No, I am asking you to prove your point.
“Isn’t that DENIAL OF THE ANTECEDENT?” – No, actually, it isn’t. However, that is another debate.
“I have shown you where the early tea party called themselves tea bag party.” – See, that is the point. You haven’t shown this. You have not shown one time where the tea party movement have called themselves the tea bag party or teabaggers. You have shown where they have asked people to send tea bags to others, however, that is not calling themselves teabaggers or the tea bag party. You have also posted something about tea bag party dot org, which is a website to nothing. So, again, I ask you to show where they have called themselves the Tea Bag party.
“You can’t dispeove that they didn’t.” – You can’t prove a negative, Proud. However, you are asserting they called themselves that. Please, show where they did that.
Anyways, have a nice day.
PAUL: You need to learn how to research. This is taken from the teabagparty web site:
On January 19, 2009, Graham Makohoniuk, a part-time trader and a member of Ticker Forum, posted a casual invitation on the forums to “Mail a tea bag to congress and to senate.”
The TEA BAG PARTY wrote: “Please tell your friends and neighbors about the Tea Bag Protest Party. Today! This is a grass roots movement that relies on your participation for success. You don’t need to use this website to do your own tea bag protest, but we’re here to help if you need it. Also, by registering your protest here you help to ensure that your protest will not be ignored by those in power. Finally, please help us by linking to this website from your own blog or website.
After you send your tea bag protest letter please register your protest here.
This step is completely optional, but will help to ensure that your message is not ignored by Washington and the Media. For each individual tea bag protest that is registered here, we will also add another tea bag of our own to a large bundle of them that will be used for a public protest ceremony in the near future. The information that you provide will be compiled to demonstrate the scope of this grass roots movement. was conceived by a small business person who has been working day and night to keep the business running and people employed for the past 7 years. Small businesses rely on the profits of the company in good years to invest in the growth of the company, and to keep the company running in lean times. Many of these companies are formed as LLCs or S-Corporations, which means that the profits of the company are reported on the owners’ individual tax returns. When Barack Obama and the Democrats raise our individual taxes, it severely damages our ability to keep the company operational from year to year. Further, when they spend money like a drunken sailor, it severely damages the economy as a whole and pushes the cost on to generations of Americans.”
Now, they have taken their site down because they finially understood that tea bag hd two meanings, but you don’t care.
Why don’t you try posting an original thought rather than not proving a point? And that is known as stalking.
PAUL: You need to learn how to research. This is taken from the teabagparty web site:
On January 19, 2009, Graham Makohoniuk, a part-time trader and a member of Ticker Forum, posted a casual invitation on the forums to “Mail a tea bag to congress and to senate.”
The TEA BAG PARTY wrote: “Please tell your friends and neighbors about the Tea Bag Protest Party. Today! This is a grass roots movement that relies on your participation for success. You don’t need to use this website to do your own tea bag protest, but we’re here to help if you need it. Also, by registering your protest here you help to ensure that your protest will not be ignored by those in power. Finally, please help us by linking to this website from your own blog or website.
After you send your tea bag protest letter please register your protest here.
This step is completely optional, but will help to ensure that your message is not ignored by Washington and the Media. For each individual tea bag protest that is registered here, we will also add another tea bag of our own to a large bundle of them that will be used for a public protest ceremony in the near future. The information that you provide will be compiled to demonstrate the scope of this grass roots movement. was conceived by a small business person who has been working day and night to keep the business running and people employed for the past 7 years. Small businesses rely on the profits of the company in good years to invest in the growth of the company, and to keep the company running in lean times. Many of these companies are formed as LLCs or S-Corporations, which means that the profits of the company are reported on the owners’ individual tax returns. When Barack Obama and the Democrats raise our individual taxes, it severely damages our ability to keep the company operational from year to year. Further, when they spend money like a drunken sailor, it severely damages the economy as a whole and pushes the cost on to generations of Americans.”
Now, they have taken their site down because they finially understood that tea bag hd two meanings, but you don’t care.
Why don’t you try posting an original thought rather than not proving a point? And that is known as stalking.
Proud to be Liberal Enjoys Teabagging His Lover says
Proud to be Liberal
Teabagging is both a pejorative used by liberals and popular activity for them.
Paul Mc says
Hey Proud,
“You need to learn how to research. This is taken from the teabagparty web site:
On January 19, 2009, Graham Makohoniuk, a part-time trader and a member of Ticker Forum, posted a casual invitation on the forums to “Mail a tea bag to congress and to senate.”” – Just checked the site, this is not there. Furthermore, Mailing a tea bag is not the same as calling yourself a teabagger nor calling yourself a member of the Tea Bag Party.
“The TEA BAG PARTY wrote: “Please tell your friends and neighbors about the Tea Bag Protest Party. Today! This is a grass roots movement that relies on your participation for success. You don’t need to use this website to do your own tea bag protest, but we’re here to help if you need it. Also, by registering your protest here you help to ensure that your protest will not be ignored by those in power. Finally, please help us by linking to this website from your own blog or website. After you send your tea bag protest letter please register your protest here. This step is completely optional, but will help to ensure that your message is not ignored by Washington and the Media. For each individual tea bag protest that is registered here, we will also add another tea bag of our own to a large bundle of them that will be used for a public protest ceremony in the near future. The information that you provide will be compiled to demonstrate the scope of this grass roots movement.” – So, because someone who calls themself Tea Bag Party wrote something, that means there is a tea bag party and the members of the tea party protest are now Teabaggers and Tea Bag Party members? So, if someone calls themself a Dumocrat, and claims to be a member of the democrat party, all democrats are to be called dumocrats? You do see the rediculousness of your argument, right?
“ was conceived by a small business person who has been working day and night to keep the business running and people employed for the past 7 years. Small businesses rely on the profits of the company in good years to invest in the growth of the company, and to keep the company running in lean times. Many of these companies are formed as LLCs or S-Corporations, which means that the profits of the company are reported on the owners’ individual tax returns. When Barack Obama and the Democrats raise our individual taxes, it severely damages our ability to keep the company operational from year to year. Further, when they spend money like a drunken sailor, it severely damages the economy as a whole and pushes the cost on to generations of Americans.”” – Again, I checked out the website, nothing on it. Are you sure you are looking at the correct site or just something someone created to spread propagana?
“Now, they have taken their site down because they finially understood that tea bag hd two meanings, but you don’t care.” – Oh, so they took down their site. It couldn’t have been any other reason. Sure. Now, for argument’s sake, lets say this person did have the website up, this Graham Makohoniuk person. I looked at the official Tea Party page, located at theteaparty dot net and he isn’t on there. So, there is some random person that calls themself a tea bagger and a member of the tea bag party, who is not affiliated with the Tea Party and you are using this as your source? LOL! Maybe use a reputable source, Proud. Again, you are proved wrong. Again, you show your liberal bias. Again and again, over and over.
“Why don’t you try posting an original thought rather than not proving a point?” – My thoughts are my own. Your thoughts are typically cut and past liberal propaganda.
“And that is known as stalking.” – You replying to me is known as stalking? So, you are a stalker?
Anyways, have a nice day.
Phil Dirt says
The bottom line is that as always, Proud To Be Liberal is an ass.
he wants to suck some tea says
I think proud is a bit jealous. All of the tea bagging talk has made him randy. Hes fat and ugly and gets upset because nobody wants to tea bag him anymore. Hes unhappy with his life, has no friends. He has to get his jollies leaving anonymous comments on a web site. Even the occupy kids wont kumbaya with him anymore. I pity you and the hate you spew from your pawn shop laptop
Arturo Nasney says
Proud, you have to go somewhere other than MSNBC for your information. The MOVEMENT was started as a protest to government mismanagement of our money. Somebody, nameless, came up with the acronym TEA for Taxed Enough Already. The idea of sending tea bags to elected officials was a natural result. The entire idea is catchy and helps define a number of us who are sick and tired of paying more and more for less and less. The idea of referring to this loose affiliation of disgruntled producers by a homosezual pejorative came from the left in an immediate response in order to kill the messenger. Try using at least six sources for your information and you too can become enlightened. Continue to use the lame stream media and you can remain just like yo are, insulting and uninformed.
Arturo Nasney: And of course FOX propaganda is a much better source of information. The tea baggers have shown themselves to be vicious and hateful liars and racists. One needs only to see the disgusting posters they display at their demonstrations, e.g., The President as a witch doctor.
Don’t preach to me. If you are truly tired “…of paying more and more for less and less….” Stop the massive corruption of big business, tax loopholes, off shore accounts of billionaires, and sending our jobs off shore. You are so deluded by the propaganda mill that you vote against your own best interests. I find the tea party pathetic.
name that tune says
tea bag this?
clarified butter says
The current GOP is out of control and have no real solutions except to go backward and not forward. The disrespect shown to President Obama during the course of his presidency is totally wrong and the GOP members doing this should be removed from office. Certain things the GOP has done during Obama’s presidency could be considered traitorous as the only agenda the GOP has is to make the American people suffer for electing our nations first black president. The TEA PARTY is a racist political organization that should be dismantled by Law Enforcement.