From Del. Glen Glass:
Dear Constituents,
It is an honor and a privilege to represent you as your Delegate. As you know, last year with the help of many volunteers from Harford County and across the state, we collected over 133,000 signatures to place the bill that gave in-state tuition to illegal immigrants on the ballot this November as a referendum. After the bill was passed by the Maryland General Assembly, Delegate Neil Parrott and I decided that “enough is enough” and our only recourse would be a petition drive. I informed Neil, chairman of, that he could count on the citizens of Harford County to help overturn this detrimental legislation. Thanks to you and your efforts, Harford County contributed over 15,000 signatures and was one of the top four counties.
Let me bring you up to date on where we are for this year’s petitions to stop the legalization of same-sex marriage and the new congressional redistricting map. Currently, we have collected over 130,000 signatures for the referendum on same-sex marriage and the congressional redistricting petition had a successful month receiving over 28,000 signatures.
However, Harford County has accounted for only 1,430 of the total collected signatures to stop the congressional redistricting map, leaving us well behind other Maryland counties. I encourage everyone to rally and support this petition which will prevent Harford County and the rest of the state from being improperly divided and represented. I’m asking you to join me in fighting this overly politicized and gerrymandered map.
Please visit where you can find out more information or download, sign, and mail in your petition. If you would like to serve on the frontlines with me, email me or the Harford County coordinator to volunteer. Join me and together we can force the Maryland General Assembly to produce a map that makes sense and properly represents Maryland’s citizens. Thank you.
Your Delegate and servant Glen Glass
District 34A
why are people so desperate to be on the wrong side of history?
Why are homosexual activists trying to redefine marriage?
Because the ultimate goal is to have the abnormal normalized.
It isn’t bad at all to listen to other peoples advice when it comes to saving your relationship or marriage , but try to balance everything. Sometimes their suggestions make the situation worsen.
Next, create a petition to take away women’s rights to vote and bring segregation back to the country. If one group can’t have equal rights, then no one should.
Mr. Glass, your views do not represent all of your constituents. Nothing destroys marriage better then the government getting in bed with the people.
Please keep in mind that the election is coming up and many, many incumbents will be voted out of office. The revolution is here. Please take your bigotry and hatred and step aside.
You right that nothing is as destructive as government being in bed with its citizens but Martin and his cronies in Annapolis have been forcing themselves on me for years. Maybe this is just the Dem/Libs crying because they can’t get their way on an ultra-liberal issue. I signed the petition after waiting for awhile because the line was long.
And, no Fred Flintstone, there isn’t a problem with allowing constituents decide unless your ego is so large that you know what is best for all of the poor dumb slobs that might not agree with you. To them it is only a democracy when they agree with it.
Scott Walker sends you his regards. Yesterday’s result in Wisconsin is what you can expect in November.
I don’t think Delegate Glass is going to force anyone to sign the petitions. Many people do agree with the Delegate and he is giving them the chance to be heard. If the vote goes to referendum then the people get to decide the issue. If people don’t agree they have the option to vote for same-sex marriage and vote any delegates they want out of office. Is there really a problem with letting the constituents decide?
Well said Fred. I think the Dems in the G A are losing touch with the people. That is why all of these referendums are succeeding. The people are craving a voice that their representatives are not giving them.It’s a shame that these fools are elected time after time but what can you expect when almost half the citizens(and millions of illegals) are getting government handouts.
I think voting on people’s rights is wrong.
We need a little help here. Which people are you referring to? Which rights would we be voting on? There are 3 referendums in question. 1) overturning the Dream Act. 2) Overturning the homosexual marriage bill. 3)Overruling the redistricting. There is not one single right in all of this unless you mean the right to trample my rights in favor of politically favored group.
Some people beleive that gay marriage is a sin, but please show me where it says that in our nation’s Constitution.
This is so sad to me. Why are people so concerned with others personal lives, if you don’t like gay people/marriage, then don’t concern yourself with it. It is our right to have the same benifits as straight people, I’m only 20 and have no intention of marrying soon, but when I decide to, id like to be legally aloud to do so. We are no different then you, other then loving the same gender. I know a couple who has been together for 10 years now and they’re only in their twenties, they are head over heals in love, and if anyone deserves to get married its them. Open up your hearts and minds, and you’ll find this has no affect on you, but means the world to others. We are your neighbors friends and family, and were people too.
legalizing gay marriage cheapens my heterosexual (normal, moral) marriage.
also, religious beliefs aside, it opens the door to some very serious issues. what’s next? can i marry my cousin? my sister? My dog? I promise you, if this passes, NAMBLA will put out a really big push for legalizing pedophilia. and what’s to stop them? don’t they have rights too?
Wow. If your marriage is cheapened by the acts of others, your marriage must be pretty weak.
While I appreciate the notion that there is a slippery slope within morality and at large in societal values (which history proves), I think your point is certainly a stretch to the say the least.
There is a fundamental difference between adult, consentual, committed relationsips and most of the others you mentioned.
That said, I do think there are some legitimate concerns outside the purview of morality that our society must concern itself with in this matter, very similar to the intricacies that are found within other overlapping matters of religion, government, taxes, and appropriations (such as abortion). In general we have to decide to accept or reject and to what degree the concept that our hard earned wages are forcibly re-appropriated to goals we personally do not endorse (war for another example). It doesn’t have to be a personal or moral issue, but just simply a fundamental component of running a democracy.
There is a way, I think, to put aside the many immaterial arguments made by both sides and arrive at a fair, or possibly fair-er, set of policies to everyone.
While many people argue that allow homosexual couples to be legally wed will harm the instituion of marriage it seems to me that there are current practices within our society that are far more harmful to the institution of marriage than “gay marriage.” These things are Divorce and Children Born out of Wedlock, and they are considered to acceptable by the majority of the citizens in our country. In a 2008 Gallop poll 70% of Americans stated that they believed divorce was “morally acceptable.”
At the same time, the number of children born out of wedlock is skyrocketing. In 2009 41% of all children born were born to parents out of wedlock and over 60% percent of children born to mothers under the age 30 were “illegitimate.”
It seems that even without having the “albatross” of gay marriage arund its neck the “institution of marriage” has been cheapened by far too many hetrosexual couples.
Where is the public cry against divorce or illegitmate children? It would be interesting to see how many people who have signed the petition have been divorced or had a child out of wedlock and turned their backs on traditional marriages.
It would seem that unwed mothers pose a far greater risk to families, yet there are no petitions to osticize these women. Why is that?
Look up how many states allow you to marry your cousin. We are not trying to redefine it, CALL IT WHATEVER you want! We want the benefits, the saftey, the assurance that our family is taken care of just like yours. Closed minded hateful people, you make me sick, really.
Jtowne jeff, see it for yourself you ignorant fool. I completely agree with what tony blackburn said, “your” marriage has already been cheapened enough, allowing same sex couples to marry will cause far less damage then all the divorce and unmarried/single people having babies. There is no such thing as morals when it comes to that. I guarantee you over half the straight population is having sex before marriage, so is that moral to you?