PlanMaryland Presentation
From the League of Women Voters of Harford County:
On Thursday, May 31, Richard Josephson, Maryland State Department of Planning, will present the PlanMaryland program to the Harford County Community. The event will be held in the Chesapeake Center Dining Room of Harford Community College at 7:00pm.
Over the next 20 years, there will be nearly 1,000,000 more people, over 400,000 additional households and over 600,000 new jobs in Maryland. Where will these people live and work? How will they get to their jobs?
What benefits and impact will this have on our existing communities, our natural resources and our transportation systems? What role will the State and local governments have and how will a wide array of public, private and non-profit organizations all work together to plan for a sustainable future?
PlanMaryland, the State’s first comprehensive plan for sustainable growth and development, is intended to answer these and many other questions.
The program is co-sponsored by AAUW Harford County Branch and the League of Women Voters of Harford County. See the PlanMaryland website – for more information.
PlanMD Comes To Harford Community College
From Harford Campaign for Liberty:
Property Owners and Patriots
Join Harford Campaign for Liberty
May 31,2012
Harford Community College
Chesapeake Center Dining Hall
Governor O’Malley is sending representatives to Harford County to discuss PLANMD. In other words, your taxpayer dollars are being used to convince you that you want something that you really don’t want!!!!!!!
Plan Maryland allows central planners in Annapolis to tell us where to live & how much it will cost to live there while destroying our property rights.
Join us to send a message to the governor. We will gather for ½ hour before the meeting and attend the presentation at 7 pm. We can distribute literature and share our views with the public. Let’s not let Annapolis control the message.
WHAT IS WRONG WITH PLANMD??????????????????
GLAD YOU ASKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
– It was enacted without legislative approval.
– The final goal is central land use planning despite recent legislation.
– Lack of emphasis on property and individual rights.
– Based on questionable science.
– Places power in regulatory agencies; not elected officials.
– Is a plan that originated in the United Nations Agenda 21.
Support sensible land use that does not infringe on property rights. Join us as we voice our strong objections to more BIG GOVERNMENT.
Call 410-569-4821 for further information.
Visit for information on Agenda 21, ICLEI and PlanMD.
Read “The Road to Serfdom” to find out where we’re headed as a state, and a nation. Little by little, we’re being nudged into it. But hey….”America’s Got Talent” is back on the air this summer, the O’s are playing ball and it’s time to hit the beaches….so, life is good.
THINK about it people! Our population keeps growing, resources are becoming depleted, community services are overwhelmed, and roads and schools will be even more crowded. Who cares? Certainly not the locals and their politicos in Harford County. Let’s just keep paving and building and expanding — without thinking about consequences. Good planning makes sense so that the next 5, 10, 20 years down the road our Harford County benefits from GOOD decisions. It’s a tough process but we all need to be more aware and involved in our future here.
But Elsie – if the politicos at the county level don’t care, what makes you think the ones at the state level would?
Planning and zoning can be contentious issues because the use of one’s property often interferes with someone else’s enjoyment of theirs. For that reason, I think planning ought to be handled at the county level only. The state, feds, and international organizations like ICLEI ought to have no say in Harford’s zoning process.
when it effects the government stealing our property or downsizing or rezoning to suit their own agenda, WE care!! The league of liberal women voters don’t do anything but want to cost taxpayers more $$ for their socialist agenda..The only people moving to maryland are illegal aliens. We now support them to a tune of $2 billion a year of our tax $$.. Can we afford this kind of growth while they work our jobs while on the welfare system?
blah blah blah….Illegal Aliens…..blah blah….I got hit by one…..blah blah blah!
The most cleverly articulated argument yet. Congratulations on your scholarly approach to debate.
Oh, no, let’s all get on board with Elsie. She has what she wants but the heck with anyone else. Not in Elsie’s backyard unless Elsie says it is okay. Typical Dem/Lib limousine liberal. I know what’s best for me and I know what’s best for you. You, on the other hand, don’t know anything. I will run my life and since I am so good at running my life let me run yours as well. This is America, Elsie not the People’s Socialist Republic of Maryland.
Remember the beloved Ronald Reagan’s warning about “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”