From Harford County government:
Statement by County Executive David R. Craig in Response to Criticism of Decision to Withdraw Legislation to Offer Pay Bonus to Teachers and County Employees
County Executive David R. Craig today issued the following statement in response to criticism regarding his decision to withdraw legislation that would have provided a second $625 one-time pay bonus to teachers and other county employees:
“Many teachers and county employees are understandably upset because of the actions we have been forced to take in withdrawing the bonus legislation to fund our new obligation to fund teachers’ pensions. I share your frustration, and I truly wish that more teachers and public employee unions had been vocal in their opposition to the Governor’s plan to shift teacher pension costs to county governments when the issue was being debated in Annapolis. Money that could have been earmarked down the road by the school system for permanent raises or step increases must now go to paying for the portion of teacher pensions that used to be funded by the State of Maryland.
As a result of the General Assembly shifting teacher pension costs to county governments during the recent Special Session, we find ourselves responsible to pay $5.5 million next year into a pension system in which we still have no control, to fund pensions that we had no role in negotiating. Nonetheless, this mandate cannot be ignored and must be paid for by the taxpayers of Harford County. The annual impact to Harford County will rise to approximately $10.3 million by FY 2016.
Some have pointed to the so-called “offsets” attached with the shifting of teacher pension obligations to counties. These offsets, however, are merely estimates, and for the most part are optimistic, dubious, and unreliable. To balance a budget based on these at this late date would be fiscally irresponsible, and would potentially undo years of prudent financial management, which have resulted in Harford County achieving the AAA bond rating that saves taxpayers millions of dollars annually.
Others have suggested that both the cost of teachers’ pensions and bonus can be paid for using funds from the County’s surplus. Once funds that have been reserved or are restricted, or that have been allocated for necessary capital improvements are accounted for, however, there would not be sufficient funds left in reserve to meet the teacher pension obligation after granting the bonus.
While the Governor and the Maryland General Assembly reduced funding to Harford County Public Schools by $3.9 million this year, we funded above our Maintenance of Effort by $1 million. In fact, I have funded education in excess of Maintenance of Effort every year I have been County Executive. While other counties in Maryland receive millions of dollars in additional funds annually from the state because they meet certain criteria, Harford County receives no such state assistance. Furthermore, over the last seven years we fulfilled our commitment to students and teachers by building and renovating schools across the county, a significant expense for which the state has reimbursed us for less than one-quarter of the total cost.
Local governments did not create the fiscal problems for this state; however, in addition to balancing our own budgets, it’s now become common practice in Maryland that counties have the responsibility of balancing the state budget as well. As County Executive, I along with the Harford County Council am required to pass a balanced budget to meet the needs of the citizens of Harford County while acting as good stewards of taxpayers’ money. We take this responsibility seriously and do so without “passing the buck” on to others to take care of. These are tough decisions that require prudent and responsible leadership. The state has failed to lead, so it is now my responsibility to do so on this issue.”
This is a good, respectable, and sound move. Thanks, County Exec. Craig.
You will not be county executive.
Go back to Aberdeen and apply some more chapstick.
David David David, sounds like your grasping at straws, so sad even for a lame duck politico…….bye bye Craig !!!
Thank you County Executive Craig. Agreed 100%!
It must be opposite day.
So Pat, you his wife or mistress ???
You are not leading, Mr. Craig. Folks are getting tired of your spin machine. You have not maintained our schools. You have not paid your employees their wages. You continue to misrepresent the facts. What did you fund? A trash station that no one wants and improvements to David R. Craig park…
Ryan Burbey accusing someone of misrepresenting facts? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
And now you complain that the county is not maintaining schools? I thought you were against the county spending money on capital projects instead of giving you a raise.
What about the last 4 years? What’s the excuse for lack of teacher steps before the pension shifted to the counties?
Fact Check – Three years
It has really been 4 years since we had any pay increases.
Where were you Ryan Burbey when Harford County needed you? David Craig needed you to help fight Annapolis.
Actually, I went to Annapolis and lobbied our delegation not to support the pension shift.
This is such a distraction from the real issue. Two points he does not make:
1. We haven’t had a raise or step in 4 years. This legislation takes effect next year, so it is irrelevant to the situation we’ve endured for years.
2. All counties are under the same financial burden with the transfer of some responsibility for pensions. Most seem to be getting steps and COLAs.
I am sure the teachers are upset about this. I can see it from the negative, unprofessional comments. However, teachers pay is well above the median salary in Maryland. While you may not have gotten a raise in four year, you have a reliable job, whereas private sector employees are seeing pay decreases and tenous job security, at best.
Remember, if being a teacher is so bad, you can always leave for the private sector.
Hey Kirk,
“I am sure the teachers are upset about this. I can see it from the negative, unprofessional comments.” – Negative and unprofessional comments on all sides of this discussion.
“However, teachers pay is well above the median salary in Maryland.” – Lets not compare apples to oranges. Teachers have degrees and are required to continue their education. The average teacher has a masters. If you are going to compare salaries, compare teachers to others with advanced degrees and you will see they are not above the median salary in Maryland for those with advanced degrees. Now, if you want to say that a teacher, with a master’s, is being paid slightly better than someone that may or may not have graduated high school, sure, that is correct. However, that really isn’t a fair comparison.
“While you may not have gotten a raise in four year, you have a reliable job, whereas private sector employees are seeing pay decreases and tenous job security, at best.” – But, isn’t part of the reason why teachers go into the profession is because they are supposed to be jobs with security and steady wage increases to offset the higher pay and job volatility of the private sector?
“Remember, if being a teacher is so bad, you can always leave for the private sector.” – After putting in years of service, attaining tenure, pension, etc., with the current job market, wouldn’t that be a very poor financial decision on their part?
I got a better idea, how about if you make a contract with someone, honor the damned thing. I would love to go back and change some of my contracts with the other party having a say in it.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Paul, you are the King of Copy and Paste. Put a little more original thought into your postings instead of obscuring them with the comments made by other people. I think your ratio has climbed to 5 paragraphs Other to 1 of yours. It’s a goofy style.
Hey David,
“Paul, you are the King of Copy and Paste.” – Thank you, it is good to be king.
“Put a little more original thought into your postings instead of obscuring them with the comments made by other people.” – I copy and paste so people know what I am responding to. What I type outside of that is generally my original thoughts; though sometimes I will say what others have.
“I think your ratio has climbed to 5 paragraphs Other to 1 of yours.” – I didn’t know Dagger had a paragraph limitation.
“It’s a goofy style.” – Maybe you should call the police and report someone is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to read what I typed.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Fact Check – 3 years no COLA or Step (next year would be the 4th year)
Most counties have not given a COLA or Step for several years. The problem is that two of the very few that have are our neighbors Cecil and Baltimore.
Carroll, Frederick, Anne Arundel, Prince Georges are some of the other counties that have not received COLA or step the last three years. My source for this information is MSEA
Cecil County is looking better than Hazzard County, that should tell you something.
I would love to see teachers receive this bonus, but the fact is pretty obvious: Harford County cannot afford it. The Democrats in Annapolis cut funding to HCPS by 3.9 million dollars, and now Harford County is going to need to fork out 5.5 million to cover teacher pensions that the county had no control over? So other than dipping into the surplus the county has accumulated, which is not possible after you take into account all the county has already planned for and all, how do we pay for the bonuses?
Times are hard for all of us, and I have much respect for the teachers in Harford County, I truly do, but does David Craig and HCPS deserve taking all the blame? Absolutely not. Martin O’Malley and the Democrats in Annapolis are just as responsible, if not more, for all they have done to harm education, of which I mentioned above.
Notice this is the first time King David has mentioned step increases and raises…because he knows he never would’ve funded them but he’ll tease that he would have and now say it’s the state’s fault he can’t. David (you don’t deserve the respect of being called Mr. Craig), you are a pathetic jackass who was a sorry excuse for an administrator, and is a sorry excuse for a politician and a human being. I hope your family one day finds itself in dire financial straits so yo know how the teachers of Harford County feel.
i think it is wrong to make promises to the employees and then take it back. We are asked to work harder and harder, put up with more crap,and changes to make us work harder, and without even the hope of making a good living without going broke before payday each pay period. I am making less money now then I did 5 years ago and I feel like no one cares and that just makes everybody not care. Harford County has a outstanding group of employees and it is a shame that they are unappreciated. It is a shame that all of the other counties around us pay there workers A LOT more money then what we are paid. I think maybe the people making over 100,000 and over need pay cuts and that don’t should get raises.
I agree with Betty , what about the smaller fish we get stepped all over and are expected to work harder under an evermore scrutinizing , and Cornhole Brown making new positions and Tomblec making new positions all making over 100,000 dollars . While us small fish suffer the fatcats get fatter. We need people in power that care about the small fish. The worst thing to happen to the schools.was the untimely death of Jackie Haas she upheld her end, and if she promised ya it was her word.
So you’ll be camping out with Occupy Bel Air in two weeks?
“I share your frustration, and I truly wish that more teachers and public employee unions had been vocal in their opposition to the Governor’s plan…”
~Nice… good leader we have in a man who points fingers. Wimp.
“We take this responsibility seriously and do so without “passing the buck” on to others to take care of.”
~ This one made me nearly toss my breakfast… Seriously David Craig? Your county employees know so much better… you are a LIAR!
The spin in this one is dizzying…
Mr. Craig, if you think county employees can be tricked into blaming the governor for not getting our promised bonus check, you have lost your political intuition. Long before your October mention of bonus checks, the teacher pension funding issue was raging, so the budget passed during the recent special session was no surprise. What I can’t figure out is, how did this farce benefit you and yours? Definitely won’t make you more electable state-wide when you run for governor. Hmmmmm………..let’s keep watching.
How many teachers protested the shift of pensions to the counties?…I’m sure I saw a story on that in the Aegis….maybe not.
I know, I know….they were too busy protesting the “bonus” money non-payment that was being tossed around like a hot potato…..Too busy chasing the carrot instead of focusing on the entire garden.
But, then again I guess the unions wouldn’t dare protest the wishes of King Marty. It’s much easier to focus on the evil King Craig and his desire to screw the teachers out of their bonus.
You make it sound like the teacher pension shift is some enormous burden that is going to break Harford County. It’s not. The county currently has more than $90 million in surplus with another $10 + million surplus coming this year alone. The county has continued to lower property tax rates (saving its citizens roughly $40 per year per person at a loss of revenue of approximately $20 million each year) at a time when almost every other county in the state has raised them. Even with the reduced revenue, the county still has an enormous surplus, built up on the backs of its county employees that have had their salaries frozen for four years.
I happen to agree with the fact that it appears county employees got shafted over the past four years. They should have at least gotten COLA adjustments of 2%-3% in my opinion.
But, I still ask….where were the protests at the state capital when the pension talks were raging? Your assertion that it won’t “break” Harford County is simply a deflect and divert tactic to avoid answering the question. Why didn’t teachers care about where the funding of THEIR OWN RETIREMENT was taking place? I sure as hell would care.
Would it have made any difference at all if it was going to “break” the county? Furthermore, define “break”….is it when it causes the county to simply break even on its budget….is it if the county falls into the red?…if so, by how much into the red?….1 million?…..10 million?….who gets to define when the budget is broken?
The point was is that it is not even going to make a difference in the county budget, but it is being portrayed as a major expense that is going to further handicap the county budget. There is a ridiculus surplus which has been built up on the backs of the county employees at a time when property tax rates have been reduced.
You’re still not answering the question….Should the teachers have cared who was going to be responsible for funding their retirement? Or, should they have just taken the stance that “as long as I get mines….I don’t care who pays…”.
Isn’t the funding of a retirement package a much larger deal than the payment of a one-time “goodwill bonus”?
If the teacher’s union was upset enough over a $1,200 bonus to rant, rave and protest, then they should have been in an all-out rage over the pension shift proposal by Marty.
So, what is considered a “ridiculous” surplus in your own personal finance management plan?….$100?….$1000?….Let’s be irresponsible and say it’s $100. What is the population of HarCo?….Google says about 245K. What’s 245,000 times $100 per household’s “ridiculous” surplus?….about 24 million. So, I guess you’re right….90 million is truly a “ridiculous” surplus for 245.000 people in a county.
David Craig is making a run for the Governor and he going to blame the current Governor because he wants his job. All you done is taken care of your buddy’s and taken away from every county employee. Harford county wake up.. Don’t vote for this man ever again. You put your friends in the highest position of harford county gov and their kids. Don’t act like you have worked the system. Check it out people ask some of your county workers. Ask the teachers that inspire your childern, ask the county workers the clear the snow off your roads or make sure you have water and sewer. Where is all the money going look close HC and you will see.
Ryan, stop using fake names. Blame your fellow liberal Democrat Martin O’Malley. What he is he spending money doing? Oh yeah, he isn’t passing the buck.
I only post under my whole real name.
10 years ago I graduated from college. The entire world looked promising. I had a degree in mathematics and education. I felt like I could go any where and do anything I wanted. I worked hard during college and still have student debt.
Harford County Public Schools sent representatives to my college to “recruit” teachers for their school system. They promised me a great working environment and competetive pay with step increases for the first 15 years. My parents told me to work in the private sector for more money and carreer advancements. Boy, I should have listened to my parents!
I am a year 10 teacher on a year 6 pay step. My net income has shrunk because of increase health care and pension contributions. I made more in 2008 than I do now. And, my work environment sucks because there is this “out to get you” feeling that every one seems to have when dealing with our supervisors. I am 10 years into a pension retirement. I do not know what to do. I feel that I was lied to by HCPS. I wish they would have never showed up at my college campus that day when I was a young promising college graduate. It is criminal how they treat thier teachers. I do not feel lucky I have a job, I feel unlucky that I was tricked into working for HCPS. My financial situation is horrible. My life is on pause. My morale is very low. I may have to leave a job I love because those in charge of administering HCPS’s day to day operations have failed to do their job.
I too am in your situation, it feels like you read my mind. We will have to make a tough decision. You should look at Balto. City’s salary schedule, it might be harder but they are showing that they care about good teachers.
It’s not harder in Baltimore County.
In fact, I’m tired of all the BA/Fal/NH teachers standing up and doing anything here. Stop it. You look like damn fools.
You don’t want your job? Good, I’ll happily come in and take it. I’ve been busting my ass at a Route 40 school with a power trippin’ administration under the stress of missing AYP for the umpteenth year in a row. They constantly try to cut corners and save their asses by blaming instructional quality before questioning the head of the snake. We’ve got dozens of teachers on assistance plans because of lessons that would’ve shined and been perfect if we taught in a better district. Transfers don’t get granted to teachers on plans usually, so we get locked into working in a difficult district, with an incompetent administration, with the exact same pay problems y’all got in your white bread world. I’ll give my $625 bonus back and stay on step one for another 3 years if it means I get the privelege to teach in a school like that. Feel free to e-mail any openings you plan to create for me so I can apply for each and every one.
Love the @Truth
Which rt 40 school?
What difference does it make? Anyone who has ever taught in a Rt. 40 school knows every part of the job is exponentially harder. It is what it is. Even if the school district doesn’t officially recognize this by providing additional support or a stipend, you ask anyone in the county and they will admit it it some fashion–how many are former Rt. 40 transfers like the recent teacher of the year? don’t want their kids to go to school there and flip when redistricting occurs? What makes it worse is that those of us working hard on Rt. 40 are sick of being looked down on.
For fear of repercussions from my administration, which I’m certain reads this, I’ll just say I’m working at one of the many that has had its best administrators taken away and put into Bel Air/Fallston/PM jobs because that PTA contributes more to the school and pays more taxes and has more pull in the HCPS system. Our schools continue to struggle, and whenever we finally get a competent administrator, they get yanked from us and we get a hand-me-down.
Patterson Mill High got a demoted principal last year on his way out who by all accounts is just biding his time. If you want to get mad, look at the class sizes at Fallston High compared to several others. When they moved the kids to the Bel Air schools, they didn’t move the teachers with them. Look at the last 3 years!
You just got ride of Blair White. Addition by Subtraction.
Every county has its’ not so nice places and schools but HCPS amplifies the problems with the policies put in place.
I’m sure turning this into a my school vs your school fight is really going to help improve the backwoods BS that is slung.
“My net income has shrunk because of increase health care and pension contributions”
–You can’t be serious. Oh, you poor thing!….having to contribute to your own pension?!?….what the hell is the world coming to!….here, let me contribute FOR YOU!…oh, wait….I ALREADY AM!….wanna contribute to my pension?….oh wait…I DON’T HAVE ONE! Get real. Better yet….get a job in the private sector so you can start to live like us “fat-cats”.
Hey Rantandrave,
You don’t have a retirement plan? What sort of job do you have that doesn’t have a retirement plan?
I work in the private sector and would prefer the teachers to stay where they are at so the market doesn’t get saturated; also, in my profession, we are far better off than teachers.
Anyways, have a nice day.
@Paul Mc,
Never said I didn’t have a retirement plan. Last I checked, a pension (whether defined benefit or defined contribution) is DIFFERENT than a 401(k) (which most employers offer in the private sector). You may want to brush up on retirement planning products/terminology before making ignorant remarks.
Also, I do think teachers got the short end of the stick with pay freezes, if they didn’t even get COLA increases. Be that as it may, if they’re unhappy with their employment situation they can quit crying over it and go do something about it.
Many are. The good teachers are leaving Harford County. Going to Baltimore and Cecil where they get a raise.
Hey Rantandrave,
“Never said I didn’t have a retirement plan.” – Ok, let me get this straight. You are complaining about teachers having a pension, because you don’t have one. Yet, you have a different sort of retirement plan, right? And it appears that bot you, and the teachers, each contribute to your respective plans. So, why are you complaining about the teachers having something that you have? Or, is it you are simply complaining that they have a pension, and you want a pension, as opposed to the plan you currently have? Hell, just change the name of your plan name to “Pension”, work at your job for 30 years then collect your “Pension”. Seriously, there is little difference between the current pension and most retirement plans.
“Last I checked, a pension (whether defined benefit or defined contribution) is DIFFERENT than a 401(k) (which most employers offer in the private sector).” – Pensions and other retirement plans are similar, though not the same. Sort of like a car and a truck are similar, though different.
“You may want to brush up on retirement planning products/terminology before making ignorant remarks.” – What specific remark was ignorant?
“Also, I do think teachers got the short end of the stick with pay freezes, if they didn’t even get COLA increases.” – Ok. You are entitled to your opinion, even if it is wrong.
“Be that as it may, if they’re unhappy with their employment situation they can quit crying over it and go do something about it.” – Isn’t crying over it doing something about it? I mean, it is putting it out there in the public domain, for all to see. Exposure is a good thing.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Paul MC said, “Hell, just change the name of your plan name to ‘Pension’, work at your job for 30 years then collect your ‘Pension’. Seriously, there is little difference between the current pension and most retirement plans.”
Paul MC seems to have no idea how pensions work vs. 401k-type plans. With a 401k, you can only collect what you (and SOMETIMES your employer) contributed from your salary. A pension may involve some contributions from employees but mostly funded by emplyers and is a guaranteed paycheck for the rest of your life.
“Little difference”? Not in my world (which is the real one).
That sucks…..
I thought it was sad that Craig stopped bonus checks on the very day he was in Las Vegas on county tab with 4 others partying it up an national shopping center convention. Great example.
Actually, I take that back, he was trying to bring back good businesses to Harford County, like he did when he got Wegman’s to come here.. My mistake, forgive my last comment. Sorry Mr. Craig.
I cant afford to work for HCPS Anymore im going to another county starting 13,000 more a year.
I understand why the teachers are so upset and even if the county can’t “afford” to give them a bonus, they certainly didn’t have to add a day to the last day of school. Cost them nothing but poor will. That being said, my husband works for a very large global company (bigger than HCPS by far) and our health insurance has gone up CONSIDERABLY and from what I am hearing, it is the wave of the future. One doctor I went to said it is not uncommon for people to now have $8,000 out of pocket deductibles. When I hear people say they are worse off than they were 5 years ago so are many other people having to deal with that cost and cost of gas, food and everything else.
Again i am not blaming teachers because so many of us are in the same predicament, but when I hear the President say he is going to give rasises to Federal employees and yet all the local municipalities keep getting the poop passed down to them by unfunded federal and state mandates,I get outraged. This is more than just a local issue and notice how the State has no regard for certain counties. Harford County could have protested all it wanted and wouldn’t have made any difference. We are totally insignificant in Annapolis.
Lastly, what does the DIrector of Community Engagement and Cultural Diversity actually do? He can’t pronounce the names of cities he talks about in Harford County and he is raking in over $100,00 easy. Disgusting and Tomback should be fired for having the audacity to give out jobs like that during a fiscal crisis. State didnt want him and we picked him up…
I’ll tell you what the Director of Community Engagement and Cultural Diversity does…NOTHING! What a disappointment when so many schools are in dire need of his support. Lots of talk and no action. I’ve seen him present several times and it is clear that he has no understanding of our needs as a district and it doesn’t seem like he has any plans to find out either — let alone do anything about it. Would be great to get someone in that position that would really work for and care about the schools enough to try to make a difference.
Reality has finally come to the world of public school teachers.
It’s a tough world for all of us. Welcome to reality. Sorry it isn’t what you expected. Here is what the rest of us have learned. You work hard to get ahead. No guarantees that your employer will treat you fairly. You take care of your family and your future first and if that means you go to work somewhere that pays you better and appreciates you more, then you go. If it is not your dream job then be thankful you have a job. Your whining and crying might be justified but life isn’t fair. Put your big person undies on and move forward. Yes they are our kids you are teaching. Yes many parents are jerks in every sense of the word. Yes you were promised something you aren’t getting. Yes the HCPS is poorly led and poorly managed at many levels. Yes the HCEA hasn’t represented you well. In the end, this is not about any of them. This is about you. Do what you need to do.
HCPS and teachers are accountable to taxpayers. Teachers are a special interest group.
Hold onto your wallets Harford County….I just heard that the board lost yet another legal battle against HCEA. At this point, the cost to keep fighting a battle you can’t win is becoming annoying.
They are so desperate….throw them a step! Settle now before it is too late! I don’t want to pay more taxes than I already do…and we all know that the money is there. Do it now before a labor board gives them something expensive!
I also heard the judge flat out told them to stop wasting money fighting their obligation!!!!
Yes you saw Randy’s message to the union members. My source tells me the union and the labor board were denied their request for an injunction by the judge and no order was given. Apparently the Board won this round in court.
Randy stated in his letter that it was a Harford judge but it apparently was heard in AA county. He refer to it as an appeal but it was a request made by the labor board that was denied. I guess Randy doesn’t want the facts to get in the way of his spin.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
I just watched the Board of Ed meeting online and what a disappointment. Has Dr. Tomback ever addressed people and talked about the issues that are brought up there or anywhere else for that matter? When times are tough it is more important than ever to have someone who is a LEADER, who can talk to people and assure them that they are respected and recognize the frustration that is amongst the people he is supposed to be serving. The Board should do everyone a favor and find a way to cut their losses now. ALready way too much damage and it isn’t all about salary increases. Honestly believe they have someone already working there who can step in and do a MUCH better job in the interim then he has done in 4 years.
I think Craig is blowing a bunch of smoke….they are all spin doctors…what a flippin’ mess!
Hey Alex STFU
Thanks, Jeff. A real demonstration of your mental abilities. BTW, I got my raise and my bonus. How about you?
How very prophetic of Mr. Craig to know that our bonus is the exact amount of the teacher pension shortfall. The bonus was not a genuine offer to begin with or it would have been paid in full last fall. What happened to the remaining budget surplus? Is a surplus projected for the current year?
Once again, Harford County employees, mostly unprotected by representation will have the budget balanced on their paychecks.
I can only speak for myself and our agency to say we give 110%. Our raises are merited and not expected because of time served. It is equally disheartening to hear that selected employees have skirted the issue by getting “promotions”. Needless to say, morale is low because of the lack of respect coming from the top.
And he wanted us to speak up. Really, we are not even allowed to comment to the public directly.
Government employees should not be allowed to unionize. People should never be allowed to vote for those in positions to hand out pay raises, additional benefits and bonuses. It’s an absurdity on its face.
So you would deny sufferage to people who are teachers and live in Harford County? WOW I guess you feel the Constitution is not applicable!
Well said “Alex”. I truly sympathize with HC teachers. They are in a difficult situation. It sucks. But my husband is a government employee and he did not receive a raise this past year and we barely noticed the raise he received the last several years even though his written job performances were excellent. I am greatful though that he does have a secure job and is not working in the private sector for fear of being last on the “totem pole” to be laid off if that company has had a bad year. Unfortunately, you do what you have to do if your job is not fulfilling your expectations. Everyone deserves to stand up and fight for what they believe they are rightfully owed, but unfortunately, it usually falls on deaf ears. Its a real shame. And “Jeff”, please do us all a favor, and practice what you preach.
Another sound bite from David ” I wanna run for Govenor” Craig.. Pensions are part of the entire paqckage to ahve schools, The state never should have covered 100% of the pension cost. Shifting part of it back to the counties, returning some revenue for it and allowing the counties to decide if and how they want to use any additional revenue enhancers puts the control back in the county level.
But if Davis wants to talk about how things are wrong, how he would do better, how he’s done better. let’s take a look. Under his watch..
Bulle Rock went from 2 18 hole Championship courses with a conference center to……. 1 course and a whole lot of houses, thank to his close friend Clarkie Turner
The agreement he cut with Legion Post 47 to buy their building for a tourism and business center got put under the rug after he couldn’t fill his end of the deal.
A top 100 golf course in the nation not only gets turned into house, once again due to his friend Turner, but he pushes thru additional TAXES on the homes so his buddy doesn’t have to go to a bank like the rest of the world.
The county buys apiece of property for more than it’s appraised at for a trash transfer station that no one wants.
And then we get to his issues with the Emergency responders, the teachers and the School Board itself, plus the county council.
Nice record, glad his terms almost up, now as long as old Shady McGrady’s son stays out of politics, we can move on to some progress and backbone….
now as long as old Shady McGrady’s son stays out of politics, we can move on to some progress and backbone….
I second that.