Harford County Public Schools announced today the following transfers and assignments of school-based administrators for the 2012-13 school year. The assignments are effective July 1, 2012.
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So, let’s just shuffle the deck and see if the schools get better?
It’s just like the military, Bobby; happens every year.
Lest we forget in this time of dire economic conditions, each one of those bumbed to a 12 from 11 gets an extra $15,000 a year…
And where will this money come from? Seriously…those actually working with kids to make gains can’t get a $625 bonus, but these guys/gals will get their 15k. Nice.
AP11 does not exist as a position within the district. APs serve as either 10-month employees or 12-month employees. Obviously if an AP is moved to the 12-month position, a raise would occur since they are working an additional 2 months out of the year.
Also, the majority of the AP12s listed on the transfers and appointments were already AP12s to begin with, just moving to different schools.
First Citizen — Way to stir the pot when you haven’t the slightest idea what you are talking about. You are posting false statements as if they are truth.
PMHS is getting a major upgrade…they’re getting a strong AP and losing a waste of space. That school has been sorely lacking in leadership this past year, though I’m not sure what they expected when they stuck two demoted principals (but still were getting paid as principals, not AP’s…) in there who openly told various staff members that they were just riding out their time.
I don’t know which of those two is leaving, but I don’t see either of their names on the transfer list so maybe one of them is retiring.
If you actually knew the staff at PMMS, you would have known that Blair White is the AP there, and the one who was moved to Aberdeen. Hence Natalie Holloway being assigned to PMMS.
I’m talking about Rob Limpert being moved from EHS to PMHS…he’s replacing either Tucker (demoted from JHS) or the other AP (can’t remember his name off the top of my head, but he was demoted from running alt ed at AHS.) I know Milanowski is staying who is the 3rd PMHS AP.
Maybe if you actually read the transfer list or knew the staff at PMHS you would’ve known what I was talking about.
Not only that they transferred a female administrator to a school that already had a female principal. They really need to make a very strong effort to have at least 1 female administrator in each high school but i guess common sense and basic management isn’t something they teach you when you get an advanced degree in education. To expect males to talk to females about the “dress code” is a major problem and the males cannot go into the ladies room and/or locker rooms. Looks like the males dominate the administrator pool but maybe something to consider in the future.
Tucker and Milanoski are staying next year.
So does ‘AP’ stand for Assistant Principal then? If so, which grade is that AP assigned to (my child’s middle school has an AP for each grade)? Is there more detailed info on this posted anywhere else does anyone know?
Yes, AP does stand for assistant principal in this conversation. APs are assigned to schools. How the responsibilities are divided amongst administrators in a building is typically up to the principal. While most serve a particular grade level, it is different from school to school. That info would usually appear on the school’s webpage for the current year. As personnel changes, so will responsibilities, so to say what grade level an AP is going to work next school year would be a tough question to answer at this point.
Did you have the day off, or do you get to post during your free period?
Believe it or not teachers are allowed to be human and post during their planning
My apologies to you at North Harford MS. Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the water….He’s back
Seriously! Is anybody paying attention? Worst AP I’ve ever worked with. Guess when you can’t get the job done, they move where the job is easier. Insulting.
I am a parent of a child at EES and I love Ms. Sundquist. Does anybody know anything about this new lady that will become principal there?
Realist…She is coming to my school, North Harford. How is the morale with the staff at Edgewood Elementary? Did she support her teachers? Please give me some insight becasue nobody at our school knows anything about her.
Lisa Sunquist has been an advocate and hero at Edgewood Elementary. She had made that school a proud school and gives everything her all. She is family oriented and is a remarkable person. NHE gains a great person!!!!
Lisa Sundquist is AMAZING! She was known for sneaking into her teachers’ rooms after hours and leaving them a personalized note thanking them for something they did that went above and beyond. I did not work for her but knew people who did. I met her once and was so impressed with her aura! She is a wonderful, strong leader who accomplished her goals through positivity. Everyone at North Harford is LUCKY to get her!
Thank You Teacher…That is GREAT to know!!! We need someone like that.
Did not care for Sundquist one bit…..sorry.
The new principal is coming from William Paca Old Post Road. She is the Instructional Facilitator. She used to be at Edgewood Elementary too. She is well liked and very supportive of kids and teachers.
Please sure to install a direct phone line in Mrs. Mack’s office to her husband’s phone line. She spends the majority of her day talking to him and ignores her responsibilities. Sorry Bel Air Elementary School. She was a poor classroom teacher and an ineffective assistant principal. Of course, she is qualified as a principal??? Good luck
Outrageous…You must work at Homestead-Wakefield in order to know this information. Am I correct?
Dyann Mack is an amazing AP, and Bel
Air is lucky to have her!
Outrageous, how can you possibly say this about Mrs. Mack? Are you aware she recently received the award of AP of the year for the state? Bel Air Elementary, YOU ARE LUCKY TO HAVE HER! She is and will be awesome. Congratulations Dyann!
Did anyone stop to think the people that are promoted from the classroom to an AP position will be starting at the bottom of the scale? They will not be coming in being paid the scale of the person they are replacing! The person they are replacing may be retiring and not promoting; therefore, the county is SAVING money! NBES is losing 2 administrators to retirement so someone needs to replace them whether they are by promotion or transfer. So my hat goes off to those that work hard to make their way into the AP Pool or the Principal Pool and are chosen for those positions. And congratulations to those that are lucky enough to retire from HCPS after putting in many years of hard work and dedication to a system that at times may not have paid them what they were worth!!!!
Congratulations Mr. Main!!!! How lucky for Homestead Wakfield!! You are getting an awesome teacher now AP!!! Your North Bend family will miss you!!!
Wow HCPS…way to go! Don’t move the ones who really need a change or a demotion and move the good ones. Who in the world thought it was a good idea to promote Dyann Mack? Likewise, who in the world observes how these “administrators” act? They lack the basic leadership skills! The BOE needs to smarten up, open their eyes and SEE what is going on in their schools. Not only are the principals a MESS but HOW they spend their money is also a mess. Teach administators how to manage!!!! Shame on you HCPS. Another round idiocy. The only positive here is that John Archer gains a GEM–Pat Walling!
Here, here on the “open their eyes and SEE what is going on in their schools.” If more central office administration connected personally with their teachers across the county, not only would they be better informed when making big decisions for the district, the teachers would feel like someone was really listening and cared. That would be huge. Then teachers wouldn’t need to feel like they have to tell all on The Dagger since it’s all they’ve got right now.
Please share your credentials and expertise in regard to evaluating the quality of school leadership.
I absolutely agree that John Archer is lucky to be getting Pat Walling! She is wonderful!
Thats ok…the real issue is Alternative ED. But no one cares about us there anyway. ALT what? Who? Where? Look into it-PLEASE!
John Archer is happy again! Looking forward to our new team for next year!
I know that when Dr. Tomback was interviewed here he was asked specifically if he would consider talking to the school community before reassigning a principal. Reason it came up was because one of the other candidates in the 6th largest school district in the county interviewed here also and said he always did that as a way to try and meet the parents and the community. He wanted to get a better idea of what was working and what wasn’t and what school climate was from their perspective. Dr. Tomback has repeatedly refused to meet with parents and emphatically rejected any idea of talking to the PTAs or teachers about their ideas for the school. What exactly does he do?
Not true at all…he came to all the schools where the principals were retiring and sat down with the staff. He listened to all of what we had to say and as far as North Harford Elementary goes HE LISTENED!!!!
Did he meet with every school where there was going to be a change? There were principal changes other than retirements. What about at the middle and high schools, did he meet with the staff there too?. You said he met with teachers, did these meeting include parents and other community groups? It has been one of the knocks on Dr. Tomback that he is not approachable and while he may listen to what some have to say he does not give any real consideration to their thoughts and does what he already had planned to do.
It was nice of him to talk to you but he did not talk to the parents at EES because he would have known that the last thing we wanted was Ms. Sundquist to leave. I guess he does not feel like coming down to Edgewood. Once again Edgewood got screwed. I am MAD as HELL!!!!!!!
You will love the new principal at Edgewood…she is very approachable!!
You hired an idiot from “down a road, hun”. At one time Harford County knew its roots. It knew the good from the bad teachers. You have some ding bat who wants the $$$$$$$$. He doesn’t give a rat’s rip about which principal is right for each school. And, he couldn’t because he doesn’t know, and I’m not sure he’d be smart enough to know if he did try to do the right thing. You brought liberal social engineering to Harford County. You go what you asked for!