From the Office of Del. Pat McDonough:
Delegate Pat McDonough has written a letter to Governor O’Malley requesting the possible assistance of the Maryland State Police to work with the Baltimore City Police Department in order to prevent the consistent and dangerous attacks upon citizens by roving mobs of black youths. St. Patrick’s Day witnessed another out-of-control incident involving hundreds of young people in a mob-like posture, fighting among themselves, and attacking innocent tourists and visitors to the harbor area.
A number of the members of these roving mobs attacked a tourist from Virginia, knocking him out, beating him, and stealing his clothing and other valuables. This scary event was covered on video and went global, becoming a sensation, and seriously tarnished Baltimore’s image.
Last year, a young man was murdered and a 6-year old child was shot in the leg. This violence has been occurring on a regular basis.
The Mayor and the Baltimore City Police Department have failed to prepare adequate plans and actions to protect public safety. Frankly, the entire dangerous series of criminal activity has been covered up.
The image of Baltimore is suffering; perhaps beyond redemption. The revenue generated by Baltimore’s magnificent harbor is being challenged and harmed. Decent folks, who work in the harbor area, live there, or just visit, should not be subjected to this type of reckless brutality.
There are even reports that some of these assaults may be racial in nature. This is not a time to cover up or abandon the good people in order to protect a false image of a city in chaos.
Finally, I would request that the Governor not only render assistance from the Maryland State Police, but declare the harbor area as a “no travel zone” until the Mayor can guarantee the safety of our fellow citizens.
OK Pat McDonough is gone past idiot to plain outright bigot.
What’s bigoted about what McDonough has said?
I haven’t followed this from the start, but was he incorrect in his statement? Are the “mobs” mainly black, mixed or mainly white. Color is color and referencing the actual event and those involved doesn’t make you a racists.
He has always been a bigot.
why because he speaks of what is really happening in Baltimore? Not all people are criminals, but its the ones who are that give Baltimore a bad name. Its time to stop letting these people, white and black, out on probation and saying they need treatment instead of jail. How many of you would like to go to the inner harbor and be assaulted? Raise your hand. Oh, and what about watching your family get assaulted. Didn’t think so. The city needs to stop saying everything is a race issue and not commenting. The news has said there was more that happened on St Patrick’s weekend. What about the guy who was assaulted and video was taken. Most of the charges have been dropped. Do ya think it would have happened the other way around? I’m sure all the fine citizens of Baltimore know that crime is crime and don’t call it a racist remark and not do anything about it. That is just passing the buck.
He didn’t say white or black as you did, he was very specific about race. He has shown over and over again that he fears those that are different from him. Now is there a problem with crime in Baltimore, sure there is and in many other places as well. I think the police are working to address it. They have made progress. It certainly isn’t perfect but, then again, it isn’t perfect in the county either.
It is obvious that his real motivation is to get on the news, which he accomplished.
The bigotry is as follows. This quote came directly from his letter to the governor.
“roving mobs of black youths”
as well as the original headline of his press release
“Black Youth Mobs Terrorize Baltimore on Holidays.”
I agree mobs of youth are bad; but they are bad regardless of the color of the participant and if we had “white youth mobs” I suspect McDonough would not be writing about this and if he did he would make NO reference to the color of the participants. He is race baiting!
Furthermore if his disdain is truly to stop violence in Baltimore, which is not in his district why is he not mentioning nor asking for the state police to stop all the violence?
It is a cultural problem, not a race problem, but describing cultures in one to three words is hard so people revert to describing the majority members of that culture. There are white, black, Asian, male, female, young and old thugs, but in Baltimore, it is primarily young black males committing crime.
Read the crime reports for the city and you’ll find there are two primary catagories of victims:
1. Black, <35yo males involved in the drug trade
2. White people with horrible luck
There are also two primary catagories of perpetrators:
1. Could/did not provide description ("some guy")
2. Young black males
Are the mobs made up of people who would be described as black? Is McDonough’s description false?
We had “white youth mobs” in the past and PLENTY of people talked about them.
If you were assaulted by a mob and the (racist) police asked you to describe the folks that just pummeled you, what would you say?……You certainly couldn’t describe them as “male” because that would be gender-biased….you certainly couldn’t describe them as being “black” because that would be race-biased….you certainly couldn’t describe them as being “young” because that would be age-biased… you see how nonsensical your argument is over his “bigoted” statement? So, you would end up telling the po-po that you were attacked by a group of Homo-sapiens ranging in age from young to old. I’m sure that description would prove to be very helpful in finding them.
You may be unable to use the term Homo Sapien as that may be sexual orientation biased.
He’s no different than those race baiters Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson except that he doesn’t have a national audience.
Brad and CDev, how about taking your caucasian families down to the harbor on a Saturday night after dark. Then report your findings back to us. Then go to a “real” city and notice that you can make eye contact with folks, regardless of race, without being scared for your life. You 2 back O’Malley as well so we shouldn’t be surprised by your comments. Thank you Delegate McDonough.
I wouldn’t just go to the harbor, but park 2-3 blocks away from either attraction, on the street, not in one of the garages. The cops keep the areas immediately around the attractions pretty well swept of those up to no good, but go two blocks down the wrong street and you might as well be in Beirut or Mogadishu.
I have been down to the harbor at night, I am a registered Republican and I voted for Barr!
Look my issue is McDonough is grandstanding on this issue. He is all the sudden NOW concerned with this issue. We have many crime problems in his own district which he is not addressing.
He is asking the Governor to declare it a “no-travel” zone? Where in the MD Constitution, COMAR or the MD Declaration of rights is that power granted to the Governor?
Is he asking David Craig to stop the Fallston youth from ODing on Heroin? That’s in his district!!!! What about the bank robbers or the Serial Flasher???
He cites two instances of crime there and claims it is all
“Black Youth Mobs Terrorizing Baltimore”
I agree if describing a suspect to the police you should include color. In this it is not. Did McDonough describe them based on hair color and eye color?
He is a Bigot and I for one am glad that if he keeps his promise he will not be running for re-election!
Been there many times after dark and never had a problem. I guess I must be lucky.
Interesting thought, consider the average tailgater at a Ravens game. Generally a middle class male more than likely able to defend themselves. There are no mobs of either race threatening them. Why. Because the mobs of roaming youths are hyenas praying on singular weak strays or families unable or unwilling to defend themselves. I may not like the language the Delegate used, but his message may not be far from the truth.
Well, it is awfully hard to confront multiple attackers even if you are a “ravens tailgate” that fits into a stereotypical race/ethnicity/socioeconomic “class” who may be able to defend themselves. Personally, I don’t want to take a chance with a mob the size as reported with simply my fists (and I’m sure someone will put two and two together and go all Al Sharpton on my 2A stance).
I know for one, I’d prefer to NOT face that kind of a threat armed or unarmed and this is one of the reasons I precisely avoid this city after work hours about 362 days a year (sometimes it is unavoidable). I must say, with handgun carry coming for us law abiding citizens, shooting one or two of these mob punks when they attack the families or perceived “weak” will change their MO, and it won’t hurt my feelings one bit.
The problems here in Baltimore are very much based on the culture and the corruption of the justice system of the city/state. Soft sentences, dropped charges, and an inner city culture that doesn’t want to talk about the social problems associated with young men and their lack of quality home life (and no I am not getting into marriage). What I am referring to is the general cycle of violence associated with babies born to women whom are impoverished themselves. Couple that with easy money drug dealing, never ending turf wars, and judges that refuse to throw these thugs in jail, and you have self sustaining, self fulfilling environment.
Want to solve the inner city poverty/drug/crime problem? Throw the perps in the clink for the toughest sentence possible, stop allowing them to suckle at the government teat and eroding all self respect, and the perpetual class warfare rhetoric associated with the problems that cause these violent teen mobs.
I’m sure this will receive about 10 thumbs down as its hard truths that people don’t want to hear.
See, I wouldnt my kids to a Raven’s game when they were younger due to the number fights, cursing and how how visiting fans are treated. I have seen a lots of fights and assaults there.
Brad that’s because you are a weanie
The government makes sure race stays in front of us all the time. That’s what affirmative action, race based hate crimes, minority scholarships,etc. are all about. Why should a white guy get a harsher sentence because he kills a black guy, or vice-versa? If you kill someone the sentence should be the same.I would not have any problem if the mobs were white or Asian and were described as such in the news.That said,I do believe the main focus should be on the crime not the race of the criminals.
Let me first say that I have very little respect for Del. McDonough. He is an attention whore, and we all know that.
BUT… What he said is true. I have a friend in TX who caught wind of this yesterday and promised that she wouldn’t be visiting here for quite some time. After the highly publicized incident on St. Patrick’s Day, this SHOULD be at the forefront of local news. Oh, but the crime rates are down. blah, blah, blah. the reported and prosecuted crimes are down. if you get your butt kicked by several thugs but don’t report it, guess what? it’s not a crime. this happens more often than people think or are willing to admit. and it will not get better as long the fear of “snitches get stitches” is etched in the victims’ minds. I grew up in baltimore. the crime was a big reason for me leaving. and it’s only gotten worse.
on top of the crime issues, baltimore is going down the drain in other ways, too. anyone that can afford to leave that cespool is leaving. they can’t balance their budget so they increase any tax they can find. ladies and gentlemen, your next democratic gubernatorial candidate: stephanie rawlings-blake. and most of you fools will vote for her just like you voted for o’malley.
Pennsylvania looks better and better with each passing day…
And with that, Delegate McDonough becomes the latest Republican to swerve completely off the “Jobs Jobs Jobs” message of the previous election campaign.
Tom Myers
President, Young Democrats of Harford County
The number of available jobs does not matter if you can’t find taxpayers willing to work in the areas where the jobs are located.
So now unemployed people collecting benefits get to be picky about where they work? If they get offered a job and they decline they should lose their benefits. I personally think all people on welfare or collecting unemployment should have to preform 30 hours of volunteer service a week to recieve their check!
I’d rather they have to pass a drug test.
Tom, you’re an idiot.
First, it’s a Federal Election year…not state.
Second, jobs, jobs, jobs, is a function of bloated gov, bloated gov, bloated gov, which boils down to individual freedom and a semi-assimilated civil society. These youths are NOT (emphasis added) part of ANY “civil” society. I’m sure that somewhere in there, it is my fault as a taxpayer who has provided more dollars per student to the city than any other county in the state, more money to police and fire than any other jurisdiction in the state, and same thing with infrastructure funding, health coverage funding, and misc “youth” programs as well. Might as well spend more right? I mean, after all, that’s what your Nobel Prize whining (oh sorry I meant winning) patriarch Paul “print more, spend more, hope Mars Attacks” Krugman preaches and advocates for.
Please. Your “jobs jobs jobs” garbage is just more of the problem with the embedded political class in this state. You come in here and want to side track the discussion and attack the messenger because you can’t add anything cognizant or intelligent to the conversation.
I’m sure that this statement will get deleted, so I’ll be screen capping it.
In 2010, Republicans like McDonough campaigned on the fact that they were job creators. Unfortunately, with this latest post, the only jobs he potentially created could be held by those who decide who’s the winner of the George Zimmerman essay contest.
You are a dope…and that statement is dumb. I’m sure you’ll be one of the nancies that calls the police the first time you see a Maryland Shall Issue member open carrying their legal handgun. “OMG THAT MAN HAS A GUN, in a holster and he isn’t threatening anyone.”
Next, George Zimmerman has nothing to do with this topic of conversation. Please provide your next straw-man argument for me to slap around some more. I’m sure you’ll go all “NRA is an insurrectionist organization” per the narrative that is set by your propagandist overlords like The Brady Campaign, Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, or best yet, Mayors Against (supposedly illegal) Guns. Really? You’re as bad as Attorney General Gansler using the Zimmerman case (yet unsolved and untried) to comment on public stories or court proceedings. Wow…you really are that dense?
Also, I’m sure Martin St. Owe’Malley isn’t allowed to comment on gay marriage, crime, Preakness, or any other current topic that may or may not interest his constituents, right? I’m sorry, I guess perhaps Mr. McDonough “campaigned on job growth” but it wasn’t the SOLE issue he campaigned on.
What a turd this guy is…and this is the “future” of the Dem party? We really are screwed in this state…
Again, I’m screen capping…just saying.
Since I replied to this once and it got caught by the algos for whatever keyword filter the Dagger has in place, I’ll try a take two…
That said, your refute of my statement is again, how do I say this politically correctly, less than intelligent. I gather by your outrageous pie-in-the-sky assumptions of Mr. McDonough and the jobs mantra of a state election cycle ago, that Martin St. Owe’Malley is to be prevented from speaking upon topics such as gay marriage, crime, Preakness, or any other current topic that may or may not interest his constituents. Is this correct? I’m sorry, I guess perhaps Mr. McDonough “campaigned on job growth” but it wasn’t the SOLE issue he campaigned on. Perhaps you are so short cited to remember that Mr. McDonough did campaign upon other issues and not just one issue.
Regarding George Zimmerman: This statement is not only ludicrous, but it further shows that a certain political ilk prefer not to waste a good crisis, even when it is made up. For people to comment on it as facts are still unfolding and details are still unfolding is not only unethical, it smacks of a perversion of the justice process. I find it particularly disgusting that Mr. Myers would use the Martin/Zimmerman case to advocate for anything when we simply do not and cannot (until trial) know all the facts. I would like to point out that this is the same tactic used by our great Attorney General Doug Gansler in the state’s defense of a stay of ruling pending appeal of Woollard vs. Sherridan et al. before US Judge Legg. I’d prefer not to comment on the Zimmerman case Mr. Myers, you’re the one that brought it up, and I will refuse to be an “essay” contestant as you so put it on this subject. Stop the intentional thread drift.
In the post that has found the Dagger’s black hole of data, I added a few zingers about Mr. “I’m a Commedian” Myers, but since it is a side track to the issue, if the original post appears from the memory hole (which it won’t), I’ll let it stand.
@Tom Meyers –
Keep up the great work with the New Harford Democrat Club. You are a rising star and very soon I think if you try really hard you might achieve junior democrat political hack status, but you will have to increase your out-of-touch liberal/progressive race-baiting big government victim group identity rhetoric.
Dear Gomer,
May I make two suggestions? One: you spell my surname correctly; and two: use smaller words because you clearly are not old enough yet to understand what the big ones mean.
No worries the 99% people are with you!
Ahh, yes…the Gomer name. Paul, don’t worry…that just means Mr. Myers (don’t want to spell his surname wrong) has conceded defeat to you. Where that like a badge of honor (I know I have). He has no arguments so he will resort to his “perceived witty” remark which makes him chuckle inside. At least someone is laughing at him…
At any rate, I want to know how I can post a couple meaningful posts and they go live right away, yet my previous post is “awaiting moderation”? Seems fishy to me. Does the Dagger have a live human moderating comments or something? Or some algorithms?
Again, screen capturing to prove posts get sent to a data file’s black hole.
And yes, I can call myself out to show humility as well…grammatical typo in the above statement…where should = wear.
If you include a link or use a politically-correct prohibited word like social1st and spell it correctly your comment goes in the black hole.
Ahhh, sooo…even better! I’ll never be able to post evidence of valid postings…Awesome! Censorship just like twitter.
The only posts I’ve ever made that go to moderation are ones with links in them, which take a day or maybe two to pass moderation, and all of them have been posted unedited. (I assume they have someone combing through them checking the links)
I’m sure the Dagger is concerned about their legal liability for links to illegal content or worse links to spam and viruses.
No need to freak out about it. Once they pass moderation everyone else can see your post.
No, there are definite keywords that are caught by the algorithms and flagged for moderation.
My “double” reply is an instance of that. I wanted to see if any keywords were flagged, but I can’t lean on any keyword or posting habit to prove the point other than they stayed in suspense mode until this morning (and had no links).
@Tom Meyers –
My brother from another mother and other other. Thank you for the new name, I like it!
Seems to me that this stems from Marylands infringement on 2 amendment rights.