From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
At approximately 7:15 pm on Monday, April 30, 2012, a 17 year old male who was bleeding, flagged down a Harford County Sheriff’s Office patrol deputy on Woodbridge Center Way near Acorn Ridge Court in Edgewood, MD. The victim had been stabbed multiple times to the upper torso region of his body.
Preliminary investigation determined that the assault occurred in the 1300 block of Apple Ridge Court in Edgewood MD. The victim stated that he was in the area visiting a friend, when he was jumped by several unidentified individuals.
The victim was transported by Joppa Magnolia Volunteer Fire Company to John Hopkins Bayview Medical Center by ambulance in stable condition.
Anyone with information regarding the crime is encouraged to contact Harford County Sheriff’s Office Detective Joseph Peters of the Criminal Investigation Division at 410-836-5014.
Anyone with information regarding the crime wishing to remain anonymous may report their information through the following methods listed below. Qualifying tips that lead to a conviction may be eligible for up to $2,000 in rewards.
Website/Email: Submit a tip online at
Text message: Metro Crime Stoppers: Text “CRIMES” (274637)
Begin the message “MCS,” then add the information.
Phone: Harford Crime Solvers: Call 1-888-540-8477
Sad says
Makes me feel sad for any good parents stuck in Edgehood trying to raise decent children.
Kim Hampshire Holsapple says
A friend of my daughter’s (who lives on Apple Ridge) said that people were passing out ice cream right after this went down. So sad! What is going on people’s minds?
Darren says
Do the math and you’ll see well over 60% of the nonsense in Edgewood happens behind the old giant and woodbridge. The new Sheriffs dept is right on the tap of this high crime pocket…less than .25 miles. Heres your sign…clean it up or clean it out HCSO. We are tired of having this hardworking town blighted by little baltimore. As to previous post its no harder to raise good kids than any other county in MD. Relative PG, Anne Arundel, Howard, etc have far more garbage going on. But its all relative in Hazzard, and no excuse for dealing with the pc hug a thug program.
Kharn says
When I first moved to the area, I shopped at that Giant since it was on my way home. Only after a coworker was shocked where I shopped did I realize I didn’t really fit in, the milk was always quick to expire due to low turn-over, and the bums outside the store would ask me for $5 vs not talking to the other customers.
Now I drive to Costco. No drug addicts, better food, and I can buy toilet paper by the pallet.
what are you talking about? your comment has no value
BPB says
Did you read the article? The boy flagged down a HCSO Deputy. So it isn’t like the police aren’t in the area doing aggressive patrols. They can’t stop the animals from committing the crimes they don’t know are happening, and it’s not like people are picking up the phone and calling 911 to report these incidents. Most of the people in these communities don’t care. These aren’t random acts of violence on innocents (most of the time). The flow chart of accountability in these neighborhoods doesn’t start with the police, it ends with them.
Woodbridge Mom says
“Most of the people in these communities don’t care.”
Are you kidding me?? Most of the people do care. We do call the police. Why would you think people don’t care that people are stabbed, shot, and burglarized?
BPB says
The fact that the crimes keep occurring in the same place tells me that obviously people don’t care, because if they did these things wouldn’t happen. For example if 10 people jump someone and stab him, and they all live in the same neighborhood, and no one calls the police, then you accept that this is ok, thus you don’t care. I’m not saying everyone doesn’t care, and I’m not singling you out, but I know for a fact cooperation of this particular community in relation to crime solving is pretty low.
Concernedmomof3 says
BPB…. I do care, I do call. I’ve been keeping car logs of drug transactions and contacting the police, in fact my entire court is on the same page…. However, we are not the parents of the criminals, we work, take OUR children to sporting events, church, vacations, movies etc. Sounds like you would like to volunteer to be on the look out, or maybe like to put you or your children in harms way by breaking up a few fights, take pictures or give a statement or two. Is that what you are saying???? Please advise!
BPB says
Dear concernedmomof3, I put my life on the line everyday for people I don’t know. I break up fights, I get punched, and spit on, and followed home on occasion, just not in harford county ( but I do live here). On top of that I volunteer to teach anti-bullying, stranger danger, and a whole plethora of things that help promote positive attitudes in today’s youth, and I do it for free, on my own time. I’m not looking for a pat on the back and I don’t have all of the answers. If you are doing your part like you say then that’s all that can be asked. But other people aren’t. The MAJORITY of your community does not care.
My best advise to you would be to move away from there. I’d like to tell you that things will turn around, and that the masses will see the light, but it just isn’t true. The numbers of people willing to help the police and to discourage outrageous behavior are just too low. Bad guys outnumber good guys and the bad guys have no rules. Courts are getting soft on sentences and police are discouraged. How many times can you arrest the same dirtbag for the same thing in 1 year
? My record was 12.
Homeowner on Apple Ridge Court says
I live on Apple Ridge Court and I was home at the time this occurred but knew nothing about it. My oldest daughter who lives in York called me that night and told me about it. I didn’t see a thing so please don’t say that “people don’t care” we do care just didn’t know about it. If I had seen this happen I would have reported it. But it’s those so called “good neighbors” that live in my neighborhood that often turn the other cheek. I think a lot of people are scared of repercussions, not that they don’t care!
dismayed says
I worked at the elementary school for ten years in this area and never saw this level of violence. The majority of the families are hard working and want the best for their children–just like all parents. It is just the few bad apples that cause chaos for the others. If only our criminal justice system had a back bone and sentences that were fully served.
leaving says
Bad apples rot the rest of the basket. I think this has happened and all you can do is empty the basket.
Woodbridge Mom says
I am so disheartened by the level of violent crimes in our area. I hate hearing the police helocopters over my house every night. There are so many great families in our area. What can I do to help make it a safer place to live?
Localguy says
Ma’am, you ask a good question. I suggest a few things.
1) Enlist your neighbors who do care also and organize a community watch. You don’t need armed patrols – you need people with phones and pads of paper to write down tag numbers of cars that are suspicious. This can be done safely from inside a home.
I lived in a neighborhood once that had a drug operation operating out of one of the houses. We wrote down tag numbers, put up a sign with a big arrow on delivery day (Buy Your Illegal Drugs Here!), stood on the corner and called the police as people left their kids in the car when they went in to buy their dope, took pictures of the buyers… the county police raided right before we were going to take an ad out in the paper advertising the drug house! It took months, but it got done.
2) Pressure the neighbors who witness acts of crime to do something about it. Testify in court if necessary at the trial for these turds who are ruining your lives. Tell the police everything, give them somethng to work with, etc…
Citing my experience above again… We happily stood there and filled out the police reports. Showed the dealers we were not scared of them. Dopers and dealers are really cowards. Once they understand you are not afraid of them – they wonder why. That’s when their real fear is drawn out and their true colors are shown. We had that entire group snitching each other out. Everyone of them pleaded to jail time. We won.
3) Take the parents to task who don’t raise their kids properly. Let’s not kid ourselves – we know who raises their kids and who lets the TV or the streets do it for them. Shame them into doing their jobs. Reach out and help them. Whatever it takes to build a sense of responsibility into these young people.
Woodbridge Mom – I’m not that brilliant and never claim to have all the right answers or even one of them. Heck, you can look this list over and ignore it if you want. However, I sense you really care – and not to put that care into action will only feed the problem. No one says action is easy, but that does not mean it does not have to be done.
I wish you the best.
David A. Porter says
I know we may have disagreed before, but I want to let you know I would value having you as a neighbor in my neighborhood and I value you being in this community. Your suggestions are spot on. Evil prevails when good people do nothing. I endeavour to always do what I believe is the right thing, even when it is personally painful. And you are correct when you say the majority of these people are cowards. Only cowards and criminals hide what they do. because if you shed light on their behavior, they will eventually be revealed. It takes time. But we will win when we work together as a community.
Localguy says
Thank you – if we agreed all the time this would be a very boring place, the type of place I would not visit. 🙂 You’re right; with enough light shed on the evil done in darkness, we will win. I wish these folks the best.
I live in 21015 says
Keep that crap on that side of I-95.
David A. Porter says
They are mobile. Get your head out of the sand. Ignoring something because you don’t believe it will affect you is simply delusional.
Localguy says
Doesn’t it bother you that this is going on anywhere? You are sick.
BelAirMom says
Have you not read The Dagger this past year? Plenty of bad all throughout Harford County. “This side” of rt 95 has seen murder, robberies,a crazy man who flashes, etc. While certain sections of Edgewood do indeed see more crime than most other areas, 21015 is not immune.
Concernedmomof3 says
the ***hole buying drugs in my community lived in the 21015 zip code… keep his *** in your 21015 community. Better yet my family lives there I care about that community also. You probably have rental property on this side of 95
Kharn says
Instead of blaming the buyers, you should examine why your community is the location of choice for the sellers. Maybe because your neighbors tolerate (or worse, idolize) that behavior? It is a cultural problem, there is one group that believes the way to get ahead is to go to work 40 hours a week and pay your taxes, and another that believes living off the government teat while collecting cash under the table for slinging crack or heroin (plus income from disability scams, unofficial daycares, etc) is the way to do it. Unless you drive that second group out of your community, you will have drug and crime problems. Apply the broken windows process, demand the police cite every quality-of-life violation they can until the area is uncomfortable for the slackers to live in.
Landlords don’t want to deal with drugs either. Patching bullet holes, cleaning blood stained sidewalks and floors, evicting tenants after the sheriff rams in the door, etc, are all expensive and cut into the bottom line. If you know a renter is in the game or a user, find the landlord via SDAT, CC him with all of your proof that the drug activity is occuring in his property when you send that same information to the sheriff. Renters lose their Section 8 eligibility upon conviction for a drug-related crime by any member of the household.
concernedmomof3 says
@KHARN First….. why isnt the buyer just as bad as the seller, the buyer is the one that will break in your house or kill someone for drup money…I dont agre or understand that portion of your comment.I do agree with the citing of landlords, thats exactly what I do in another County, so yes I know all about nuisance properties and absentee landlords and I actually know that works first hand if your local jurisdiction is willing to enforce. Very aware of the landlord vs tenant situation, its the landlords that dont change their address, this is why I was excited when Harford County started talking about Rental Registration, I know it holds more and more negligent landlords with their crappy tenants responsible. Actually my neighbors are majority elderly and have lived in my neighborhood for over 20 yrs some are a little naive to the surroundings. Also dont call the landlord when the tenant is being a Menance call your local SECT8 office and have that landlord removed from the list, hit him where it hurts so he can stop making a profit off of everyone elses misery, have them both loose the voucher. By the way HUD would like to see Harf Co share the love as far as where their vouchers and funds are spent and they are not talking about Edgewood, then what are people gonna do then.
JT says
Quit coming over here and dealing with these idiots.
Go to Baltimore to buy your dope.
Bel Air Fed says
We had a couple murders in Bel Air in the past couple of years, so the crap is flying everywhere. Do good Move to Opportunity and wimpy mouth politicians like Eileen Rerhman and Jimbo Harkins just let it happen to Edgewood. Meadowood was section 8 and started the downhill slide. The Edgewater Village Apts behind Giant – more section 8 – more slide. Now it’s a cancer that is spreading – and good ole Jimbo hops in his big black GM Hybrid SUV from his state job that he quit the county exec for and treks on by Edgewood to his quiet oasis in Street. I feel for the many good folks in Edgewood – I was one until my kids hit school age and we got out. We all need to get our heads out of the sand if we think the violence and crime can’t touch the rest of the county.
Sam says
Well when you have a large section of the population there dependent on the government what else do you expect.
how do you know thats true
John G. says
One more reason for concealed carry in Maryland. When these idiots start getting shot, you will see the crime rate drop. Before you start crying. 98% of handgun crimes in the state of Maryland are done by those whom have illegal firearms.
Jeff Labowski says
Send the idiots to a gun range first. Lots of Wangsters get shot/stabbed in this county, but only a few die. They are like Roaches, or STD’s, in that they are hard to get rid of.
Kharn says
I definitely agree, criminals know they have a very low chance of running into an armed citizen in this state so they can operate with impunity.
Cdev says
yes but the victim here would not have been eligible for a CCW permit in most states that have it.
Mad at everything says
You’re absolutly right. As long as people remain tight lipped about who’s committing the crimes, it continues to greatly hinder police and the solving of crimes. Most members of the community know what idiots are doing dirt in the neighborhood but won’t say anything, and all the police need is a tip here and there. Getting the crooks off of the street with the help of the public at large is a hell of a lot nicer than having to worry about whos going to break into your house or car, or rob you while your walking home from the store or stab your child while he or she is away from home. I guess the “stop snitchin” video had more of a positive impact on the public than having police clean up the streets…. That baffles the hell out of me. The crooks shouldnt get to be so proud to get that kind of loyalty from the public. There were probably 20 people within 5 minutes of that stabbing that knew exactly who and/or how many people were responsible for the incident. It’s really a damn shame and a tragedy that people these days care so little and how little value is put on uniting to make our communities safer and nicer for everyone especially the youth. This incident should have never happened.
Old Skool says
Ghetto thugs, where do you think all the residents of the highrises in Baltimore City were relocated to when they imploded them? Seems strange to me he was randomly “jumped” There’s more to this story they are not telling.
David A. Porter says
Keep blaming Baltimore. They’re here now Old Skool…. unless you have developed a time machine there’s nothing you can do about where they came from. Now do you have any solution to the problem you see or are you just going to endear us with your cracker barrel rocking chair philosophy?
Old Skool says
Must be a Democrat.
David A. Porter says
Old Skool, you must simply be willfully ignorant and full of yourself. Your sweeping generalizations speak to inbreeding. How could your parents (sister and brother) do that to you? Would you like me to continue with some additional sweeping generalizations that are way off base? Come up with a solution. Or just sit in your rocker and shout from the porch.
Old Skool says
^^^^^^^Internet Tough Guy^^^^^^^^
LivedInEdgewood says
I Lived in Edgewood since I was a kid I Graduated from EHS in 1977 alot has changed since then.
You say forum Neighbor hood watch well Edgewood use to have a organization called C.O.P.E Citizens on Patrol Edgewood they had quite a few members at the time they tried to get more people involved but it seems that most of the people wanted something done but they don’t want to help themselves they want someone to do it for them.
They even asked people to just write down tag numbers and pass it on but no they couldn’t be bothered.
Its sad that the community doesn’t stand up and take back their neighborhood.
Read alot of what goes on and you also would see alot times its by people who don’t even live in Edgewood but from surrounding communities.
My Zip Code is 21040 says
It’s amazing to read the comments that people have regarding Edgewood – who don’t even live here. I’ve lived in Edgewood since we moved to HC back in 1990. Yes, there is crime here but where is it not? When that kid in Bel Air killed his dad, some people started a website to raise money for him. Hmm, double standard? Murder is murder regardless of where it is committed. There are good folks here and not everyone is collecting government handouts or idolizing drug dealers. Some people don’t get involved because of fear of retaliation. I am involved and I’d rather live in Edgewood where there is diversity and sense of community than in some of these other neighborhoods that value their bigoted viewpoints!
Mike Welsh says
It is not a bigoted view to know and to comment on the high crime rate in Edgewood. I lived there for several years and yes there are great people who live in Edgewood, but that doesn’t change the fact that Edgewood also has the highest rate of crime in Harford County.
The good people of Edgewood are free to establish a defense fund for anyone they feel is deserving of their support. What is wrong with that?
BPB says
Sorry but your comments regarding Edgewood are borderline asinine. You would rather live where there is a sense of community and diversity? You would rather raise a family in the most crime ridden, gang infested area in Harford County because you like diversity. You must be one of those cliche’ types who ” Likes all the mistakes you have made in life because they made you who you are today”. Glad to know that self-righteousness isn’t dead in the county.
News flash, if you live in a neighborhood where people aren’t involved because of fear of retaliation, then there is no community. You keep your diversity, I’ll keep my family safe, and continue to raise them in a neighborhood where they don’t have to be afraid.
Kharn says
I don’t care about my neighbors’ color, creed, orientation, etc. If they all turn purple and howl at the moon once a month, that’s fine with me as long as my car windows are intact and my basment door isn’t kicked in.
Unfortunately, Edgewood does have some subset of the population where crime is an accepted behavior. The general fear of retaliation from the criminals and the unwillingness to help the police only compound the problem. If you are afraid to testify in court about your neighbors’ actions, are they people you really want to live near?
My Zip Code is 21040 says
I’ve raised children in this crime and drug infested diverse area. They have even attended these “route 40” schools. The oldest received an academic scholarship to UMD. I acknowledge the crime in Edgewood but some of you are wearings blinders if you think your area is crime free. Speak with the Sheriff’s Department to find out about the gangs in your schools. Shocking, I know. My car windows have never been busted out and my home has never been robbed. I bet the ones who “hate” on Edgewood don’t even live in the 21040 and are quoting stats. I could say the same regarding Heroin High (Fallston) even though that area is one of the richest in the county. And no, I’m not self-righteous and my children are not afraid and if I see anyone anywhere committing a crime – I will call 911– and BPB keep that cocoon wrapped tight around your insulated children…God forbid if they ever leave their safe and secure community — and yes Edgewood and Harford County – we must do better! Just keeping it real!
BPB says
So I’m the ignorant person because I chose to do better than you and raise my kids in a safer area? Can I see some documentation on this so called heroin outbreak at Fallston, or is that just another stereotype because (alleged) wealthy white people clearly do expensive drugs? And if there’s all this nasty drug dealing going on in Fallston where is all the violence? Drugs and Violence go hand and hand but people in Fallston aren’t getting shot and stabbed every week are they? I went to rt. 40 schools, my children will probably go to rt.40 schools,but they sure as hell won’t be in Edgewood. And I have more harford county gang knowledge in my left knuckle than you could ever imagine, so if you wanna argue stats I’d be happy to point out that more gang members live in Edgewood than in Havre de Grace, Aberdeen, and Bel Air combined. Let’s do some research before we open our mouths with nonsense from now on. All schools will have issues with drugs, but all communities don’t have issues with gangs and violence on a daily basis.
David A. Porter says
One of our test directors graduated from Edgewood. He’s now employed at Aberdeen Proving Ground and is reasonably well respected. The case that is being made by the preceding author is that while you like to point fingers at Edgewood as some sort of cancer that should be removed before it metastisizes the surrounding pure communities, the other communities in this county have their own collection of drug problems, not just heroin, but also prescription drugs. For a few years a sweet nice girl brought up in Kingsville by her well to do parents, taking ballet, piano and cheerleading, managed to acquire a following of people that attracted her to the illicit substance community. I recall talking with her about moving to Edgewood with her two young sons – I suggested that was a bad idea to expose her children to the environment. She even lived in Bel Air for a couple years and traveled to Edgewood to be with her boyfriend, who is not her husband, and father to her four children form three different fathers. And the dads are from Pylesville, Aberdeen and yes, Edgewood. After leaving her last four properties and defaulting on all four leases, she has now returned to Edgewood and is living with her mother in law – with the four children. She is on public assistance for food and medical care. Since being with her current husband they have accumulated over $30,000 in court judgements, she has been fired from three of her last four jobs, no longer works as a medical assistant and her husband is periodically picked up for probation violations by the Harford County Sheriff (Thank you HCSO). But this fairy tale story began with a little girl growing up in Kingsville and attending Fallston schools – where she still takes her sons. I suppose she believes it’s going to help them make good choices. Kind of hard when you see mom and dad doing so many wrong things – even in Bel Air. It’s really not about where you live that shapes your destiny or controls your fate. It’s about who you choose to be and who you choose to associate with. Bad people have a way of associating with other bad people. Don’t just lump the good with the bad because of where they live.
My Zip Code is 21040 says
@ Dave Porter…You hit the nail on the head. So eloquent. Thank you.
Concernedmomof3 says
@BPB, Its sad that you are implying you care more about your children or family or are even successful because you live in a certain area instead of another. Thats what I take from your comment “you choose to do better” are you implying that I choose to be a bad parent or person. Our home base doesnt define who I am nor does it measure the love or protection I have or want for my children. I try to keep an open mind and judge people as individuals. So Sad.
BPB says
I’m not really sure you did Edgewood any justice with that story. While I agree that who you surround yourself ultimately influences and shapes your character, you said yourself you advised her not to move to Edgewood and expose her family to that environment. You actually even linked her hardships to her connections in Edgewood. So I think you may have missed you intended mark here.
David A. Porter says
The point I was making was you can be a success coming form Edgewood. The other point was it’s not where you live that determines whether or not you are exposed to crime. Some obviously seek it out. I grant you I was shooting for probabilities with my urging her to not move there. She however was shooting for a different sort of probability. Because she craves that lifestyle and does not mind exposing her children to the people she associates with. It’s a lifestyle choice, not a geographic location, that predisposes someone to a life of irresponsibility and crime.
BPB says
^^^^^^Not intelligent enough to formulate educated response.
BPB says
Of course it is. No one on here is saying that you are destined to a life of crime because you are from Edgewood. What was said that people from these high crime areas of Edgewood need stop accepting this as a way of life. It’s become the status quo of the county that drugs, gangs, and violence are OK simply because it is Edgewood. I’ll also so that it’s a choice to live there, and if you are too afraid to stand up for yourself and your neighbors due to retribution then you should get away from there.