From Scott DeLong:
Dear Editor,
Public Private Partnerships are Socialism
What do Harford County Government, Maryland State Government, and Obama Administration have in common? They are enthralled with the idea of risking taxpayers dollars in socialist ventures called “Public/Private Partnerships”.
PPP’s have been around a long time, taking taxpayer dollars and using them to advance the goals of politicians and their politically-connected friends. Astute readers call it Mercantilism and Crony Capitalism. The “politically correct” term is Public/Private Partnership.
Locally, the Harford County Council recently approved, at the request of the County Executive David Craig, the authority to engage in “Angel Investing” where taxpayer money will be put at risk to invest in high-risk business ideas. Under Bill 12-19 passed by the Council 4/17/12, the Craig Administration is authorized to award “loans” of as much as $50,000 without authorization by the Council. The County Council can authorize awards of up to $200,000 of taxpayer to preferred businesses. Amazingly, the terms, rates & security of the loans are set by the County Executive!
The venture capital business is highly risky. It is also highly lucrative for the venture capitalist when they are successful. Good ideas have plenty of private suitors looking for a potential profit. If the inventor of the next Apple or Facebook is in Harford she or he will not need government financing.
Neither the County Council nor the County Executive have the requisite background in venture capital banking & finance to successfully pick winners & losers. If they do, then perhaps they should leave the safe confines of county government for the lucrative venture capital business….with their own money.
Knowing that the government is the backstop to losses, the “private” investors will not make efficient investment decisions. The road is littered with the wreckage of failed PPP’s like Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Solyndra & Ener1. In Harford we have TIF’s & the Ripken Stadium just to name a few. The danger of PPP’s is they give a company access to capital, land, labor which it would not have access without government intervention. We must ask ourselves, are PPP’s & “Angel Funds” a proper role of government? Or can the private sector do it more efficiently & effectively?
Public Private Partnerships are not the free-market at work. There is nothing free about it. They result in the misallocation of capital, fad spending & a crowding out private capital for private projects. When PPP’s fail the losses are socialized & “capitalism is blamed. When the occasional gain occurs the profits are privatized & big government is credited…and justified. Since all markets are interconnected, the free market economy is thus distorted.
Ultimately, Citizens become the unwilling clients of the government and active participants in wealth redistribution. Jefferson said, “To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical”.
Remember this– when the politicians all agree that something is “good for you”, hold on to your wallet. The government bureaucrat & the private business have allied to fleece you.
Governments do not create prosperity; free minds, free markets & free people do
Scott DeLong
Bel Air, MD
RINO Hunter says
“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.” -Benjamin Franklin
*Breathlessly awaiting the defense from the Craig Administration*
Funny how most of the County Council members seemed concerned about putting our money at risk during the hearing on this bill. But when it came time to vote, only one voted nay.
Bel Air Fed says
so please clarify – mcmahan, lisanti, and shrodes were against the forgiveness provision but they still voted to make the loans?
Which council member voted against the bill – I would like to thank him/her.
Future Political aspirants should file this vote away to be the council over the head in future elections.
Shrodes voted against it.
What The? says
Scott DeLong it surprises me that as a Central Committee Member you have the time to spew vitriol towards elected Republicans, but don’t have the time, leadership, or ability to have the central committee host a lincoln reagan dinner. Even worst under your and McGrady’s failed leadership the central committee has not done a single thing to support the Republicans running in the HDG city elections, depite the fact that they are being challenged by a sitting democratic central committee member. Either do your job (i.e. support republican officials and build the team) or quit! You are a failure as a party leader.
Scott DeLong says
Dear Mr. What The?
My only reply is that your screen name is excactly what I was thinking when I read that The County Executive asked the County Council to put this piece of socialism forward. That they dutifully complied was even more shocking.
Last time I checked wealth redistribution was not a role of government nor was it a principle of the GOP. The By-Laws of the Republican Central Committee of Harford County state that the committee is supposed to hold our elected officials accountable. That is what I did with this post which are my personal views & not those of the committee.
If we had more folks that put principle before party the nation would not be in its current dire straits. They say 80% of accidents happen close to home & that is what happened with this bill. I would expect a bill like this from the Democrat party but not from those that tout fiscal responsibility. Why should the government take our money to give to others? If more voters in Harford paid attention to what their elected officals are doing with their money & their property rights there would be a different conversation in the county.
Instead of attacking the messenger why don’t you focus on the substance of the post. Is it right to redistribute wealth? Have we not as conservatives chastened O’Malley & Obama for doing the same thing? Then why not here? Right is right & wrong is wrong regardless of whether a person has an R next to their name. A failure of leadership is going along to get along & accepting bad ideas at anothers request based on personalites rather that doing the right thing.
As for the LR dinner, they can occur at any time of year & many ways to raise funds. Can I count you you to buy a ticket to the next LR dinner? The guest speaker will be talking about principles.
Darlington says
will i get more than a ham sandwich off a deli platter that you thought was a bullroast?
Funny I’ve received more notifications from the Democratic central committee than I have from the republicans and I’ve never associated with any democratic group. I get plenty of campaign for liberty emails. Maybe you and McGrady should focus on doing your elected job.
mom says
He is building a team! Just not the usual go along to get along and then you get your turn type of team. I suggest you look at what the so called Republicans do and not what letter is behind their name. If voting for the Patriot Act,HR 347 and now the cyber security bill is the best we can expect from Andy Harris R., then why bother with party affiliation.
But since this discussion is local, did anyone read the Aegis this am? Seems the waste to energy facility situation that now requires the expensive and unpopular development of a waste transfer station was not precipitated by APG. Seems that there are facts out there that have yet to be made public. We do know that the property was bought at well above market value. You can be sure you will get plenty of cronyism and much less transparency the minute government at any level gets involved in backing private business at taxpayer expense. Let alone what it does to the free market and the unfair advantage it gives an individual business over the competition.
I hope to see more of Mr. Delong’s principled leadership and hope that more will fell empowered to jump on his bandwagon.
George says
I generally lean conservative and am a registered Republican (only because they’re slightly closer to theoretically representing what I think is right than any other party…in reality I think politicians are all crooks and will say or do anything to get elected and re-elected.)
Anyway, I find it hilarious the Republican Party idolizes Lincoln and Reagan the way they do. Lincoln would be a Democrat and Reagan likely wouldn’t come close to making it out of the primaries in today’s political environment.
As long as we’re stuck in a two party system with Republicans pandering to the far left and Democrats pandering to the far left this country is doomed.
Mike Welsh says
You believe that both are pandering to the far left? Man, no wonder they can’t get anything done!
George says
That was obviously a typo, but I’m sure you and most people on here figured out what I meant.
Do you disagree that both parties pander to the extremes? The Democrats haven’t been as much this election cycle, but that’s only because Obama is running for re-election. If he wasn’t then they’d be just as bad as the Republicans have been the past couple months.
Mike Welsh says
I wholeheartedly agree! And, yes I knew what you were saying but after reading many of the posts by others I am not sure they would/will ever have known what you meant.
George says
No biggie. I’m sure there are a few people on here who couldn’t figure it out, though most of them are busy trying to form complete sentences using real words telling us how a couple of attempted murderers are actually good people!
Richard Schafer says
Good job Scott! I will respond later. Come on Tea Party all eight need to go. We deserve better. Did you know that Billy Boniface just cost the taxpayer 1.1 million dollars with his hiring swindle. Now the insiders are trying to make Billy Boniface our State Senator, Barry Glassman our County Executive and David Craig our Governor, What a regime this would be. Most of us think O’Malley is bad for Maryland. I am afraid we have not seen anything yet.
undertaker says
So very right, but wait, these elected officials are “stream-lining” government and saving us money by leaning down the budgets. This whole administration has cost us more than we can begin to imagine. It will be years before the full tally is known and it won’t matter anyway because WE’LL still be paying the tab. That REORGANIZATION of the council staff bordered on illegal and was a collaborative effort of our two branches working together to cost US more. You’re correct, these eight need to be gone…GONE! But, be careful who replaces them, the same ones are behind the curtain pulling all the strings of the announced potentials.
F. Frehling says
“What the” is so right! You should be ashamed, Scott, for having principles. Stop thinking about saving this country and support republicans like a good little mindless drone, no matter what stupid crap they do. Be a team player. Never mind if your supposed teammates are scoring goals for the other team!
Francisco Fraschini says
How is discussion of a bill involving the use of taxpayer funds qualify as vitriol?
Paul Hickam says
Scott, I left the republican party and registered as a libertarian after 8 years of out of control spending by a republican president and congress for a few of those years. I left the party because it is full of unprincipled party hacks like What The. Keep up the good fight. If you run for something, I just might switch back to vote for you.
RINO Hunter says
It is truly quite revealing to digest the response from the establishment on this brilliant and long-overdue editorial from Mr. DeLong. Let us observe that there has not been a SINGLE cogent argument put forth to defend the ridiculous, profligate legislation he calls to question. Not one. No, only vituperative personal diatribes against the author by the politically-connected. One wonders whether the snipers feel threatened or if it is simply that they HAVE no defense.
Perhaps even worse is that the establishment, including several on the Central Committee itself, truly believes that the primary objective of the Committee is to prop up and defend the elected officials (or shall we call them “The Elect,” since that’s what they fancy themselves) at all costs, no matter what legal lunacy they perpetuate or how many bad decisions they make. None of these sycophants were visible at a single Tea Party gathering in 2010, unless they were off in some remote corner of the event, sporting seersucker shorts and scoffing nervously at the attendees. None of them lifted a finger to collect signatures for the ballot referendum against the Dream Act. They know nothing and care little about issues that threaten our liberty. Their primary purpose–their raison d’être–is summed up beautifully in the puzzling missive by “Darlington” regarding a ham sandwich: it’s all about what kind of party you throw. How silly of you to raise awareness of what is actually happening and not spend lavishly the money entrusted you by your Committee’s donors, Mr. DeLong! “We don’t care about liberty or our principles. Get us a microbrew and an organic pit beef sandwich!”
Alas, such is the nature of many in the Harford Republican establishment: it’s become a social club with plenty of aspiration for higher office, but little room for actual substance or true political activism. Thank God there are patriots like Mr. DeLong with the intestinal fortitude to call it like it is. Keep it up. We’ve been waiting decades for you in Harford, sir.
RINO Hunter says
Hmmm… three “thumbs down,” but no responses. No defense. No citing facts to refute my post. Compelling guys, really.
K says
You have hit the nail on the head Rhino Hunter! Having attended many local republican group’s meetings, I’ve found that is all the members are concerned with – keeping the same old elected folks in office. I have to say though this mindset also applies to the vast majority of R.C.C. members. If a well-qualified individual is interested in seeking elected office and they are new to the scene, they shouldn’t hold their breath waiting for any endorsements or help from the Maryland republican establishment. It’s so very unfortunate, but so very true. This philosophy is why county and state officials get away with their past and current voting records. The group followers are afraid they will be thrown out of the inner circle of which they perceive themselves to be a part. So,they ignore the mistaken problematic votes of their “Friends.” It’s more important to republican group members to say, “I have the personal cell phone number of ______ ______ (fill in the blank)” then to really be interested in candidates that are independent thinkers who haven’t been bought and sold ten times over by their big money donors.
Overtaxed says
I completely agree with all who say nee! The gods demand a sacrifice. They want a shrubbery. But I say give them all the elected county officials. There isn’t enough money to go around now, so why risk what it.
Craig Tyler says
This setting up of “Public/Private Partnerships” is just one more in a long line of proclamations by County Executive Craig that “I am no conservative”.
Indeed a thorough review of Mr. Craig’s record will show he is truly the Mitt Romney of Maryland, changing his image to fit the political play. Because he now is running for Governor he now attempts to play I am a conservative card, but it is articles like this that show the real principles behind the man.
One only need start here on the pages of the “Dagger” to start to peel back the County Executives relationship with big government Democrats. Search for “Donald Fry” on this site. Mr. Craig has a long standing relationship the Greater Baltimore Committee and its President Donald Fry.
Mr. Fry for years has been the advocate of a gas tax increase and has worked harder than anyone in the state of Maryland to make it happen. Fry organized this year’s pro-gas tax rally in Annapolis, even getting Republicans such as Audrey Scott, former chairwoman of the Republican Party in Maryland to attend and give interviews to the press. How’s that for quality Republican leadership “What The?.
Fry believes the sad state of business in Maryland is not because of the anti-business climate created by our Governor and Legislature, but because we lack 21st century infrastructure. He is often trotted out by the Governor when he needs “business support” for his latest tax initiatives to rape the citizens of Maryland. He and the Greater Baltimore Committee have carried the water for the big tax and spenders in Annapolis for years.
On the pages of the Dagger one will find the announcement by Craig of the creation of the Harford County Banking and Finance Commission. It just so happened to be chaired by Donald Fry. One will find about the release of the “2012 Harford County – Destination Market Study.” A study prepared for the Greater Baltimore Committee in conjunction with the Office of Economic Development. It studied “tourism” in Harford County and was a thinly masked attempt by the County Executive and Donald Fry to promote and support the motel tax in Harford County. It 1s contained herein for you to find.
One can only wonder what administration position would await the “tax and spender” Fry in a Romney, I mean Craig administration in Annapolis.
mom says
Audry Scott was defeated by Nicolee Ambrose. Seems like the R’s might be able to have a changing of the guard after all!
I’m waiting for the defenders of Mr. Craig’s action and the council’s compliance. Where are they?
K says
Thanks for the update MOM. Ms. Ambrose’s win is hopefully a game changer in the world of Maryland politics. We certainly need a new, clear path if we are to move forward with the intentions of actually winning elections.
RINO Hunter says
You won’t hear anything from the defenders. First, they can’t defend the indefensible. Second, they think they can ignore us and we’ll go away. Let’s show them just how wrong they are.
T says
I think Mr. Craig’s response in the recent Aegis article entitled “Craig, council keep trash talking on transfer station” sums up the problem with the politics in this country. Mr. Craig stated “if they don’t want to do this and nothing is done, then it is off my plate and the next county executive can do it – and be a one-termer.” Once upon a time our fore-fathers had vision and cared about the long term success of our nation. Now politicians only care about what they need to do to continue to stay in office and fuel their power trip. No matter what strange bed fellows it may include the result is always ‘what works for me now?’
Craig Tyler says
David Craig has long supported corporate welfare. Who can forget the initial County Tax Increment Financing Plan (TIF)? At County Executive Craig’s urging the County Council approved a bond issue worth $14 million dollars for a private housing development. That deal went to a strong Craig supporter and one of the most connected developers in the State of Maryland, Clark Turner.
For a refresher course on that deal visit the following Dagger pages:
Jay Hancock, the financial and economics columnist for The (Baltimore) Sun, had this to say in his column on March 16th, 2010. The piece was entitled:
Harford Beechtree Deal Is Nuts
“Not much time to get into details, but the proposed tax increment financing (TIF) in Harford County that Jonathan Pitts writes about in today’s paper is the dumbest legislative proposal to come down the pike in — well, at least a couple weeks. As of February there were 1,682 homes for sale in Harford County, according to my colleague Jamie Smith Hopkins.
That’s a huge inventory — much higher, as a multiple of local demand, than the national average. And developer Clark Turner and County Executive David Craig want county taxpayers to take out a special loan so Turner can build more houses? A mile from Aberdeen Proving Ground? In a county where base realignment will soon bring demand for houses and allow development to proceed naturally? No way.
TIFs are intended to bring development to challenged areas that might not otherwise get it. Harford, and Beechtree, will eventually be swamped with development without any special deals for Turner.”
It is interesting to note that in both 2010 with the TIF, and in 2012 with the Private/Public Partnership, the only “no” vote each time was cast by Chad Shrodes, one of only two Democratic representatives on the counsel. In neither instance did any of the majority Republicans cast a single vote to protect the citizen’s pocketbook.
Craig Tyler says
After my post above I remembered that Mr. Shrodes is now a Republican. My apologizes Chad, I was thinking back to your days as an Al Gore delegate at the Democratic National Convention and your time on the county Democratic Central Committee.
You have evolved in your political thinking and that is a good thing. The two votes mentioned in the my last post show you are willing to think issues through, vote your conscience, and not march blindly in lockstep with the Republican establishment as so many others do on the Council.
K says
RINO HUNTER, all that matters is you keep talking, writing, and spreading words of truth. The “thumbs down” person/people are not credible and are only trying to stiffle free speech. In the past I’ve written about my love of summer corn on the cob with fresh jalapenos. I received some thumbs down. I questioned the error of my ways and how had I offended anyone? The responses let me know that it wasn’t what I had written, it was based on the regular thumbs down group. Do you see my point? This is what happens on these sites where a person can like or dislike anothers comments. We lose site of the topic at hand. Which by the way, you eloquently responded. Just laugh it off…..
RINO Hunter says
Thanks, K. I do laugh it off! 🙂 I just wanted to point out the fact that all we hear are crickets from the establishment.
K says
I wish I could give you a million thumbs up R.H……I’m laughing also.
Sarah Lee says
Or use the new google wallet, so no one can steal your cash 😀