From Sen. Nancy Jacobs:
I wanted to let you know that I am very concerned about the proposal to locate a Waste Transfer Facility in the 800 block of Philadelphia Road in Joppa. Numerous people living near the site have written to me expressing their concern and at times their outrage over the facility being placed in this location.
They are worried about how so many large trash trucks coming and going will safely navigate that section of Philadelphia Road which is already very busy. They are concerned about noise, dust and potential contamination. Of course they are afraid their property values will plummet.
I couldn’t state more strongly that their concerns must be addressed and their questions answered to the fullest. One family who owns a home and property next to the proposed site has lived in their home for over 50 years. The couple says they are heartbroken to think they must spend their retirement years dealing with all the problems they anticipate will come with a trash facility located so close to their home.
As a State Senator, I have no role in the local government decision involving the location of a new waste facility. But I owe it to my constituents to make sure their concerns are being heard. Because of their concern about the potential increase of truck traffic, I have asked the State Highway Administration to do a traffic study so we can better understand the impact of such a decision on traffic and safety.
I believe there are many legitimate questions being asked by citizens about whether this is the best plan and whether all options have been fully explored. Some say they feel they were left out of the loop and taken by surprise by this waste transfer facility plan. It is important for our citizens to hear all the facts and learn how and why decisions are made as this process moves forward.
Transparency is critical and the people of Harford County deserve it.
Sen. Nancy Jacobs
seems kind of like closing the barn door after the horse ran away. since the county spent the money buying the property on route 7 isn’t this kind of a done deal. the county council, except for Dion Guthrie was ok with it too – oh they all put up a lot of bluster about how concerned they were regarding residents but in the end it wasn’t in their back yards, so just fine with David Craig and the county council.
no turning back now is there?
one more thing – if Ms Jacobs was so concerned, as this concerns her district – why couldn’t she, as a concerned citizen, have testified before county council when they held hearings on this matter weeks and weeks ago.
for the record, Bel Air Fed, councilman Guthrie was originally in full favor of this plan, and only reversed after a huge backlash against him. As for Sen. Jacobs, she clearly stated that she has no role in this decision, simply that she wants the concerned addressed and questions answered. perhaps she had prior engaagements during the public hearings. she is but one person. we can’t expect her to be everywhere at once.
still, it seems this all is now much to do about nothing with this being pretty much a done deal. I’m surprised how cozy all our council seems with each other and usually with Mr. Craig. With 2 dems on the council i would think there would be a little more diverse thought
Hopefully they do a more thorough study than the one they did on 24 and Emmorton. They streamlined one intersection and created an nightmare at several others. The EPG traffic at 4:00pm now backs up all the way back to rt. 40, creating a traffic nightmare east of 95.