From Sen. Nancy Jacobs:
Dear Constituents who are members of the Military and their families:
I wanted you to know what measures passed the recent General Assembly that will affect Veterans and active members of the military. If you have any questions feel free to call my office at 410-841-3158.
Nancy Jacobs
Senator Nancy Jacobs
District 34 Harford/Cecil Counties
*Starting in January 2013 people who have served in the Military will be able to have that designation on their Maryland Drivers license or state ID. This will help when there are military or veteran discounts to easily prove one’s status. When you are renewing your driver’s license you need to bring proof of military status to the MVA to get this designation. This bill has been signed by the Governor and is now law.
*The Governor has signed a bill into law that expands eligibility for the Edward T. Conroy Memorial Scholarship to a surviving spouse of a specified disabled veteran. It is unclear at this time whether the funding is in place for this scholarship because the General Assembly has not passed certain funding measures for state scholarships, but is expected that a special session will be held soon to do so.
*A bill that forms a Task Force on Veterans, Military Service Members and the Courts has passed and awaits the Governor’s signature. This panel will study service related mental health issues and substance abuse. It will also make recommendations by December 2013 on the possible establishment of a special Veterans court to handle the criminal cases of those who’ve served in the military.
*A bill has passed that allows service organizations to be exempt from the Sales and Use tax. This bill awaits the Governor’s signature.
*The makeup of the Veterans Commission members will change under a bill that passed which is awaiting the Governor’s signature. It will require that a veteran from the Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts serve on the Commission. It removes a voting member from the Pearl Harbor Survivors Association and adds an honorary nonvoting member of that Association to the panel.
Combat Vet says
I thank the gentlelady from Maryland (Opppppssss to early). But how are these courts going to act? If a veteran is locked up, BENEFITS STOP. You cannot be an inmate and still get benefits from the VA. Federal Law 1999. I applaud your attempt to deal with mental issues and substance abuse, but I am a combat vet who has neither. Why duplicate that same thing and spend more of our hard earned money.
Also, I like the idea of a designation of Veteran on our license. This will help with WHAT? I can forge a DD214 and get that. What entitlements does this give us? NOT A THING!
Please focus on the budget and making sure we don’t pay more taxes and have to use our hard earned money for useless projects.
USAF and USA says
I agree with combat vet. What does this bill do for the veteran? Where does this help him/her with dealing with the day to day issues? You cannot make a new court system to just deal with veterans. This why we are trying to stop getting out taxes raised. Looks like someone in the state house forgot to look at what the federal house is doing.
Im thinking that someone can use this “bill” to put against dutch. The common folk will be none the wiser. Let me do some smoke and mirrors, like the democrats, and i can be pro veteran and raise the flag and sing God bless America. Im thinking maybe she wants to get the veteran vote.
Larry Smith says
Sounds like you’re doing all you can — thanks, Nancy!
Republican says
for? Did we get a budget passed? Did we get our taxes lowered? Did we get anything done? Except all these bills that mean absolutley nothing. Where is the beef?
Larry Smith says
Sure, but isn’t it a general reality that all Republicans can do in Annapolis right now is work on margins. To get the things you listed, you’ll need to call a Democrat. “Welcome to Maryland, What’s in your wallet?”
Republican says
You got me on that one…Had a good laugh…I am sure the democrats already know where every wallet is. I can’t wait for O’Malley to run for national office….people are gonna say, OWE MALLEY WHO? Oh the guy who raised taxes and was a lame duck governor and his wife called everyone cowards…..yeah that’s him
Larry Smith says
I’d like to see a Craig-Franchot Governor’s race, and for O’Malley to go down with the Obama ship. Fingers crossed…
Republican says
I think that would be a good ticket, but don’t think the libertarians “republicans” would like that. But President Owe Malley….kinda rolls off your tonge……after taking tums…LOL
Localguy says
More like vomits out…
In all seriousness, Owe’Malley can’t really play in the national scene – most Democrats are not as liberal as he is, and most don’t see the Buffet Rule extending to people making at least $100K a year… He’ll make his bid, but will go no where. The pendulum swung so far to the left after its flirting to the right that in 2016 it will seek out a central position. Owe’Malley can’t be mistaken for anything but a left wing nut job.
I think The Honorable Martin O’Malley will go far in the future elections. He is a proven leader who has given the State of Maryland a good name. Let me list some of his accomplishments; gay marriage, veterens driver’s license, expanded casino’s, etc…..need I say more. I for one plan to keep voting for O’Malley and hope one day to see him in the White House. He has done worked tirelessly for the Great State of Maryland..
Post note: none of the above is even true. I am a republican and can’t wait for the day that we have someone who isn’t looking for further office and wants to raise taxes on everyone, but his wealthy friends. Also, someone who doesn’t stand up in front of a Catholic group and profess to know what is right for Maryland, when it comes to marriage. So, all of us cowards are still here.
Retired Service Member and fellow Marylander says
Does the new designation, on my license, get me anything?
Mike Welsh says
My thanks and appreciation for having served your country. I would also understand your pride in the display of such a license tag. Again, my thanks for your and your families sacrifices while serving our country.
Vet Family Member says
If your a service connected Veteran with 100 percent disability from VA Harford County Tax office, They will never tell you this but there is many things available in MD that will help any and all Vets, Sadly enough they won’t tell or put it out,As well on the license, This is a great idea it will also help you get better discounts if you need any help with Veteran issues please leave an message here , I will respond back to you.