From the Maryland State Board of Education:
The Maryland State Board of Education today announced that Dr. Lillian M. Lowery, Secretary of Education for the Delaware Department of Education, has been selected the State’s next State Superintendent of Schools.
Dr. Lowery will take the helm of the nation’s number one-ranked State school system on July 1. She will succeed Interim State Superintendent Bernard J. Sadusky.
The State Board will take official action on Dr. Lowery’s appointment at its next scheduled meeting, Tuesday, April 24. Dr. Lowery will begin scheduling a series of public meetings to listen and learn from education, parent, civic, legislative, and other public and stakeholder groups.
“I am very excited to join an outstanding educational system, and look forward to working with Maryland educators across the state,” said Dr. Lowery. “The success of the State of Maryland’s public education transformation agenda, just as the national agenda, is an economic must and the means to future success for our youngest citizens. For our nation’s children to be prepared to thrive in the 21st century economy, creating and attaining jobs that will sustain them and their families, the system of education must ensure that student performance expectations for Marylanders are comparable to performance expectations of children across the nation and the world.”
State Board President James H. DeGraffenreidt, Jr. said Dr. Lowery comes to Maryland well prepared to lead the State’s system to continued improvement.
“Dr. Lowery comes to Maryland with impressive credentials, skill sets and notable accomplishments to lead our state’s educational system as we continue our efforts to provide our students with a world class education that prepares them for lifelong success,” DeGraffenreidt said. “The Board looks forward with great excitement to working with Dr. Lowery in building upon the well documented successes that Maryland has already achieved, and leading our State to even greater educational achievements in the coming years.”
Dr. Lowery has worked in various educational institutions and programs since 1976. Dr. Lowery has been Secretary of Education in the State of Delaware since 2009, where she distinguished herself by facilitating a broad-based statewide strategic planning and grant application process which resulted in Delaware being selected as the “First State” to be awarded the federal Race to the Top grant. She has led the efforts to establish Teacher and Leaders Effectiveness Units as well as Turnaround Units within the State Department, which have assisted in the implementation of the grant and the improvement of instructional opportunities for students. Additionally, she has helped to differentiate the support for local school districts in an effort to assist them in their improvement efforts, as well as hold them accountable for student success.
Prior to serving as the Secretary of Education, Dr. Lowery was the Superintendent in Christina School District in New Castle County, Delaware for three years. She has served as an Assistant Superintendent in Fairfax County, Virginia and an Area Administrator in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Other administrative experiences have included serving as both an assistant principal and principal at the high school level, and as the Minority Student Achievement Monitor. In addition, she taught English at the middle and high school levels in Virginia.
Dr. Lowery holds a Doctorate of Education in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from Virginia Polytechnic and State University, as well as a Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction from University of North Carolina, and a Bachelor of Arts in English and Secondary Education from North Carolina Central University. She is also a nationally known speaker and recognized as a leader among chief state school officials.
Board President DeGraffenreidt said the Maryland State Board of Education would like to thank the citizens of Maryland for enthusiastically participating and providing invaluable insights throughout the selection process. Community members shared with the Board their perspectives, opinions, concerns and ideas through various meetings, focus groups and surveys. The Board found this input invaluable in evaluating each candidate and reaching a final decision, he noted.
Dr. Sadusky has served as Interim State Superintendent since July 1, 2011. He replaced Dr. Nancy S. Grasmick, who retired in 2011 after 20 years as State Superintendent of Schools.
I hope the very first statement she makes is to diplomatically censure Peter Franchot for piping in to a matter about scheduling of which he has absolutely NO say.
Not sure that an appointed Superintendent would be in a position to ‘censure’ an elected official. In fact, as the democratically-elected Comptroller of the State of Maryland, it IS his business how the schedule for every department, including the Department of Education, is determined. I may not agree with his position, but to imply that he was out-of-line for making the comments is completely ludicrous.
I thought Mr. Franchot had 1st amendment rights like everyone else. Sometimes it is a good idea to have perspectives outside of the closed field of a given profession. Too often they only hear the echo chamber of their own ideas and way of thinking. Do you think Mr. Franchot should also keep his mouth shut about all the schools without AC and the negative effects such an environment has on student learning and staff performance? If your kid was in one of those schools you would be happy that Mr. Franchot is championing that cause.
Is Joe Friday around here somewhere? Dem De Dem Dem, Dem De Dem Dem Dem.
Can we get Delaware’s Governor as well? Then we could have great change for the whole state across the board? What are their taxes?