From Harford County Campaign For Liberty:
Adam Kokesh will be the featured speaker on April 24th at 7PM at the monthly Campaign for Liberty meeting at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Forest Hill, Maryland.
FOREST HILL, MD –03-29-12 –On Tuesday, April 24, 2012, at 7 PM the Harford County Campaign for Liberty [ ] will host their monthly meeting with special guest speaker, Adam Kokesh.
Adam Kokesh is an Iraq war veteran who experienced combat in Fallujah, receiving the Combat Action Ribbon and the Navy Commendation Medal. Since his honorable discharge from active duty, he has been an outspoken opponent of unconstitutional US wars—wars not authorized by Congress as prescribed in the Constitution.
After receiving his bachelor’s degree in psychology from Claremont McKenna College, he went on to become the face of Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW). His outspokenness and passion have led to a number of arrests during nonviolent demonstrations.
After a failed 2010 attempt to unseat an incumbent Democrat US representative in New Mexico, he began his “Adam vs. The Man” weekday radio show. This popular program has a broad national and international following.
With his nationwide following among veterans and liberty-minded individuals, he continues the “Adam vs. The Man” production via independent video reports on YouTube. His prominence as a nationally known liberty-movement speaker brings him to public meetings, rallies, and campaign events for Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul.
Campaign for Liberty (C4L) is a non-profit political/educational organization founded in 2008 by Ron Paul. The mission of C4L is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a noninterventionist foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.
Harford County’s Campaign for Liberty has hosted continuous monthly meetings of up to 150 in attendance since January 2009. They are active in local tax and property-rights issues, as well as in organizing local ‘Tea Party’ rallies.
For more information about their meeting or organization, go to, contact Lowell Sheets at, or call 410-692-5550.
I am amazed that people who fought in war are coming home and saying that this is an illegal war. Also, I can’t believe that the Knights would rent space to the group. The Knights are an honorable group and support veterans. Why is the heck are they letting this Harford Campaign for Liberty to spread a message of defiance with the President of the United States. I am a combat veteran that has served in Iraq and seen a lot of good citizens serving our great nations. I put on the military uniform to protect our right of free speech, but do not agree with this type of free speech. We still have service members in harms way and there are people who want them out. I say, “How dare you!” We owe them the support to get the mission done and bring them home when the mission is complete. The constitution makes the president commander in chief of the military. AND for the people who want to claim that the government is not legit, they need to get a life. I did not put my life in danger to have someone say that the government is not authorized to send troops into harms way. Got one on ya before ya say it…..I am REPUBLICAN, COMBAT VETERAN AND DO NOT LIKE THE POLICIES OF PRESIDENT OBAMA. But he is the head of the military and he has the authority to order troops into harms way. Our job is to carry out the mission of those appointed above us.
he was thrown out of the corps and this is who they get to speak?
It’s required by the constitution that you took an oath to defend that war be declared by congress. The Nazis blindly followed orders. Go to Adam’s wikipedia page & you’ll see he is supported by the leader of the VFW nationwide.
then the VFW needs to withdraw their support. He speaks for himself and not all the fine upstanding members of the VFW. I didn’t go to war and become a VFW member to have someone protest the war and not be an expert speaker. He needs to go pound sand!
Being against the war does not make one unpatriotic, un-American, or against the troops. Our troops take an oath to first and foremost defend the Constitution. If many troops believe that the most recent wars are unconstitutional don’t you think we ought to hear their concerns? The idea that we as American citizens must not have a full and proper debate about our government’s foreign policy is VERY dangerous. We owe it to our troops if we plan to continue to send them into harms way.
Those of you demonizing someone simply because they provide an alternative viewpoint on our nation’s foreign policy should be ashamed of yourselves.
If the alternative viewpoint is screwed by his bias for being thrown out and given a less then honorable discharge. YES We can have a productive debate about the war, but with people who are knowledgeable about what they are talking about. Just saying your against the war, doesn’t make you an expert.
Since when do you have to be an “expert” to know that WAR IS BAD?
It is a shame to see the veterans on here acting like people are less of a citizen because they didn’t join the military.
As a veteran, you deserve respect and to be honored for your service. But it does NOT make you inherently better informed than a non veteran.
That is very true Paul. But they deserve your respect and they have seen things you will never have to experince. Their are many people who served in combat including myself twice who does consider themselves better than you and you will never hear me say I am a hero.
I meant to say I am not better than you! sorry lol
How dare YOU spew the shocking ignorance you just vomited? I am appalled beyond words over such unintelligent borderline evil I just read. Did you ever stop and think about the actual “mission” you spoke of regarding Iraq. Let’s all just invade a country that did nothing to us, destroy their nation with depleted uranium for 4.6 billion years, and murder innocent people there, ALL for a “mission” that was FULLY ADMITTED to be totally false. There never WERE WMDs, and you still think you had a “mission.” How utterly SHOCKING that you could write this and then disrespect a veteran who is trying to prevent the same evil from happening again. WAKE UP, YOU SHEEP. Get a brain, before this mentality destroys the entire planet with endless war. You never stop to think, you only attack. You are in denial, and refuse to believe that what you did in your service was a complete waste. You can’t stop for a moment and accept the fact that you are not a hero afterall. True heroes see the truth. Adam Kokesh is a great man fighting for a great cause, and I comment the KofC for assisting him.
@justin.How dare you spew that kind of crap. I served my country in Iraq and know first hand how the military is working over there. You can take your Kokesh and go live in a country where you cant write things like this. You probably were not even in the military. I have seen war and don’t like it, but I am not going to listen to a piece of work who is profiting off this. Too many good soldiers have died and he needs to be seen for what he is…….not a hero but a friend of the enemy! When you have seen war…come talk to me and your opinion will have changed.
Justin, you appear to be an immature and minldess twit….. before you speak that crap why dont you travel to these places and see it firsthand…. they have alot of very good citizens in these places, however you have completely bit off on the media spin, like they wanted you too.
To those of us who have been there you have epitomized the mindless self centered kids who only speak their mind but dont have any real experience in life matters. Finally there are things that have happended in these dumps that will not hit any news media, because of the sensitivity and combustable nature of the facts as we know them, after having seen them firsthand.
You are the blind nazi-german of the thirties, who doesnt know and only makes wild statements.
It’s time to leave. Get over it.
“We owe them the support to get the mission done and bring them home when the mission is complete”
Look, you all must understand the things that are coming. United States militray being sent in on UN orders not the Congress, this is unconstitutional. Everyone needs to stand back take a deep breath and then read about Agenda 21, Fema Camps and the master depopulization plan that is in it’s final stages. Wake up America!!!!!!!
Well help us out Shane. Explain the Agenda 21 plan to us, and who is behind the plan!
First offf lets have a civil conversation with the truths about VA care. I am a OIF/OEF veteran who condition continues to get worse. They do not care about u or me or any other soldier,sailor,marine or coast guardsman under the level of e-8 or 0-6 truth. We need to unite and help our fellow vets forget politics we are ants fighting monsters with money on their mind. They want us to divide because there is strength in numbers i recently helped get a man who consistently on a daily basis torment elderly veterans at a soldiers home near were I live. Lets stick together not apart.
I agree with you most of what you say but President Obama is still your commander in cheif and you actually broke the law by expressing your polictical veiws. I am pround to have served with each and every man I went into harms way with and feel we did our jobs. What we was paid to do and our duty as americans. I could never call myself a republican they disgust me. I am an american and opinoins are like butholes everyone has one. But some smell worse than others. I am proud of our President and proud I got to serve under him.
When we speak out against any war that we become apart of. we incourage the enemy’s will to continue.
I am ashamed for the Knights of Columbus for allowing this group to use their facility. I am sure they did not know that this group was advocating an unjust war and making the US look like the bad guys. There are many good Knights that are veterans and would throw up at hearing this group is using the facilities. I am a knight and find it sad that a veteran has come out and advocated we are in unjust war! This guy has seen a way to make money and harm the service members still over there. I would put him in the same league as Hanoi Jane!
So we defend free speech……but only speech we agree with.
Hey Cdev,
I don’t see anyone saying anything against freedom of speech. I see a person/people saying they don’t want individuals/groups utilizing their private facilities to say things they are opposed to.
Also, freedom of speech does not apply to private facilities. Remember, the 1st Amendment applies to the government, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Anyways, have a nice day.
That would be true but combat veteran seems to indicate in post one since he doesn’t agree with it it should be stopped
Hey Cdev,
I see it as Veteran doesn’t think the speaker should speak at the Knight’s facility, not that the speaker should not speak; but that is just how I see it. Maybe he does mean what you said, I don’t know. It is a little vague.
Anyways, have a nice day.
CDEV..I am all for free speech, but you cannot go into a movie theater and yell FIRE. There are brave men and women still in harms way and you have someone over here saying we are in an unjust war. This just shows that certain people want to speak out against the president and his policy of sending troops over there. I am a veteran and love this country and love being able to walk down the street without being in a police state. Voting for a democratic system. This is the same thing that Hanoi Jane did and now she still tries to defend her picture of sitting on an anti aircraft gun. The Knights should pull their right to use the facility.
This is not yelling fire. Just like Vietnam protests where not.
but if the veteran was a reputable vet. This guy was thrown out of the marines and wasn’t allowed to re enlist. I have known veterans who have spoke out against the war, but were honorable discharge…..not this bum!
Does not matter I know non vets who speak against wars.
@Veteran, you say you like walking down the street not being in a police state. Ever heard of the Patriot act, NDAA,, HR 347, Obamacare? They are all steps toward socialism, something we were told for decades was evil. As for your comment democracy, we are NOT a democracy. We are a constitutional republic! A democracy is majority rule where 51% can force their rules no matter how unjust on the 49%.
Ben Franklin spoke on this saying “Democracy is 2 wolves & a sheep deciding what to have for dinner” In a constitutional republic the sheep would be armed & not get eaten.
Having a speaker at a privately held location talking about POIGNANT TOPICS OF OUR TIME is NOT, I repeat -NOT- at all like yelling “Fire” in a theater.
Please become a more informed individual:
The Straw Man argument
A straw man is a component of an argument and is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent’s position.[1] To “attack a straw man” is to create the illusion of having refuted a proposition by replacing it with a superficially similar yet unequivalent proposition (the “straw man”), and refuting it, without ever having actually refuted the original position.
In May 2007, a hearing was convened to consider changing Kokesh’s military discharge from “honorable” to “other than honorable” on two points: “Disrespect toward a Superior Commissioned Officer,” and violating “Wearing of the uniform” regulation.[9][10] The panel recommended Kokesh be given a “general discharge under honorable conditions,”[11] a discharge status below “honorable,” and above “other than honorable”.[12] Kokesh appealed the decision, and was denied. These people need to check out who is speaking for veterans. He was demoted in Iraq and discharged. GOTTA LOVE THESE GROUPS WHO HAVE SPEAKERS THAT ARE WORTHLESS. I served and was given an honorable discharge. This guy is someone I wouldn’t stand up and shake his hand. He was thrown out of the military!
After reading this public announcement, I am disappointed about his antiwar stance. After all didn’t he volunteer to serve in our armed forces and deploy to combat zones. As a combat veteran who has been to several combat zones of the world, I simply cannot support his stance. In addition, I am a member of the Iraq / Afghanistan Veterans (IAVA), and I did agree to fight for his ability to speak his voice. This doesnt mean I like his viewpoint.
This sounds like some radical professor skewed his opinion and focused on his returning veterans status. As a combat veteran who earned his bachelor and masters degree upon my return to the sattes, I ran across several of these kumbaya types, who tried to challenge me over my duty. I will not apologize for serving my country in time of need and went head to head with these uniformed and non veteran types.
The only thing I think we have done that should have been looked at is we have overstayed our deployment in these crapholes of the world, when our supposed allies are shooting our troops without any retaliation repeatedly. As for this supposeded combat veteran, he is entitled to his opinion, no matter how off track he is.I wil not pay him any homage, for I believe he does an injustice to those that have paid the price in his supposed illegal wars…
PS: I do thank him for his service though
I just heard this scuttlebut (Rumor, not confirmed), that this guy was demoted and kicked out of the USMC. can anyone confirm,,,,,,,
If this is true, this would explain his animosity, and attitude, why would the KofC support this type individual….. they can find someone else who is at least reputable with conflicting viewpoints..
I thank every veteran for their service, but not the ones who think they are representing someone they are not. I wouldn’t buy a used car from this guy. He has been through the military court system and found less then honorable. I think the people at liberty need to start screening people better. This guy is making it seem like he speaks for a broad group of military members. He was demoted and kicked out. I do thank him for enlisting and serving. BUT I don’t think he is a source expert on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
he doesn’t speak for me, , I can assure you of that,
Where did you serve FT. LIvingroom
google his name and it comes up…….why would I want to listen to a guy who was demoted and thrown out of the Corps.
Typical C4L trying to push the Ron Paul agenda….
I know plenty of men and women who have served honorable in the USMC and they deserve the title of Marine…NOT THIS GUY!
Isn’t Ron Paul way to the left and thinks he is republican……Weren’t they called Libertarians and changed their name to get elected?
Way to the left? Since when is being a strict Constitutionalist being way to the left? I suggest you spend a little less time kneeling before the alter of Fox News and do some research before posting comments that show your ignorance.
Ron Paul is a leftist, and stands no chance of being elected…. he does bring up some good ideas, but his ideas are very radical and isolationist, and yes, very left of center,,,,,, they have tried the public opinion stance to sound and appear more moderate, but it hasnt quite taken.
Mr. Willick, before you try and attack another get your facts straight. Btw where is the Fox alter, so I can go and pray for your leftist staunch conservative beliefs and the radical right staunch liberal views, I for one will see things as a moderate and allow both parties to speak their beliefs knowing that either radical views are bad for our country.
Idiot. The reason for RP having possibly “no chance and being elected” is because the media completely blacked him out. I can’t even begin to try to reason with a person who starts with that crap.
Hate to tell you , but do you remember Linden Lirusch? This is the same group that Ron Paul belonged to and then they became Republican. I believe in letting people have their say, but not when they say make the USA isolationists? Why should we pull all our troops from around the world? My problem is with the people this group touts as “honorable veterans”. This group needs to check things and make sure the speakers are veterans who have something to add and not become the story. We need a strong USA and I may not agree with Obama, but he is the president and has the right to control the military. The constitution gives him the authority as commander in chief. And for your information….I don’t like FOX news because they are too far right for me. I am more of a Ronald Reagan type of person.
Clarification: Lyndon Larouche was a Libertarian. He was part of some real craziness… on the order of Glenn Beck. I’m talking references to the One World Order, Armand Hammer collaborating with the Soviets, The Bilderbergers and a bunch of other tin foil style conspiracy theories. Libertarians tend to be strict Constitutionalists. And despite that term, they will often disagree among themselves what that means (like everyone else). I’m sure Ron Paul would object to being likened to Lyndon Larouche.
@USA all the way, so your a Ronald Reagan type? Go on youtube & watch “Ronald Reagan & Ron Paul a comparison”
Ronald Reagan said “the very core of conservatism is libertarianism”
You my friend, have ZERO idea what you are spewing. ZERO.
Moron. Ron Paul is an original Republican, which is more similar to what Libertarians are today. And how can you possibly say he is not conservative when all he wants to do is protect and uphold the Constitution? Have you no brain cells left after Fox news brainwashed you? I can’t believe your comment.
Justin….you use names like moron and all that. shows you are a true ron paul fan….rude to people who don’t agree that this guy doesn’t speak for veterans. Keep using good words to describe people and showing your intelligence.
I think the K of C have stepped in it and didn’t know what they were doing. Now the have an issue and perhaps aren’t sure how to solve it. They better have thought of crowd control because there migyht be a lot of peaceful protesters present that are anti-Kokesh and his organization.
I am outraged that this type of guy is allowed to be a source expert on anti-war movement. He couldn’t even stay in the service and was demoted. I don’t have problem with free speech, but check your speakers before you hold them up as a leader in the movement. As a knight, I am ashamed because we have lots of military veterans who served and contributed to this great nation. As a veteran he is a piece of work. I wouldn’t want him to speak to me about the orders of the president and why he has no authority to send troops. He was supposed to go back to Iraq, but was denied because he was being convicted in a military court. 7Like I am going to listen to someone who can’t even follow basic military UCMJ. This puts Council 4714 in a bad light because of allowing this group to rent space and have them appear to give this guy a platform and say the knights sponsor him. I am sure the grand knight should know about this and hopefully this group will have to find another place to speak. I believe in free speech, but don’t put yourself out there as an expert and not give the full truth.
Those that served I ask you this, Are we more or less free since 9/11? Do you like to see your children felt up by the TSA? Our freedoms are being eroded. Adam has spoken out on that. As for trying to justify the wars, where are the WMD’s? 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, why are we not invading them?
Franklin wrote that anyone willing to sacrifice freedom for safety will have neither.
As for Ron Paul his largest donations come from the men and women in our armed forces according to the FEC. So those speaking against Ron Paul are NOT speaking for our Armed Forces.
You people need to get a life. This is a man who served his country and now is trying to make the unconstitutionally of the war something brought to the forefront and show that the President cannot order troops to an unjust war. The Knights are allowing this American to express his views and stand up for all the people who are not heard. He is making sure that the viewpoint of unjust war is still heard in an every increasing commercial society. BUT I FIND OUT HE IS A CONVICTED VETERAN WHO WAS DEMOTED AND THROWN OUT OF THE MILITARY. He is not someone I would pay money and listen too? How many would go to a speaking event that a former inmate was talking about the unjust judicial system? I THINK THIS GROUP STEPPED INTO SOMETHING AND WOULD NOT SUPPORT THIS GROUP. The knights need to pull their venue and not let them speak. There are lots of good Knights at Council 4714. THE PGK AND PRESENT GRAND KNIGHT NEED TO STEP IN. Why do the knights say the pledge and then have someone like this speak. It would be just like someone who left the Catholic Church and was going to speak on church matters. Yeah OK
enough said, I concur with his the viewpoints against Kokesh and his simple minded antics, what makes this guy an expert on constututional matters and such at the executive levels. I agree we should end this war, but not because of any animosity or hatred I feel for against some military branch for the way I perceived their manner in treating me.
It is time to refocus and reconstitute our efforts on our internal issues and face another pressing advesary who is bent on radicalism. We should always be vigilant for those that would harm our way of life and citizenary…. folks the next one is almost upon us…..
Welcome Home Vet’s. except Kokesh.He should consider moveing to North Korea China etc. let us be thank full there are not many of his kind a round.
@vietnam vet, look at the FEC website that breaks down where the donations for campaigns are coming from. Ron Paul has received more donations from active duty than every other candidate COMBINED! Adam Kokesh organized the veterans for Ron Paul march. I hate to tell you, but there are A LOT OF US & our numbers grow every day.
Kokesh attended the Native American Preparatory School in San Ysidro, New Mexico.[3] He enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in 1999.[4] In 2004, he served in Fallujah.[5] He was a liaison between the U.S. military and Iraqi civilians as a member of the 3rd Civil Affairs Group.[1] He also worked asecurity checkpoint while in Iraq.[6] He brought home a pistol from Iraq in 2004[4] in violation of military rules, which prevented his return for a second Iraq tour.[6] Kokesh “had risen to the rank of sergeant after three-and-a-half years in the Reserves” and “was demoted to corporal and soon thereafter discharged honorably with a re-enlistment code that basically said, ‘you can’t re-enlist.'”[6] Having experienced combat in Fallujah, Kokesh received the Combat Action Ribbon and theNavy Commendation Medal after his honorable discharge from active duty.[7]
It seems some here are posting partial truths & others blatant lies.
Bob I’am sure we can find a communist country, that would find your kind desirable.
“Your kind” being defined as someone who speaks his mind and happens to disagree with you?
Hanoi Jane could use more people like Kokesh and I can’t believe the Knights of Columbus are giving him a place to speak! Way to go and give free speech a chance to have them degrade the Military and the President of the United States.
If we keep going the path our country is taking I won’t have to move to live in a communist country. The Patriot act stripped, the fourth amendment, NDAA strips the 5th & 6th amendment. Obamacare violates article one section 8 of the constitution…… as a vet you took an oath to uphold. Guess that oath meant little to you. I took that oath when I enlisted in the Army. I took it seriously & actually read the constitution. I suggest you do the same
I will defend the constitution of the United States and all of those appointed over me. Last time I checked, Bob, you had to obey the orders of the President. I don’t care for Obama, but he is the Commander in Chief. Did ya even look at this guys bio? Kokesh was discharged from the military and demoted. Do ya want him speaking about being honorable? Come on, Bob. I have seen the face of war and don’t like it, but I am not going to disobey and order.
The nationalist speaking ill of a true American Patriot make me sick. Our country was born of a Revolution. Tyranny is at hand, endless war threatens our freedom, the only many in congress worthy of being mentioned in the same sentence with Jefferson and Washington is ridiculed by the Nationalist masses content with being spoon-fed by Sean Hannity and the rest. I say, come listen to the man speak if you have the courage to face your own fear of being free. As long as you are afraid and fear for your safety you will never be free. C4L chooses to stand up tp tyranny. Adam Kokesh has chosen to fight for freedom. I choose to fight for freedom. Why don’t you Nationalist whores go spoon with Any Harris and the rest of the sellout congress who vote to steal your freedom while you do their bidding.
@Jon….I agree with you on Andy Harris….BUT this Kokesh is not a national hero. Why would we want to listen to someone who was convicted for violating the UCMJ.I don’t care for FOX News and do care about all the veterans who served this country and continue to serve honorably. Why would I listen to a demoted marine. That is saying a lot about what his career was like? I do thank him for his first tour and then he went down hill. Would you take financial advice from a convicted theft. My point is that this guy is not qualified to speak on a national level about the unjust war, when he is not qualified to re enlist in the military. @Vietnam Vet….I think Hanoi Jane would pay for this guy to travel to some communist country and rail against the American way of life. Don’t you talk to me about protecting the way of life. I was in Iraq and served with honor and was awarded a medal higher then this Kokesh. I do take our freedoms seriously and don’t like seeing people speak as an expert on something that they have no clue about! are free to give money to anyone you want and that is why I don’t give money to Ron Paul. The United States Military is the best in the world and we don’t need to just be in the United States. I would die for my country and have been put in harms way. So, you are free to support him because people, like me, are over in Iraq making sure you have the right to be free. Last point @Jon….I consider your whores term a poor choice of words. This Kokesh is not fighting for our freedom….he is making money off of being thrown out of the military and figured he could make a buck. A whore works for money and doesn’t care about defending your freedoms and wearing a military uniform. Just think of thanking a soldier who is wearing the uniform instead of calling him a whore!
No one has to be qualified to speak on a national level. Your proof of this is the Westboro Baptist Church.
“Whores” retracted…I have the utmost respect for the men and women who serve in the military. The problem is we have sent them to fight unjust wars and no longer revere the founding principles of our country.
I believe Kokesh and many others are home fighting for our freedom. That fight is even more important perhaps than any fight in our history. Don’t dismiss the people fighting for freedom just because you have a few differences with them. Tyranny is a bitch.
It’s a shame that all of you that get yourselves all worked up about a guy like Kokesh speaking , don’t get as worked up for real issues like NDAA.
The last time I checked, the United States was still supposedly a free nation. We have a Marine Corps veteran who is willing to speak with us about the dangers of going to war recklessly, without a Declaration of War from the Congress. Thus, we get never-ending wars, without clear goal or purpose or focus. Remember, the President of the United States DOES NOT HAVE the authority to take us to war. Only the U.S. Congress does. We are supposedly a nation of laws, and we should obey those laws. I for one cannot wait to see and hear Mr. Kokesh. The people in our military are SICK of doing 2 and 3, and sometimes 4 tours of duty. Their families certainly don’t like it. It’s time to bring these troops home, and secure our own border with Mexico. And why are National Guard units deployed overseas, when we have states being battered by floods and tornadoes? Where are our priorities?
Well said, Joe. I am looking forward to hearing Adam Kokesh speak.
He is a disgraced civilian who doesn’t deserve the title of Marine. A jury found him guilty and demoted him.
as a Marine combat veteran, he pisses me off and doesn’t represent our values, However he did earn the ttile US Marine and that cannot be taken from him, he is a Marine!.
All he is, is a mouth, that is disatisfied with the service somehow, so he got screwed over, so now he wants to attack the war with bulls$%t. He has every right to express his opinion, but in reality he doesnt have any constitutional expertise or experience in executive level decison making at the strategic or tactical levels. As a Marine, I would like to know how he got his navy acheivement medal and read the statement associated with his medal, unless it has a V-device linked to it, it wasnt for combat actions citizens. Another tidbit, just because he got the combat action ribbon doesn’t mean he saw ANY combat, only that he was in the general area, like maybe on a boat in the gulf, etc.
Well, all I can say is you folks in Harford County are so blessed to have such a wonderful patriot the likes of Adam Kokesh to speak. I AM so jealous! Enjoy him, you are being blessed to be sure!
To those upset I suggest you google “operation northwoods” & also take a look at the wikipedia page for “the gulf of tonkin” the second gulf of tonkin incident which lead us to war in Vietnam was a lie. How many Americans died 60,000 BASED ON A LIE. If you don’t learn from history your doomed to repeat it. People need to ask questions & think for themselves.
Afghanistan bankrupt the Soviet Union. We are ALREADY bankrupt, 17 trillion in debt, government just keeps borrowing & printing money. We are destroying our economy & getting some of the most honorable men & women killed in the process. I thought the mission was to get Bin Laden? Mission accomplished bring them home.
Bob, I don’t know if we have disagreed before but I feel the same way you do on this topic. Please continue.
@Bob…..I agree with you on your post. Some posts don’t make sense, from other people. The name calling only shows people being low class, I like your reply and I do agree that things have been lied to the American people. We got bin laden and now we need to start a slow withdraw and get our troops home in a safe way. I believe in a good debate about the war and not from someone who isn’t experienced to talk about it. I have been in war and don’t like it. BUT we cannot have a source expert talk and he is not a source expert. That is my only concern. He can come to Harford County and speak, but I for one, will not be there and I am surprised that the Knights of Columbus would rent space to them to let him speak. I have many Knights that are friends and veterans.
@Veteran, as to Adam not being a source expert he appeared on Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano on Fox Business. They thought him an expert. He had a popular radio & tv show, the latter aired around the world on RT. How often does Harford county host someone that has a worldwide following? I hope those passing judgment prior to hearing him speak would be more educated on where he stands & the sacrifices he’s making for freedom & liberty right here.
Ya ever heard of marketing? He is not a world class famed anti war speaker. Would you listen to a convicted sex offender on child issues? NO..Why would I listen to a convicted ex marine on anti war issues? Just saying.
It is time, to end this war and bring our troops home now, I do agree with that. Why the heck do we want to continue to nation buidl in Afghanistan?????? our military job is done!!!,
PS: I still support our ratinale fro going to this location and inot other areas, but the time has come to stop supporting this country when all they do is disrespect us and our troops but still beg for our money.
Everyone needs to wake up. This guy is being supported for not supporting our government. He is not qualified to speak for veterans and anyone on military matters. The president has the right to send troops to anywhere in the world and congress has to declare war. The national guard is part of the states, but can be federalized. We take the oath to defend the USA from foreign and domestic enemies. I am amazed at how much hate their is from one group to the next. The people supporting him seem to use language like thugs. We have freedom of speech in this country. Many service members have died defending that right to free speech. Just go to Dover and look at all the hero’s coming home in coffin’s. These were young men and women who decided to join the military and serve our country. I salute them and wish their families peace. I am not for war, but if we don’t defend our country, we will end up living in a dictatorship and not being able to write on the dagger. as for this Kokesh, he can speak what he wants and even say he isn’t going to serve in the military anymore. That is his right. But people need to realize that name calling isn’t the answer and that doesn’t show anything but their hatred for people who don’t agree with them.
I am a 28 year old thrice-deployed vet and wanted to say that the comments of the veterans here are so proudly ignorant that it fills me with pity for you all.
I don’t like Kokesh’s record either, but some of the stuff said here fills me with pity for the generations of soldiers that preceded me. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are completely illegal and undeclared, just like Vietnam. It blows my mind that you can still cling to trite bullshit arguments like “go move to a communist country” and accusing people of being liberals as if that is some kind of dirty word to be ashamed of.
Our country is on a very dark path, and the sheer stupidity here (“I don’t agree with that kind of free speech”? What the fuuuuuuuck?) that has all been said in total seriousness is incredible, and indescribably sad.
I already cast my vote for Ron Paul, and if you ever had any sense you would not vote for him just because I said so, but might go do a little research and come to a deeper conclusion than Adam Kokesh = Jane Fonda, raaaawr!”
Thank you so much for speaking up and for your service to this country.
Your comments don’t make any sense? Do you support this guy Kokesh or not? He is a ex marine that was not allowed to re-enlsit and has jumped on the capitalists bandwagon to make money. He was given a less then honorable discharge.
We were sent to Iraq and other countries at the orders of our president and government. I agree that there is a lot of stuff that we don’t know and probably the “WMD’s” were not there. General Powell made a stance and was appalled at being deceived. He did not become an anti war veteran and degrade all our policies over there. He pointed out what was wrong and was right. The US has done a lot of shady stuff in the past, but why are we giving this guy the attention of being a famed anti war speaker. He served our country and I thank him for his service. BUT he does not speak for all military men and women. @Robert…why are you so eager to support and say, Thank you for your service but don’t say that to military members who disagree with what you say? That is what I am seeing..I may be wrong. I want to thank every veteran for their service and to all the civilians….keep on expressing your free speech because it is people like us that defend your right and die. There are many hero’s buried in this country for the right to speak freely. I did my research on Ron Paul and he may be a good Dr and congressman, but wouldn’t make a good president. If he made it, he would have to change a lot of positions. Just look at candidate Obama on Gitmo?
first thing, thank you for your service! As a fellow veteran, who has been deployed to combat zones OIF/OEF and more, at least 9 times since 1991, however this clown Adam (Aka: jane Fonda) does do an injustice to us all, and no, I am not a staunch republican or as you would call a Ron Paul disciple. He volunteered to serve not as a regular military guy, (no dsirespect to others), but a Marine, no less knowing he would be at the tip of the spear. Andd gues what he had a very dismal career at it and now he is harboring animosity towards guess who, the US government!!
I have and wil continue to fight for his and your right to speak out against whatever subject that you would like to, in saying that I dont have to agree with his rationale or beliefs, to which I dont!!!! He hasn’t displayed to me or most of the folks his expertise other than him being a vocal opponent with no deep substance.
Heck just because I have visted the hospital emergency room and can say this, doesnt mean I know what actually goes on behnd the scenes or can discuss the operation of the ER as an expert,,,,,,,,,,,, this is the same for this guy, he got to see the show, but didnt know the real show.
To conclude I like Ron Paul and beleive in some of his ideas, but not all, but will vote for a canddiate that can win this and get rid of our socialistic path to destruction, and not just be campaigning to spread a message.
@ Veteran, I know Adam. I invited him to speak & paid his expenses out of my pocket. Having seen him speak before & having marched with him in the veterans for Ron Paul march I admire his courage. He has taken a stand against the TSA & was arrested for it. He isn’t afraid to speak his mind & stand for liberty. KoC & campaign for liberty didn’t pay a dime, so if people want to be mad………direct it at me, but then take a long look at our constitution & the oath we took then look in the mirror & ask yourself what you did today in the name of personal freedom & liberty.
We need to stand for freedom & individual liberty, as our founders did. That’s why we revere them.
As for name calling, I’ve had several people say I should move to a communist country . I served in the Army as an infantryman & was honorably discharged. I’m not here to disparage anyone or their service. We are headed to fascism or socialism…….either one is an affront to everything our founders envisioned.
This is exactly what I mean about ignorance. It’s so deeply ingrained in you to attack the messenger and ignore the message that all political discussion in the US has become about winning the argument rather than making a salient point.
I already said I take issue with Kokesh’s record, though his discharge characterization was downgraded AFTER HE WAS OUT, most likely because the USMC didn’t want a very public protester drawing federal benefits. But none of you find that a compelling talking point so I didn’t bother bringing it up.
You’ve been trained to attack the messenger and ignore the message. I would wager 75% of Americans think we got duped into OIF, but look how reflexively everyone here marginalizes anti-war speakers to this day.
The bottom line is that ignorance of the world around us is not paying dividends, in case no one noticed. Dissent is not treason. How anyone in the US in our current political climate cannot be highly skeptical of our government is beyond me.
How classy for another OIF Vet to call another OIF vet names. Keep doing the enmities job. Vote for Ron Paul and see if he can change things…NOT
What the heck is the council doing renting space to this kind of group. I know the hall can be rented, but this is a private group that can say yes and or no to renting it. The current grand knight should step in and cancel the meeting. Let this group go find some other place to bad mouth the United States. I cannot believe that the American loving vets in this council would allow a “famed” anti war speaker to be using the facility. Do the Knights need the money real bad? Then why do we have a magazine that supports the efforts of military knights around the world and this type of person can come in and do more harm? I am for free speech, but where is the common sense? We claim to be a group that follows the precepts of the Catholic Church and this is who gets to rent the hall? I did not put on the us military uniform or become a knight to have this happen. Free speech is a corner stone of our democracy, but when is enough enough?
Before you demand that the grand knight cancel the meeting you should do some research on St. Thomas Aquinas’ just war theory and see if a war based on lies fits his criteria.
Furthermore, both Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict were strongly opposed to the US invasion of Iraq:
So it seems to me that the K of C are being good Catholics by letting C4L and Adam Kokesh use their facilities
I think this group has rented this hall before to be fair
Hermann Goering, Nazi quotes:
Why of course the people don’t want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don’t want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.
you are way off the camp on that one, ?????
Nope…You just don’t get it….
Well, where to start. I mean I know I can’t bring anymore ignorance into this comment section because it has been overflowing with words and phrases that some of you don’t understand. Like the word “Isolationist” How about the word “Non-Interventionist” more like it or the term “blowback” Let’s try “Constitutionalists” or “Patriotism”” any of those ring a bell? Do you need to google them, because some of you are clueless when it comes to what those words really stand for and what they really mean . All these veterans that are coming on this comment section and basically saying that you must do what the Commander and Chief says, since when is this a dictatorship? If the President wants to go to war, he’s suppose to ask the people for a declaration. Troops shouldn’t be following illegal orders, as they swore to uphold the Constitution. It is our job to questions our leaders, our government…actually if you don’t you in my opinion are unpatriotic. It’s ignorant for people to have the mentality that everything that our government is doing is for the good of us all because it’s not. Now on to Adam Kokesh, a true patriot…someone I highly respect for all he has done for the Liberty movement. I am honored that he will be talking in Harford County, I actually urge all of you veterans that think he isn’t honorable for whatever reason to come sit down and actually learn something because you decided to be politically unaware and think you are fighting for freedom….in fact which we already have but is slowly being taking away and it’s not from any foreign government or so called “terrorist” but from our own government…who I strongly believe are the terrorist that we need worry about. Most of you sit in your little houses , with your little TV’s and are brainwashed in believing that we are overseas doing good, promoting peace…out of a barrel of a gun is the way to get people to like us. Here is book recommendation. “Dismantling The Empire” By Chamblers Johnson , But again I am thankful for every person who has gone overseas to fight these undeclared, unconstitutional wars…but I am not proud of our country when it comes to the foreign policy we have chosen. What good have we gotten out of it? Nothing…not a damn thing but only to lose our friends, members of our family and to have people in those countries lose their friends and family as well. Again I ask you what good have we gotten out of it? It’s not our freedom.
Can’t believe you are trying to push this constitutionalists or Patriotism line. We are sworn to protect the USA from enemies (foreign or domestic). I have been in war and not sat in my little house and watch my little TV. When are these people going to realize that doing this to a soldier doesn’t bother us. Until you have had the enemy firing at you and looking at maybe not living another day, then come talk to me about watching TV. I saw a lot of good being done over there and I saw the realities of war. If you think that a barrel of a gun doesn’t help….take your pencil over there and try and do the job. Adam Kokesh has a right to speak, but the whole truth should come out about him. The article only does half truths and downplays his dealings with the court system. You all are good about saying he is a true American hero, but don’t even mention the reason he got out of the corps? Why should we be given half the truths? Didn’t the Germans do the same thing? Let him speak but show how he is a convicted, demoted, not able to reenlist in the military. Gen Powell did the same thing he did, but did not hide behind the anti war movement. Please continue to pray for all our service members overseas and the ones that have given the ultimate sacrifice so this guy could come back and speak and be able to live in a free country that allows the first amendment.
hey cant we just get along,
cmon lets all sit down in a little circle and smoke weed and sing kumbaya, while this antiwar twit babbles on about something he isnt even remotly qualified to speak about, all these intelectual minds here who have been filled with lies and mis truths, while they sat in the mcdonalds and drank their coffee and read the papers in the safety of the USA, while we served the country… in these god forsaken countries, but these mcdonalds experts have all the answers.
I am exercisng my democratic priveledge and speaking out against this turd, for his outspoken views, if you havent been to the show you are just a bystander, his factually based performance and conduct record tells me all I need to hear about this whiner…… oh and the last time I read the constitution, the president is authorized to commit us troops into any combat zone or contengency without congressional approval, eventually needing some ratification from the congress,but by that time we are already committed to an action, you better read the executive priveledge clauses, and the constiututional stipulations a little closer…,
so as I bid you farewell, all you uppity mindles educated pogues, remember this, not all who serve are robots and are actually very well educated and fully understand the law, if you want or need to valdidate that just go to any reserve or guard base in the country and you will see very highly educated military persons who have challenged the us government in a rationale and repectful manner….
I have said what I wanted to say, this turd will speak his piece, and all the kumbaya types will love him, I can only hope he gives us a picture of him wearing a goofy helmet and sitting atop an antiaircraft battery too like his hero , LMFAO……. I got nothing but love for his sorry rear end!!!!
Thank you to my fellow veterans who spoke up and think he should speak but expressed their dissatifaction with his lame position. This is the democratic way, and to those would resorted to names attacking these very same veterans for expressing their thoughts in the democratic way, KMA!!!
USMC Combat Veteran