From Tim Impallaria, member of the Harford County Republican Central Committee:
Courage, Honor, and Integrity
There are many examples of courage in this world. From the earliest time there is the example of David and Goliath, the boy who took on a giant and overcame him to our early history where great men like Washington, Jefferson, and Franklin stood up to a world power knowing if they lost, their lives were in jeopardy. And in the twentieth century we have the example of Rosa Parks, who stood up to segregation and helped reverse this practice in our nation. Today so many of us are afraid to demonstrate this type of courage, because people who stand up for an issue are often labeled as disruptive. Right or Left there are opportunities to stand up and be courageous. We all have strong feelings about our issues and it is through thought and discussion that we can come to a reasonable balance.
To honor someone is to respect them as a person and individual or to keep your word or promise. We often find in these times that we are given many promises from candidates and people of authority that are never meant or ever kept. What we need in these difficult times is for people to be honest and do what is right and reasonable. We do not honor others when we put our personal agenda or bias before the good of others. Our Founding Fathers had many different ideas but were able to work as a body to do what was right for all the citizens of our new nation. We need men and women today in politics to use the example of these honorable men to do right for our nation now.
Integrity means to be honest and keeping something moral and ethical. This is where we often differ in politics on the moral and ethical issues. In this world not everyone will agree on this topic. What we must be is honest and open to discuss our differences civilly in the political arena. The problem is that we often are blinded by our strong commitment to our views or beliefs and we mark anyone else as unreasonable or a malcontent. We must learn to move forward in our nation and have an honest dialog with each other on the great issues of this nation.
Now that we are in the election process let’s follow the example of “Courage, Honor, and Integrity” when we chose our elected officials. Let’s hold all of them to their word and not accept idle promises any longer. There is no party affiliation for “Courage, Honor, and Integrity” in our country.
Tim Impallaria
Harford County Republican Central Committee
Is there a point to these ramblings? Is Tim trying to equate this somehow to his employment woes? Time to stop your whining, take your meds and do your job.
More like he is lamenting the political process where candidates say one thing when campaigning and then do another after elected. This is election season once again.
Lets talk about his employment woes for a minute. You do your job, you compete in what you think is a fair process for promotion. Only to find out that this process is only fair for a certain people. You find that your leader (Bane) holds a grudge, is vindictive and will not honor his word. This is not only true for Tim, but several other people at the Sheriff’s Office. It one statement your leader states he does not make the decisions on promotions…….then he says that he passes over people to get the best qualified for the job. Which is it? Either you do make the decisions or you lie? I think this is where the “Courage, Honor, and Integrity ” comes into play. Bane is a liberal. Like all liberals he stands during the campaign and makes everyone around him think he is this great man with integrity and fairness. We all know that liberals like Bane have the campaign side and then the working side. He picks and chooses which person’s rights he will stand for. If you are dating a high ranking member of his staff and make a tasteless video, participate in lewd behavior in a county vehicle he will protect your rights. On the other hand if you helped other candidates with their election for Sheriff you find your rights are ignored and violated. You will make threats against members, you will transfer people out of jobs they are doing and have done for years just because you can.
What I find so funny is some of the people who now support Bane are the same people who helped form the Union back in 1989 because of Bane. These people could not stand him when he was Under Sheriff, but now that things are looking up for them the over look a lot. Remember Mele and Bane would not recognize the Union back then, now it is Bane’s best friend.
Tim, good job. You had the guts to write the article and use your real name. Once again one of Bane’s cowards makes a comment on a post but uses a fake name. If you don’t agree with Bane and you post they are considered “ramblings”. What has posted before under another name. If you cowards are gonna post on here use your names and stop hiding behind fake names.
Bane is lacking in all three areas of the Sheriff’s Office mission statement….he has never had Courage, Honor, and lacking most of all Integrity!
I remember walking in Bane’s Office when he was Under Sheriff. His desk was a pile of papers and files, look disorganized and in shambles……..kind of like his leadership now of the Sheriff’s Office.
Marc, you either are campaigning again for Gahler or you have one hell of an axe to grind against Bane. You find some way of interjecting the above message in countless topics on this site. When can we expect you to go to the federal authorities as they did in Anne Arundel County? How does this have anything to do with Tim Impallara, who in my opinion tells it like it is? Get a new song, your old one is flat, off-key, and boring.
Dear Monster or Baner. I am campaigning for no one. Your right I have an axe to grind because of the way people are being treated. You are apparently one of the chosen few in the department so you are content with the way things are. If I were to go to anyone why would I tell you or anyone else? Monster your a coward use your real name. You seem to hate my message, get over it. Have the guts to contact me, I am easy to get a hold of. You will not because you are a coward. Sometimes you just have to take a stand for what you believe in. I believe people are being treated poorly at the Sheriff’s Office. Just like Bane stands up for his chosen few and defends their rights I will do what I can for the few who have no voice. I will not stop until Bane is retired for good. Call me or email me if you have the guts.
Monster your no republican. If you are your a RINO.
Mr. Eaton, your slip is showing. Your issue with Sheriff Bane is, and always has been, his party affiliation.
Billy Jack…..your wrong. Bane showed me what he was back when he was Under Sheriff with Mele. Nice try, his political affiliation has nothing to do with the fact he is a tyrant. Keep trying. I voted for two Democrat Sheriff in my time with the department. Both of them were good men. Bane is just a bad guy. Those who do his bidding are even worse.
Billy Jack why won’t you use your real name? All you loyal Baners stand behind fake names. If he is the Great Leader and lovable guy you all claim he is why not use your real name? What are all you cowards afraid of? Man up already.
I kind of thought that both points are obvious. With someone expressing as much hate and derision as he does you kind of wonder if he has anything else going on in his life. This is practically a fulltime job for him and it speaks poorly not only of him but of the sycophants that he manages to get to give him a thumbs up either through deceit or shear “I hate him too-ness”.
Porter I am retired. I have time to do this and have an active life. You seem to always comment on my posts so you to must spend a lot of time on here. For your information I have not been on here for some time, so please do a better job of keeping tabs on my activity.
Red October I agree!
Marc Eaton,
I notice you have agreed with Red October. Just a few short weeks ago you told me that the new union president was a good man who was not in Jesse’ pocket. Have you changed your mind, and if so, why?
Monster and Porter love to bash Marc Eaton and claim that he is campaining for Gahler. Monster and Porter show up on every post and campaign for Bane. So Monster and Porter what is your point? Oh wait I see what you believe in, double standards. Trust me you fit right in with the current HCSO situation.
WHAT? Why do you consider Mr. Impallaria’s comments to be ramblings? Because they state his beliefs? Using those standards, the same can be said for yours. At least his post makes sense and has a point. Your comments are unnecessarily hostile.
I have no idea what Mr. Impallaria’s “employment woes” are but I totally agree with his political views. ALL of our elected officials need to exhibit “courage, honor and integrity” in everything they do. After all, that’s what our forefathers fought for and intended that those principles be ones that our country’s citizens hold close to their hearts.
Fellow Republican, Amen! People say they want plain speaking representatives, but they bristle when someone has the courage to do so.
I think that it is time for a new sheriff and union president. There both one of the same right now. Worthless.
PETD just found out that a great young person is retiring. What a shame. What is going on in this place????? This is a really sad time, things have to change. The deputies will continue to provide an excellent service to the citizens no matter what happens. The deputies just want to be appreciated and supported by there community and even more important there leadership. Please Please stop the madness!
I wonder why Bane could not find a civilian position for this man? I guess he is not part of the Baner flock. Maybe he should have been caught sleeping and calling out patrol requests, then he may have been given a special assignment. Or lied in a Staff investigation, or….. this list goes on. Way to look out for you people, great leadership.
I have known this young man since he was 6 years old. From the first day I met him, all he ever talked about was wanting to be a policeman when he grew up. He went through the explorers program with Bel Air PD, he “patrolled” our neighborhood and reported anything that looked suspicious. He realized his dream 7 years ago and now it is shattered. He has gotten no help from the Deputies’ Union. He will be lingering out there with no health insurance for himself and his family. Bogus jobs are “created” for Bane supporters. This corporal is not a “yes man” to the Sheriff, so chances are slim that a civilian position will be “found” for him. There has GOT to be some way to stop the vindictive and soulless Jesse Bane from ruining people’s marriages, careers, health and lives. What do you have to say about this situation, David A. Porter, Monster and other Bane lovers?
I have said this before I really dont think my friend would appreciate his information being posted on here. He is a pretty private guy and I dont think its anyones right to post personal information about him. Plus half of the things written on here are inaccurate. How would you feel? So lets respect him and stop the talking about him on here. How about you call him if you are wondering how he is feeling or what his employment status is.
Tim Impallaria or JD Shellnut for sheriff in 2014!