From the Maryland Higher Education Commission:
March 30, 2012
Dr. Maravene Loeschke
Towson University
8000 York Road
Towson, Maryland 21252
Dear Dr. Loeschke:
The Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) has completed its review of an “Off-Campus Site Development Plan for Harford County” submitted by Towson University. MHEC appreciates the additional information and ongoing dialogue provided by Towson University during the review process.
MHEC has determined that the “Off-Campus Site Development Plan for Harford County” is consistent with the State Plan for Post Secondary Education, Towson University’s mission, and the educational needs of the Northeast Region of Maryland. This project will permit Towson University and its partners to provide quality baccalaureate programs and services to community college graduates in the Northeast Region. In particular, the proposed plan will establish a higher education building in Harford County to serve students seeking to complete their baccalaureate degrees in 2 +2 programs with Harford Community College and Cecil College. This building will provide a much needed location for students residing in the Northeast Region of Maryland to complete their baccalaureate programs near their homes and places of employment.
MHEC understands that once Towson University’s plan is approved by MHEC, the building project will begin and that it will be completed in approximately 21 months. As set forth below, Morgan State University will have an opportunity to participate in the financing of the building. If it chooses to finance 50% of the building, the building will be named the Towson Morgan building, subject to the approval of the Board of Public Works. Morgan State University also has the opportunity to enter into a long-term lease of the building in perpetuity as permitted by law, which will not result in its name being on the building. Because Towson University must plan for its use of the building, including faculty, programming and equipment, Morgan State University must exercise its rights under this approval within 12 months.
After review of the plan submitted by Towson University and discussions with representatives of Towson University, Morgan State University and others, MHEC hereby approves Towson’s Off-Site Campus Develop Plan for Harford County with the following conditions:
1. Programming at the building will be limited to 2+2 baccalaureate programs between Towson University and Harford Community College and/or Cecil College designed to allow students from the Harford and Cecil colleges to complete their baccalaureate degrees.
2. Subject to the terms of this approval, space will be available and provided in the building for Morgan State University to provide 2+2 programs between Morgan State University and Harford Community College and/or Cecil College.
3. If Morgan State University notifies MHEC and Towson University that it will finance 50% of the building within 12 months of the date of this approval, the building will be named the Towson Morgan building, subject to the approval of the Board of Public Works.
4. If Morgan State University informs Towson University of its interest to enter into a long-term lease of the building within 12 months of the date of this approval letter, Towson University shall enter into a long-term lease in perpetuity as permitted by law.
5. Towson University will provide all graduate programs at the Higher Education and Applied Technology (HEAT) Center. If space at the HEAT Center facility is not immediately available, those programs may be provided on a temporary basis at the 2+2 building until the HEAT center facility can accommodate the Towson graduate programs. If applicable, Towson University and Morgan State University shall notify MHEC prior to relocating any existing program at the HEAT Center to the new building, and Towson University shall notify MHEC prior to placing a graduate program temporarily at the new building.
6. All programs proposed for the building must receive MHEC approval under COMAR 13B.02.03 before they may be offered.
We look forward to working with you as you proceed with this project. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact me at (410) 767-3043 or Mr. Geoffrey Newman, Acting Executive Director for Administration and Finance, at (410) 767-3085.
Danette G. Howard
Interim Secretary
cc: Mr. Chadfield Clapsaddle, Executive Director, Office of Capital Budgeting, Department of Budget and Management
Mr. Matt Gallagher, Chief of Staff, Office of the Governor
Dr. William E. Kirwan, Chancellor, University System of Maryland
Mr. Bart Thomas, Acting Assistant Secretary, Department of General Services
Dr. David Wilson, President, Morgan State University
Any Idea where the actual building in the county will be located?
On the HCC campus. Across from Joppa Hall.
They can’t start this soon enough. Wish it was here 5-10 years ago.
Yes, I agree, I wish it was here years ago as well. The only reason I don’t go to Towson is because of the drive. Having a location in Harford County is a great idea!