From Sen. Nancy Jacobs:
In today’s global marketplace, our children are already competing with their peers around the world. We are falling behind in science technology, engineering and math, the keys to economic growth. Our schools must prepare the next generation to meet the challenges of a changing world.
While Maryland’s public schools are ranked top in the nation, many are still failing. Parents deserve the right to choose the right school for their children. No one should have to settle for an inferior education.
While many public schools excel, we must still foster excellence and innovation by supporting charter and private schools. They are proven to work. 99 percent of students at nonpublic schools are accepted into college, compared to 44.1 percent of public school students.
This week, hundreds of students, teachers, and administrators from private and charter schools demonstrated in Annapolis to support community investment in their schools. Catholic schools, Jewish schools, secular schools, and charter schools united to rally for Senate Bill 844, the Partnership for Student Education and Community Investment Tax Credit.
That bill gives a tax credit to businesses that donate to public and private schools. These donations must pay directly for students’ education, including tuition, textbooks, transportation, and uniforms.
We need this tax credit because it will encourage investment by Maryland businesses that will really help Maryland schools. Bright, innovative graduates from schools like these will let us compete in the global marketplace. This tax credit will help our young people succeed.
When Maryland has corporate tax credits for everything from biodiesel to the film industry, I think there is no excuse to not support a tax credit for helping schools. It is good for students, good for businesses, and good for our community.
Sen. Nancy Jacobs
Vote for Impallaria, When you contact him he will answer you, Jacobs will just ignore you….no matter how many times you contact her. Typical politician, picks and chooses what she will get involved in. Or what will benefit her.
They are proven to work. 99 percent of students at nonpublic schools are accepted into college, compared to 44.1 percent of public school students
That stat is the biggest Crock… Those students have A. parents who are involved B.Kids who want to learn C. Little to no disruptions to deal with D. No beurocratic crap to deal with from above
E. Parents who can afford to send their kids to private school and, most likely, can afford to pay the tuition costs (or have prepared ahead of time) for college.
And when mom and dad are paying thousands of dollars in tuition, the student WILL be studying, WILL be doing homework, and WILL be putting forth their best effort.
I went to private school, and you can’t compare the the two fairly. At the school I attended you were ask to leave if your behavior was disruptive or your grades dropped too far for too long. Public schools have to take all students and have to keep them even if they fail all classes and are huge discipline problems. This article is pure propaganda. Does Jacobs really believe that this kind of thinking will get her elected? If private schools directly or indirectly get tax dollars, then they should be playing by the same rules. Don’t forget all the state tests that students will have to pass and other federal/state regulatory standards that they will have to meet. Is this really what we want – two public school systems? It sounds to me like a bad idea which will end up creating a larger government run system in the end and cost taxpayers more of their hard earned money. Hogwash!
Why do we elect people who only give lip service to child abuse? I know this isn’t the topic, but we can write articles on education, but when a child abuser is caught with all the evidence for a felony conviction, the state and defense plea bargain for a misdemeanor. Why is there no outrage on having your child abused…oh let me guess….it ain’t your child! It’s someone, other than you, problem. We need to stop giving the abuser the break and treat them like they are truly criminals!
Outrage, please check Sen. Jacobs record on child abuse. She has championed bill such as Jessica’s law. And after passing these laws she has fought to increase the penalties on them
Then she may have my vote! A five year old was abused and the abuser only got a misdemeanor. Why would someone want a child abuser to be able to get off easy?