From Delegate Kathy Szeliga:
Level Funding is a Level Headed Approach
As a member of the Appropriations Committee, I have been very busy working on the state budget for the last six weeks. The Minority party members of Appropriations crafted a budget plan that relies on level funding the budget based on last year’s spending. This is a reasonable and level headed plan that balances the budget without raising taxes or shifting expenses to the counties. There are 7 Republican members out of 25 total members of the House budget committee and we all worked hard to assemble a plan that works. Our plan will cut over $1 billion in spending from the governor’s proposed plan.
By level funding the state budget, we will protect our citizens against tax increases in these continued tough economic times. Data shows that Maryland families, taxpayers and small business income have not increased while the state budget has grown a whopping 21% over the last seven years. Who is paying for the expansive growth in government spending? It’s been you and me and the rest of the middle class in Maryland footing the bill. Enough is Enough!!
I thought you might be interested in participating in this event. There are buses going from various parts of Maryland.
Hands Off My Health Care Rally
Americans for Prosperity
As you are most likely aware, the Supreme Court will be considering the constitutionality of several elements of the President’s health care takeover. This may be our best chance to overturn this offense against our health care freedoms.
That’s why Americans for Prosperity will be hosting a Hands Off My Health Care rally for free-market grassroots activists from across the country at Upper Senate Park on March 27th. Come join us – and register for a bus from your area below!!
For more information click here!
Delegate Kathy Szeliga
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