From Del. Glen Glass:
Dear Constituents,
HB 878 – Public Utilities – Smart Meters – Opt-Out Option
Smart Meters are only a benefit to the Utility companies, not the consumers!!!!!
This simple bill, I introduced, gives the citizens of Maryland the right to Opt-Out from having a Smart Meter installed on their homes.
Smart Meters are dangerous and intrusive. The Utility companies haven’t provided any documentation which states they are safe. These corporations are like a big aggressive dog; they are good as long as they are kept on a leash.
Since deregulation, which I opposed, our utility rates have doubled. The utility companies make around $40 billion a year – in a bad economy! With Smart Meters the need for Meter Readers will no longer be necessary, which is a savings to the companies. Even though the companies are saying they’re retraining those in danger of losing their jobs because of the Smart Meters, some employees will ultimately lose their jobs.
Smart Meters are about utility corporations making more money and the citizens of Maryland paying more for electricity and losing their privacy. Even though the utilities have received stimulus money for the Smart Meter project, the rates will have to be raised to recoup the cost of installation of the program.
HB 878 would ensure our right to refuse a Smart Meter!
Go To: for more information!!!!!
Thank You,
Delegate Glass
District 34A
David A. Porter says
Please delegate, pander to the ignorant for their votes. If you repeat a lie long enough and loud enough… well, I read that in the Holocaust Museum.
Seriously? says
Wow, that comment had as many facts as the article did. Nice hitler/nazi germany analogy there.
Bravo Sir!
David A. Porter says
I actually gave you a thumbs up for this comment because your analysis was dead on. The article written by delegate Glass was lacking in anything but fear mongering. And as you can see by the other posts in here, there’s an audience for that sort of thing. Sitting here reading these comments simply reinforces the notion that you will not evaluate the idea expressed based on its merits – but instead will give a thumbs down if the author has something to say that you disagree with – without checking for yourselves. In other words… it’s not the message that irritates you – it’s the messenger. I love sharing the planet with you guys.
BRAC Family says
We have a smart reader, and the guys just drive a truck past our house so they don’t need to come in the house read the meter. I don’t understand the problem with that. Its more efficient for everyone, and we don’t need to have strangers entering our home.
Susan says
Dear Brac Family,
You commented that: “We have a smart reader, and the guys just drive a truck past our house so they don’t need to come in the house read the meter. I don’t understand the problem with that. Its more efficient for everyone, and we don’t need to have strangers entering our home.”
If a truck has to drive past your house to get a reading, you don’t have a “smart” meter, not the kind of “smart meter” that is scheduled for installation starting this April. Utility readers haven’t had to come in the house for years, now, to read meters – they’re outside. Many are now ‘readable’ from a distance, as the utility truck drives by, for example. What they read, though, is just how much electricity was used.
The new ‘smart reader’ doesn’t need anyone to drive by. It ‘calls home’ on a regular basis and reports not only what’s being used, but when, and for what type of appliance and even (I believe) in what room. This additional information will be stored and used by the utility company and the government for its own purposed – and I do not believe that those purposes will be to benefit us, the consumer and the citizen.
There has been no significant testing to determine just what impact these transmissions will have on us – especially in city environments – where citizens will be walking by (and through) smart meter transmissions from every house and apartment. Outlaws will also undoubtedly learn to capture these transmissions for their benefit.
I just don’t see the benefit of this for us and I support an opt-out program at the very least. Quite frankly, I think we’re doing just fine the way we are – as you noted! It seems to be working fine.
David A. Porter says
“I believe” is where your complaint falls apart. Why don’t you tell us how the meter mounted on the outside of the house distinguishes power consumed in a particular room? “I believe” there may be ulterior motives by the government to monitor power consumption that are not beneficial to the average citizen is just another way of saying you fear and loathe the government. In other words… you need a tin foil hat because you seriously believe “government mandated radiations” are trying to read your mind and influence your behavior. Now please complain about “government mandated free birth control” that you are required to pay for – just like the clean air and water you are forced to pay for.
BRAC Family says
Thx for the clarification on the smart meter. But with regards to emissions. We all have cell phones held within inches of our brain seemingly 24 hours a day. I have to believe those emissions are impacting us more than the smart meter ever will.
MacG says
You are an ass Delegate Glass; Glass the Ass; new campaign slogan!
Racheal says
Not sure why it’s an issue- how does it invade our privacy?
Susan says
Rachel, it invades our privacy because it keeps track not only of the electricity used, but what is being used (based on electrical signature), when it is used, and (I believe) even what room it is being used in. It sends that information to the utility company, which keeps it for years, and can potentially pass the info along to others who will use it to their own advantage. It gives a good idea of when you’re home, and when you’re not. If you use power in a way that might look like you’re breaking the law, you may find yourself the victim of a SWAT team coming to seize your tomato seeds (for example) growing under grow-lites for your new Heirloom tomato business. And, speaking of business, the government can analyze our energy consumption pattern to try and detect what it deems to be ‘unusual’ activity and thereby stage further invasions or audits to determine if perhaps we are operating a business out of our home, or if too many people are living in one house, say, or any other “Big-Brother-is-watching-you” enterprise we don’t even know of, yet.
Then, there’s the question of the physical effects of these increased transmissions. The State of California – which has had this for a year or more now – is ordering the utility companies to stop installing these meters until further tests can be done. Actually, NO tests have been done. . . . so it really would be better to test first before spending millions of dollars making and installing these things! And you and I pay for them, never fear. One way, or the other. . . .
Here’s a link to a YouTube video that describes the problem – and you might also look at the information Delegate Glass has linked to.
I don’t know about you, but I value my privacy. I don’t think the utility company or the government has the right to know how many hours of television I watch, what times I am home, what temperature I keep the thermostat on, or how many computers or game stations I have (or don’t have). If you don’t mind – that’s certainly fine. But there should be an ‘opt-out’ provision for those of us who do not appreciate Big Brother looking over our shoulder and potentially increasing our risk of cancer or any other health problems by installing these things willy-nilly.
Best regards to you as you consider your position in this matter.
David A. Porter says
Susan… tell me me what the electrical signature if for your appliance. Can you express it in Watts or would you prefer to discuss milliamps or voltage. Just what is your electrical signature of a device that you are afraid to divulge – by the way – it can’t determine anything but how much you use and when. And as for YouTube… I go there all the time to watch parodies of Rick Perry and his wild and crazy science ideas.
BRAC Family says
The key here is that we are already being monitored every time we use our computers via cookies, etc. This can’t possibly be any more intrusive that the current monitoring that exists in our every day lives. My wife used to work in a credit union call center. She tells the story of a person calling about there being no more money in her account. My wife called up her transaction records on the screen and told her every coffee shop and retail store she visited that day, the amount spent and remaining balance in the account. The woman was shocked that my wife knew so much about her.
The point is that big brother has already been watching us for a long time. The smart meter is nothing new.
Susan says
Perhaps we could all discuss this politely? I, for one, object to the ‘smart meter’ if only for privacy issues concerns and precedents.
I don’t want a monitor installed on my house. Period. I’m happy to pay for electricity, but no one has the right to know what I use the electricity for, when I use it, where I use it, and how often. I do not give my permission to store that information about me and to use it for your own purposes – corporate or government.
Finally, there is a paucity of information on the effects of the increased transmissions on us – and this is apparently especially significant in urban environments. I think increased transmissions can’t be good for us, but I would never even reach that issue because of the privacy one – which is overarching.
If someone doesn’t care about their privacy – I guess that’s fine, each of us is certainly free to consent to being monitored in this way – but I hope that we would care about the potential health impact on all of us.
Here’s a link to a January 2012 moratorium on Smart Meter in Santa Cruz, CA – and information about the significant health issues they are exploring, especially in urban areas:
Civil discourse on this, anyone?
Best regards.
David A. Porter says
Do you get electricity supplied to your home? That’s what the Smart Meter is for. Can it tell that you are curling your hair in the bathroom at 6am? Not likely other than the power that you are consuming much like your refrigerator and your TV. I asked you before to describe how you think a meter on the outside of your home can tell where the power is being used in your home. It can’t unless they install meters all through the inside of your home. You have privacy, its just compromised by being attached to the grid for your electric power. If you want more privacy without BGE or any other government agency finding out about your curling iron, get off the grid.
concerned citizen says
The problem is that smart meters emit PULSED radiofrequency radiation. Think of the pulses as spears, thrust through your body, your skull, your eye sockets, and your nasal cavity about 190,000 times a day. Now, can that cannot possibly be good for you. And for your infant or child, I’d be very, very afraid. Rise up people, object loudly to this. Not enough studies have been done to show this is safe. This is a case of technology spinning out of control and traveling much faster than research can keep track of.
David A. Porter says
Oooh pulses of radiation like spears. Such an intelligent and highly informed analogy. Tell me, just what do you think a cellphone does or what a wireless router does? I can imagine the rage across the country when in the 1930s electrification of rural America was begun. Neil Armstrong described as one of the most significant technological programs of the 20th century. And here you are spewing goofy analogies to spears being thrust through your body and then casually mentioning children. You’re being like Reverend Lovejoy’s Wife on the Simpsons “What about the Children?”
noble says
This is likethe people bent out of shape over being forced to use EzPass for privacy reasons. Really? You think that a government that can tell what kind of cell phone you have with a satellite needs a smart meter to observe you?
You buy all your game systems and heat lamps with just cash right?? And all that tv you watch is cable or satellite right? You think your cable box doesnt tell on you? Dont forget the wifi you might be using right now that determined high schooler could hack. Whatever helps you sleep at night I suppose.
An opt out is fine but dont be surprised when you get a fee to have your meter read.
If you are under 50 you probably have 10 times the amount of RF flowing through your home already.
mom says
Are these meters able to adjust our energy use during peak times? Can they control our thermostats? Why is no one talking about the relationship between this and PlanMD? When I called BGE to discuss this I was told that the requirement by the state to decrease GHG emissions was in part what moved this program forward. A few months ago the president was pushing Smart Meters in a speech. He obviously has motives other than saving us money. That has never been a priority of his. Smart Meters are part of the Green Agenda.
Thank you Susan. Let’s keep the discussion civil!
Check out for a video on the safety concerns of Smart Meters.
David A. Porter says
I actually called about this because I was confused. Smart Meters are not Peak Rewards. That program was foisted on us last year but you DO have the ability to opt out of that. The best thing you can do is not listen to random posters on this forum but instead call BGE. And if someone tells you BGE lies, ask yourself why you would take the word of someone who can’t use their real name when writing things on here.
BRAC Family says
We participate in Peak Rewards are actually very happy with the credit be get during the Summer months.
David A. Porter says
I guess I was wrong to stop reading at your first question. This Green Agenda you mention… are you concerned that maybe Green House Gases are contributing to climate change? Or are you among the many people that simply dismiss scientific evidence and choose to listen to the vapid talking heads that others get for their opinions? The discussion can remain civil – and you can work to keep it intelligent by not pandering to excitable ill informed people who actually have an agenda of willful ignorance.
Engineer says
The smart meter will let the power company know when & how much electicity you are using. This is so they can charge you more for using power during peak demand times, which commercial industry has been paying for for many years ( Demand Charge ). You may be able to reduce this new cost by using the majority of your power at off peak times. Do your cooking, laundry, showers ( hot water ), etc. between Midnight and 4 AM. The power company will eliminate meter readers and charge you more. A win win for them.
mom says
I am neither willfully ignorant and not inclined to listen to vapid conversation. What seems to be pandering to you could really be likemindedness among people with whom you disagree. I like to look at all bodies of evidence and there is plenty of controversy about global warming. I have to ask myself why those that warn of man made climate change are so intent on squelching evidence to the contrary. The IPCC edits scientific aspects of their documents to create a sense of consensus. Climategate!! And the fact that the UN is trying to saddle us with an international tax called cap and trade. DO not assume that I take a dogmatic approach to this. I do not. But I see lots of evidence that this is not a closed case and therefore want to know more.
David A. Porter says
You have just identified yourself as uninterested in anything related to climate change. And yet the evidence is all around you. I’m hoping to go to Glacier National Park this year… the glacier is expected to disappear by 2030. The Northwest Passage that people had always wanted to find hundreds of years ago may become a reality shortly allowing transit through the Arctic. And if you think human impact on our environment is non existent I invite you to try and fish in one of the dead zones in the bay where there is no oxygen because of fertilizer and chicken waste runoff. It would be willfully ignorant (yes) to deny that humans cannot impact their environment in destructive ways.
mom says
Of course humans can impact the environment in a negative way! But climate change fear mongers are talking about altering weather and climate patterns of an entire planet; not the fouling of a local stream. Back in the 70’s it was all about a coming ice age. That never happened. Then there was acid rain, the depletion of the ozone layer etc. etc.. These environmental trends have their day in the sun and disappear from the conversation. I’ll be interested to see if the glaciers are still around in 2030. And even if they aren’t it doesn’t prove anything .
Now its carbon and GHG. The cause is man made so naturally the solution is to reverse what we’ve done. The problem is that would require very expensive and radical alteration in lifestyle. All this for a yet unproven (despite your claims) problem of MAN MADE global warming.
I might be easier to convince if I didn’t see a lot of self interest and hypocrisy surrounding the man made argument. Can someone tell me why other planets in our solar systems also have evidence of warming. Oops, sorry, I meant to say climate change. Seems we had to tweak a few terms to accommodate reality.
Perhaps the warming on other planets is due to highly industrialized and fossil fuel dependent civilizations that have not yet shown up on the radar. Perhaps we can interest them in some of our “Smart” technology? I hear Martians are tiny people and would likely adapt well to the Smart Car. I suggest a marketing campaign that could help to boost the bottom line.
At any rate, I want a clean and healthy environment too. I want open space, preserved ag lands, sparkling water. All that good stuff. I’m willing to make reasonable sacrifices to achieve these things. I am not willing to endure a radical reversal of life style and prosperity to satisfy an agenda based on unsound assumptions. The cost/benefit analysis will not support it. We should be perfecting solar, wind, geothermal etc. technologies and incorporate them into an energy plan that uses natural gas and fossil fuel.
At any rate, it sounds as if you have a lovely vacation planned. Travel well and return safely. Take some nice pictures of the polar bears. I hear their numbers are at an all time high!
Cdev says
MOM I will agree with you that the cause of the current climate changes is still open to debate and that their is data to support both sides of this. That said I ask you would you rather bet on the fact that it is not man made and be wrong or bet on the fact that it is man made and be wrong?
Patrick says
@Cdev – You can choose emotion-based non-science if you like, but your pseudo Hobson’s choice is ridiculous.
Anthropogenic climate change is unproven and doubtful.
mom says
I’m not sure I agree with Patrick. I don’t think this is a Hobson’s choice. I think it more a Morton’s Fork. It is certainly not a dilemma. I think I’ll sleep on this one.
CDEV says
It is simple logic. Don’t bank on the best case scenario be ready for the worst and happy when you are wrong! I am not advocating drastic changes but further unbiased scientific research is warrented and coming up with a plan for the worst is not a bad idea.
Patrick says
@Cdev – Plan for what exactly? This discontinuation of fossil fuel use?
Our world runs on fossil fuels. We need to explore and recover more oil, coal and natural gas. We could also build a few more nuclear and hydroelectric plants. And if solar and wind ever become affordable, storable and transportable we can rely on them as well, but at the present time they are not viable or reliable energy sources.
noble says
It is absolutely undeniably true that there is only a finite amount of all natural resources available on earth, and it is perfecly clear we are using them faster than the earth can create them.
To not seek to reduce consumption and encourage use of alternative energy sources is living in denial of this fact. To not do this as expeditiously as possible, I consider to be unwise.
All of this alternative technology is available now, but we have not embraced it, as a nation, as consumers, as a government, for a variety of reasons. One of those is that the industry lobby does not wish it.
Should we not conserve paper because they are still plenty of trees in sight? Or should we consider the fact that we can cut down thousands and thousands of tree a day that take 10-30 years to grow?
It is the same for oil, gas, coal, etc.
Patrick says
We of course have a “finite” amount of fossil fuels, however we have vast amounts of recoverable gas, oil and coal in the US that we refuse to process and even more reserves around the world.
You act as though all fossil fuel reserves are known and counted, this is untrue.
Cdev says
Patrick and when these non-renewable resources run out than what? That is what we should plan for. What I am saying is that if you plan for needing to cut GHG emissions because it could possibly be linked to some form of global warming you will be ready for it. If not than you won’t, just like we have Earthquake plans even though we live on a hundred year fault!
noble says
No, I act as if the rate of our consumption exceeds the rate at which the earth can create those resources, however vast they may be.
My personal conviction is that in as many ways as possible, we should (as much as practical) move through our lives in this world leaving things just as we found them (regardless of proven potential to do harm or not), and if possible improve it. This goes for everything natural or man-made that pre-exists my very small amount of time here. It’s the very simple idea of ‘leave no trace’ that is observed all across the country in our parks, and I find it to be a good rule of thumb for everything everywhere you go. It is my personal goal to have my existance be as little an imposition on the world and everyone in it as possible.
If we can serve our energy needs in such a way as not to alter the natural environment at all, or minimize it, it’s my belief we have a responsiblity to do it. Obviously this was not possible 2000 years ago, or 100, or 50, and not even today. But hopefully that day comes, and if we do not actively seek it to the best of our ability, it may not be for a long time, if at all.
I do not believe we as a nation, or a world, have chosen this path, and for reasons I cannot accept such as greed, convenience, and political advantage.
I do not expect others to “act” as I do, I just expect you to simply listen. Thanks for doing so.
mom says
Mr. Noble, I could not agree more. There is a finite amount of natural resource in the form of fossil fuel and gas. They will not deplete tomorrow but they will deplete.
We should embrace and develop renewable energy and use them when and where they are practical. Technology is an amazing thing and what is unimaginable today is obsolete tomorrow. I envision the development of renewable energy if government would get out of the way and let free market (if there is still one left) do what it does naturally. Do I need to mention Solyndra?
Where I disagree with many of the above posts is the degree to which man has influenced climate change and the means to address it. If the environmental zealots would have their way (and they are doing their best) we would be biking and walking everywhere, living in stack em and pack em walkable cities, cut off from protected wildlands. In other words the oft repeated fundamental change.
The Endangered Species Act sounds like a good thing and perhaps it was. But the effect now is to render PRIVATE lands in the west and midwest as unusable so that we may protect lizards and fruit flys.
In the Aegis today is an article about the expansion of walking trails in northern Harford county. One of the holdups is possible concern about the habitat of a local turtle. Apparently a committee is in the process of coming together to study this important issue. This is how we spend our time and taxpayer treasure! And this to complete a project on the so called “Green Agenda”! I suspect the study will move at the same rate as the turtles they seek to protect.
Our lives and businesses are regulated beyond belief in an effort to protect against an environmental meltdown that is still science fiction. And the methods to continue this course are draconian and totalitarian. Government, perhaps global control of energy, housing, water, transportation, health care, food production, and ownership of land.
Again. Do not assume that I completely deny man’s mark on the environment and a need to prevent the fouling of nature. I’m all in for reasonable measures that go after a real threat. But let’s stop using the environment as a tool to centralize all decision making.
PLANMD is a statist attempt to achieve what I just described. I don’t care what the Annapolis shills say about it.
Smart Meters are a piece of the PLANMD move to decrease GHG at the cost of unbelievable taxpayer dollars and loss of industry. You think that BGE is the culprit but the governor is calling the tune. Smart Meters are a necessary component of a smart grid. That is what we are moving toward and once that is in place your energy use, type and amount are now in the control of another.
Cdev says
First if we want to ride ourselves of these regulations than we do not need a regulation telling a private company how they have to take meter readings!
Second there is actually no conclusive evidence any of this oil and shale is in ANWAR etc. The same certianity exists that it is there as is the certainty that global warming is a man made phenomena. A fact is that we will run out of fossil fuels and those that have not prepared will be the ones singing the blues!
B says
To deny that we are adversely affecting the world around us is naive. I agree with Patrick that there are natural patterns, but you can’t ignore the impact our actions have on those patterns.
Patrick says
Anthropogenic climate change is a lie and of course the climates around the world are in a constant state of change.
Now why don’t you explain to us how man caused the Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period which occurred before the Industrial Revolution?
Engineer says
Cave man farts
Robert J. Willick says
Here is an article that shows just how far the invasion of privacy will go.
CIA Chief: We’ll Spy on You Through Your Dishwasher
noble says
Congratulations Robert you just became a CIA “person of interest” for posting that.
William says
Smart meters are purely a revenue increasing scheme. Just like they currently handle businesses, power companies want to charge more during peak hours and cannot achieve this without smart meters.
ALEX R says
They are a little more than just a revenue increasing scheme. They permit the utility company to throttle back the amount of electricity you use which then makes it possible to implement regulations that say, for example, if your home is 2,300 square feet and there are perhaps 4 people living there you are allowed to ‘buy’ a certain number of kilowatt hours monthly before your rate increases to an ‘excess usage’ rate table. That makes it very easy for the government to dictate how much electricity you are permitted to use. This plays directly in to the hands of people who are dead set against any additional power generating facilities of any kind. They will then have the ability to limit through government regulation what we use. The will regulate it first thru excess rate charges and eventually thru absolute limits. And here is the punch line, it will all be ‘for the good of the environment and our children’.
jtownejeff says
Mr. porter likes to accuse people of being irrational and pandering and unintelligent, yet offered no factual evidence to support any of his claims… interesting. civil indeed, Mr. Porter.
anyway, the simple point is that the smart meters are untested and unproven for safety and as consumers in a free market we ought to have the choice to not have one installed on our homes if that is our choice.
as for the radiation from cell phones and wifi, that is the consumers choice to make. in the age of google and youtube, anyone can find information on the potential dangers thereof and make an informed choice. i choose to risk it for the convenience of those technologies. i’d like to be afforded the opportunity to choose if i want a smart meter or not.
have a fantastic day, (especially mr. porter, he seems grumpy)
Jeffery Beck
CDEV says
In light of or energy debate I was listening to Glenn Beck and he talked about how we should strip mine West Virginia for coal and then build the montian back because when Russia owns us they will strip mine it and not care about puting the montian back.
What got me was he followed this up with an endorsement of buying Gold and Land to protect my portfolio incase the dollar and staock market crash. He even used the term diversify your investment. Think of alternative energy as a diversified investment.
If we wait until all the oil is gone to develop an alternative and the first few trys don’t work we will be in deep crap. If you diversify and have different sources than one can compensate for Oil when we run out or coal when we run out.