John Archer School parent Janice Wright delivered the following prepared remarks during the public comment period at the March 12 meeting of the Harford County Board of Education.
A copy was provided to The Dagger for publication:
Good evening. My name is Janice Wright and I am the person who emailed each of you requesting a meeting with myself and some concerned parents in regards to John Archer School. Unfortunately, I did not receive any responses to our requests thus forcing us to bring our concerns to you in a public setting. I understand that we are unable to discuss individuals; however, I want to bring before you examples of some of the serious issues concerning the safety of children and the continuing disregard for MSDE’s policy, MD state laws and Federal Statutes.
The first issues are in regards to the safety of our most vulnerable citizens. Children, who cannot defend themselves or speak out for themselves. Staff have physically assaulted and harmed the children they serve. Several years ago, a child was placed into a time out chair for a period of three hours. A child was drug out of school face down by his legs by the principal. Before you can say anything let me tell you that we have a man here with us that witnessed and will corroborate what the teacher said in the letter. Your staff at this school used mechanical restraints on a child THEY placed in a prone position thus endangering his life; this is per a police report. These types of physical assaults on children are not only illegal but also meet the state’s definition of physical abuse. Yet your staff continues to use these types’ assaults. Probably because they know they will not be held accountable by our State’s Attorney’s Office since they will not prosecute a governmental entity. This is deplorable behavior by both the school board that continues to allow staff to do this and not immediately terminate the employees involved, and the State’s Attorney Office that allows a school board to continue to get away with Child Abuse.
My second issue is with the total disregard for Maryland State Dept. of Ed’s policies. Allow me to read to you from the Discipline of Students with Disabilities. It is a guide for Administrators, Educators, Parents, and Community Members.
It states on page 4:
“It is important that existing school structures and processes include universal interventions where positive reinforcement is DOMINANT and all students are provided explicit instruction regarding behavioral standards so students and staff understand limits and expectations…Universal interventions are those strategies or supports that are:
Applied to ALL students
Based on clear and predictable limits and expectations
Positive-reinforcement dominant and
Linked to the school’s organizational goalsBefore we can directly address specific skill or performance deficits, students first need an increased opportunity for:
Individual control and choice
Positive attention and
Adult and peer status”
However, John Archer School continues to use negative consequences for their student’s behaviors. Some examples are: taping gloves on a child’s hands to stop pinching, removing a child from class and setting them in the hallway. These are NOT positive approaches to deal with behaviors. Calling parents to come pick up their child when the child is having behaviors is illegal and yet these have happened recently.
How many times will this school continue to violate MD laws as well as Federal Statutes not to mention violating Civil Rights of these families before you do anything. The parents want you to address their legitimate concerns without the usual pat answers as a group, not individually.
Finally, the work environment at this school continues to decline. Even before your staff abused my son, teachers would complain about the administration at this school. The tyranny that is prevalent needs to end. Our children’s teachers, aides, and staff need to feel they can SAFELY question any situation without retribution. When the staff sees abuse occurring they need to be able to reach out to someone and not stand there and do NOTHING! When we as a society stand by and allow children to be abused and not interfere, what have we become?
The laws of this state, are plain, and stupid. You cannot send a student into the hallway? So he is pretty much allowed to stay in class and do whatever he wants. That is what positive reinforcement does. If a child does not care about the reward given for a good job, then whats the point? A kid would rather not get his ass beat then act up again. I applaud the John Archer school for disciplining its students the old fashion way – the WAY THAT WORKS! I would wager to believe they did not have a problem with most of those students again.
-Lawrence S. Limsky
Lawrence, You obviously have no idea what the students at John Archer are like. They are multiply handicapped students who do not respond to good old fashioned discipline. They act out because they have no other way to communicate, not because they want attention. And most of them don’t connect the discipline with the action that caused it. As a parent who has lived this for MANY years, it really hits a nerve for me (and many of my other friends with kids at JAS) when people make generalizations/assumptions when they have NO idea what it is like to be in that position, and no idea what we have been going through.
I have worked with Level 5 students, and I have had to take them to the ground and put my knee in there back. Why? because they were charging another teacher or student with intent to harm and had a history of harming other students. So Hear hear! AND by the way, school floors are smooth, so the boy just drug along and probably laughed the entire way.
I dealt with this unruly kids for a few years in a different school, and again, sometimes you have to do what you have to do. I had a student bite me once, drew blood because I was pulling HER off another student who’s hair she was trying to rip out. again, HEAR HEAR to the teacher that don’t take the crap off these that one day will 90% likely be in jail.
OMG, Lawrence. I pray to God that you are not still working with “Level V” students – by the way, we haven’t used that term in many years. In fact, I pray to God that you are never alone with any child! I am amazed by your total lack of caring for these special kids. I have worked with students with behavioral disorders for 30 years. I can count on one hand the number of times that I have had to restrain students, and then I only restrained them in the safe approved manner that I had been trained. I immediately notified parents, and we immediately had an IEP meeting so that we could come up with a better solution for the future. Take them to the ground and put your knee in their back? Really? Unbelievable. And you seem to be very proud of yourself. Frankly, you sicken me.
Lawrence you are a poor excuse for a human being, enough said. I could cuss you out but I’m sure you are a lonely, troubled mental case that needs more help than the kids at Archer.
This is absolutely appalling. And Lawrence, do you know that John Archer is a special needs school?
I sure do, and by special needs, some of them need a special ass kicking to teach them right from wrong. Didn’t have too much of this trouble in the 40′ and 50’s when they could spank you in front of the class. Most of them kids, only happened once.
Lawrence, I have refrained from commenting on your posts up until this point because I have assumed you are just a crazy old man ranting but you have now crossed the line in my eyes. You have obviously never encountered a true Level 5 special education student. If you had, you would know that many of them will never have the physical ability to commit a crime let alone the mental capacity to be charged with a crime. If you would like to become educated about the kids that attend John Archer, I would like to invite you to meet my daughter so you can spend some time with us and see what I am talking about. You are also welcome to attend John Archer’s Annual May Day held at the school on May 5 from 9am-1pm. If you decide you would like to have an opportuinty to open your mind, I will happily introduce you to the kids you think you will be seeing incarcerated in the near future. Please consider my offer.
Hey Beth,
“If you would like to become educated about the kids that attend John Archer, I would like to invite you to meet my daughter so you can spend some time with us and see what I am talking about. ” – No offense, but I don’t think I would allow that jack-ass around any child, let alone a special needs child.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Beth, I don’t think you should allow him near your child. Or any other child. At least not without close supervision.
Lawrence S. Limsky, I’m thinking about starting an investigation on you for abuse. You need a good ass kicking yourself. Get off the post you low life.
Lawrence, these are kids with disabilities, and I know, from personal experience, that John Archer does these things and more. In my son’s case, they put a helmet and face mask on him, all day, every day, so that he would not bite anyone – for the record, he had never bitten anyone in his life. Removing a child with a disability from the classroom is considered a restrictive procedure, by federal law, and there are many safeguards in place to limit this type of procedure – John Archer needs to start using some of them. It was a happy day for my family when my son went to another school, and I know of other parents who feel the same way.
Just because something is printed in the news doesn’t make it true. However, the situation should be investigated.
I think this lady needs to put up or shut up! I have a special needs child and it amazes me how people can come forward and make a blanket statement. HOW DARE YOU MAKE THAT ABOUT THE WHOLE SCHOOL. You are a piece of work. These are children who have special needs and you make a comment like that and paint every teacher with the same brush. You should be ashamed of yourself. Get out there and do something instead of talk. Child abuse is deplorable and there are special places in a hot place for these special people.
Did you read the remarks closely? It is clear that faculty and staff have witnessed illegal activity, but are intimidated into silence to report it. That does not seem to be a criticism of the teachers as much as a plea for the BOE to intervene in what was flagrantly described as ineffective school-based administration. Perhaps it is me that missed the point of the remarks…
the remarks are from her.
To any parent out there with a special needs child in any public school should take notice of what’s going on at John Archer. I’ve taught in Harford County for 10 years and overall this school system is very good at providing quality education to all students, BUT, this is NOT true at John Archer since the school was taking over by a person who has no passion for her job what so ever. John Archer used to be a great school to send your special needs child. Now I feel it has become a prison camp for our kids and their teachers. The teachers are good educators and nice people , BUT, when you have a leader like the one they have now you can be sure their attitude change for fear of losing their jobs.
The abuse that this child had happened to him was TOTALLY out of line and should have never made it this far. As far as I’m concedrned not only should the principle lose her job, BUT, so should some board members for NOT doing anything about it. If a board member had a situation like this you can bet their would be consequences within hours.
This principle thinks her shit don’t stink and wants the school to bend over and whip her ass. Lets see last year she parked in the handicap parking space and had to move her car because Harford Co. Sheriffs office came to give her a ticket. NOW she has her own parking space in front of the building ! NICE ! That was good discipline by a our Board of Eduaction.
To the parnet who thinks this letter is not true. Wait until it happens to your child or shall I say when you find out about it happening to your child(It probably already has)….SHUT UP !! Your probably the one how sends your child there to have piece for 7 hours and not for an education.
I seriously doubt that the school board would have ever heard about the parking situation. It is also very unlikely that the school board would get into the day to day operations of the school system. They hire a superintendent and other staff to do that.
Please read your post closely before posting. You are an embarrassment to yourself.
Lets make our voices heard and boycott the school this Friday and keep all of our children home. Empty buses and empty classrooms, someone will take notice!
Yes, this school is for children with disabilities — usually too severe of disabilities that they could not adequately participate in the standard school. Be that as it may, as as parent of a disabled child who did attend John Archer for summer and other activities, the Parent (Janice Wright) is referencing her own child’s situation and what she has witnessed or has public record to back up. When you have a disabled child, they cannot always speak up or defend themselves, and we have to rely upon the school staff and our own instincts as parents to ensure our children’s safety. The fact that abuse is allegedly happening — regardless of ANY kind of school — needs a thorough, impartial investigation immediately. This Parent contacted the school board and THEY should have responded; they should have given these parents the respect that they deserve to be heard and perhaps it could already be resolved or at least being investigated at this point. Its a group of parents, asking to be heard in an attempt to be reassured that their kids are safe and being treatly as they should be — wouldnt you do the same thing if it were your child? Of course, we all would. Clearly the Parent has attempted to get resolution, and the Board has ignored their request. This is of no surprise to me — the Board oftens ignores those issues which they dont want to dirty their hands with. The Board has a responsibility to each and every parent who has a child in this County, as does the Administration of the particular school!! Maybe if they were doing their job, there would be no accusations or question of what was going on, dont you think?
What I want to know is why are kids sitting in classes for over an hour. It seems to me there should be a break there at least.
So let me get this straight. John Archer can’t restrain the students, can’t call the parents, and can’t remove them from class? Seriously? So what exactly are they supposed to do? If my child is sitting in the same class as your child, and your child is acting up, why should he/she be allowed to stay in the classroom and disrupt my child’s education? I personally don’t see any physical harm in putting a child in the hallway until they calm down? And to be honest, how many of these parents send their children to learn, or simply to give themselves a break? How many times have you sat in the classroom and watched how your child behaves? I’m not condoning abuse of any kInd, I just dont see what the big deal is here. Removing a child from class is not abuse in my opinion.
Dear Yours Truly,
All the parents with children at John Archer School send them to school to learn. They don’t send them to school to “get a break”. The students have a right to an education like any typical developing student. Would you have them home schooled because they are disabled? I personally wouldn’t be able to teach my child the things she is learning at school with the amazing teachers, therapists and paraeducators she has had since she was 3 years old. The parents at John Archer are very involved in the education of their child, they have to be. You don’t know anything about the situation at the school and should keep your mouth shut.
Debbie Chapman,there is no need for the hostility! I simply stated MY OPINION as you are entitled to yours. I did NOT say EVERY PARENT sends their child for a break. YES, some do actually send them to learn. I also said I do NOT condone any kind of abuse of children. I simply stated that I personally do not consider these examples to be abuse.
The only people I need a break from are ignorant people that think special needs children are not entitled to the same rights as children without disabilities.
When did I say anything about special needs? Never once did I mention anything about children with special needs. My statements apply to all children.It just so happens that this article is about John Archer. The only ignorance here are the people who do not read my statements correctly and the ones who want to ASSUME children are being abused because of one persons claims. I also cant believe so many are bothered by the “need a break” statement. Like the old saying goes, if the shoe fits, wear it. If it doesnt apply to you, then why be so bothered?
Yours truly, this is a school for children with significant disabilities. This particular student is unable to speak. Federal law prohibits the use of physical or mechanical restraints, except for in emergency situation when there is a likelihood that someone might get hurt. In that even, the school is legally required to notify the parent of the restraint immediately, and to convene an IEP meeting to discuss safer alternatives to be used in future situations. Prone restraint cannot be used, as there have been deaths and other tragedies during prone restraint; it is even more dangerous with a child that cannot communicate that they are in physical distress/unable to breath.
Children with disabilities have a right to an appropriate education with peers; again, this is federal law. Seclusion and exclusion are considered to be restrictive procedures, because they have overused in the past, with children routinely removed from the classroom for long periods of time, and therefore denied their education. That is not to say it cannot ever be used, but there are strict procedures that must be followed, including parent notification and an IEP meeting to develop a more appropriate plan.
Use of gloves to prevent a child from pinching and helmets with face masks to prevent a child from biting are mechanical restraints, again prohibited by federal law, for all but the most extreme of situations. A child cannot learn with these types of restraints; a face mask prevents a child from seeing, and gloves prevent the child from fine motor activities. They cannot be used, according to federal law, without a doctor’s order and a behavior plan that includes a plan to fade them.
If you do your research, you will learn that children with disabilities have historically not had the same rights as other children. These laws were passed to protect the children, and to guarantee their right to an appropriate education. I removed my own son from John Archer, because of their inability to understand that my son had rights, and that they were violating his rights. Other parents do not have that option. I removed my son 15 years ago, and I find it alarming that John Archer is continuing to violate the rights of children with disabilities, as they did back then. This mother has every right to be upset. Her child was injured during a procedure that was illegal and unethical. The fact that the people who should be addressing this situation are ignoring her pleas further compounds this problem. John Archer, of all of the schools in Harford County, should recognize that these children deserve respect and dignity, and need to be educated in an environment without fear and degradation.
I am currently working with John Archer students and faculty. As long as I’ve been there, I’ve seen children get out of control, but have seen that in order to secure the safety of the other children, they get the child under control in the way they are trained to do so. I have not seen any kind of out of the ordinary behavior disciplining in any way. I know that everyone at John Archer is there for the children and to help teach them as they grow. The teachers are very good at their jobs, the principal is very nice and knows what she is doing, and the behavior specialists are very attentive to the children at all times. I have never seen anything like what was described, but I can say that if my child attended John Archer, I would want to make sure my child would not get hurt or injured from another student because of their misbehavior. I thank God for all the hard workers at John Archer that keep the school the way it is. I am proud to work at this Special Needs School and we do what we do each and every day for these VERY special children. John Archer may not be perfect by no means, but I know they certainly try to continue to do the best they can with every situation. Not sure what stirred the misbehavior up in this child, but obviously it was something to where they need to protect the other children around him. The children’s safety always comes first EVERY day at John Archer and I am very sorry that some of you feel the way you do about this school. But one situation is not going to ruin the future of John Archer and we will continue on with teaching these precious children as we are called to do. Sorry for the out of control situation you had to deal with, but I certainly hope that you can find forgiveness towards the person/people who had restrained him? I’m sure that they have learned from this experience. May things get better in the near future.
True Worker – If the principle was nice then why would she have a handicap vehicle move from her parking space on a saturday afternoon ? Was her hair going to be blown out of place ? You MUST be one of her sidekicks !!!
Sorry Scott, I’m not one of her side kicks and I wouldn’t take up for someone if I did not know them. I do believe that there has been a lot of changes made at JAS and that’s the whole problem. People want the school to be back the way that it was. But change happens for a reason! If you don’t like my comment, than don’t respond because I’m just speaking out of experience and everyone’s entitled to their opinions, right? Hope everything works out and the TRUE hearted and trust worthy people will stand! God will remove the bad ones and bring order into the school the way that it should be. I commend the principal for taking a stand and making changes. Some people don’t like it obviously! But if there are no changes than there’s no growth! It is needed for the children! Have an open mind and change of heart because it’s not about me or you, it’s ALL ABOUT THE CHILDREN!
True Worker, John Archer School does not have ANY behavior specialists on staff. They have a guidance counselor, a behavior TECH and they do not even have a psychologist there 5 days per week. There are only a couple of behavior specialists on staff with HCPS and none of them work at John Archer. They may be called in for a consult as needed. I find the comment about the principal being “nice” truly laughable! I DO agree with your comments that the VAST majority of the staff are wonderful with the students and care about them immensely. Current administration is destroying what has been an outstanding school for decades.
Than I guess you don’t know or see what goes on there everyday? I am there and we do have behavior specialists on staff all the time! Maybe you need to look into it a little further, because they’re always there to help when a child starts to get out of control! We are not to put our hands on any child, but we do need to care for the safety of all the other children!
True worker
I’m sorry, I must have missed your comment when you first posted because I just about fell out of my chair when you said that the principal was “nice”. Excuse me while I contain myself…….. but “nice!?”…really!? After following these posts for days concerning this story I cannot believe that anyone would describe the current principal as, “nice”.
True Worker- If you really do work at John Archer then you should know the kind of child Matthew Wright is. You should know that he is not a child that exhibits violent and dangerous behaviors. All the kids there have behavior issues….for the matter every kid, disabled or not, has a behavior issue…no kid is an angel 100% of the time, mine included. You obviously don’t know Matthew. And if the principal there is so “nice” why are you hiding behind the name of “True Worker” instead of using your real name? Are you worried about reprecussions? Are you worried about losing your job? I’m willing to stand up with my real name for something I believe in. Why aren’t you?
Beth, I don’t want to post my name on here due to people getting into my business or maybe cyber abuse. But I am so sorry to hear what is happening and has happened believe me. I can not believe that anyone of the faculty or staff members would just stand there as this incident happened? I don’t understand why someone did not step in any sooner and take up for Matthew? I’m so sorry to hear that it has gone this far without being addressed! It should’ve been done alot sooner. I hope that God cleans house and removes ALL the people who do not belong at JAS! Once again, we are all there for the sake of these wonderful and amazing children. They bless me each and every day and I could not imagine hurting one of them. No matter what the circumstance! It is just unacceptable! I have not been there long, but I can say that I have sensed a few people being kind of shady or shall I say caddy. You don’t know whether you can trust them or not and it shouldn’t be that way EVER! If someone is sending their child to school, I’m sure they want them to be safe and taken care of the best way possilbe. That goes for everything throughout the day up until they go home. Not one parent should have to worry about their child while sending them to school. It must be so horrible for Matthew and his Mom. I sure hope things get cleared up and that if she is not meant to be in this position, than may God remove her!!! And He shall send another that is suitable for the job:) Well, it was nice chatting with you Beth & I know everyone is entitled to their opinions, but obviously I have not seen behind the scenes; if you know what I mean? Have a good night and I hope the meeting tonight goes well! God’s favor!
As another parent of a JAS student I will stand behind Debbie Chapman all the way. All we want for our children is to be a part of society, to learn, and to be safe in that endeavor. Yes, it is difficult to handle some of the kids, but the teachers, therapists, etc are experienced, educated, and know our kids and how to handle them. Parents of “normally developing” students have issues in school too, I’m sure, but not to the extent that our kids do, and our kids can’t tell us what’s happening. I’m sad that it’s gotten this bad and had to become such a public issue, but maybe now something will get done. This is a wonderful school, with wonderful staff, students and parents.
Ms. Wright states that, “Finally, the work environment at this school continues to decline.” It seems that the top HCPS leadership is completely detached from what is really happening in their schools. Do they rely solely on second-hand information to evaluate school leadership and make decisions for the schools? I teach in a school with a (rapidly) declining work enviornment as well. Teachers also feel they have no voice. Beyond supervisors who come to evaluate teachers, we have yet to have HCPS leadership visit any of our classrooms to see what is really going on. I wonder if this is the same for John Archer.
I’m willing to bet that “they” (the BOE) doesnt rely on anything to make their decisions other than what’s cheap, easy and convenient for them. Just like they did with the redistricting, teachers pay/bonuses, etc. Clearly the teachers are left on their own, to do the best that they can but keep hearing “cuts, lack of funds, short-staffed” from the BOE as their excuses they hide behind when the schools scream for help. With the resources and income that this County has, its a disgrace!
I have no direct knowledge of this but I have been told that Dr. Tombeck has twice been scheduled to come to John Archer and twice he has cancelled.
I want to thank you all for your support. I want to address those who are either confused as to why I went public with this or why I find it so apprehensible that this school illegally restrained my son, dragged another child or that the administration continues to thumb their nose at MD laws.
First, I have a police report stating this school’s staff, school psychologist, behavioral specialist and physcial therapist suggested this restraint because my son sat down. He DID NOT strike out at anyone or try to hurt himself and never has. According to the police report they placed him in danger of “positional asphyxia. Compounded by the fact his head was elevated and he was non-verbal. Many children have died as a result of being placed into this position and even the police will not apprehend a suspect in this position.
Each of these “specialist” knew the ramifications of their part of the decision such as psychologist, emotional trauma; behaviorial specialist, the legal asspect; and physcial therapist, the physical injuries and yet they saw fit to follow through. I might add that I had agreed on the use of a wheelchair, understanding their time restraints.
After investigating further, I discovered they had been doing this since Sept.7 and never told me about it, even during an IEP meeting on Oct. 4th. He sustained a torn tendon in his shoulder as a result, as well as emotional trauma. I could have filed a civil suit, and probably won very easily however after some consideration I realized that decision would not have any effect on making this school safer for the remaining children. Call me what you want, but I couldn’t sleep knowing I did nothing to help the staff and children there. I know there are good staff there, but to be perfectly honest I can’t wrap my brain around the fact they did nothing to stop it. The AP watched this happen and actually defended it. This is why I decided to go public. I tried getting the BOE to meet with the parents that wanted to know what was being done and they refused and said they could only meet individually with parents. I emailed the BOE and they never responded.
The other reason for going public, to be honest, is that it is so appalling to me that a school can meet every definition of abuse and never be held accountable for it by those who prosecute. If I did this or you did this we would be charged with child abuse and yet our State’s Attorney Office refuses to prosecute. According to the MD General Attorney’s Office it is rare, if ever, that a State’s Attorney’s Office will prosecute without public outcry. Do I want the State’s Attorney’s Office to prosecute, YES. Do I want John Archer School to be a great school, YES. Do I think it can be? I’m hopeful and
I hope the staff gains some strength, groups together and comes forward as a group to help themselves. I appreciate the letter sent to me by the anonymous teacher, it reinvigorated me to continue to fight to make this school a better place for these wonderful children. I hope I addressed each of the negative comments and I hope this school will become a place where all children “truly experience success” and no child will ever be hurt again.
Janice, I no longer teach in Harford County, but I do know quite a few of the dedicated teachers and support staff that work at John Archer School. I commend the staff for the excellent work that they do day in and day out. To be a staff member at this school, one must be a person of great compassion and empathy. I can appreciate your upset and anger at what happened to your son but you go way over board in painting the entire school with the same brush. You have no idea the extreme fear that this staff contends with on a daily basis with the current principal. Members of the staff have repeatedly contacted their Union for help in dealing with the incompetent bully that the BOE has thrust upon them as their principal. Speaking up at this school only puts people in serious danger of losing their jobs…they have families themselves for whom they must think of before they act. Teachers, their Union, support staff and parents have spoken to many of the “higher ups” including the Superintendent only to be left frustrated with their apparent deaf ears! The only way for this school to become one of the best special education facilities once again is to get rid of the current prinicpal. This person and this person alone is the cause for what has happened at this school. There is no excuse for the Board to continue to keep this odius person as principal of the John Archer School.
Jeff, while I agree with you to a point, the individual people who restrained this child in a position that is well know to be dangerous are also liable. I do agree that the principal is largely responsible for many, if not most of the issues at John Archer, but no teacher or therapist can, in good conscience, place a child at risk, as happened in this case. In this day and age, this particular restraint has been known to kill children, and it is especially risky for a child that is not verbal. It is absolutely prohibited in any other school that I know of. That cannot be blamed solely on the atmosphere at the school, but I will agree that things at John Archer would likely improve significantly, if the principal were to be removed.
I completely agree, Jeff.
I agree. I am a parent of a JAS student and the current principal needs to be removed. The school is declining, it is becoming a hostile environment for staff, parents and students. The staff are, for the most part, wonderful people. The people that work directly with my daughter are amazing. There are incidents where people make unwise decisions. What happened with Janice’s son should have been addressed immediately, and it was allowed to continue because this woman is such a mess. I am so frustrated by the way this principal treats parents, especially in our last IEP meeting, and I’ve never once even seen her interact with a student.
Wow, I’m shocked that she even attended an IEP meeting. NEVER been to one of mine. Never interacts with anyone, won’t even attend functions in her own school, cancels dances, cancels awards ceremonies at night, blah, blah, blah the list goes on and on and on.
Momma Bear, This is so sad to hear;( I can’t believe that they would allow a person who does not have a heart for the well being of ANY child to be the principal? I just don’t understand what they were thinking! I can see if they wanted change, but not for the worse obviously. This is not just one or two people complaining about this woman, it’s quite a few! And I believe they need to be heard and deserve to have this evaluated further! Maybe call one of the news channels for the next meeting and than she can be exposed? Who knows maybe change will happen soon, real soon:) HOPEFULLY!!!
The HCPS Board neglects the special needs children just like they ignore the drug problem in the High and Middle schools. They present that Harford County has no problems. Maybe need new leadership in Harford County. The current leaders, school and government need to be removed. Lets vote no confidence in our officials.
I was sickened to hear what some of the parents had to say about what has been going on and that many of the teachers and auxilliary personnel were put on a “Gag Order.” This just perpetuates the idea that the school system has become about adults and not children. If the principal of this school is not accountable for the actions in her school then in a top down organization, the responsbility goes up and that would be to Dr. Tomback. He put principal in that position and he is ultimately responsible for making sure that operations are smoothly. Oversight and there is absolutely no reason he can’t meet with parents. If this is isn’t his job what is his job? He also made no attempt at the Board meeting to say anything conciliatory to any of the upset and outraged parents. I realize he can’t address specific issues but a leader would have acknowledged them.
Furthermore can’t quite figure out why some people are blaming a parent whose child has been injured for making this public. Why is she in this position in the first place? Don’t recall her blaming the school. Think I heard her say that morale is low and leadership poor. I have heard that from many other parents too. Head of Special Education only has so much authority and she has nothing to do with hiring the leadership in the school – again that is the Superintendent. I fear you may have to go outside the county to get help unless the Board of Education can compel him to act and at least talk to parents.
Dear Debbie,
You were spot on with your comments to Yours Truly who obviously has no idea about what he/she is talking & should keep his/her enormous pie-hole shut & so should Lawrence!
I would also like to add that if I really “needed a break”, I would try to figure out who Yours Truly is and drop off my child on your door-step. Furthermore, I would try to figure out where your kids went to school and enroll my child there (which I have every right to do under IDEA) just to really piss you off! At least Yours Truly had the presence of mind not to put a signature to the uneducated comment that he/she posted, but Lawrence odviously didn’t and now all of Harford County and perhaps beyond knows that he suffers from limited cerebral functioning.
In Ms. Wright’s defense, she tried to no avail to get the current administration to address this issue, and I believe her hand was forced to bring this to the public’s attention. I admire her courage, strength and perserverence and pray that she receives justice for her son. In her case, I believe fundamentally good people made poor/bad choices which are against the law and MSDE policy, and they should be held accountable; to what degree is not for me to say. I know that there are very good, hard working staff at this school who put in long hours at great personal sacrifice. I hope that their outstanding reputations are not dragged down by all of this. This could have been prevented had the allegations been addressed in a timely manner.
Don’t shoot the messenger – would just like more answers before coming to any conclusions. Did Ms Wright report her allegations to the HCSO or the Department of Social Services? If so there would have been an investigation – what were the results? Reading between the lines would seem to indicate that the State’s Attorney’s Office looked into this matter and decided there was nothing to prosecute. Of course this does not mean there was not a violation of school system policies. Did the school system investigate? If so what was the finding? Is it possible Ms. Wright is just not happy with the result?
The incident was reported to the HCSO. The matter was investigated. The student was examined by a doctor and found to be uninjured.
I have heard the same thing about the principal. Just a few years ago the staff worked with each to make it a better place for the students and didn’t mind going the extra mile. Ms. Wright’s comments have merit to at least investigate. These things didn’t happen three years ago.
How is it that the principal was able to take a person who was an instructional aide and make her a personal assistant. Talk about
mis-use of the school system’s money. Paying someone for a job that is not their job description is wrong. Who watches the person in charge?
Frank….your question is one that the staff would like answered. Apparently there are teachers at John Archer without an IA and still the principal is able to keep this person on as her personal assistant! The teachers and staff would truly like to know who “watches the person in charge” too, especially since I understand that she rarely comes in on time, is cruel to staff and indifferent to the students.
Regarding your other question concerning an investigation about Ms. Wright’s son, I believe an investigation was indeed conducted but was considered unfounded. Forgive me if I am wrong but that is what I heard…and from a good source.
Well said Malsie! I agree 100%
Is there a restriction on parents being in the building? If that was my child I’d be stopping by often and unannounced. It can be too much for one parent but it seems like out of 100 families you should be able to make it happen enough too make everyone aware that you could walk in at any time.
I understand that the teachers welcome their parents any time! It is the principal that has changed that.
How exactly has this played out? Are they forbidden to enter the building? Have the parents shown their ability to be tenaciously aggressive about coming in? Has anyone been specifically told that they are not welcome and have to leave the building?
As a parent of a current student at John Archer I can tell you first hand how this works….You are welcome to visit you child anytime, that is true. When you arrive you must go to the office and sign in…I have no problem with this, it is meant to keep the kids safe. Then the office staff use the intercom to announce to the teacher and staff that you are coming to the classroom. In order to get to your child’s classroom you must be escorted by a staff member. This policy was put into place after the current principal took office. This was not how it was previously. This is one example of why my faith and trust in the school has been so severely shaken. I personally spoke to the principal and I was told that they are working on revising this policy but as of yet I have seen no change. As a matter of fact, my husband stopped in today to say hi to our daughter and this is exactly the procedure that he was expected to follow. I hope that clearly and concisely answers your questions.
I’m just curious…why does it concern you that they are requiring parents visiting their children to be escorted to the classroom? There are a lot of security concerns with any school (and particularly with a school like JAS that’s full of special needs children) and I wouldn’t think it would be appropriate for any non-staff to be allowed to just wonder through the hallways unescorted. That seems like a reasonable requirement to me.
As for the rest of the allegations, hopefully they’ll be thoroughly investigated and changes and/or criminal charges are made as needed.
George…I do understand your line of thinking. I too want my child to be as safe as she can possibly be while she is at school and I want the school to do anything and everything to keep her safe while she is with them. My problem with this policy is that when you add it to the other “changes” I have seen there it takes on a very sneaky characteristic. It gives the appearance of wanting to give the staff a heads up, if you will, so things will appear “in order” when you get there instead of allowing you to see a true picture of what your child is doing. I may be being paranoid and reading too much into it but when it comes to your child, especially one that can’t speak, uses a wheelchair, needs her diaper changed, and is basically defenseless at the age of 17, you can’t be too careful. She was give to me and it is my responsibility to to ensure her safety and well-being as long as I am physically and mentally able to do so.
Thank you for taking your time to read and comment on this artice. And for putting your name on it. You give me hope that maybe there are people out there who give a **** about our kids, even though they may have no personal experience with anyone with a disability.
This policy and procedure that is in use at other elementary and middle schools in Harford County. I do not know how high schools and other counties do this. This is not unique to JAS.
One time this yea when I wanted to visit my son’s classroom at Archer, I was told I needed to wait until they finished their morning routines of settling in before someone would escort me down. I was made to wait for 30 minutes. If they are not concerned about what I am going to see, I should be taken to my child’s room within 5 minutes of making the request.
The school has great teachers. I only saw discipline for challenging behavior issues. Does your child still attend?? Sometimes parents get mad when the child is about to be kicked out for behavior and act crazy just to keep the child from getting kicked out… I hope this is not the case.
HCSO had matter investigated, parent didn’t like result. Staff and administration care deeply about students. Parents are welcome anytime, just sign in at office. Paras work, duties as assigned. Teachers instruct. Administration sets the guidelines sent from BOE. Substitutes are often parents. A gag order was not issued. Many parents feel harassed by one parent’s negativity. Many employees are unhappy with a boss. Some people live on gossip or over react. Facts !!
These are not the facts ! If so please tell me where you received your information so all of the parents can be updated..otherwise do not be part fo this forum without the evidence to back this up ! Do you have a child at John Archer ? If so then you should be wondering what is really going on. My child has been their for 14 years and the past 2 years have gotten progressively worse ! Enough said !!
Jeff, if the staff isn’t getting answers about the IA, that must mean the people at the top either don’t know or don’t care.
Maybe Ms. Mumby could ask the question since the staff hasn’t been answered.
How can the principal not be on time? Is she special?
Other building administrators walk in before or at least with their teachers. If this happened at another school, there would be an uproar by the staff.
I know that the staff would WELCOME Ms. Mumby or any other reporter to truly investigate what is happening at this school. She would find out the type of person that was given the postition of principal at this school…I was told that in her first year, she felt entitled to park in the handicapped spots because there were no designated parking areas for administration! It was only after she was given a ticket that she had vanity signs made for a parking spot. (I assume that the administration in years past felt that they were one with their staff members and didn’t need to have a “special place” set aside for themselves!) Oh, here is another good one that was told to me that further illustrates what this person is all about. John Archer School holds a Saturday, May Day fund raiser for their programs. I believe that the festival starts at 9:00 or 10;00in the morning. The principal did not show up until 1:00 in the afternoon! A parent of a handicapped child parked in her spot because it was a Saturday and all of the handicapped spots were taken and because she was not in attendance. Can you believe this…when she arrived, I was told that she HAD IT ANNOUNCED OVER THE PA THAT SOMEONE WAS IN HER PARKING SPOT AND TO PLEASE MOVE THEIR CAR!? She, the principal of a school for the handicapped had the audacity to have the parent of a HANDICAPPED CHILD move their vehicle so that she, with healthy legs and feet could park her car in front of the building!! She has no shame! My heart aches for the people who work under this tyrant. There are SO MANY stories to recount. This woman appears to have no leadership ability…possesses little to no interpersonal skills, the list goes on. Someone mentioned a gag order…yes, I understand that after the Superintendent visited last year he told the staff at a meeting to feel free to speak to him anytime throughout the day if they felt uncomfortable speaking to him before the entire staff. Apparently, several staff members did just that which made the principal angry. I heard that the next morning she basically told the staff that they were not to speak directly to him and that if they did, she would find out and deal with that person. People are afraid and NO ONE is doing anything about it!
Jeff has it spot on!!
I want to make sure that the facts are absolutely straight.
Ara, you asked about where my son attends school now. When I showed up at the school on Oct 14th, unexpectedly, I saw what they did to him. We removed him immediately. He then was placed on home/hospital for 4 months until assessments were completed and we visited/accepted into a non-public school. I will tell you, I offered to save the county $60,000 a year by sending him to a Baltimore County level 5 school, they refused, choosing to pay a lot more. My son could not go to another school. John Archer is the only level 5 school in Harford Co. so we had no concern about him getting kicked out.
I’m not sure who your reliable source is but they are mistaken. I noticed him favoring his arm at the end of Sept. but I just thought I was seeing things. I had no reason to believe there was an injury. Why would I have suspected the people I entrusted my son to on a daily basis would be doing anything to hurt him. Please don’t have me tell you about the strap shaped bruise we found on Sept. 7th. I did take him to the dr. right after but at that time I believed what the AP had told me, that they had “only been doing it for a week.” I later found out that she lied to me and they had been doing this since Sept., this would be according to their own documents. When I withdrew him I got to spend more time one on one with him, during assessments, therapies and home/hospital time. I realized I wasn’t just seeing things that he truly was favoring that arm. As a result I took him to see the orthopedist who then did an MRI and discovered he had received a torn tendon. According to our Ortho, the only way a child like my son would have a soft tissue injury would be by abuse.
You are right, I didn’t like the outcome. My son had been abused and no one would be held accountable! I asked questions, sought answers, got an education that I don’t want another parent of this school to ever have to deal with. If there are parents that feel harassed please tell them to contact me. I don’t want anyone feeling harassed. My only agenda is to make sure this school never hurts another child again and have to go throught the pain and guilt from (possibly) your administration.
I think that someone needs to do a thorough investigation into this school. As a John Archer bus employee I witnessed this event. Not just school staff but bus staff as well should be questioned regarding things they might have seen. We also feel fear for our jobs if we mention anything we see, but believe me, we see a lot. There is definitely problems with this school.
Dear Janice, You really don’t explain the use of the so called mechanical restraint. The “Tumble Form 2 Grasshopper” is the real name of the equipment. You can look it up , just type the name in google. There are great pictures, like page 6 in the manual. The only restraint is a soft cloth safety belt that goes over the base of the back, to keep the child from rolling off onto the floor. I guess in all of the excitement you forgot to mention this information. Everyone else can see for themselves.
Dear Hon, And you also forgot to mention that this piece of equipment is designed for therapeutic purposes NOT as a disciplinary restraint devise and transportation vehicle? Whether straps are soft (in this case Velcro) does not mean they are not potentially dangerous to the person being restrained. Your response is as selective as some people’s hearing.
The whole strap is soft material only the last 5 inches are velcro. Was placed across the lower back, is not a potential danger. Children enjoy this tumble form.
That there are only five inches of Velcro is of no significance. The point here is that the equipment was used for something other than what it was designed. Your contention that students enjoy using this equipment is irrelevant. These children would know nothing of it’s intended purpose which is therapeutic rehabilitation.
So what you are saying is that we must adapt and modify everything for these students, yet we may not use any device for anything that is not written in its manual. I guess all the kids in the county using ipads as communication devices should leave them at home as well. That is not the intended use for that device. No koosh balls to be used as fidget toys. No sign language and use of interpreters for students who are not deaf. Why would you make such a ridiculous claim?
Ok – What about the teachers that have been assaulted by students there? What is their recourse? I’ll tell you. A former teacher at Archer who was assaulted/injured by a student was put on paid medical leave and then retired to keep the teacher quiet regarding the incident.
I have a nephew that has been at Archer for the past 10 years – no problems. It has been a big help to him and his parents.
People who choose to work at John Archer work there knowing that these students are intellectually challenged and that many of them have behaviors due to their disabilities. They know that they are at greater risk of being injured by a student who probably does not understand that his/her action is going to hurt somebody. The staff have worker’s comp to take care of their injuries. I am actually appalled that you would even ask such a question. What do you think their recourse shoud be? To sue the parents of the student???
You are right! These children deserve a safe school, but their teachers do not deserve a safe work environment.
Just a note to people who don’t have a good idea of what our special needs children are like: learning goes on 100% of the time, even during breaks. What you might think of as a “break” is really a “different learning environment” ie how to bounce a ball back and forth, how to share, how to get excited in a game and then how to calm back down for work time, how to say hello in the hallway, how to walk appropriately, etc. These are all things most children learn at earlier ages. Special needs adults-in-training require more time to learn socially acceptable behavior. I am a special ed paraeducator in another school and have been bitten, kicked, struck, cursed at, gotten rignworm, and more. We are trained to restrain volatile children safely, and how to avoid this extreme option. Anger is not part of my repetoire in working with these children. They are doing the best they can with the compromised abilities they may have. Along with those, however, are extra abilities that we reward…kindness, sharing, playfulness. And we get through the unpredictable day, cherishing the occasional hug and smile.
Iminbelair, exactly! That’s why I teach these children. I’ve been hurt too – sort of a job expectation. I don’t take it personally. These are not juvenile delinquents. They are children with intellectual disabilities that make them unable to understand the consequences of their actions. My own son is like a 2 yr. old in an adult body – he has no idea that he has the strength of an adult, but his smile will melt your heart. Thank you for saying it so well!
This about a witch hunt for the current princple, some of the staff not all can not deal with change. When the current princle took over thier were many changes, some where bad but most were good and long overdue. JAS staff for the most part are dedicated professional but in all case thier some bad apple in any barrel. The school and the staff had become complacent, parents were allow to roam around the build unecorted which was and is a safety and security issue. This policy was enforced went a parent had to escorted out of the school because they became belligerent. Most the complain from the staff are the result of change the fromer Princple and Assit Princple had become complacent and certain staff member ran the school. So don’t beleive most of these comments.
In reply to “Truth”, I think you have missed the point of all of this but I know everyone is entitled to an opinion. An abuse DID happen with supporting documents from parents and sheriff’s department. That is a fact. Where there is smoke there is fire. There has been abuse against a few students (fact) and even abuse of some of the staff who are threatened with the loss of their jobs (fact). This is not a “witch hunt”, this is a safety issue making sure staff are doing thier jobs in an appropriate manner and are responsible for their actions, both good and bad. As a parent, it is our job to protect our children. Why wouldn’t you ere on the side of caution? You don’t have to “believe most of these comments” but you do have to educate yourself about the problems. You can’t put your head in the sand and then expect help later on if something would happen to your child. As far as the “belligerent” parent you are referring to, I know nothing about this but I will say, any parent has the right to check in on their child.
I guess its time to comment:
I was a paraeducator at john archer from 2005/2010 before i was layed off and witnessed a few things and here are just 2
1: in the fall of 2009 when said princapal came into power she started to park in the vistors spot in front of the school( close to the front door)for a period of time and the parents of the children had to walk a great distance. Then one rainy day in sept/oct she had the balls to park in a HANDIECAPPED SPOT.this lasted a few hours then i called 911 because she had no handicapped tags.the police came and had her remove her car or get a 200$ ticket. she moved her car and later got her own spot out front by removing a vistors spot.I later got accused and repremanded ( finally got layed off) 2:thoughout that school year ( in my opinion )she ruled that school like a warden . 90 of the staff were intmidated and feared for their
jobs but contiued to do a terrific job.
comment: please ignore the spelling and grammer.
Check your “facts”. the HCSD determined that there was no abuse and the case was closed.
You should actually go back to school yourself and learn how to spell PRINCIPAL. WOW, I sincerely hope you are not teaching any children in the county. Atrocious use of the English language. This is not a witch hunt but in fact the truth. Truth will prevail.
Hey “Down with Dr.” – Are you being paid by the principle to make these comments or is this really the principle herself ?” Get a clue !!!!!!!
PRINCIPAL. Did you ride the short bus to school? or did you even go to school?
SO inappropriate, do you get that everyone in this school rides the short bus?
No, I am not the principal, but I know how to spell it and if you read all my posts you would know that I want the principal removed.
So NOT true! Nothing positive has happened since the current principal took over.
There have been NO good changes since the current principal has been there! There has been a steep decline in the honesty and trustworthiness at the administrative level since she has been in charge. The staff are unhappy but fear for their jobs! Parents are constantly deceived and lied to by administration.
Bottom line is – nothing like this has EVER happened with past administrations. Clean house and start over, problem solved!
It’s been a few years since I worked at Archer as an IA, but I do remember 1 staff member with several tattoos who was pretty rough with some of the students. I got tired of his sexual harassment towards me and other females on staff, so I transferred to another school. Hope he’s still not around.
Any time a topic like this comes up, it gets very emotional and heated. The issue most parents have with our kids at JAS is that we place a great deal of trust in our teachers, they are essentially the eyes and ears for our children, since most of the students do not speak or have limited vocabulary. Obviously, the issue needs to be investigated by an outside, independent, department, not Harford County Public Schools. While I place a great deal of trust in my child’s teachers, as parents, you need to fight for what you think is right, and Janice Wright is doing just that. I do agree that the current administration has hurt morale, and just hope that a change will come.
I believe that there are 2 distinctly seperate issues being discussed here and they are mixing together and that is causing some confusion. One is the incident that involves Janice Wright’s son. The other is the concerns the parents and staff are expressing regarding the administration and the school environment. Yes, each one has something to do with the other but each issue has a seperate solution/resolution. If Janice receives “justice” for her son it doesn’t change the way the staff at the school are being treated and it doesn’t improve the environment at the school. Conversely, if the current administration is replaced it does nothing for Janice or her son.
Personally, I believe that being the parent of a special needs child can be a very isolating and lonely journey. I want the parents to support and encourage each other while we each address our own issues and try to improve things for all of our children, no matter if it is for all the kids at John Archer or just Matthew Wright. I want to see the parents and staff come together for the good of our children. And this is why I am doing what I am doing.
The actions of the staff are being DICTATED by the tryrant who is the current principal of John Archer. Staff fear not doing exactly what she says because she is a very vindictive woman who will throw EVERYONE on the bus and lie as easily as she breathes, before she will take responsibility for any wrongdoing!
Meant to say the principal throws everyone else UNDER the bus.
I do not have a child in any Harford Co Public school yet, however when I was told about the incidents occurring at John Archer, I was appalled and saddened. Since HCSAO declined to prosecute, I enlisted some assistance elsewhere and was pointed in a few directions. When these didn’t pan out, I took the anonymous letter from staff and basically begged Councilman “Captain Jim” McMahan to get involved and assist. He has assured me that this is being looked into at a “high level” and for the sake of the children, I hope we get results.
Chris, I hope it’s for the sake of the staff too! They have been seeking help for THREE YEARS and no one is listening. You cannot imagine the mess that the current principal has foisted upon this staff of dedicated and hard working professionals. This is not a witch hunt…it is the truth of the situation and all problems are a direct result of poor leadership and the bullying tactics that she employs.
Chris, I hope it’s for the sake of the staff too! They have been seeking help for THREE YEARS and no one is listening. You cannot imagine the mess that the current principal has foisted upon this staff of dedicated and hard working professionals. This is not a witch hunt…it is the truth of the situation and all problems are a direct result of poor leadership and the bullying tactics that she employs.
I have substituted at JA over the years. Never have I seen a child mistreated. Staff and New/Old administration are wonderful. But a few staff have their own agenda instead of working together. You learn a lot from day to day assignments. Like for instance staff get along, but a few stab each other in the back by meanness, gossip and cruel intentions. If they don’t like someone, they wont support them even if its for the good of the school. Many (90%) love their job and work hard for the students are tired of being pulled down by the negative actions of a few. I feel sad for those few that are so miserable with their own lives they bring it to the job. Maybe the morale could change if the many stopped listening to the few. Surely, a change from negative to positive outlooks would appear. I also recall that the past principals weren’t very popular during change.
I never heard a parent or staff member question whether Rod Ewing or Mary Mesick had their hearts in the right place for the best interests of the students and staff and I have heard NO ONE say ONE KIND WORD about the current principal in whom I have seen no evidence of a heart!
You are soooooooo right ! They were “true” to John Archer and had their hearts in the right place.
Here’s another look at the current Principal. For the first time since the John Archer Alumni Association was formed back in 1985, their annual dance at JA has been CANCELLED. No reason given……..since I called the school to ask about the cancellation. I never received a phone call back from the Principal. I then emailed her, as well as the 2 people who she “answers” too. I even offered to assist in any way that I could to see that the dance was not cancelled. Again……no one returned an email. She has NEVER attended one of these Alumni dances to see firsthand how important they are to the graduates. Guess she’s too busy having “vanity plates” made for her parking space! I thank my lucky stars that my son attended John Archer while there was a caring Principal … heart goes out to the staff there at present.
Too busy fighting her tickets
Abingdon dear,
What are you talking about!?…the few!? What few? It seems that it is the MAJORITY of staff and parents that are so unhappy and disgusted with the current principal. Excuse me for being incredulous but are you blind and deaf to what is happening around you at John Archer!?
Do you think that I have spoken to only two or three people from there!?
She doesn’t understand our concept of “family” at John Archer. Our children attend this school for up to 15 years. Sometimes with many of the same staff. We all watch our children grow up together. We cry together with illness and death, we laugh together with accomplishments no matter how small. Meanness and tyranny have no place there. We’ve lost so many good, caring teachers, and always fear losing more. It takes special people to teach our kids, and they are few and far between, so we want to keep the ones we have. We want our kids to be safe, happy and cared about. That’s all we want…
You are 100% correct! AMEN, sista.
To: True Worker
I am 20 years old and as long as Matthews been alive he has not been a harmful child in any way shape or form. The things you goons are accusing my 13 year old brother of is appalling. You people don’t know him. Maybe ya’ll should get your facts straight before saying something that makes you look stupid. He wouldnt hurt a fly. He is the size of an 8 year old. If you are seriously scared of an 8 year old then maybe you should change professions. If you work at John Archer then you should ask around about matthew. Anyone will tell you what a kind natured little boy he REALLY is…
You go, big sister.
Matthew’s Sister, I have never once said anything about Matthew’s behavior or insinuated that he was a bad child. I wouldn’t do so because I believe that all the children at JAS are very special and they all deserve to be treated fairly. I’m so sorry this has happened to your brother and surely hope that justice is served! As for the principal, I guess I don’t know her that well to actually say that she is NICE!!! Sorry for saying that word because it’s seems to have struck a lot of nerves on here! But I haven’t been there long and don’t have to deal with her, so I have only spoken with her a few times myself. But as for Matthew and ALL the other special children at JAS, I hope that their safety should never be in question in any way! This is not fair for them. They deserve to be treated fairly no matter what the circumstance or situtation. No one in their right mind would’ve stood around while this horrible incident took place! If I was there, I would’ve stood up for him no matter if I lost my job or not! I believe in standing up for what is right and if the staff and other faculty members did than I have to say geez! I’m just shocked! Because I can’t see anyone standing around while this was happening! It’s appauling for sure and I know I wasn’t there, thank God because I probably would be in jail for beating her a**! I’m sorry but when it comes to those children, no matter who they are or where they come from, they ALL deserve the best chance each and everyday to succeed! I’m sorry if you took my comment the wrong way, but I certainly didn’t mean to say anything about Matthew personally! I’m sure he’s a great kid and I don’t even know him, but I have to say that he has a beautiful family who loves and cares for him and what happens to him. Props to you and your Mom for doing the right thing here 🙂 I’m glad someone has stood up for what’s right and hopefully justice will be served soon! Than no one will have to ever worry about anything like this ever happening again! Hope the next meeting goes well for you guys! Keep us all posted please:)
Monday, March 26 @ 6:30pm is the next Board of Education meeting. The meeting will be held at the AA Roberty Building located at 102 South Hickory Ave in Bel Air. It is directly across the street from the parking garage. I will be speaking again and I would encourage anyone who is supportive of John Archer’s administration being replaced to attend. You will not be asked to speak or identify yourself (unless you want to). I would just like for you to stand up in support while I speak. I want the Board to see that this isn’t just a handful of individuals on a “witch hunt” but rather a large, diverse group of caring and concerned people who want to see John Archer return to being a wonderful, productive place to learn and filled with staff that are honored and rewarded for their dedication and commitment to our kids.
Hi Beth,
Now you’re talking! You must get all the parents, friends and neighbors that you can to come and support you and to encourage as many that are willing to, to speak up and see that this principal is replaced! I know that you will have the prayers of the John Archer staff with you as you fight this good fight! I am certain that if the teachers and support staff were not afraid for their jobs, they would be in attendance as well.
Thanks. I don’t want anyone to endanger their job and I know the staff would come if they felt safe enough. At the next meeting I want the fire marshall to be called because we have exceeded the capacity of the room. LOL I have no intention of stopping until my daughter’s school is back to the way it should be…open, inviting and safe for everyone, students and staff alike. Any and all support or encouragement, public or private, is greatly appreciated.
Beth, what happen to your child while at school ?
Bel Air Mom- My daughter’s time at John Archer has been relatively uneventful since she started attending John Archer slightly before her third birthday. She is now 17 years old. She has had a few injuries, mostly minor but 2 were significant, one of which she ended up in the ER for. I don’t believe any of her injuries involved wrong-doing on the part of the staff, they were true accidents. Things like this happen to all kids, not just kids with disabilities. I have had issue with only one of her teachers. My daughter was due to move up to the next grade level and I specifically said I did not want her to be placed in a certain teacher’s classroom and yet she was. I decided to give it a chance but things were not what they should have been so I started documenting my butt off. When I felt I had enough documentation (most of which was directly from the teacher herself) I went to the principal and requested my daughter be placed with another teacher. She reviewed my documentation (which she kept for over 2 weeks, and I had made copies of everything so I could prove if anything was changed or lost) and placed my daughter with another teacher. Within a month the first teacher had the rest of the class taken away from her and she was moved to a position where she didn’t have responsibility for any students. This teacher had been complained about in the previous year and nothing was done. Her classroom looked like a cell block. There was nothing inviting or colorful or engaging on the walls. She taught using PowerPoint. I discovered, only because my Mom went to visit the classroom, that my daughter didn’t have a desk to work at. My daughter uses a wheelchair and her chair didn’t fit under the desk in the classroom. My Mom and a staff member went thru the school building and found a table that she could fit under and had it brought to the classroom. Doesn’t that seem like a no-brainer? What a novel concept…a child having a functional desk in school. This teacher also placed a child (not mine) in a “time out” for 3 hours. This student was placed behind a partition type moveable wall in the classroom and left there. During my daughter’s 4 months in this classroom she developed a behavior in which she would injure herself. She started slapping herself on the right side of her face. She would repeat this behavior to the point where she would give herself a black eye and her ear would bleed. I took her to several doctors to see if they could find a physical reason she might be doing this. She had no ear infections, no strep, no tumors, no visual changes, no physical reason we could find. I would pull her hair back thinking that maybe her hair is bothering her and causing this, no luck. I had her hair cut short and again, no help. This behavior started, in my opinion, because my daughter was not being engaged with or interacted with by her teacher so she did what she had to in order to gain attention and be interacted with. It has taken several years but this behavior has finally began to subside. I was happy that this teacher was no longer responsible for my daughter and I’m glad she isn’t at John Archer anymore but I am sad that she is now someone else’s problem at another HCPS. I admire and respect all the staff at John Archer. The teachers, para-educators, and support staff my daughter has had (with the one exception) have all been wonderful. I would name names but I don’t want to cause them any grief at school but they know who they are. They know how much I adore them. Since Dr.Montgomery came into the school the staff has become more distant. They are more reserved and not as excited as they once were. My daughter had been treated like she was their little sister but now she is treated like a student. Don’t misunderstand, I know they still care about my daughter but you can tell things are different and they act more business like. This is working with human beings, how can you be expected to be business like when you have to be so intimately involved with someone. The staff becomes a member of your family. They are just as excited as I am when my daughter masters a new skill and are just as scared and concerned as I am when she is sick. When your child can’t talk and has a very limited ability to communicate, needs to be fed because she can’t do it herself, needs to have her diaper changed because she doesn’t know how to use the toilet, is scared after she has a seizure, you want the people with her to care about her as a person and not see her as a job to do until the bell rings at 3:00pm. You want your children to be loved and cared for by others just as you love and care for them. They know her as well as I do and as a mother, that is priceless.
So you are saying that other than a problem a few years ago, the only problem now is that the staff seems more professional. They still care and are concerned for your daughter in the same way and don’t abuse her. But are just not as personal as you would like. Then why do you make it sound so awful to the public about the school. Because the administration is not warm and fuzzy. Do you realize that staff are all upset and stressed out because one parent has a complaint (valid or not) and the others don’t really have complaints other than personality clashes. Staff are afraid of the school being shut down because of the mass hysteria. It’s sad that some staff have the students now or previously of the parents that complained at the board meeting, do a great job but now think the media has painted them as abusers and they are suffering. And the person who wrote the letter, maybe they are a little disgruntled and don’t realize the pain they are causing their coworkers.
pec-I cannot tell by your post if you are a staff member, parent, or someone not associated with John Archer….and it doesn’t really matter….the fact of the matter is that if you are a staff member or parent you must be new to this community because you don’t understand that the staff at the school is not staff to the parents. They become trusted family members. They have knowledge I don’t have because they have been working with these children for more years than I have had my daughter. I have known some of the people at John Archer for 17 years. These are not casual acquaintances, these are people who I look to for advice about my daughter. These are the people I turn to when I need guidance. They are people I have grown to trust and admire. And I will always stick up for my family….those I am related to by blood, marriage, or life’s experiences. You can ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you I will do anything I can for anyone I can. That includes the staff that cares for my daughter. I have spoken to numerous staff members over the past few years. I can no longer stand by and watch wonderful, caring, thoughtful staff continue to leave the school. I can no longer stand by and see the staff that remains become more disgruntled and frustrated with the current administration. I will do whatever I can to help them improve their situation so they can again be the effective educators they want to be. It is the least I can do for them considering all they have done for me and my daughter. And I do realize that there may be some staff and parents at John Archer that are happy with the current state of things but I feel certain that what I am trying to accomplish is what the majority of the staff and parents want. We all should stand up for what we think is right and that is what I am doing. We live in a country that allows for differing opinions and this is mine and you are entitled to your opinion as well. I have no ill will towards you, I just disagree with your position. We think we should agree to disagree and I wish you well.
Beth, I don’t disagree with the fact that the staff are wonderful, they go above and beyond. But I think your message to the board and other statements sounded more like accusations of abuse towards the whole staff, then just not liking or agreeing with the administration. I just don’t want to see the staff hurt thru inaccurate statements and opinions. Such as the student placed in a time out was done recently by a current staff member with the current administration. It just seems to have gone a little to far. I wish you and your family well also. 🙂
I absolutely hate to bring this up but I fear that this may be an issue as to why nothing has been done about the current principal in this school. If you have read the articles and all of the comments to date, then asked yourself: Is this a male or female principal? Is this a black or white principal? Is race an issue as to why nothing has been done to date? I pose these questions because I DO think this is relevant in this day and age. What if I told you this principal is a white male?…a black male?…a white female?…a black female? Would there have been disciplinary steps already taken based on gender and race? For those that are not aware, this principal is a black female. Be completely honest with yourselves and review the entire situation again. Could this be WHY nothing has been done after three years of complaints? Last point: take a look at the surveys on the web site under Harford County and then John Archer. Go to the Summary page and view the results regarding the Leadership. If this alone is not telling about what it is like to be an employee in the JAS environment, I don’t what else is!! Look at the JAS percentages compared to the State and County, plus MD Specialty school level. Amazing. I am sorry but I think we all know that if this principal was a white male, there would have been a change instilled already. It’s not easy in our current times to fire a black female, especially in a government position. I wish both the parents and their children, along with the JAS employees, a successful resolution and immediate change which means replacing this current principal with a compassionate, caring, and team-focused person—–regardless of gender and race. Respectfully, A Realistic Father and Citizen in 2012
Certainly an interesting perspective and yes, you are right that this is, unfortunately, part of the bigger picture in this situation. I have been reading everything this week and must say, it is refreshing that someone is willing to enter in this view. I would agree that the solution is immediate change regardless of race and gender. It is what it is and I only hope, like you, that the masses of people(children, parents, staff) finally have their concerns fall on attentive ears. Well said realisticparentin2012!!
Now it’s a race thing?
No Questionthefactsplease!….this is a child abuse “thing” to use your word. Are you kidding me? I think the point is valid. These parents place a tremendous amount of trust in a school like John Archer. It take a very special person to work at John Archer and truly care for these terrific kids. The last thing the children and the employees need is someone at the principal’s level who shows very little compassionate and concern for both. So to further address your comment…of course race is a factor. Otherwise, ANY OTHER principle who exhibited this type of behavior would have been removed from the school years ago. Face reality…there are quota positions in all government organizations. I know because I myself am a black female working in a government position that became available as a result of gender and diversity staffing goals (i.e. quotas)…or would it make you feel more comfortable if I used the term African-American woman. Either way, the far more grave issue is the health and well-being of our children…period.
Beth, So your child was not abused at school. The papers and this blog network made it sound like someone hurt your child. Glad your daughter is safe and ok.
Did she answer your question?
No she did not.
Just a thought…for parents and supporters who will attend the BOE meeting, make sure that you take original copies of the Aegis papers that have this story printed on the front page, copy this string of Dagger comments and hand it all to each person on the Board including the Superintendent to read. Also, I understand that this was reported on WXCY as well. Call and ask for an official transcript of that broadcast and include this as well. Perhaps that will make them all take notice…no one can then say, “I never read or heard that”!
How would taking copies of this blog and other info help with the original problem. Her statements are a different problem for her alone. Police closed the case. So far reading this blog, the other parent’s children are safe. the other main complaint is a dislike of the principal. I hate my boss, so do a lot of other employees. But because they don’t have a endearing personality is no reason to fire them.
Just a question, here is just an answer. This is so much deeper than dislike of a boss.
Just a question, here is just an answer. This goes so much deeper than mere “dislike” of a boss. (that would be easy) This concerns the demoralization of an entire staff of professionals and para-professionals who have sought help for three years from the central office through their Union and through other proper channels. This concerns the anger of parents who have complained to the central office about this principal but to no avail. This concerns the lack of professional respect from the principal towards her own faculty…this has nothing to do with “change” as many posts have suggested. It hurts to sit by and see old friends belittled by someone in authority who has little to no teaching experience…seriously lacks interpersonal skills…displays intimidation as a leadership quality and truly frightens her staff with the loss of their jobs. I left HCPS because of a similiar experience in another school.
My thought about presenting the articles just might “wake up” the BOE into recognizing that perhaps, just perhaps, the parents and staff may indeed be correct and make the change in administration that they so rightfully deserve.
Oh I’m sorry, I thought you worked at John Archer. But you don’t, so your opinion doesn’t count. Only staff and parents can say what’s going on. Everything you have blogged is just hearsay or a guess. If you are not actually there then stay out of it. Shame on you.
Just a question,
Really!? Shame on me!? Really!? To have an educated opinion is rather an American strength, don’t you think! To want to help and support friends is wrong in your world!? To understand what is going on because I have been there…albeit at a different school, but the tactics or rather lack of any response of the central office remains the same. Since parents and staff have spoken to me directly and expressed their frustrations, I think I have a rather good stance on which to state my “opinions”. And you?
Actually… a taxpayer I am allowed to have an opinion too!
You are correct everyone is entitled to an opinion. You were not there,so its not facts just hearsay.
Sorry for your confusion. have a nice day 🙂
Hello Just a Question:
No I am not confused… I have stated my “opinion” based on facts as presented by staff members and parents. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens. Hopefully, the BOE will move in the right direction.
Like I said third party hearsay.
Apparently, this is what you fervently wish.
You must be cyber troll, or more like a fool.
To remove the John Archer principal would mean that our current Superintendent made the wrong call with his appointment. He has made several poor selections in recent administration positions. He seems to favor leaders that like to intimidate and bully their staffs. What happened to the wonderful HCPS system so many of us once experienced?
Kathleen…it’s dead in the water!
The next BOE meeting will be on Monday, March 26 @ 6:30pm at the AA
Roberty Building, **Please note: For those visiting the new Harford
County Public Schools Administration Building – the Post Office
address of the building is 102 S. Hickory Avenue, Bel Air. However,
the public entrance to the building is off of E. Courtland Avenue, Bel
Air, adjacent to the E. Courtland Avenue entrance/exit of the Bel Air
Town Parking Garage** I will again be speaking to the Board asking
for them to replace the current administration at John Archer. I am
asking for everyone who is supportive of this change to please attend
the meeting. I am again taking my kids to the meeting. I think it would be powerful if the BOE saw lots of John Archer students and staff in the room. But I also know that many are fearful of retribution and I understand that. Everyone needs to do what they feel is best for their family. If you do not attend the meeting, please be sending positive thoughts our way while we are there. You can also watch/listen to the meeting on the web. As soon as I find out the exact website/details, I will post them here. If you do come to the meeting, you will not be identified or asked to speak, but you are certainly welcome to do so if you want to. I will be asking everyone to stand up while I speak as a show of numbers for the BOE. So far I know of at least 30 people who have told me they will come and stand. I hope we have so many people come to support this change that the Fire Marshall will show up because we will have exceeded the capacity of the room. LOL How great would that be?
I agree something needs to be done with the new principle.however a lot of these issues have been going on for years,before she even started.I have heard the phraise makes you wonder whats going on at home about every child in that school by every teacher,the staff have able to get away with things for so long that they don’t know how to listen,I’ve seen wher they have placed certain children who were extremely hard to manage with people that it only took common sense to realize they couldn’t handle them to get rid of them ,I’ve seen children who were set off on purpose just to make someone’s day a little rougher,and that so called behavior team pick and choose when to be helpful.There needs to be a outside source to come in and clean that school up.This school has gotten away with things for far to long and it’s time to make this school aware that we the parents are not gonna tolerate it any longer.My heart goes out to you ladies as well as my prayers.
Go away little girl