From the Larry Smith for Congress Campaign:
Today Larry Smith, Republican candidate for Congress in Maryland’s Second District, announced that he is deeply disappointed that fellow candidate Nancy Jacobs is refusing his challenge to debate. Mr. Smith believes it would be appropriate to put her picture on the sides of milk cartons sold within District Two.
“Republican Presidential candidates have already debated 19 times. Refusing to debate for a congressional race ultimately disrespects the voters who must select their district’s best candidate. Why can’t she make the time?” asked Smith. “What is she afraid of? What’s she hiding?”
Last week Smith proposed a series of issue specific debates for MD-02 candidates in the weeks leading up to April 3rd’s primary. The only candidate not to accept Mr. Smith’s challenge was Nancy Jacobs. Accordingly, Smith has released a mock-up of a milk carton showing Ms. Jacobs MIA.
“One thing’s for sure: our nominee will have to go toe to toe with Congressman Ruppersberger this fall. So voters should be questioning whether Jacobs’ refusal to debate effectively renders her a de facto TKO,” stated Smith. “One need only look as far back as Republican Presidential candidate Governor Rick Perry to see an example of a competent state incumbent who was overwhelmed by the broad scale of issues related to national governance and international relations. I mean it’s as if Ms. Jacobs is saying we’ll have to elect her first in order to see what she’ll do.”
There are 49 days left until the primary. So far, Anne Arundel County’s “Free State Patriots” is hosting a MD-02 congressional candidates’ forum on February 16th at the Brooklyn Park Library at 7 pm (Lee Havis,, 301-589-1127 or cell, 240-481-1566). Then, central Baltimore County’s 42d District Republican Club is hosting MD-02 candidates in a forum on February 25 at Lutherville’s Knights of Columbus Hall. It begins at 9 am (Julianne Grim at 410-967-7229 or Next, on March 8th, Howard County’s League of Women Voters is hosting a Maryland congressional candidate forum at Ellicott City’s George Howard Building beginning at 7 pm. Their forum will be broadcast live by GTV, rebroadcast, and hosted online (Alice Giles / Betsy Grater at 410-730-0142 or Finally, East Baltimore County Republican Club President Ric Metzgar (443-622-7647 or and club Vice-President (and Baltimore Republican Central Committee Member) George Krach (443-610-8921 or are in the process of organizing a “Grand Finale” debate for MD-02 candidates sometime in late March. They hope to host the debate at either Dundalk or Essex Community College and are inviting district newspaper editors to field questions to the candidates.
Candidates Ray Bly, Vladimir Degen, Rick Impallaria, Howard Orton and Larry Smith are looking forward to each event. Last week Mr. Smith sent a letter to each candidate asking them to agree to debate. Jacobs was the only candidate who declined.
Every single citizen of the 2nd congressional district should be outraged at Senator Jacobs due to her quick dismissal of debate participation. She has plenty of time to attend campaign fundraisers plus meet and greets. When it comes to publically interacting with Lieutenant Colonel Larry Smith –, Delegate Impallaria, and the other candidates, Mrs. Jacobs is unwilling to satisfy the desire of the 2nd district constituents who want to hear what qualifies her to run and defeat the incumbent. Senator Jacobs is disingenuous when she makes the claim of her unavailability to participate in even one debate due to her heavy workload in Annapolis. I repeat, she has been out and about at many campaign related functions. If this is any indication how long-time politician Jacobs will treat the 2nd district residents, insulting their intelligence, my response is caveat emptor…..
larry already reminds me of what dutch is a d!*khead.
by the way why no debates in harford co?
Nancy Jacobs is a coward for not engaging in thoughtful debate with other candidates.
It is obvious that Larry Smith has his campaign flooding these message boards. Nancy is the only legitimate candidate. Larry has raised no money and can not take on Dutch in an election.
In regards to the debate, Nancy has no need to debate Larry or Rick. SHe will take the primary no problem. She is focused on two things (from what I can tell) serving her constituents in Annapolis and defeating dutch. 8 – 1 hour debates is a ridiculous challenge that any smart candidate would turn down. That drains time without providing enough time to get in depth with any issues. With the number of people in the race each candidate would get around 10 minutes to speak. How is that worth it? This is a publicity ploy by Larry Smith. LAME!
WHat need do they have for depth. Larry and Rick can only recite talking points and sound bites which takes a few seconds!!!!!
Aaha! There’s that magic word again – MONEY!! No one can win against NJ because she has more “money”! Wonder who gave her all this money? Remember – The candidate with “money” gets it from those in POWER who want to keep that power (and control). Beware. She’s just a puppet.
Actually, they are within about 5k of each other in terms of total raised.
Larry is a big government liberal masquerading as a conservative. He proposes increased spending and government intrusion in head start and education. His main concern is not the deficit or taxes but saving government programs. He is the exact opposite of a conservative. I heard him speak at the Route 40 GOP Club last week and I was not impressed. He could not debate the members of our club and he should be careful challenging others to debate. He could not defend his increased spending mentality. He thinks just like BUSH and that is bad for our country at this juncture.
There is no way I can vote for him. i feel like he has forced me to support Jacobs.
Fax from the future: Dear Me, I learned a valuable lesson. CD2 voters are not gullible and despise petty negative campainging. I will focus on the true problem, the Democrats next time. I will apologize for misleading CD2 voters.
The last fellow wasn’t me. Here’s my plan, what’s hers?
Upon Swear-in, I will Co-Sponsor or Introduce Legislation that Promotes:
1. Embracing North American Energy: HR 909 (Roadmap for America’s Energy Future); HR 1380 (Natural Gas for Transportation Solutions Act); and HR 3548 (North American Energy Access Act)
2. Replacing the Affordable Care Act with tort reform; interstate health insurance exchanges that have no minimum insurance policy mandates for small businesses or religious institutions; high-risk pools for pre-existing conditions; family plans for kids under 27; no IPAB; and no CLASS Act, etc.
3. Reducing America’s Corporate Tax Rate: HR 609 (American Competitiveness Act)
4. Right-Sizing Government: HR 1782 (Reduce Government Waste and Duplication per GAO Report) and picking from Senator Tom Coburn’s over $9 trillion deficit reduction menu, “Back in Black”
5. Reigning in the Alternative Minimum Tax: HR 3747 (Increase the AMT Exemption Amount and Index it for Inflation)
6. Ending Illegal Immigration by mandating E-Verify (HR 800) and allowing illegals with employer sponsors the opportunity to work off $5,000 illegal entry fines and become taxed guest workers
7. Attracting/Retaining High-Skilled Immigrants: HR 399 (Stopping Trained in America Ph.D.’s from Leaving the Economy (STAPLE) Act)
8. Allowing American Companies to Freely Expand within America: HR 1976 (Job Protection Act)
9. Fully Auditing the Federal Reserve: HR 459 (Federal Reserve Transparency Act)
10. Ending Hyper-Partisanship by instructing members of Congress, “No budget, no pay!” (HR 3643)
11. Requiring 60% Bi-Cameral Majorities to Pass Deficit Spending: House Joint Resolution #2
12. Establishing Term Limits that no reasonable person can oppose: House – 20 years; Senate – 30 years
2 – You support the idea that “kids” are those age 27 and under and that a parent’s insurance plan should cover them? Seriously, by 22 a “kid” needs to be on his own and that is only if they are in college. I can understand covering them under the parent through college but beyond that, they need to get a job and pay for their own insurance.
7 – How about we stop the practice of training foreigners with PHDs and instead start training our own people with PHDs? This can be done by ensuring that there is no government subsidy given to a school that underwrites foreign students.
12 – You really call letting someone spend 50 years in Washington term limits? I think that allowing 50 years in Washington is a far cry from term limits.
Also, none of these are original ideas (other than the 50 years in Washington) as they all refer to legislation that Republicans are sponsoring in DC. Do you have any original ideas that would diferentiate you from anybody else in DC?
2 – Actually agree with you on 26 year old “kids.” But the reality is that people in that age group don’t buy health insurance — they’re still “invincible” at that age. So, I’d rather have their family pay for their car wreck injuries than you and me.
7 – In 2020, we’ll need 125 million high-skilled workers. American education will only produce 50 million “STEM” graduates. I’d rather fill those unfilled positions and let their high salaries circulate in the American economy to create 6-8 “spinoff” jobs.
12 – As for “term limits,” you’re point is valid. But politics is the “art of the possible.” I was on Capitol Hill last year — they’re not in a big hurry to pass 12 year term limits. I think we need to set the precedent for term limits, first. Then we can “cinch ’em down” later.
What parts of Ms. Jacobs’ plan do you like or dislike?
Best regards,
You keep talking about your plan and how your plan is to co-sponsor bills. That’s great, but how will you get those bills passed? I get the feeling you’re one of those talkers who will say whatever he thinks I want to hear to get elected. I’ve seen Ms. Jacobs in action. She never backs down and when she says she’s going to do something, she doesn’t stop until it’s done. The difference is I know her. All I see from you is a bunch of whining and listing of acronyms. That’s no plan.
I like both Larry and Nancy. Rick is a little out there for me and I have not heard anything from the other campaigns. Nancy has done a great job in Annapolis for our state but Larry deserves a clooser look with his military and federal experience I haven’t made up by mind yet but would certainly attend one of these debates if held, 8 would be an overkill.
First of all, Lt. Col. Smith was a featured speaker at last month’s Route 40 Republican Club meeting. He was not there to debate. A member had a different view point on certain subject matter. Mr. Smith’s discussion was well-rounded and on point. Our great nation will NEVER get on the right track until we elect fresh faces with new ideas. Senator Jacobs is a career politician who is as establishment as establishment can be. Has she stated what her sudden interest is to be a congresswoman? Why did she file her candidate paperwork approximately two weeks prior to the cut-off date? Why is she so disingenuous when it comes to her lack of free time for debating versus all the time in the world to attend fundraisers, club meetings, and a variety of other events that are unrelated to her senatorial work? Folks should be honest when it comes to their reasons for backing Nancy Jacobs. If you are enamoured with professional politicians who have a history of flip-flopping on tuition for illegal aliens (see Senator Jacobs original vote when Ehrlich was governor), then Nancy is your gal for congress. On the other hand, if you want a candidate who has risked his life for our country, has worked as conservative Congressman Harris’ military liaison, has extensive public policy experience, has owned a small business, has clearly and succinctly stated his ideas and plans for the 2nd congressional district, and is NOT a long-time career elected official, then Lt. Col. Smith is your man. Please see for yourself what Mr. Smith has to offer at
If he’s so great, why did Congressman Harris endorse Nancy Jacobs?
Where is it in writing that Congressman Harris endorsed Mrs. Jacobs?
so what type of Lt Col are you?
Army…so technically, I’m an LTC — the Air Force has Lt. Col.’s… Commissioned Cornell Army ROTC, 1985. I’m branched Intel, Chem, and Engr; 22 years reserve, 7 active with deployments to Afghanistan and Korea. Lots of memories…experiences.
Is this how we want candidates to spend their time?
Plastering negative pictures and statements all around facebook and putting out press releases about the other candidate’s campaign strategy.
Reality Check: The voters in CD2 would rather hear about real plans to fix our country.
We have to fix our deficit, reduce spending, lower taxes, not worry about showy 1 hour “debates” which are really just the candidates reciting talking points.
Candidates need to work. Like Nancy Jacobs who instead of issuing attacks has been fighting to protect children and the taxpayers in the Maryland State Senate. She has drafted legislation to return funds to the Transportation trust fund and prevent them from being used to balance the budget. She has also introduced legislation that would make it illegal to refrain from reporting your child missing or an act of child abuse you witnessed.
Thanks, Nancy! Larry, Thanks for nothing!
Agreed — we need Nancy in Annapolis!
You sure sound like a petty fellow.
LTC Smith has released his in-depth, insightful, comprehensive plan for the residents of the 2nd congressional district. Where’s Mrs. Jacobs? I suppose the 2nd district constituents can glean more information about Candidate Jacobs by attending pancake breakfasts rather than watching and listening to her participate in a debate with her peers. Oh that’s right, she’s a career politician and fresh faces with new ideas aren’t on her level. It’s better just to ignore the competition since she’s already in cahoots with the establishment.
By the way, the pancake breakfasts cost money to attend. The debates are free. That certainly eliminates those constituents that can’t afford to see Senator Jacobs.
@Jimmy. Endorsements, are you serious? What would an outsider want an endorsement for? Look at Nancy’s website and look at Larry’s. Do you notice a difference? I’ve done it and it’s apparent that Nancy has done NO homework. If Larry defeat’s Dutch, he will be a freshman backbencher, however he certainly put some thought into what he can hitch his wagon to by way of cosponsoring legislation that is projected to be before the next congress. And, as “K” pointed out, Nancy was before the Dream Act before she was against it which negates your claim. I am a Larry supporter, make no mistake, because it is pathetic that Nancy is relying on her endorsements (Bob Ehrlich, Helen Bentley-every prominent Republican in the district) rather than entertaining a plan. I’d much rather support a outsider, who is a Vet, would could of died for us in his service of our country, than someone that is so privileged that she can’t even set aside some time to debate a man. What kind of candidate runs on her endorsements rather than issues?
Jacobs has never run a negative campaign??? Does anyone remember the large sign that appeared on the hill going down to Havre de Grace on 155 that rubbed in the fact that she had defeated Helton in the Senatorial election several years ago. It was not only negative but spiteful!!!