From the Harford County Property Owners Association:
Harford County Campaign for Liberty and Harford County Property Owners Association are partnering to oppose Council Bill 12-02 and defend the rights of property owners and tenants in Harford County.
Bill 12-02 includes a “rental registration” provision that mandates property owners and managers to acquire a permit and pay a fee before renting their home, townhouse, trailer, or other residential real property.
There will be a joint rally at the County Council Chambers for the County Council hearing this Tuesday, February 14th, 2012 starting at 4:30PM until the hearing starts at 6:30PM, where many opponents of the legislation will testify during the public hearing.
“Every single resident, businessperson, and property owner in Harford County seeks a safe and secure environment to raise a family and do business, but Council Bill 12-02 creates a bureaucracy and expanded government power that will do nothing to reach these goals.” says Lowell Sheets of theHarford Campaign for Liberty.
Link to Proposed Legislation:
Some of the destructive parts of this bill include:
1. Mandated Rental Registration for every property owner or manager, which does not accomplish the state goals of the legislation. The State Department of Assessments and Taxation has records who owns real property and the current use. Nobody should have to ask permission from the County to use their property in an approved use.
2. Allows for unconstitutional, unwarranted searches of private property searches at the discretion of the Director of Housing (under the authority of the County Executive)
3. The added regulatory burden and registration will increase costs for renters and property owners.
4. The creation of “targeted neighborhoods” at the discretion of the Executive gives too much power that may be abused.
5. Fines for failing to register of $1,000.00 per violation, with each day being a new violation are outrageous.
6. The free use of private property and the ability to contract between property owners and renters is crucial to the freedom of our citizens.
Council Bil 12-02 fails to recognize that tools already in place to identify and deal with negligent landlords have not been adequately enforced.
Joan Ryder, member of the Harford Property Owners Association, said “This bill is a solution in search of a problem. This will increase the price of rents and have the exact opposite effect that is intended. We should work to strengthen communities without the force of government mandates and fines.”
We invite all concerned citizens to join us as we respectfully, peacefully but firmly express our concerns to our elected officials.
When: February 14th, 4:30pm.
Where: 212 South Bond Street (Black Box)
Why: An informed, involved and passionate citizenry is vital to the health of the republic.
A public hearing is scheduled in the council chambers at 6:30 pm. Please consider speaking out. Any signs must be left outside the chamber. Opponents of Bill 12-02 are requested to wear a red article of clothing to demonstrate the level of opposition for the public and the Council.
The Harford Property Owners Association is a not-for-profit organization of Harford County residents interested in defending the private property rights of everyone in Harford County. For more information, go to
The Harford Campaign for Liberty is an activist organization with a mission of promoting and defending the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a noninterventionist foreign policy, by means of educational and political activity. Meetings are held every fourth Tuesday of the month at the 29 Newport Drive in Forest Hill, MD. Website at
What is all this action taken in support of renters. Time and effort needs to be given to get owner occupied properties to take care of their homes, we must stop the blight that is quite evident in Harford County.