From the office of State Sen. Barry Glassman:
Annapolis, MD – Marylanders who thought they were seeing the light at the end of the nation’s recessionary tunnel now find themselves faced with the prospect of even less disposable family income.
Governor Martin O’Malley’s (D) MD, recent budget submission contains a host of fee and tax increases which if enacted will slow Maryland’s recovery just when consumer confidence was beginning to grow. Many economists are already predicting that Maryland’s economy will maintain its sluggish growth in 2012. It is understandable that Marylanders are wary of a gas tax increase, income tax exemption changes and various other fee increases that include doubling of the flush tax on top of transportation toll increases which have already hit commuting workers.
Local counties are already reeling from the proposed 50 percent transfer of teacher pension costs. Many will be forced to make cuts to Local Boards of Education or as a last resort, raise local real estate taxes further debilitating working family incomes.
Be forewarned, the O’Malley Administration will do this in the name of job creation. The truth is that any job creation will not be done by policy but by taxation on Maryland workers.
The combination of these proposals will delay Maryland’s recovery from this recession and for our families perhaps for an additional five years.
Senator Glassman is serving his second term in the Maryland Senate and served previously as a Harford County Councilman and Maryland State Delegate. If you would like additional information, please feel free to contact Senator Glassman at (410)440-9267.
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