From the office of Congressman Andy Harris:
Rep. Andy Harris Statement on State of the Union Address
“Unfortunately the President said nothing new tonight,” said Rep. Andy Harris (MD-01). “Since the President can’t run on his failed economic record, he just continues to play the blame game. This speech resurrects his old failed policies that gave us Solyndra, the Stimulus and Obamacare.”
“As yet another sign of his failed policies, it was announced today that Maryland lost 1,200 private sector jobs in the month of December. The economy is broken.”
From the office of Citizen Noble:
Noble statement on Rep. Andy Harris Statement on State of the Union Address
“Unfortunately Andy Harris said nothing new,” said Noble. “Since Andy Harris doesn’t have any better ideas, he just continues to play the blame game. This statement resurrects his old failed statements that all have nothing good to say and provide no real information, solutions, or cogent facts. Mostly, since railing on Obama and all liberal idealogy worked so well to get him elected, it’s clear that is about all he has in the tank in his first term to make sure he gets re-elected”
“As yet another sign of his conveniently failed grasp of the facts, it was also announced two days ago that Maryland had a lower unemployment rate in December than in some time, between 6-7%, down from 9%. The government and electoral process is broken, and Mr. Harris is the protypical example of this.”
That was one of the laugh out loud funniest comments I have ever read in the Dagger. Worthy of Borowitz. Witty AND perspicious. Keep it coming!
Ooops, perspicacious was spelled worng…
If President Obama’s “Blame Game” is to point out the idiocy of congressmen like Rep. Harris who have no qualms about driving the entire United States economic engine off a cliff by defaulting on the full faith and credit of this great nation and/or fails to do their job and pass a budget then I’m with President Obama. Rep Harris is a failure and a jerk.
1. Before Bush got in the Republican Party had the Social Security Surplus put in a lock box. They ran around saying “We want to save Social Security, don’t you want to save Social Security?” When Bush got in, under the guise of National Security; this way the vote wouldn’t be known, they robbed the surplus and as much as they could for tax cuts. Now these tax cuts for paid by how much they made, not by how much they paid. So the rich got back more than they paid in. Bush’s fuzzy math.
2. Obama wanted to extend the tax cuts to us, but not the rich. The Republican Party said no. He had to extend the tax cuts to the rich too. Then they turn around and want him to make cuts to Social Security. I’ve never in my life ever seen such bull chips.
3. The Republican Party wants to destroy Social Security. Why? So they don’t have to pay back what they’ve stole.
4. Now the Republicans at it again. They want the Social Security Surplus put in money making accounts. If a Republican wins the Presidency, they’ll steel it again.
5. The Republicans have done NOTHING to help. They have done NOTHING but drag their feet. They don’t give a dam how bad the economy gets. They don’t care about us. They are leading this country to be “of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations.” They try to destroy the Unions and Collective Bargaining. When they get done doing this. The corporations WILL dictate our hours, and our wages. They’ll be able to say we are on a salary and will work us all they want, without overtime pay. If you don’t like it, go work somewhere else. That is why businesses were regulated. So they couldn’t do just what they’re doing.
Extremely stupid can be very painful.
I can see you don’t want to hear the truth. If that’s all you can say. Well it is the truth. If you read in the Thomas Library, you will find out who said what, when. You can find the Bush NAZI connection many places on the internet. If you use your head you can add 2 & 2 and come up with 4
It’s not all I can say Walter, it’s all that’s necessary to say.
@Walter – Are you writing slogans for President Obama’s 2012 campaign? Prescott Bush was a Nazi elect Obama he’s not a Nazi!
You are a nut and Prescott Bush was never a Nazi sympathizer.
There was never a proverbial Social Security lock box. Social Security taxes have always come from current workers to pay current retirees and the difference was used to buy intra-government securities. Which meant that the actual money went to the general fund and in return Social Security received interest paying note or IOU from the Federal government.
There are not enough future workers at the current rate to pay future retirees. So the options are to increase FICA Withholding Taxes, decrease Social Security Benefits or both, but if nothing significantly changes in the structure of Social Security at a future point in time the money will still run out.
WSJ April 24, 2012 “This just in: Social Security’s trust fund could be exhausted three years sooner than predicted last year.
The combined assets of the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance trust funds will be exhausted in 2033, according to the Social Security Board of Trustees. At that point, there should be sufficient non-interest income coming in to pay about 75% of scheduled benefits.
Last year, the trustees warned the funds would run out of money in 2036.
The projected actuarial deficit over 75 years is 2.67% of taxable payroll, which is almost half a percentage point higher than last year.
Over those 75 years, the trust funds would need $8.6 trillion in additional revenue, in present-value dollars, to pay all scheduled benefits.”
The Social Security Lock box was in 1998-2000. I read the comment in the Thomas Library. Ronny Lott is the one who said it. You can’t find the vote to rob it because it was done under National Security. I looked that up too. The reason there’s no Social Security is because there are IOU’s that the Government won’t pay back. When AARP tried to get the Republicans to pay back what they took the Supreme Court said they dindn’t need to. The Supreme Court is 5 Republicans and 4 Democrats. That’s why Bush got in in the first place. You can find out how the Bush family made their money working for the NAZI party. It’s all true.
I feel compelled to reveal this info to you… Bush is not running for president this time. In fact, he served two terms and is ineligible to serve a third due to the 22nd Amendment. My advice – if you want to sound relevant, get into the 2012 election cycle and quit worrying about the quickly disappearing past.
If you represent the strategy to re-elect Obama based upon Bush’s terms in office, honestly, try something new – Obama owns this economy. If he ‘saved’ it from the brink, he is shepherding it now. To argue otherwise is naive and foolish.
And, I’m not a Republican.
@Localguy – Wally has Obama running against Prescott Bush, W’s grandfather!
Did you know Wally where’s a tin hat?
Wally “wears” a tin hat when he can’t find “where” his asshat is.
Obama is a lost ball in tall grass. What in the world ever recommended him for that job in the first place?
I think because he was intelligent as opposed to the previous occupant. I think because he was open minded as opposed to the previous occupant.
What are my clues? The pronunciation of the word “Nuclear”. In eight years do you think anyone told Bush it was NOT pronounced “nucular”. I’m sure they did but he kept using the term. That indicates arrogance and willful ignorance.
Well, you better hope no one ever gets elected that has a dysfluency issue, afterall you know; they’re not as smart as the rest of us. Arrogance and ignorance – yup, you’ve got that covered pretty well I’d say.
Misstating a word does not indicate anything remotely related to intelligence or arrogance. It means words are said one way or the other; and for better or worse, the rest of us either know it and don’t care, or rally behind it as some sort of war cry.
What’s really bothering you? Is it that gas prices the last, full month of Bush’s term were $1.61 and now they’re $3.37? Is it that unemployment was at 7.3% then and 8.5% now? Well, just look at this data:
Bottom line – he was hired to bring hope and change… He’s brought us more misery. For what it is worth… I’m not a Republican.
Oh let me try it on you and see if it doesn’t make you feel like you are listening to an idiot: nucular nucular nucular nucular nucular nucular. Eight years of Nucular. Refusing to change is an indication of willful ignorance. Just like the 53 year old snack bar attendant who insisted I was wrong to correct her for using the word “Libary” because I was not an English professor. And I was trying to help her not look stupid.
Leader of the free world and it sounds like he has little more than an elementary school education. And he was willfully ignorant. To his credit, the grief he put all of us through, I think, ultimately made him a better man than when he arrived. It’s a shame to have to grow up in the White House. Especially when you used your time to make all those mistakes to learn from. A two front war where one conflict was elected? Giving back the surplus and running up deficits and not counting the cost of war on the books? Are you sure you don’t see brain dead through all the glory of his Republican label?
Didn’t President Obama mispronounce Orion and corpsman?
Anyways, have a nice day.
Porter, your answers are crap- they are groundless dribble. How did Jimmy Carter say nuclear? How did Bill Clinton pronounce truth- oh, that is right, he didn,t know the word. Obama is a mouthpiece for liberals everywhere. That is why you think he is intelligent.
I believe David Porter is correct. In 2008, the Obama campaign managed to frame the election as though Bush was their opponent. The American electorate fell for that nonsense and here we are today. The sad part is, in my opinion, we would probably not be any better off had McCain been elected. That of course we will never know.
Just for clarity. I liked McCain in 2000. He was his own man and I was looking forward to a contest between him and Al Gore. I might have very well voted for him but that was not the man the Republicans chose. Bluster and pomp seem to prevail over real accomplishments, distinguished service and intelligence. Yes, I believe Mr McCain would have suffered similarly from the problems that began 8 years earlier. I would never have blamed him for that either. I see no reason to blame Mr Obama simply because he is black and a democrat.
I don’t blame Obama for being black or a democrat. I hold him accountable for ineffective policies to revive our economic circumstance.
I did not prefer McCain as the republican nominee, however I felt that Obama did not have enough experience and was not ready for the position of President. Since the race came down to Obama VS McCain, I voted for McCain.
If McCain had been elected, and had the same results in his four years as Obama has had, I would be looking to replace McCain.
Yeah. McCain had my vote in 2000 v. Bush.
That said, 2000 McCain and 2008 McCain were very different people. The 2008 version was like a Windows Vista upgrade.
And yes, Obama is/was probably too inexperienced to be handed the job. When he announced I thought it was a mistake. He should have waited. Unfortunately, you can see some evidence of this inexperience throughout this first term.
The choices are usually rather paltry these days.
Porter, way to play the race card. You show a total lack of wanting the truth. You want look at a lot of the causes of our economic problems, they began in the Clinton years. Coercing banks to give loans so that everyone can own a home is a great example. People who couldn’t afford homes were getting loans. Go back and read before you spout your Democrat crap.
Unfortunately for Congressman Andy “I Want My Government-Run Health Care Even Though I campaigned Against It” Harris, an increasing majority of the American people disagree with him, with 91% of Americans approving of his State of the Union address and an increasing number of Americans who believe in what the President wants to do and support the way he’s handling the economy. That is why, come November 6, I plan to (and urge all of my fellow First District residents to do the same) to vote for whomever wins the Democratic nomination in April’s primary. Andy Harris needs to go and someone who represents the needs of the First District residents and not play their own “Blame Game” needs to win this election.
Tom Myers
President, Young Democrats of Harford County
On the economy…
Overall job…
I suppose through the rosiest colored glasses these numbers look great. I’m not worried about approving a speech… yup, spoke great. Still can’t run the country, though.
I’m glad the Democrats never play the blame game to curry favor with the electorate, though, I find that refreshing.
And, just for the record – I’m not a Republican.
so when is Andy gonna actually do something for the people he represents.. It’s about time for him to leave.. his 15 min are up.
Choose a good liberal. If we all follow their logic none of us have to work.