From the offices of Delegate Kathy Szeliga:
Last week, I shared with you my concern about the direction Maryland is going. This week, the governor introduced his budget and my concerns were confirmed. The 2013 budget increases the size and spending of government, the overall spending in Maryland continues to grow by at least $1 billion per year.
Here is what the governor has spent (of our hard earned money) each year that he’s been in charge of Maryland’s budget:
The leadership in Annapolis is claiming that there are $7 billion in spending cuts! I’ll tell you what he has cut, and that’s money to transportation and roads that ended up going into mass transit. That is not a cut, it is shuffling money around!
Here is a short list of alarming concerns in the governor’s budget for this year. Remember, in Maryland the governor has the power of the purse – it’s his budget.
–Raises taxes on individuals earning $100K and couples earning $175K ($100K is the new millionaire) while eliminating the home mortgage interest deduction
–Requiring the collection of sales tax on internet purchases.
–Increasing the tax on smokeless tobacco
This budget grows government and increases taxes at a time when we should be doing the opposite. Along with shifting more debt to the counties, the 2013 budget generates “new income” on the backs of the working families and small businesses. Most disturbing is that this budget is only a precursor of the massive tax increases to come.
The solution to Maryland’s budget woes… CUT SPENDING!
I know it is a great responsibility to serve you in Annapolis. I will not let you down!
Thanks for your support and prayers,
More insanity from 2 Mikes and a MOM ( and the rest of the DEMs). The people of MD got what they voted for in the last election so we shouldn’t be surprised. Why not take all of our money and give us back what they feel we need to live on?
The Governor and the rest of the DemocRATS are like crack-heads, keep stealing to maintain their spending habit.
Come on Hydesmann and Qualified. Give the guy a break. I’m sure Delegate Szeliga’s numbers are wrong. Why the governor has assured me repeatedly that he has cut and cut and cut until there is nothing left to cut. So now we are forced to enhance revenues (I think that means raise taxes in Democrat-speak). It’s obviously for the good of the children. After all, it’s just another bilion or so. What’s the big deal? The Feds peed that much away today before lunch.
ALEX R, the only way to explain your post is that it is an attempt at humor or sarcasm. Please tell me it is one of the two!
I love the nutty ‘We Are the 96%’ slogan that Del. Szeliga and her peers are adopting. When you see how they came up with the 96% number, it makes clear just how embarrassingly bad they are at Math and calls into question so many of their other proclaimed facts.
Hmmm… a Gonzales Poll discovers that 96% of those surveyed felt they are taxed too much – thence the name. Seems if the math is bad it would fall on the Gonzales Research and Marketing Strategies, Inc., and not the people using their results. I’d like to see the numbers to dispute the results of the poll, thank you.
I’m impressed – an argument is made attacking facts by citing what facts? Truly the irony is not lost in this, is it?