A 16-year-old Bel Air youth shot his father at their Bel Air home Monday night before driving the body to a pond in Aberdeen and leading officers on a chase through residential portions of Bel Air, police said.
Robert C. Richardson III, 16, is charged with first- and second-degree murder and the use of a handgun in the commmission of a felony in connection with the shooting death of his father, Robert C. Richardson Jr., 58.
According to the Harford County Sheriff’s Office, deputies responded to the Richardsons’ home on the 800 block of Moores Mill Road at approximately 10:45 p.m. Monday following a call from one of the Richardsons’ relatives about a domestic disturbance, possibly involving a weapon.
According to charging documents, officers arriving at the scene found fresh vehicle tracks in the front yard and blood on the ground in front of the porch steps and smeared on the main stoop. Deputies eventually entered the home and found it empty, but observed what appeared to be a blood trail from the bedroom to the front door, and blood stains on the bed sheets.
Following the shooting, police said the teen used the family vehicle, a 1991 Chevy S10 Blazer, to transport his father’s body to a pond on property belonging to a relative on the 800 block of Gilbert Road in Aberdeen. Police issued an alert for the vehicle.
At approximately 6 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 10, the Richardson’s truck was spotted by a Maryland State Trooper at the intersection of Route 24 and Jarretsville Road, according to the sheriff’s office. As the trooper approached the vehicle, it accelerated, heading southbound on Route 24 with officers from the sheriff’s office, Bel Air Police Department, and Maryland State Police in pursuit.
The chase ended when Richardson crashed the Blazer into a cinderblock wall in the parking lot of the Bel Air United Methodist Church on Linwood Avenue in Bel Air. Richardson fled on foot, but was taken into custody in a community directly behind the church. No injuries were sustained during the pursuit, according to the sheriff’s office.
Richardson admitted killing his father and told investigators where to find the elder Richardson’s body, which was was recovered shortly before 7 a.m. Tuesday, Worrell said. According to charging documents, the pond was located “a good distance” from the house, and deputies found Richardson Jr. laying on the edge of the pond, partially submerged in water.
Richardson III is being held at the Harford County Detention Center without bail. A bail review hearing is scheduled for Wednesday at 1:15 p.m. in Harford County District Court.
Worrell said deputies had responded to the Moores Mill Road address 12 times in the last year for various calls, but said none were related to domestic violence or disturbances.
Robert C. Richardson III
Skid marks and the portion of Bel Air United Methodist Church damaged by Richardson.
How tragic.
But just in time for the Bel Air gun show, what poetic irony.
It is tragic… that your pathological need to put forth your opinion leaves you unable to observe common decency when something truly tragic like this event occurs.
Would care to inform me of what you assume my opinion to be here?
Just in time for the Bel Air gun show? So the dealers and buyers will some how enjoy this news? Maybe the show should advertise special deals for teens who want to kill there parents! What an idiotic statement, to draw some kind of conection between a tragic incident and a lawful gunshow. Moron!
Please read my comment. It is always wise to have deails before jumping to conclusions.
Are you suggesting Noble had knowledge of your accusations that the old man was a POS and deserved to be offed when he posted his diatribe? Because I don’t think so…
The tragic nature of the incident has nothing to do with the circumstances (of which I did not/do not know). Whether someone “deserves to be offed” or not doesn’t make it less tragic for a variety of reasons.
My comment was to draw attention to what I found to be an interesting juxtaposition of facts. Each of us can draw our own conclusion from it.
wow. so he was a piece of shit and deserved it. no one deserves it. do you know this piece of shit? i do. he was my brother. not a pos. some comments should be kept to yourself.
How true Kathy… some comments should be kept to yourself. Thank goodness my comment was referring to what Karen proposed as a possible excuse for why someone attempted to push their own agenda through someone else’s tragedy. But I’m sure you read my comment carefully enough to pick up on “your accusations” and you’re replying to Kathy.
You don’t have to talk about my cousin like that. he had family issuses and you wouldn’t understand.
you are an IDIOT
really?? Please change your name to Ignoble
Maybe he should have faith in his convictions to use his real name, as you and I have. But, no “Noble” finds it easy to stand behind a nickname and push forth his ignorance!
Yeah… because “Jake” and “Colin” aren’t anonymous.
At any rate, it would be very imprudent for almost anyone to provide their real name and identity on any publically available website. I have been using the internet for 18 years and I have never purposely shared my personal information publically.
And I don’t encourage anyone else to do it under any circumstance for privacy and safety reasons.
I live very near this family. This boy as been physically, emotionally and verbally abused by his father his whole life. Reports were made, the police frequently called. No one helped this boy. This is a tragic situation. A 16 year old boy who has never had much of a life is left with no future now due to what I can only call an epic societal fail.
My first thoughts were either he has been severely abused by his father, or he is psychologically disturbed. I hope he gets some help. Too many kids have their childhood taken from them due to abuse.
you live NEAR this family? I AM this family, and that ‘boy’ was not abused. check your facts before you do more damage to my family.
i live with them for years in the house you live by! no it wasn’t blissful but what family really is behind closed doors. i can say this he cared about his son and tried to do the best he knew how. i don’t know what happened that night and i don’t know why. what i do know its that it’s not your place to go making calls about things you know nothing of! to say he WAS abusive is making an absolute out of what is merely your OPINION! where you in the house when said things were happening? do you know for absolute certain that it was completely uncalled for? NO, YOU DO NOT! a very tragic thing has happened and you all talk about it as if it’s an episode of CSI or something. what if this was your family? because it is my family!
while abuse of any kind is nearly as tragic as murder, i hardly find it to be a valid justification for murder. my wife had a similarly disturbing childhood (albeit in different ways) and took charge of her own life and the things she COULD control. she is now happily married, has a good job as an RN, and has several kids whom she loves very much. just one example that abusive and disrupted childhoods are no excuse for turning to a life of crime.
making that an excuse is the real ‘societal failure’.
so sorry to hear this bad news but you never know how much a child can go through like karen said the police knew this was a trouble home they should have remove the child after the second visit to the house now there running around gettn there stories straight not sayn that it right of what the son did but it could have been avoided if they d there job
“Poetic irony means presenting two contrasting situations or cases in a poetic way, often involving a subtle sense of humour by saying things you do not mean.”
I am sorry if my comment offended anyone. That was not my intent.
Dude, seriously? Poetic irony? I think you’re giving yourself a little more credit than you deserve. Your post got modded to hell because it was a stupid thing to say. Get over it, everyone else already has.
Only provided a definition of what poetic irony is (since it may not have been clear to everyone) and an apology. I hope most people find that to be adequate. I am sorry if you do not.
Some of the wild assumptions, accusations and perversions of justice being thrown around in here I hope people find equally disturbing.
As I originally said, this is tragic– and that, in my opinion, is from whatever perspective you take on it.
wow, and here I thought irony meant sort of metal like…
This boy should not go to prison. He needs help. When you are 16 and crying out for help and no one helps you, this is the result. I pray he is healed.
Incorrect. This child killed his own father, the one of two people that brought him to this earth. Nothing can justifying a killing. This child will more than likely spend the rest of his life behind bars, and rightfully so. Would you feel comfortable if this kid moved in next door to you in 5 or 10 years? And for those who believe he needs serious psychological help, I do agree with that. He should be allowed to receive all of the help he wants while he is serving his life sentence in prison.
He killed his father. Of course he should go to prison. He tried to hide the body, so he knew what he was doing was wrong. If he doesn’t go, and goes to some institution and then gets let out because he seems to be “ready for society” , when his mother or sisters (who are very nice girls) make him mad, he might harm them.
I am so very sad for this boy. I don’t know anything about him or his father, but I’m pretty sure no child from a loving home would be inclined to kill anyone unless he/she had serious mental issues. It appears that this was not a loving home, which drove the boy to kill his father. I hope the truth comes out about all of the abuse, and I hope the boy is given the help that he needs to recover rather than being shoved in a prison cell for the rest of his life. Is it wrong that he committed murder? Yes, but would he have done it if he weren’t pushed to the breaking point? Doubt it. So he shouldn’t sit in jail for a crime he was forced to commit. I’ll be praying for him.
Incorrect. No one made him pick up the gun, aim it at his father, and pull the trigger. That was a conscious act made by the teen. Now I am not saying there were not any underlying issues. I can guarantee that they boy and the father had a horrible relationship for this to have even occur.
Sad. Who said the kid was the mentally disturbed one? What rights does a minor have if he is in fear for his life, especially if the police are called and nothing changes. My writing is all conjecture as are most of the preceding writings save the person who actually knows the family. If there is a record of police calls, etc, maybe somebody will listen now. It’s just all so sad.
my heart been on this sinc i heard abt this sad story my heart goes out to the mother/wife of think how she feeln she lost her husband & son all n one day. may god comfort u n your family at this time of sorrow.MAY GOD BLESS U
thank you for a good comment. the mother died of cancer 4years ago. it was just my brother and nephew left. im reading all this crap from people. i dont even know the whole story. how can they find so much to say.
I wonder if there would be this much sympathy and understanding for the boy had this shooting taken place in Edgewood.
My guess is that a son killing a father would be newsworthy no matter where it happened. Race does not enter into everything, despite your attempt to make that the case. Tragedy is tragedy.
I didn’t say anything about race. I merely mentioned Edgewood. Interesting. I noted this because in the past when a similar tragic story has taken place in Edgewood, there seems to very little understanding of the situation, family background, etc. from the folks that post here. It was just an observation.
It was not a gone bad drug deal, that’s what makes it different.
I know this family personally… As for hte mother/wife who lost her husband/son all in one day.. She died 6 years ago from cancer..
I know he had a hard childhood.. I am in no way saying that what he did is right.. I am not.. He does deserve to be punished.. Right now this 16 year old boy is alone.. His mom is dead, he killed his dad, and he only has one other brother who lives out of state.. I am guessing (I do not know the details) that him and his dad got into it, and out of anger shot his dad, than freaked out and moved the body… He didn’t exactly think it though, he dumped the body at another realatives house!
I just hope that he get’s the help he needs.. and maybe, if he gets out of jail in the future, he can move forward with his life and do something with it.
u dont know what ur talking about his brother is in state n he has 2 more sisters i am one of them none of yall no nething
I am sorry for the loss of your father first off…
And I only ever knew of him having one brother… and that was his older brother Steve, and I know Steve is out of state.. Anytime I was at the house, I never seen any other siblings.
I know this is hard, but alot of people are out there for support if you need it. I was not trying to be cold. I was close with Steve and maybe that is why I didn’t know of the other brother and two sisters… I know that Steve lived there for a while.
I do know him, how else would I know his nickname was bear? I havne’t spoken to him in a long time, and from what I remember, he was a great kid..
I am sorry for the loss of your father, and for what is happening to your brother.. You, your sister and both the brothers are in my prayers..
ty. from the sister and aunt.
The operative word here is “child”. Also, there are obviously mitigating circumstances that will be taken into account.
I am legally a child. The next time my dad takes away my Xbox, is it alright if I blow him away? Because I’m still a child, does that mean I will not go to jail? Can I say I had a rough childhood, and instead, just get some counseling for a few years?
Don’t be flip.
Please remember, even if you heard stories first hand from the father or the boy, NOBODY knows what happens behind closed doors! I find it hard to believe that the police would just ignore such extreme abuse. I would think the school system would have also noticed some strange behaviors. Kids like to tell stories mostly for attention whether the stories are true or not! On the other side, the dad could be very stressed trying to raise a teenage boy these days and by himself. Maybe one was a drinker and abusive or maybe not. With the huge drug problem in Harford County among teens,maybe that played a role. There are so many possibilities that I cannot see how anyone can judge either of them. All we seem to really know it that the both had a tragic loss of the mother and now both of their lives are gone. May God bless them both!!
to the friend im sorry if i offended you ddnt mean to. sorry to hear she no longer wth us it just sad all the way around
i live off of 924 which is no less than 5 mins from the home of the son an father. even if the father didnt abuse the son, the fact that he lost his mom 6 years ago at a very critical time of his life triggered him to have issues. he could have been abused. he could be emotionally disturbed or ill tempered. the possibilities are endless but honestly with the severity of the issue at hand, i think opinions and rumors should be left unsaid at this time. the family is already in severe shock and going through tremendous grief dealing with this and i think the last thing this town needs to be doing is stirring up the pot with theories, opinions and rumors. the trial date will be posted. keep your mouths shut and go to the trial and see for yourself
Spoken truly. Thank you.
Rob, the gun-man, was a good kid i went to school with him. I know the things that happened make him look very bad, and Id very much appreciate it if people would not talk down on him. He was quiet yes, but rob had this amazing personality and I know for a fact this wouldn’t of happened unless it had a reason, robs dad verbally, physically, and mentally abused him everyday, and in addition to those, sexually assaulted his step sister, and rob dealt with this everyday of his life. please cut the kid some slack. all i ask
Excuse me, but you should really know facts before you start throwing out accusations and tainting the name of someone you don’t know. Rob ‘the gunman’ as you put it is my brother. The abuse you speak of, being physically verbally and mentally abused everyday, I gotta tell ya, i never saw it.
not only that what is he talking about sexual abuse on a step sister we had no step sister everyone needs to shut up
ty. i know who you are. i also just posted there was no step sister. who is that. love you. this is your aunt kathy. i hope you are who i think or im lookingreal stupid about now.
yes its me aunt kathy luv ya
Yes you pretty much are looking that way. Come back when you get that elementary education you missed out on.
ok. im bears aunt. you need to fill me in on the stepsister. there isnt one.
A short search in the Maryland Judiciary Case Search shows that the deceased has 3 daughters he was ordered paternity testing and child support for. Thus, 3 step sisters to Rob. Case #12P05000298 Looks like you don’t know your brother very well.
the amount of sisters he had was not in question, so you using that to say that i didn’t know him very well is complete bull. I’m very well aware of OUR sisters, thank you very much.
Also… If you look at the case.. Bobby was Bear’s dad. .and had three other kids.. so they would be HALF SIBLINGS.. Not Step siblings…
Just a observation
You fail at reading comprehension as I correctly stated they were daughters to the deceased. Also, to most kids, a sister from another mother is considered a step-sister. If you want to raise your blood pressure over the technicality, then it is on you.
I was defending the friend who made the claim that Rob told him that his father sexually abused a step sister. Then supposed siblings claimed there was no step/half sister.
Actully a step sibling is when there is no blood relation between the two children.. A half sibling is where they share one parent.. Considering that Bobby had 3 other children and Bear.. Bear and the 3 others shared the same father, therefore being half siblings.. So MR. FACTS.. check your facts.. and I cannot account on who is who’s sibling posting on here.. But I know for a FACT that poster “krail” is brother to bear.
Either way, this does not need to turn into a pissing contest on specifics of half adn step siblings.. What is important his who IS related to the Bear knows who they are… I know I am not, But I am good friends with one of his brothers…
The whole issure here is someone has lost their life to death.. several kids lost a father, and now they lost a brother also. The reports of abuse, is only known to the family.. and to Bear.. No matter what anyone tells you, they are the only ones who know the truth.. Just if I was to tell you I am the popes daughter, dont make it true..
Only Bear knows why he did this.. and in short, it is a horriable situition all the way around.. Bobby and Bear had brothers, sisters, daughters, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends.. and they are hurting..
Remember the age old saying “if you dont have something nice to say, dont say it at all”.. Just keep in mind, they their family is reading this because they are confused and hurt by all of this..
In reality, this is news we hear about today, but do not have to live with everyday.. The family does.. and while loosing a loved one (cause they are BOTH loved), they will also have to remember the hurtful and hateful comments..
People giving their opinion is one thing, but make accustaions about Bobby and/or Bear and alot of hear say, is doing nothing but hurting the family more..
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and are ok to say what they heard.. But dont state something has a fact, unless you know for a fact and seen it with your own eyes..
To the family.. I am so sorry… Bear always seemed like a good kid.. Even though what happened can’t be excused, none of us know what caused him to take the road he did.. only he does.. I pray for your healing…
Who the hell is bear?
Please go back and read the comments. You will see that Bear was referenced earlier. Additionally, please ease up on your nasty unnecessary comments such as “Yes you pretty much are looking that way. Come back when you get that elementary education you missed out on.” Porter, you sound as though you are a rude jack-ass when you take such actions. I know you and you are smarter than that. Please clean it up and make intelligent comments. This is such a tragic issue that no one should be making smart ass comments or jokes about it.
LOL…you must not come to the dagger much, D. Porter is one of the worst!
One must not confuse PORTER and DAVID A PORTER.
OMG, reading that made my eyes bleed.
I love reading these comments. People pretending to be someone they are not just to create confusion and mistrust. People making claims they cannot substantiate. People making comments about the absurdity of the people that live in this community. And then there are those who are willing to post and reveal how illiterate they are for everyone to see.
To be sure this was a terrible tragedy that maybe could have been stopped if someone, anyone, had intervened. That didn’t happen and everyone has to live with the result. Every one here has the ability to do the right thing. If you have done nothing to improve a situation or turned away from a situation you know is bad and where someone may be hurt then you should be ashamed of yourself. Doing nothing at all when you know something is wrong should be punishable, maybe not in this world, but certainly in the next.
Imagine if every teen started blowing away their parents after they got into an argument. Consider the following dialogue:
Dad: Son I’m taking away your Xbox. You play that thing too much.
Son: Well then eat some lead dad! *Bang*
I hope he is made into an example for all other teens. This sort of behavior is unsatisfactory.
I do not think that anyone would condone such a reaction to being restricted from using a video game. However, a prolonged course of abuse that continues for an extended period of time, is both verbal, mental and physical, and causes the child (spouse, sibling, family member) to be in fear for their safety and the safety of others? That may be another story. It dismays me that so many are very quick to be judge and jury when it is clear that most of the pertinent facts have not yet been released to the public.
My heart breaks over this situation – whatever the reason that led up to this tragedy, we are talking about a 16 year old CHILD that was failed miserably somewhere along the road in his young life. Things don’t escalate to this point overnight in most circumstances – there had to be signs of something being very wrong way before this happened. The adults in his life obviously missed, or ignored, those signs in a big way…teachers, police, etc. and now a 16 year old kid is sitting behind bars. Shameful. My heart breaks for this child.
Thank you, Steph. My feelings exactly.
jamison r u serious u search somone up do it matter how many sisters he have? u took this to another level u got to much time on u hands that just real f**kin noisy
Anybody care to translate?
I think she said:
Do it matter?… Translation.. Does it matter?
too much time on u hands… Translation.. Too much time on your hands..
Then she went on to say something is too noisy??? Im thinking she meant nosey????
too late for the dad, so God bless rob as he now goes through the legal process and incarceration. God bless the police that have to respond on a daily basis to terrible situations.
There is an article in the Sun today, with only a tiny bit more information. There is some question about the police response over time.
The one question I haven’t seen anyone raise, since he is a minor, is where was CPS in all this? Didn’t anyone ever call protective services? If so, shouldn’t they have picked up something here? Seems like the Sheriff’s office at least should have made that call.
There are times when people still fall through the cracks in the web of public services, but it’s a pretty rare case.
If you see/hear or strongly suspect any kind of abuse of a minor the best thing to do is make the call and let professionals sort it out.
I’d say his issues are over now.
This incident just gave the very reason why a weapon must never be available to a troubled individual.
But before anyone gets their panties in a wad allow me to state that I am NOT against guns. I am against the proliferation of weapons (especially assault weapons for which there can never be a purpose) to people without meaningful background checks. “Since 1962, more than one million Americans have died in firearm homicides, suicides, and unintentional shootings. Handguns were used in more than 650,000 of these fatal shootings. In 1997…there were 89 firearm deaths per day, or a firearm death every 16 minutes. In homes with guns, a member of the household is almost three times as likely to be the victim of a homicide compared to gun-free homes.”
Many of these weapons fall between the cracks at gun shows. All I ask is that anyone who purchases a weapon at a gun show has the same background check as they do in a retail store.
I don’t agree with you on much, but well said. Every gun enthusiast should be asking why a minor (even at 16) had access to such a firearm. (assuming at this point it came from within the home, that may not be the case)
Incidentally, after I saw advertising last week for the upcoming Bel Air gun show I went to get more information about it and I came across postings from 16 year olds in a local online forum asking if they can buy guns there.
So the concerns you described are legitimate ones the entire community should bear in mind.
I can’t imagine the best possible conclusion to this particular incident, but I hope it arrives there for all involved.
To any of the actual friends and family members, I issue a personal apology to you directly if a previous comment was offensive to you.
Sometimes incidents like these create larger discussions for the community in general.
Just to bring you up to speed. All of the people selling firearms at the gun show hold a FFL (federal firearms license). They are also dealers in the state. In order to make a purchase you must:
Fill out all of the paperwork, ID etc.
Take and pass a safety course to obtain an ID number, which is included in the paperwork.
Then begins the 7 day waiting period and the State Police check.
You can not take posession till all aspects are completed.
You must be 21, so a 16 year old cannot make a legal purchase.
I was already aware, but thanks for the clarification for those who were not. The fact that 16 year olds wonder if they can buy a gun at a gunshow is concerning enough.
I am also aware of instances where not all of these steps, at all gun shows, in all cases are strictly adhered to, regardless of the offical regulations.
That’s not to demonize gun shows, just being realistic about it. Further, there are plenty of other ways to get a gun if one decides they need one– unfortunately.
Similar to Noble, I agree with you on just about nothing. But I think we do agree on this. Responsible citizens that can pass a background check and can demonstrate basic gun understanding and safety should be able to obtain a weapon. Assault weapons should not be available. Let’s leave it at that.
If I wanted to kill someone and didn’t have access to a gun, I would stab, strangle, bludgeon, poison, run over with car, etc. My point – if the guy wanted his father dead, he would have killed him with or without access to the handgun.
Proud To Not Affiliate With Any Political Party
Nobody disputes that point. Your comment presumes the gun is the problem, which is (to his credit) not what PTBL articulated. His point was about the responsibilites of society for public safety and the specific responsibilities of gun ownership.
Although one might argue that any of the other methods you listed require a very differnt approach to murder than a gun, and a somewhat less reliable result.
But it’s an arguable point and why I think we have different laws for knives, cars, and baseball bats.
BOBBY: The point is that it is so much easier to kill with a gun. That is why there are so many more murders committed with one.
The article stated that police have been called out to the home 12 times. I feel that the boy lived in a very dysfunctional home. After the mother passed away, why didn’t his 4 other siblings or other relatives step up and help this young man?
Who the hell said there was something to help? I know for a fact that there were multiple people living in the home over the years. That both the father and son had times where they laughed and goofed off together, when they went to family dinners, and just sat around talking. Recently! This dysfunctional family you people keep talking about wasn’t any worse then your own or your friends. Your speculation and rumors and crap talking is just down right rude! How would you feel if this had been your sibling and father? Opinions are like A**holes everyone has one and i get that. Some of those Opinions should be kept to ones self. I’d like to point out that this abusive father severed in order to give you that right. That he tried the best he could to give his family what they needed. I’m not saying that no one is to blame for this but the only people that know what happened that night are bear and bobby and one is dead and the other is in jail. so like a friend said “if you don’t have anything respectful to say, don’t say anything at all.”
It is easy to miss that none of the 12 calls to the residence were for “domestic violence” or “disturbances” as stated in the article.
That said, and respectfully, it is not a long logical leap to assume that there is a problem that required some kind of help to be addressed in that home. I don’t know of other healthy families without problems that have the police at their door once a month for a year.
With that said, given what we have learned about the situations this family faced in recent years, these are terribly trying ordeals, and none should be quick to judge any family member’s behavior until they have suffered the same road.
The details will come out and we will see.
his sisters were forbidden to see him thank u very much they werent aloud around him his dad wouldnt let them
i don’t want to get into a pissing match with anyone here, but on behalf of his siblings, one of his half-sisters passed away in the not so distant past and his family is still mourning. this among another just as tragic event concerning the sisters’ step father have been enough to keep all eyes off of the home life of this 16 year old boy. i am a family member, albeit a very distant one to bear. if the questions you ask here are valid ones- then the answers will be in the papers in time as I am sure his trial will be followed closely by reporters as well as the public eye. I do plead with you that instead of pointing fingers at those who you feel could have prevented this situation you will instead take the time to look at the people in your own life. Perhaps instead of wasting your time here following a thread that has very little to do with you, you could instead take five minutes of your day to call someone you know whose life has a heavy stress-load. You could possibly prevent a tragedy yourself. I know of a few ten minute conversations that truly prevented my brother from being in this exact situation with my own father. I’m taking the rest of the evening off to make phone calls and check in with people i love dearly. I’m going to do something special with my children tonight, because you never know, and tomorrow I will check in with my cousins to make sure they know I am here for them in every way imaginable. I will pray that everyone on this forum takes strength from this situation and turns their accusations inward to improve the situations of themselves and those around them,
well spoken
I am truly sad for anyone involed in this situation. I am sure there are many issues that no one except those that are a part of it can understand. I am concerned myself over the fact that the police were called so many times to this house and this family was in such dire need of help – financial, emotional, etc. and no one intervened(social workers, school people). I know our systems are overwhelmed but my heart breaks for this young man( his future in jeporady), his sister(whose heart is probably breaking through this), his father(no matter what he did)who is now gone.
You are 100% correct. reach out starting where we are, to those around us, especially in our families, who may feel lost, abandoned, hopeless. this tragedy can’t be reversed but it can help to spur some good.
If you are family than you should know they all have the same father. They are not step sisters. I don’t know how this story came about but I’m sure it’s not doing any of the girlls any good. Wow you people amaze me. Ther is no other matter with a step sister as you call her.
First of all I’m sorry for this family’s loss. Having said that, I really have a hard time understanding why whenever something like this happens family and friends run right to the dagger and start posting like they have been on this article…especially when they really don’t know what happened that night. The details will come out in the trial and I have a feeling that it will be a real eye opener for a lot of people who think they know what they’re talking about.
Friends and family, are wondering what is being said, they are confused and lost and are maybe trying to find some sort of answers… I know the brother didn’t even know about this site.. I guided him to it, even though I never posted before, I am always on here reading.
The family has posted that they never witnessed abuse, even the family members who were living in the house.. No one that I have read, claims they know what happened that night.. Honestly, only person that can tell us what happened is Bear himself.
I dont know what caused him to take this road.. Bear was always a good sweet kid that I remember.. It could be ANY number of things, that caused this out come.. When the case goes to trial, even then not all the truth will come out.. Everyone says that, but things are supressed, ect..ect.. we will get a idea of what happened..
Also, everything is based on what Bear says.. He can’t get Bobby’s side of the story..
I am praying for the family, and may Bobby RIP, and for Bear!
I have a family member who was victim of something that got a lot of media attention at one time, and her father had to really sternly tell everyone to avoid consuming media because of how things work these days.
I think because of how natural habits in this modern era of the internet have developed, it’s human to seek out information and feedback when any event that concerns you occurs. You think it’s going to help you make sense of what happened, it might answer the questions you have yourself.
But it’s in those times that I think we learn that the world of facts, news, and information that accumulte on the internet is a different place with a very different reality, exchange rate, and merit system than the world we actually live and breath in.
I don’t blame friends or family for reading or possibly even commenting on a forum, but I wouldn’t advise it.
Real life, with real problems and real solutions beckons elsewhere.
Is this family any relation to David Richardson who grew up in Forest Hill? David would be about 56.
I’ve read a lot of these posts and people’s comments claiming to be family members, friends and neighbors, and all of you in the know knew that there was a situation that required some kind of intervention becaues of the knowledge of a possibly violent, abusive and dangerous situation you all describe. You people claim that this young adult had a horrible up bringing and needed help. If the so called family members and people in the know knew about, why didn’t anyone try and stop it, step in and help or try and make some kind of difference? At 16yoa, you know when a situation is bad, and if it’s that bad there are ways of getting out of that situation besides murder. If he had people around him such as family, neighbors, school resources and a
church people that knew, and nobody stepped in to stop it, you don’t get to Monday morning quaterback this tragedy like you were helpless. This is a tragedy, through and through. It doesn’t make anyone a good person to sit back and say, in essences, “that family needed help, and it shouldnt have came to this”, and no one near him take any steps to intervene. I’m sure the people closest to this young adult saw a hundred warning signs of a bad situation, but who did anything to try and prevent it? Try taking some damn responsibility for your own actions and say “I could have helped but didn’t” instead of making excuses, which seems to be the status quo for the American public these days. The real tragedy here is the people closest to this young adult didn’t step in and help knowing damn well this household needed it. The father, in the end was the victim, his son, in the end was the perp in a violent murder. He will have to live with that. People need to own up to the idea that if you don’t do anything to help, and you know of, witness or are a part of a tragedy such as this or any other, you have a stake in being responsible for the incident happening.
I think when a child grows up in constant disfunction they really don’t know how to distinguish what’s normal and what isn’t there life is always ups and downs and never knowing what to expect when they walk in the door. So IF it was the case that there was violence and disfunction in the home then maybe this child couldn’t take it anymore…everyone is different…I grew up with an abusive parent who was an alcoholic and would take everything out on the family. I somehow pushed it down and was able to overcome it. Not everyone can…and maybe this young boy was one of those cases. I feel bad that with all the “calls to police” by neighbors that nobody reported this to child protective services?…or did they?? I also feel horrible to the remaining family who has to deal with this horrible situation… God Bless you all !
You are so far off of this that was just pathetic. The stupid stories just go on and on. We watched these two fuss and argue all the time. My brother did not ever hit bear. My brother was the one that usually call the police. Because bear was missing or didn’t get off the bus or whatever.never domestic violence. Then bear comes home and the arguments start. I’m sure many of us argue and had issues with our teenagers. My dad was abusive to us. But I didn’t take a gun and shoot him while he was sleeping. Be for real. To many option out there. Ther is no excuse. I loved my brother and I love my nephew. And I hate the person that killed my brother. This case should have been left out of the public. I’m glad maybe you are willing to let him come and stay with your family. So nice of you
Im sorry that last comment was for the dumb about everything above you.
Secrets! A family in crisis and the immediate family doesn’t know about it or choose to intervene? 12 police visits??? A teenage boy that wears the same outfit day in and day out in high school? Screams heard from neighbors? A house that year after year is obviously falling into despair. No one within their sphere stepped up to help this family. Teachers, school counselors, family, friends, police?
The truth may not ever be disclosed to the community, but the truth is that this family clearly needed the intervention of those close to them and they never got it. Such incredible sadness and lives ruined.
It truly does take a village………..and the village failed this family.
This happens a lot of places in this county. For over three years I tried to be a decent guy to a girl with two children from two different fathers; then she told me she wanted to have her third baby and get her tubes tied. I tried to tell her without a concerned and supportive person in her life this was just wrong for her and her children. She now has four children from three different fathers, owes $6000 in judgments, her new husband out of prison last year is facing his third warrant for arrest. She has been fired from two medical assistant positions and now works as a waitress. She is on state assistance for food, power and medical care. She has been beaten by at least two of the men she had children with. I tried to talk with her parents but they were silent. I filed an emergency evaluation in district court but because she didn’t represent a physical threat, to herself or another, it was denied. I talked with the MVA about her mental state and asked them to intervene after multiple license suspensions and they told me they could do nothing. I approached Child Protective Services about the appearance of drug trafficking in their lives and they said they would not intervene. I have tried to talk with supposedly responsible agencies and been told they will not intervene. By the way, when I say will not – it’s because their standard line is they can not. I am a spectator watching this and I am waiting for the great tragedy where everyone else looks up and points to this and says “Why didn’t anyone do anything?”.
For every case like this there’s another one where the person making all the phone calls is a stalker, an ex boyfriend, an evil sister, etc, and you’ll never hear the end of complaints about government over-reaching into our lives.
Some people live comfortably in a zone where only they can help themselves.
This is to the moron that calls himself facts. You idiot the girls only 2 now one has passed away. They all have the same father. They are his half sisters to you. To bear they are his sisters. There was no abuse. Where did you here that. Oh duh that’s what everyone says. Didn’t happen. No domestic violence. Just a man and a son both with big mouths. And as for the girls, no, never abused like that. You people that don’t know what your talking about need to knit some socks or something.
Every one wants to talk about how bad my brother was. All the lies. Let’s talk about how bear dumped my brothers body in our mothers pond. Why. Just to be mean? How do you think my mother feels every time she walks out her door. I read one article that stated the pond is a good distanc from the house. It is it takes about a whole 2 minutes to walk there. My brother and bear were there almost every day. My mother is now in the process of leaving her home. But it’s always poor bear. xxxx the rest of the family. I really need to stop reading this crap from all you mourns that don’t have a clue because you starting to turn me against my nephew. The very thing I’m trying not to do. Yes my brother was loud. Yes bear also was bad because he was a normal teenager. But he was still a good kid and so was my brother. My dad was verbally and physically abuse. I hope he’s glad I didn’t shoot him in the back of the head while he was sleeping.
Doe anyone know how these events would of affected the Cool Spring development. When I left for work that morning at 515 am there were so many cops on Thomas run road at the entrance to my development it really concerned me. I would like to know if this was all connected or if something else was going on t the same time. Apparently they had been here through the night.
Normal Teenager. I sure hope not.
i dont know what happen between this child and his father, only they do. but what i do know is regardless of that he needs help, i have been to prison and spent thirt-teen years there and i seen so many young kids come through those doors only to have their lives destroyed by the system. look at him ? how long do u truly think he would survive in there? it is sad that a family lost their father ,son, brother and so on, it would be even more tragic to lose another one of our kids to a system that does not work.i was lucky to have been a little older and blessed to come through it but i did that not the system .i am proud of everyone on facebook that is supporting this young man keep fighting and do not give up on him
This child should get ready to rot away in prison. What a waste of a human, however what a benefit for the community. We have taken a danger out of our neighborhood!