From Harford County Council District C Councilman “Capt’n” Jim McMahan:
Jan 4 Church Supper. Bel Air United Methodist Church Linwood Ave Bel Air 5 to 7 PM Meatloaf dinner. $10.00 adults
Jan 14 ALL COUNTY BAND 12:30 pm Havre de Grace HS Auditorium. Open to the public. Admission is Free
Jan 28 ALL COUNTY CHORUS 12:30 pm Bel Air High School Admission Free
Feb 4 12:30 PM ALL COUNTY ORCHESTRA North Harford High School Admission is Free
Comments from the Councilman
What a year…..2011 !! Nothing is simple any more. My wish for all in 2012 is that common sense will prevail in all elements of life and that solutions can be found that benefit the majority which is the premise of Democratic rule.
On a personal note, I look forward to every day I come to work for you. Having the time to serve and do research to help other council members that must maintain their full time occupations makes me feel quite productive. The county is blessed to have excellent leadership on the council with President Billy Boniface and VP Coach Slutzky.
I want to share something with you that renewed my faith in all mankind over the Christmas Holidays. Many of you know I assisted a young man in selling Christmas Trees. He wanted to help himself rather than go on unemployment after being laid off as so many others have been also. During the time Ben worked his lot on Route one, there were some hours he simply could not be physically present. One day he returned to find that two people had folded up money and put it through a mail slot in the storage building. What? In this day and age? So Ben put up a sign with prices and a direction to the mail slot. Even more people of honor put their money in the slot and bought a tree when Ben could not be on the lot. One lady sadly left a note, “I only had $20 to buy a tree for my grandson this year, I hope you do not mind I took a tree, here is my $20” Who could understand that statement more than Ben?
But the crowning moment came when one morning, wrapped in a bank envelope was more money than Ben had asked for the tree. The note said, “The tree is more beautiful than the $20 you asked, so I added $15 more. Merry Christmas.” Wow!!. You know, Ben did not lose one tree off his lot. What does this say about America and even more importantly Harford Countians? Makes you real proud doesn’t it.
Thank you everyone for subscribing to my “Coffee Talk”. HAPPY NEW YEAR AND CALL ME WHEN YOU NEED ME. Harford County Council 410 638 3523. Our offices will remain at 18 Office Street so as to avoid the expense of moving. We will move back into our meeting room at 212 S Bond Street most likely around March First. Till then will still meet at the Roberty Building on Hickory Ave.
Capt’n Jim
Voter says
hat no body guard in your letter? I was so relieved that your open letter was informative. Thanks for your service and keep uyp the good work. BTW Don’t forget to pay your body guard. (That was a joke)
Citizen says
Ben sounds like a really strong person, a man with faith in God. Many times in life, we can not control our circumstances but we do control our responses. Thanks for the inspirational story. We all need to be reminded that we are all still capable of being and doing good.