Aberdeen Mayor Mike Bennett eked out a tougher-than-expected win against challenger Patrick McGrady to earn a third term as city mayor by just a handful of votes in the Tuesday’s municipal election.
In Bel Air, Town Commissioner Terry Hanley, mired in legal trouble throughout his campaign, lost his re-election bid in the town’s election and will be replaced on the Board of Town Commissioners by challenger Susan Burdette.
In Aberdeen:
By just 26 votes, the incumbent Bennett staved off the furious campaign of opponent McGrady to retain his mayor’s seat. While absentee and provisional ballots remain to be counted in Aberdeen, there are not enough remaining to change the outcome of Tuesday’s election.
Celebrating in a city hotel Tuesday night, Bennett was elated with his victory, but said this election in particular was more challenging than either of his previous two mayoral victories.
“It’s never old hat when someone’s playing with your reputation and talking smack, as it were. It’s never easy to take,” he said.
Bennett, who endured and emerged victorious in hotly-contested races against former mayor S. Fred Simmons and former city council president Mike Hiob, said this was “probably the nastiest campaign I’ve had to endure.” Specifically, Bennett mentioned that McGrady’s campaign had distributed “mailers filled with half-truths and out and out lies.”
Calling the campaign “very disheartening,” Bennett said he won’t stoop to his opponents’ level, but also won’t sit back and take similar attacks, should they come during a future election.
As for his win, Bennett said it’s affirmation that the citizens of Aberdeen are happy with how the city has been governed during the last two years.
“The majority of folks are happy with the job we’re doing and we’ll continue to do that job,” he added.
The mayoral race was the lone contested race on the Aberdeen ballot. The four incumbent city council members – Bruce Garner, Ruth Elliott, Sandy Landbeck, and Ruth Ann Young – were unopposed in their re-election bids and will return for another four years on the city council
“I’m very happy to continue to work with them and move the city forward,” Bennett said. “You’re going to see some really good things out of Aberdeen the next four years,” Bennett predicted.
Aberdeen Results: FOR MAYOR
Michael E. Bennett – 764
Patrick L. McGrady – 738
In Bel Air:
Hanley was in Cecil County District Court last week to request a jury trial on a charge of theft, and damage to his image appeared to take a hit as the eight-year incumbent town commissioner finished last out of five candidates on the ballot.
“I’m happy for Susan, she’s a great lady,” Hanley said. “It’s like athletics, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.”
Incumbent town commissioners Eddie Hopkins and Rob Reier were both successful in their re-election bids. Reier led all candidates with 463 votes, followed by Hopkins with 422 and Burdette with 368. Burdette finished 56 votes ahead of fourth place candidate Greg Adolph, who garnered 312 votes.
With only 8 absentee and 5 provisional ballots left to be counted, the final 13 votes will not make a difference in the outcome of the election.
Of the roughly 6,100 registered voters in Bel Air, 694 voted in Tuesday’s election.
Bel Air Results: FOR TOWN COMMISSIONER (top 3)
Brian “Gregory” G. Adolph – 312
Susan U. Burdette – 368
Terence O. Hanley – 206
Harry “Eddie” E. Hopkins III – 422
Robert “Rob” J. Reier – 463
“I’m just thrilled, every candidate I worked with was very supportive,” Burdette said. “I’m anxious to start serving the town of Bel Air.”
Burdette, whose husband Steve served as a town commissioner for more than a decade, said she hoped to raise Bel Air’s profile throughout the region.
“One thing I want to do is be an ambassador for Bel Air, and represent the town at county events and events in other counties,” she said.
Adolph came within seven votes of unseating Commissioner Chairman Dave Carey in the 2009 election, but fell further behind the pack this time around. However, Hopkins said the commissioners may try to bring Adolph onto a town committee or find another role for him.
“He comes from a generation of people that we’re preparing Bel Air for,” Hopkins said.
Reier said he believed Burdette would add balance to the board, but said Hanley’s service was appreciated.
“You certainly have to applaud it,” he said. “People don’t realize that, eight years, the time it takes, you have to recognize that.”
Hopkins added that he hoped Hanley would stay involved with the town in some capacity.
“I personally would like to see Terry stay involved, I think he has a lot to offer,” he said.
Hanley said he looked forward to spending some “great, quality time” with his family, and said that he had “too much going on” to consider running for public office at this point.
“It’s just a chapter I’m going through,” he said.
It’s very disappointing that only 10% of Bel Air’s registered voters cared enough about the town’s future to vote today.
26 votes is hardly a mandate. 10 % is an apathetic voter turnout. Whats more pathetic is that there were no challengers for city council. I guess they’re just too busy enjoying working to pay their taxes. Too late to discuss the city council’s failure to develop the area around Ripken Stadium as promised so many years ago. Just more empty office space, just what we need. No new housing (read that no new residents to pay property taxes)because the voters (12 % that time) were hoodwinked into disapproving needed annexation. So now APG is building new homes for its workers guess BRAC folks from New Jersey prefer not to live in the city.
I agree George. The mayor says that the citizens are obviously happy with how things are going. Another interpretation is that a whole lot of us have quit caring. I talked with three people who considered a council run but didn’t. All three of them said they see no chance of effecting change with the current interpretation of the charter. The mayor holds all the card and the council serves to approve anything that the primary developer and his stooges want. We should now consider charging the council with grand larceny for accepting their pay checks.
True Yensan. You lost by a MUCH larger margin. Give it up.
It’s sad to see Terry go, although under the circumstances probably necessary. He was at times the lone wolf on council – and we need opposing views to keep government as honest as possible – kind of ironic. Good Luck to Ms Burdette, I hope she will be her own person on council and not anyones lap dog.
It’s Sad? He was a lone Wolf? He stole money from his employer and got caught. He did everything to himself. I feel sorry for his family, but not him.
Well one way for Terry to look at it, there’s always a need for used car salesmen.
If the young guy could had gotten his friends from Georgia to vote he would had won. Glad to see Bennett win because the little boy showed little respect and tried every dirty shots possible. Maybe the little guy will learn one day that to conduct bussiness in a professional way and you always win. I guess the apple doesnt fall to far from the tree.
And you’re a fine one to lecture someone about respect.
Mr Wynn,
Your comment has to be the most uneducated response on this thread yet.
Friends from Georgia? I believe Mr Bennett visited Georgia so where in that visit did Mr McGrady make friends? Did Patrick go along for the trip to pull the wool over his Georgia friends eyes?
Im also curious where telling the truth and exposing unethical methods is dirty?
“As for his win, Bennett said it’s affirmation that the citizens of Aberdeen are happy with how the city has been governed during the last two years.”
Only 1502 people voted and he won by 26 votes. I wouldn’t be to sure that the citizens are really all that happy.
Mayor Bennett’s statement is accurate. If the citizens were not happy then they would have came out as they did in the Simmons v. Wilson Mayoral race. OBVIOUS sign that the citizens are happy.
Also, did you ever think that Mr. McGrady registered a lot of his tenants to vote in this election? I seen some unfamiliar faces at the pole yesterday. Smart move though on Mr. McGrady’s part.
Maybe he should have pulled a trick out of the Democratic playbook and sent busses around to get voters to the polls.
McGrady is young, bold, and often tactless, and I think people hold that against him. However, he talked about actual issues, which Mr. Bennett thinks is “talking smack” apparently. I hope that Mr. McGrady sticks around for the next two years bringing up these same issues, since Mr. Bennett would ignore them if allowed. I just hope that the young man develops some tact as he matures.
Wow! Really Independant?
Maybe Mr Mc Grady just got out and listened to us tenants. Maybe he gave us little people reason to vote. Maybe we saw someone that gave us hope and promise to change the corrupt, dishonest, & worthless city council.
It is ironic that Mayor Bennett says the people of Aberdeen are happy! He needs to get his head out of the sand, he barley won. Wake up Mayor Bennett! It is ashame he won really, probably means more of the same stagnate government. Bennett says it is “all about trust” when he is found guilty of several in office ethic violations. these give the appearance of corruption in office. He also appears to be pandering to business for gain while the citizens in Aberdeen are ignored. Bennett also took shots at McGrady calling him a kid livign in his moms basement and making him appear to be irresponsible etc. Bennett also took credit for things in his mailers that he had no hand in like saying proeprty taxes have went down under his adminstration. They went down becuase the market is in the tank, not because of anything Mayor Bennet did! Bennett might as well claim he made the Sun rise and set!
At least McGrady actually talked about real issues! He said he would lower taxes and reduce water bills. Aberdeen’s water bills are outrageous and continually go up with nothign being done to address this issue. Mayor Bennett and the City Council need to address that bucket with a hole in it continually eats somethign to the tune of $300,000 per year of the City’s general revenue… the prodigal Ripken Stadium!! Lets do something to help Aberdeen reduce its costs this go around Mayor and City Council…
So Bennett is a proven liar and he’s upset his reputation suffers?
You get the government you deserve, and unfortunately the people of Aberdeen will suffer thru 4 more years of explicit dishonesty.
I totally agree with you DRTORCH, the people did not get out and vote so they get what they deserve. Mr. Bennett is a register democrate, but he think like the tea party. I listen to black people talk about how much they dislike Bennett but did not vote to change things. Really what has he done for your community in his last two terms.
Bennett was caught in his own ethical misdeeds and then says McGrady brought up problems? He, Bennett, is the one who helped write and then he, as mayor, sign the ethics charter that he then violated.
Bennett said some very spiteful and hateful things about McGrady with no proof. At least McGrady did the honorable thing and went to the ethics commission BEFORE saying anything about Bennetts violations.
McGrady deserves much credit and respect for trying to change a broken system and the end results, only losing by 26 votes, shows 2 things to me, the citizens of Aberdeen believe in govt. overspending and the citizens get the gov’t that they allow to be voted into office.
I think it is abysmal that 10-20% of registered voters showed up yesterday! Think of the hundreds of thousands of American’s that have died so these slouches could sit on their butts and be apathetic!
Of course we know the ones who will be screaming about government first… those who were too busy to vote or thought their vote doesn’t really count so they don’t vote.
The citizens of Aberdump should get over it. That, or move (which would be what I would do).
Believe me Watcher I’m working on that move.
Lets talk about the Ethic’s violations. First if I read the article and report correctly, McGrady files a complaint. Bennett responds. Based on that they find that Bennett violated however not willfully. Where is his due process, like a hearing? I didn’t see a hearing mentioned in the commissioners report.
Again, as I stated in a previous post to “MOM.” The citizens must be satisfied with our government. Low voter turnout equals happiness. Look back at the Simmons v. Wilson election day, history breaking voter turnout.
Aberdeen, Maryland is not the armpit of Maryland (or Harford County), nor the United State’s. Aberdeen in very sound. Completion does not happen overnight, but progress is made daily. Give this Mayor and Council a break, work with them. I am sure that is too hard for most as uproar is easier.
Just how many breaks do we give the current mayor and council Independent?
Remember Bennett won by only 23 votes. That speaks volumns to me! Especially with such a short voter turnout.
Please correct me if I am wrong, but didn’t Bennett break multiple ethics rules, and didn’t he also lead the charge to get the ethics rules rewritten so that what he did was no longer in violation of said rules? Why on Earth would I want to work with someone like that?
As for the city council, it has been widely noted that they have very little power, and they can do nothing without the Mayor’s tacit approval. It seems to be that if you want something that the Mayor is against, the city council has no power, authority, or influence to help you.
Or low turnout could be apathy?
True Tim; I’ve been pointing to apathy all along. I maintain that no one turned out against the council cause they simply don’t care. Really, who gives a shit what happens over in Aberdump?
If he didn’t violate the rules “intentionally” then he did it out of stupidity. Either way indicates to me that Bennett is another sorry excuse for a man who is willing to do anything to further his own agenda. That sure looks like a guy that Aberdeen deserves.
I moved to Aberdeen because I thought I was getting a better value for my money .The same home I purchased would have cost me $80k more in Bel Air. Another reason, the planned construction of the Avenue shopping center and Movieplex. The Aberdeen Math Academy. These are a few of my reason I chose to give Aberdeen a chance. Yes, I know growing up here in Harford county Aberdeen was called Aberdump. But I could also see the good in this city.
But!!! Little did I know the Mayor and the City Council members are buffoons. I don’t mine paying taxes. What I do mine is paying ridiculously higher property and water taxes and the City of Aberdeen still look like a dump. Even the members of the Baltimore City Council know you have to get developers to sign contracts with penalty clauses if they back out of large construction deals. Nope, I get it maybe the developer promises council members something on the back end so they will forget to demand the penalty clauses. (Allegedly)
Look, if I’m going to help pay off the stolen funds; I meant, gift that Ripken is benefiting from at least feed me cake.
Mr. Bennett, please don’t take this mayoral win as a sign the citizens of this city agree with the job you are doing. You have a lot of work to do.
Pass the hotel tax!!!
I was hoping that Bennett would win by one vote after counting the mail ins and then declare the everyone is happy mandate. I am kind of interested in Bennett’s statement that lies and half truths were said about him; especially the half truths. This forum gave Bennett an ataboy hug for coming clean on cheating on a promotion exam while with the State Police. Understanding that nothing happens in a vacuum, I wasn’t surprised when Bennett went on the road with Ripken touting the stadium as the poster child of economic development. At a million dollar a year short fall, paid for by the non baseball loving taxpayers, I would have loved to have heard Bennett’s speach.
And the everybody’s happy line was already used by Nurse Rachet when describing the mood in the Lobotomy Ward in One Flew Over The Cookoo’s Nest. The Mayor once said he was a Harry Potter fan. Who would have thought that he read Vonnegut?
I agree with what you say, Al. But the author of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest was Ken Kesey.
Pat lost,again,so get over it. If you dont like it here folks then move as your fellow pat supporters have told you. Pat and the tea baggers have great ideas but no solutions! I hear ya talking but theres no substance to your bluster! Its like the church hes going to restore that the family has owned for years,I hear ya talkin but no progress! We all know what,but how is the important question!
McGrady had an extremely low-bar to win and couldn’t energize any interest in his manufactured non-scandal and promises to be be yet another hate-filled, divisive Klan for Liberty drone. Too bad it won’t stop him from trying again. Losers should have to take a time out for a campaign cycle so that we can have some peace.
Mr. McGrady runs the risk of becoming perceived as the habitual candidate looser and someone not to be taken seriously in future elections. Indeed he should take some time off – perhaps several years – to develop his resume and demonstrate to the public that he is worthy of holding political office. If he should loose another race I believe his political career will be over.
An hibutial losing canidate like Art Helton? So what he should do is find himself a puppet canidate who is a proven cheater, liar and unethical POS to run in his place?
There’s a reason everyone from NJ went somplace else to live. Truth is, Aberdeen is a horrible place to live. The apathy of its citizens is a big part of the problem.
Patrick needs a puppet master and a stooge slum lord to really make it complete.
I guess Abraham Lincoln, based on his multiple election bids until he achieved his goal, should also be included in the habitual candidate loser group, huh. How dare anyone make fun of a young man participating in the political process, trying to revitalize his hometown? The hard work that Patrick has put forth should be applauded and emulated, not ridiculed. Those of you naysayers just wait. Mr. McGrady is not a quitter and one day he WILL hold elected office. And when he does find his groove he will affect positive change for the good of his community. Those of you, hiding in your basements, sitting in your underwear, consistently writing demeaning, mean-spirited rants will always remain so. Patrick McGrady is a man on a mission that very soon will be a success.
Sorry, Mrs McGrady. We didn’t mean to insult your son.
I moved home to Harford County, and like others, chose to move to Aberdeen. I have voted in EVERY city election since moving, and will continue to do so. Please do NOT assume that everyone living in Aberdeen does not care. Some of us care tremendously. The problem is that, as history has shown us, caring does not help. We have some forces at work in our City that make it very difficult to try to affect change. The most frustrating thing is that most of these forces DO NOT LIVE IN ABERDEEN. They may own property there or run businesses there, but they go home to Darlington or Perryman at night. They have found an ally in Mayor Bennett- someone who will be their voice in City Hall and can legally hold office there. As long as the residents keep voting him in, the City will continue to be run by developers. In some cases, this could be a good thing: in order for them to make money, they will want the best for the city. In other cases, it may not be a good thing: what do they care about what happens after their businesses close? They are miles away!
McGrady WILL keep running again, no doubt. He smells the good odor of public employment. Public service actually is as foreign to him as a tour around the world.