From Harford Campaign for Liberty:
Join us at the September 27, 2011 meeting of the Campaign for Liberty!
Get the latest update on the Toll Hikes from the MdTA and the pending tax increases of the Special Session this October.
This month’s guest speaker is Richard Rothschild, the Carroll County Comissioner– He will speak about the United Nations “Agenda 21” implementation and why it matters to us in Harford and Cecil Counties. The federal government, state government, and county government are working together to centrally plan our futures– come and learn about it so that you know what we are up against.
It’s also time to start putting pressure on the Harford County government to make sure they are focusing on NOT RAISING TAXES next year. Together, we can make a difference!
See you this Tuesday night September 27 at 7PM at the Forest Hill Knights of Columbus Hall at 23 Newport Drive.
In Liberty,
Your Harford Campaign for Liberty Team
Good luck, Harford County! Please be aware when you go to hear Mr. Rothschild that he is NOT speaking for the residents of Carroll County. He is on a personal mission to bring his own controversial, very bizarre, personal message to as many as will listen. It’s good for us that he will be away from Carroll County for at least that one evening. It’s bad for you that your residents will be exposed to his poison. Our hope for you is that you will see through his theatrics and recognize him for the paranoid, delusional, opportunistic, fear-mongerer that he is. Hook up you crapola meters because you’re going to hear a lot of it!
Bonnie….you speak like an indoctrinated progressive. Richard Rothschild has saved Carroll County from the assault on American liberty. You think all the green crap sound so warm and cozy well wait until the day comes and you are a prisoner of the government. You are so ill informed as to what is going on it is almost pitiful. Again, one can only surmise that you are on the green payroll. You can obtain kindness to the environment with taking federal money that has many strings attached. Tell the many people of Florida, Texas and CA that have had their land stolen from them and fines imposed on them they can never pay so they lose their property. Read THE FLORIDA STORY……believe me those people would give their eyes to have Richard Rothschild fighting for them instead of ICLEI criminal Harvey Ruvin. Your comments are very suspicious and one can only surmise you have an agenda of your own.
Rothschild is a parnoid douche. ‘nut said
Karen, I commend you for using your full name. Too few folks have the courage to do what you and I are willing to do. You are partially correct; I do have my own agenda and that is a healthy environment for my kids and grandkids. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with wanting that, do you? Now here’s a question for you. Have you ever heard Mr. Rothschild speak? If not, I’d like to invite you to do a search on YouTube for his name. There you will find a 3-part video series of his presentation to your neighbors in Cecil County. If you can watch that whole series, and then tell me that you buy everything he is saying, I will know we have no common ground. If, however, you find any part of it that is contradictory or exagerated, then we may have something to talk about. Otherwise, I’ll stay in my corner and you can stay in yours.
Bonnie, I did listen to Mr. Rothschild and then undertook a personal assignment to verify/refute his claims. Frighteningly, his assertions are mostly true and corroborated by the guilty parties in their own words. Primary source documents available on UN and NGO websites as well as first person documentation from speeches and interviews prove him correct. Having said that, I too want a clean and wholesome environment. However, I am not willing to forgo the freedom and sovereignty that our current system is designed to protect.
Sounds like Mr. Rothschild is exactly the kind of man that the Klan for Liberty would have as King. Tell him not to forget his white hood. Please know that the Klan for Liberty in no way represents the views of the vast majority of Harford County.